I am doing full sync this way: list of /threads and then a request to get each of the thread like /threads/{id}. However this returns me every message together with it's body data -> and I just want to fetch the metadata of the messages. I can see that in get 'messages/{id}' you can specify format but not in get threads/{id}
Threads.get() now supports format=METADATA and with that you can use the new "metadataIncludeHeaders" to further limit the headers list to a select few. This is much more efficient than using "fields" as it only fetches what is necessary from the backend rather than filtering it later on:
I assume that by metadata you mean the headers (no body). You can use the fields parameter to get just that (messages/payload/headers):
For a RESTful API, consider a model schema as follows:
MyCoolObject {
Is it better to create one update endpoint to update one or many fields on the model (PUT)? Or create one endpoint per field that would only update that one field (PATCH)?
Heuristic: how do you GET the information from your API?
Typically if you get the information a single resource with all of the information included in its representation...
GET /my-cool-object
Then you should also edit that information using the same resource
PUT /my-cool-object
PATCH /my-cool-object
POST /my-cool-object
In cases where you get the information from multiple resources (presumably via links)
GET /my-cool-object
GET /my-cool-object/a
GET /my-cool-object/b
GET /my-cool-object/c
Then you would normally edit the information in its own resource
PUT /my-cool-object/a
PATCH /my-cool-object/a
POST /my-cool-object/a
For a weblog I am trying to get the top 10 popular posts from for example the last month. I figured I'd get the data out of Matomo, as that's already tracking visits and has an API. I've never used this API before though, so I've been reading the documentation and trying out some things. I am able to get data from the API using the Actions.getPageUrls method. However, when I try to filter using segment=^http://example.org/post I still get data from other URL's. It looks like it filters on session and gives back all data from the sessions that have at least 1 page that conforms to the filter.
The full URL I'm using is: http://example.org/matomo/index.php?&module=API&token_auth=12345&method=Actions.getPageUrls&format=json&idSite=1&period=month&date=today&expanded=1&segment=pageUrl%3D%5Ehttp%253A%252F%252Fexample.org%252Fpost. I've also tried with less and no URL encoding for the segment, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. If I use a URL that doesn't exist I get an empty array returned.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a different way to only get the top pages with a URL starting with http://example.org/post? Or do I have to sift through the data myself to only get the pages I want?
I am using Matomo version 3.13.5.
I figured it out. There is no need to use segment. This can be achieved using the flat, filter_column and filter_pattern parameters.
Setting flat=1 will make it so all pages are returned in a single array, instead of hierarchically.
With filter_column and filter_pattern I can filter the results.
The URL I use now is: http://example.org/matomo/index.php?&module=API&token_auth=12345&method=Actions.getPageUrls&format=json&idSite=1&period=month&date=today&flat=1&filter_column=label&filter_pattern=%5E%2Fpost%2F. This does exactly what I want.
The unencoded pattern is ^/post/, so this will filter out any page that does not start with /post/.
When using gmail API, history.list method we get "bare" message ids with no additional field from the fields in 'labelAdded', 'labelRemoved', 'messageAdded', 'messageRemoved'. Why is that? And is it possible that a new message has been added but when we use this method, the field messageAdded hasn't been used, so we receive it "bare" ?
According to the GMail history API, the list only contains the id and threadId fields.
It works this way because the objective of the history API is to provide you with the changes that happened in the mailbox, not its contents.
After you obtain the list from Users.history: list you need to call Users.messages: get or Users.messages: list to get the full messages.
If the messageAdded field is empty, it means that no new messages were added after the last historyId you examined. You might have skipped some. Make sure that every time you query the API you internally store the last historyId you processed so you can resume from that point in the future and not lose any changes.
When setting up a watch for a user is there a way to limit the watch to only messages added to the inbox?
Based on the documentation (https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/v1/reference/users/watch) I see that there is the option for INBOX labelId, but I want to limit it to only messages added as well. We're currently having to handle this by passing 'history/messagesAdded' in the fields string in the subsequent history.list call.
Unfortunately you cannot. what you have to do is
Get the history when notification arrived. History returns a json and it contains a 'messagesAdded' if new message is added.
You can keep a predefined array of labels like below
predefinedLabels = ['UNREAD', 'CATEGORY_PERSONAL', 'INBOX']
Now you can check, (each is the history json)
if 'messagesAdded' in each:
labels = each["messagesAdded"][0]["message"]["labelIds"]
intersectionOfTwoArrays = list(set(predefinedLabels) & set(labels))
Here you get the intersection of labels. Now you have to check that with predefined labels
if set(predefinedLabels) == set(intersectionOfTwoArrays):
#get the messageId and do what you want
finally you can filter the notification as you want!.
It is better to store histroyId and update it with every
notification and use it when you get the history. It will help you
to get updated history only.
Please note I used python when I was building my sever. So above demo code written using python
It looks like history.list added a new parameter "historyTypes". If you set that to "messageAdded", the api will only return history records of that type.
I recently started using Node-Restful and I am seeing that an array is being returned when I hit a GET request.
What I want
What I am getting
How does Node-restful handle GET requests? And how do I override this? Is there anyway that Node-restful takes care of this?
I think that default implementation for get request is to return an array of requested data. if you want just one of them, you should send id of object in database.
GET /resources -> returns array of objects in database
GET /resources/:id -> returns just one object with given id