I have an assignment where I need to read from and write to a memory block (pre-allocated), to do so, I need to implement two functions:
No problem so far, I successfully implemented the writing part. The problem is with the memory_read. I need it to return a chunk of data (perhaps void*), then I can cast it to whatever I am expecting outside and use it.
Just as an example. Let's say I have written a serialised structure to that memory. I would like to do something like this
void *variable;
variable = memory_read(pointer_to_where_it_is,offset,sizeof(some_structure);
(some_structure) variable // and use it for something
And this is what memory_read does
void *memory_read(void *base, int offset, int size){
void *buffer;
buffer = malloc(size);
return buffer;
Of course, since buffer lives in the function stack, I lose reference to it on return.
Any idea on how to do it? I am not allowed to modify the function parameters by the teacher, otherwise I would have passed &variable as a parameter.
In this line:
the problem is that you are trying to copy a block of memory into a stack-allocated-variable buffer instead of the heap-allocated block of memory that this variable is pointing to. The fix is to remove the &:
memcpy(buffer, base+offset, size);
Otherwise your code is fine.
UPDATE: Don't forget to free() the returned buffer so the allocated memory doesn't "leak" :)
In my project have a sub-function. In this function, I need to store my data temporarily. So I use malloc(), I'm not sure whether is necessary to use free()?
void *hash2(unsigned char *mes, element_t d)
size_t iterations = strlen(mes) / 8;
unsigned char *rtemp = malloc(32 * sizeof(char));
SHA256(mes, iterations, rtemp);
element_from_hash(d, rtemp, 32);
As already stated in the present answer, you should free any memory that is no longer needed, if you allocate memory within the function, not freeing it and not returning any pointer to it will cause a memory leak.
Note that your function *hash2(...), having void* return type, must return a value, if you don't need it to, use void instead.
In your particular code it does seem that you wouldn't need to use malloc anyway, you can use a local array unsigned char rtemp[32];. malloc is a heavy function that involves system calls, if you can avoid it, you should.
Yes, as you are not using the allocated memory anymore, you must free it.
Once you return from the function call, you'll have no way to access the allocated memory, hence it cannot be freed up. So, you need to to pass the pointer to free() before leaving the function scope (as seen in the snippet) to avoid memory leak.
I am learning the basic of C programming and find it quite strange and difficult. Especially with dynamic memory allocation, pointer and similar things. I came upon this function and don't quite understand what is wrong with it.
char *strdup(const char *p)
char *q;
strcpy(q, p);
return q;
I think I have to malloc and free q. But the function " return q". Doesn't that mean that it will store q value in its own memory. So the data still be saved after the function executed?
When it is appropriate to use malloc? As I understand so far is that I have to malloc a new variable every time I need that variable declared in a function to be used elsewhere. Is that true? Is there any other situation where malloc is needed?
The type of q is a pointer, and pointers hold addresses -- so what you are returning is the address that pointer holds.
Until you give that pointer a valid address, it points off to who-knows-where, memory that you may or may not own and have the right to access. So, the strdup call will copy a string from the address held in p into some location you probably don't own.
If you had done a malloc first, and given q the results of the malloc, then q would hold a valid address, and your strdup would put the copy into memory that you did own (assuming you malloc'd enough space for the string -- a strlen on p would tell you how much you needed).
Then, when you returned q, you would be giving the caller the address as well. Any code with that address can see the string you put there. If some future code were to free that address, then what it holds is up in the air -- it could be anything at all.
So, you don't want to free q before you return the address that it holds -- you need to let the caller free the address it gets from you, when it is ready to do so.
In terms of when you malloc, yes, if you want to return an address that will remain viable after your function completes, you need to malloc it -- giving the caller the address of a local variable, for example, would be bad: the memory is freed when the function returns, you don't own it anymore.
Another typical use of malloc is for building up dynamic data structures like trees and lists -- you can't know how much memory you need up front, so you build the list or tree up as you need to, malloc'ing more memory for each node in the structure.
My personal rules are: use malloc() when an object is too big to put on the stack or/and when it has to live outside the scope of the current block. In your case, I believe, you should do something like the following:
char *strdup(const char *p)
char *q;
q = malloc(strlen(p) + 1);
if(NULL != q)
strcpy(q, p);
return q;
malloc(X) creates space (of size X bytes) on the heap for you to play with. The data that you write to these X byes stays put when your function returns, as a result, you can read what your strdup() function wrote to that space on the heap.
free() is used for freeing space on the heap. You can pass a pointer to this function that you obtained only as a result of a malloc() or realloc() call. This function may not clear out the data, it just means that a subsequent call to malloc() may return the address of the same space that you just freed. I say "may" because these are all implementaion defined and should not be relied upon.
In the piece of code you wrote, the strcpy() function copies the bytes one by one from p to q until it finds a \0 at the location pointed to by q (and then it copies the \0 as well). In order to write data somewhere, you need to allocate space first for the data to be written, hence, one option is that you call malloc() to create some space and then write data there.
Well, calling free() is not mandatory as your OS will reclaim the space allocated by malloc() when you program ends, but as long as your program runs, you may be ocupying more space than you need to - and that's bad for your program, for other programs, for the OS and the universe as a whole.
I think I have to malloc and free q. But the function " return q". Doesn't that mean that it will store q value in its own memory. So the data still be saved after the function executed?
No, your data won't be saved. In fact your pointer q is being used without allocating it's size can cause problems. Also, once this function execution complete, variable char* q will be destroyed.
You need to allocate memory to pointer q before copying data as suggested by #Michael's answer.But once you finish using the data return by this function, you will need to manually free() the memory you allocated or else it will cause memory leak (a situation where the memory is allocated but there is no pointer refer to that chunk of memory you allocated and hence will be inaccessible throughout program execution)
char *strdup(const char *p) // From #Michael's answer
char *q;
q = malloc(strlen(p) + 1);
if(NULL != q)
strcpy(q, p);
return q;
void someFunction()
char* aDupString = strdup("Hello World!!!");
/*... somecode use aDupString */
free(aDupString); // If not freed, will cause memory leaks
When it is appropriate to use malloc? Is there any other situation where malloc is needed?
It is appropriate to use in following situations:
1> The usage size of array are unknown at compile time.
2> You need size flexibility. For example, your function need to work with small data size and large data size. (like Data structure such as Link list,Stacks, Queues, etc.)
As I understand so far is that I have to malloc a new variable every time I need that variable declared in a function to be used elsewhere. Is that true?
I think this one is partially true. depending on what you are trying to achive, there might be a way to get around using malloc though. For example, your strdup can also be rewrite in following way:
void strdup2(const char *p, char* strOut)
// malloc not require
strcpy(strOut, p);
void someFunction()
char aString[15] = "Hello World!!!";
char aDupStr[sizeof(aString)];
strdup2(aString, aDupStr);
// free() memory not required. but size is not dynamic.
I need to allocate all the memory my application will use up front. And then whenever needed overwrite that memory with data I need to do computations on. The memory has to be allocated first before any computations because I'm trying to run a multi-threaded CUDA algorithm in parallel as explained in my question here (Multi-Threaded CPU CUDA application not asynchronous when calling CudaFree).
I thought I could allocate all the memory needed as a byte pointer and then store that pointer as a void pointer:
void * allocateMemory()
byte *mem;
int nbytes = 13107200;
mem = (byte *) malloc(nbytes);
return mem;
Later in my program I want to use the memory that's already allocated to store data. I don't know ahead of time what type the data will be but I know it's size won't go over the allocated limit.
void doSomething(void * mem)
int *a = (int*) mem;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
a[i] = i;
//do stuff
There are many other functions like doSomething(void * mem) above but that use type double or type float or maybe even type byte. I need to be able to overwrite the orignally allocated memory with whatever data type I need. The above code does not work because it says I can't deference a void pointer. It also says I attempted to read or write protected memory.
What is the proper way to do this? What is the best way to accomplish my goal of having all my memory allocated at the beginning and then used however necessary throughout? Thanks!
It sounds like you have two problems.
Cannot dereference a void pointer. Somewhere in your code you have used the result from allocateMemory() without a cast. The code you give is OK, but whatever line the compiler is flagging as wrong is not OK. For example, maybe you have:
void *foo = allocateMemory();
foo[42]; // compiler doesn't have a real type here - error
((int*)foo)[42]; // compiler happy
Attempted to access protected memory. Somewhere in your code you have an invalid pointer. The most likely cause is that allocateMemory() is returning NULL (which you are not checking for).
Your general approach seems OK to me; the issues you describe are related to details in your code, not the overall idea.
I am writing a program that shares a globaly declared pointer to a buffer that could be used by all the functions within the program. But the buffer is not necessary in certain cases so the pointer is left NULL until it is initaly allocated by evualting it's NULL status. I also need a globaly declared integer to prevent against buffer overflows and to reallocate if necessary. Just because I am writing this program for practice I want the buffer size integer to be declared staticly when the buffer is allocated. For example this code segment would allocate the inital memory size for the buffer.
static char *buffer //(Globaly Declared) I know that the static part is implied I just want to put emphasis on it.
while(program has arguments to do)//Not actual code. I put this here to give an idea of where the statement is located
//None relavant code here..
if(buffer is necessary)//Not actual code. I put this here to give an idea of where the statement is located
if(buffer == NULL)
static unsigned int initial_value = 64;
static unsigned int *buffer_size = &inital_value;
if( (buffer = malloc(sizeof(char)*inital_value+1)) == NULL)
perror("MALLOC ERROR");
return 1;
I have a few questions about how this works(if it does) and how static memory in general works.
I know that static variables have a life span of the entire program execution time but unless they are globaly declared they have a limited scope as well. So my assumption is that a pointer is needed to keep track of the static memory location but does the pointer need to be static aswell?
When will the memory be staticly allocated? When the if statment is true or will the variable simply be allocated when the program starts(like global variables)
Is deallocation of the variable handeled for me? What should I do if a pointer is just declared staticly but the memory it points to is actually allocated dynamically (for example my buffer(static char *buffer)).
Also these may sound like a stupid questions but is the unsigned part of the integer pointer declaration necessary, do I need to write (inital_value+1) or can i just write inital_value+1(I dont think it matters here because sizeof(char) is one so allocation size could be rewritten as 1*64+1) and do terminating NULL bytes need to be the same type(size) as the rest of the array.
The pointer is statically allocated, but the memory it points to is dynamically allocated, only when your if conditional holds true.
Deallocation of the "variable" (the pointer) is handled for you, but deallocation of the memory it points to is not handled for you. You will need to free anything you malloc.
You're right that you could write (initial_value+1) or initial_value + 1. The terminating NULL byte does need to be the same size (byte / char) as the rest of the array. In C, all array elements are the same size. You may find (initial_value+1) better reflects that.
static unsigned int initial_value = 64;
static unsigned int *buffer_size = &inital_value;
Both will be initialized only once on the first execution and they are located on the global memory, within the scope derived by {}.
I am working with my first straight C project, and it has been a while since I worked on C++ for that matter. So the whole memory management is a bit fuzzy.
I have a function that I created that will validate some input. In the simple sample below, it just ignores spaces:
int validate_input(const char *input_line, char** out_value){
int ret_val = 0; /*false*/
int length = strlen(input_line);
out_value =(char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * length + 1);
if (0 != length){
int number_found = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < length; x++){
if (input_line[x] != ' '){ /*ignore space*/
/*get the character*/
out_value[number_found] = input_line[x];
number_found++; /*increment counter*/
out_value[number_found + 1] = '\0';
ret_val = 1;
return ret_val;
Instead of allocating memory inside the function for out_value, should I do it before I call the function and always expect the caller to allocate memory before passing into the function? As a rule of thumb, should any memory allocated inside of a function be always freed before the function returns?
I follow two very simple rules which make my life easier.
1/ Allocate memory when you need it, as soon as you know what you need. This will allow you to capture out-of-memory errors before doing too much work.
2/ Every allocated block of memory has a responsibility property. It should be clear when responsibility passes through function interfaces, at which point responsibility for freeing that memory passes with the memory. This will guarantee that someone has a clearly specified requirement to free that memory.
In your particular case, you need to pass in a double char pointer if you want the value given back to the caller:
int validate_input (const char *input_line, char **out_value_ptr) {
: :
*out_value_ptr =(char*) malloc(length + 1); // sizeof(char) is always 1
: :
(*out_value_ptr)[number_found] = input_line[x];
: :
As long as you clearly state what's expected by the function, you could either allocate the memory in the caller or the function itself. I would prefer outside of the function since you know the size required.
But keep in mind you can allow for both options. In other words, if the function is passed a char** that points to NULL, have it allocate the memory. Otherwise it can assume the caller has done so:
if (*out_value_ptr == NULL)
*out_value_ptr =(char*) malloc(length + 1);
You should free that memory before the function returns in your above example. As a rule of thumb you free/delete allocated memory before the scope that the variable was defined in ends. In your case the scope is your function so you need to free it before your function ends. Failure to do this will result in leaked memory.
As for your other question I think it should be allocated going in to the function since we want to be able to use it outside of the function. You allocate some memory, you call your function, and then you free your memory. If you try and mix it up where allocation is done in the function, and freeing is done outside it gets confusing.
The idea of whether the function/module/object that allocates memory should free it is somewhat of a design decision. In your example, I (personal opinion here) think it is valid for the function to allocate it and leave it up to the caller to free. It makes it more usable.
If you do this, you need to declare the output parameter differently (either as a reference in C++ style or as char** in C style. As defined, the pointer will exist only locally and will be leaked.
A typical practice is to allocate memory outside for out_value and pass in the length of the block in octets to the function with the pointer. This allows the user to decide how they want to allocate that memory.
One example of this pattern is the recv function used in sockets:
ssize_t recv(int socket, void *buffer, size_t length, int flags);
Here are some guidelines for allocating memory:
Allocate only if necessary.
Huge objects should be dynamically
allocated. Most implementations
don't have enough local storage
(stack, global / program memory).
Set up ownership rules for the
allocated object. Owner should be
responsible for deleting.
Guidelines for deallocating memory:
Delete if allocated, don't delete
objects or variables that were not
dynamically allocated.
Delete when not in use any more.
See your object ownership rules.
Delete before program exits.
In this example you should be neither freeing or allocating memory for out_value. It is typed as a char*. Hence you cannot "return" the new memory to the caller of the function. In order to do that you need to take in a char**
In this particular scenario the buffer length is unknown before the caller makes the call. Additionally making the same call twice will produce different values since you are processing user input. So you can't take the approach of call once get the length and call the second time with the allocated buffer. Hence the best approach is for the function to allocate the memory and pass the responsibility of freeing onto the caller.
First, this code example you give is not ANSI C. It looks more like C++. There is not "<<" operator in C that works as an output stream to something called "cout."
The next issue is that if you do not free() within this function, you will leak memory. You passed in a char * but once you assign that value to the return value of malloc() (avoid casting the return value of malloc() in the C programming language) the variable no longer points to whatever memory address you passed in to the function. If you want to achieve that functionality, pass a pointer to a char pointer char **, you can think of this as passing the pointer by reference in C++ (if you want to use that sort of language in C, which I wouldn't).
Next, as to whether you should allocate/free before or after a function call depends on the role of the function. You might have a function whose job it is to allocate and initialize some data and then return it to the caller, in which case it should malloc() and the caller should free(). However, if you are just doing some processing with a couple of buffers like, you may tend to prefer the caller to allocate and deallocate. But for your case, since your "validate_input" function looks to be doing nothing more than copying a string without the space, you could just malloc() in the function and leave it to the caller. Although, since in this function, you simply allocate the same size as the whole input string, it almost seems as if you might as well have the caller to all of it. It all really depends on your usage.
Just make sure you do not lose pointers as you are doing in this example
Some rough guidelines to consider:
Prefer letting the caller allocate the memory. This lets it control how/where that memory is allocated. Calling malloc() directly in your code means your function is dictating a memory policy.
If there's no way to tell how much memory may be needed in advance, your function may need to handle the allocation.
In cases where your function does need to allocate, consider letting the caller pass in an allocator callback that it uses instead of calling malloc directly. This lets your function allocate when it needs and as much as it needs, but lets the caller control how and where that memory is allocated.