Response Interceptor Pattern with AngularJS and BreezeJS - angularjs

On the matter of building a Request Interceptor, the BreezeJS documentation seems to be replete. However, I've been struggling with the my attempts to build a Response Interceptor while using BreezeJs and AngularJs. Does anyone have a good workable example? Thanks.

Breeze can be configured to use angular's $http and $q, so interceptors you create in angular work for breeze requests:

And you want to look at the JsonResultsAdapter which is used both by query and save to materialize response data from the server into entities on the client.


Anything like AngularJS's $http.pendingRequests in Angular's HttpClient

I was working on AngularJS before and I know there is a build-in property called $http.pendingRequests which can tell me if there is any pending http request existing.
Now I am working on Angular 4.4.6 and using HttpClient from #angular/common/http.
My Goal
I would like to use such result to display a loading message when any http request happens and hide it when all requests finish.
My Search
Did NOT get any luck via search or going through all the #angular/common/http source codes.
My Question
How can I find if there is any pending http request existing.
Or I have to implement it by myself?
Thanks in advance.

Using Angular $http service in node app

I'm developing a script in Node.js that needs to send multiple http requests. I'm really familiar with the way Angular's $http service works. I like the use of promises and overall syntax, I know its advantages and disadvantages etc.
Can I in any way use Angular $http service in a Node.js app? I hope this doesn't sound too silly.
For promises like the ones in angular you can use q. Actually angular uses a subset of q.
At the risk of self-promotion, I wrote an NPM module that provides promisified HTTP methods.
There's an NPM project for running AngularJS in node on the server located here:
That being said, you might want to take a look at Bluebird or just use ES6 promises in Node. Since Angular is a client-side framework it has a lot of things you don't need on the server.
node has built in support for simple http requests from the http module - however if you would like something a bit simpler and easier to manage I would reccoment the Restify client API
var restify = require('restify');
// Creates a JSON client
var client = restify.createJsonClient({
url: ''
client.basicAuth('$login', '$password');
client.get('/my/machines', function(err, req, res, obj) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2));

angular js how to gat data from using $http

in angular js how to gat data from data base using $HTTP
how to solution my problem give me dital and program dital spat by spat examination and program
You cannot get data from database using $http. You have to make web services in php, django,node etc then you have to call web service using $ or $http.get based on method which is created by you.
Web service frameworks are...
using $http service, you can only make http request to http server.In this service you can only mention the path/url of file or api(in case of REST API) from where you have to make ajax call.You can't use sql query from remote database.If you want to get data from database using $http then you can call an API which resides in server.That API will take your request and pass it to Stored procedures(PL/SQL) and stored procedures interact with database with SQL queries to get desired data and provide to API and then API make response with data to you which you can get in success callback.

Consuming restful symfony2 with angularJs Client

I want create an application using symfony2 in server side and angularJs in client side.
I create a restful api with friendsofsymfony but I still doesn't know how can I consume the Json data generated by the api with angular. I found in some tutorials that I can split the two part of the project and so I should now create a simple HTML project with AngularJS. But I still have no idea how can I do this!
Can someone help me please with some instructions or examples?
It's not so difficult. Two files backend and frontend.
Backend: you should install symfony, setup it, create controller.
In controller setup route with request method(for youe wish get, post, put delete).
Frontend: (if you know little bit angularjs) create main mod, create controller and by $http send request to your symfomy's controller and get your data.
P.s. And don't forget read about serializer. It's so much important!!!
More detail you can read here.

how get a list from google endpoint with angular $resource?

I am trying to call a list from a google endpoint with $resource, before that I was using http, but with $resource seems more clear.
Is just to fill a combobox.
My service.js looks like:
provinciaServices.factory('Provincia', ['$resource',
return $resource('', {}, {
query: {method:'GET', params:{provinciaId:'provincia'}}
and in my controler I call the list with the following line:
$scope.provincias = Provincia.query();
The recommended way to interact with an Endpoints API is through the client library for js. Read that link if you're doing angular with endpoints no matter what - it's a great resource.
You can use $http to hit your endpoints API as a REST service, but this requires some careful use of routes and HTTP verbs, and OAuth is a little more difficult, if you feel you might want to do that later.
I'm not really sure what your error with $resource is. Could you update your question perhaps?
