How to selectively put memory into swap? (Linux) - c

In the case that memory is allocated and its known that it (almost certainly / probably) won't be used for a long time, it could be useful to tag this memory to be more aggressively moved into swap-space.
Is there some command to tell the kernel of this?
Failing that, it may be better to dump these out to temp files, but I was curious about the ability to send-to-swap (or something similar).
Of course if there is no swap-space, this would do nothing, and in that case writing temp files may be better.

You can use the madvise call to tell the kernel what you will likely be doing with the memory in the future. For example:
madvise(base, length, MADV_SOFT_OFFLINE);
tells the kernel that you wont need the memory in quesion any time soon, so it can be flushed to backing store (or just dropped if it was mapped from a file and is unchanged).
There's also MADV_DONTNEED which allows the kernel to drop the contents even if modified (so when you next access the memory, if you do, it might be zeroed or reread from the original mapped file).

The closest thing I can think of would be mmap see: Memory-mapped I/O. This does not write to the linux swap partition, but allows for paging (complete pages of memory) to disk for access. Temporary files and directories are also available with tempfile, mkstemp and mkdtemp, but again, this does not write to the swap partition, but instead it occurs on the normal filesystem.
Other than features similar to the above, I do not believe there is anything that allows direct access to the swap partition (other than exhausting system memory).


Read mmapped data memory efficient

I want to mmap a big file into memory and parse it sequentially. As I understand if bytes have been lazily read into memory once, they stay there. Is there a way to periodically tell the system to release the previously read contents?
This understanding is only a very superficial view.
To understand what really happens you have to take into account the difference of the virtual memory of your process and the actual real memory of the machine. Mapping a huge file means reserving space in your virtual address-space. It's probably platform-dependent if anything is already read at this point.
When you actually access the data the OS has to fill an actual page of memory. When you access other parts these parts have to be brought into memory. It's completely up to the OS when it will re-use the memory. Normally this happens when some data is accessed by you or an other process and no free memory is available. But could happen at any time. If you access it again later it might be still in memory or will brought back by the OS. No way for your process to tell the difference.
In short: You don't need to care about that. The OS manages all that in the background.
One point might be that if you map a really huge file this takes up space in your virtual address-space which is limited. So if you deal with many huge mappings and or huge allocations you might want to only map parts of the file at a given time.
ADDITION: after thinking a bit about it, I came up with a reason why it might be smarter to do it blockwise-sequential. Although I doubt you will be able to measure that.
Any reasonable OS will look for a block to unload when in need in something like the following order:
unmapped files ( not needed anymore)
LRU unmodified mapped file (can be retrieved from disc)
LRU modified mapped file (same as 2. but needs to be updated on disc before unload)
LRU allocated memory (needs to be written to swap)
So unmapping blocks known to be never used again as you go, you give the OS a hint that these should be freed earlier. This will give data that has been used less recently but might be accessed in the future a bigger chance to stay in memory.

madvise: not understood

I run on an old laptop. I only just have 128Mo ram free on 512Mo total. No money to buy more ram.
I use mmap to help me circumvent this issue and it works quite well.
C code.
Debian 64 bits.
Besides all my efforts, I am running out of memory pretty quick right know and I would like to know if I could release the mmaped regions I read to free my ram.
I read that madvise could help, especially the option MADV_SEQUENTIAL.
But I don't quite understand the whole picture.
To be able to free mmaped allocated memory after the region is read so that it doesn't fill my whole ram with large files. I will not read it soon so it is garbage to me. It is pointless to keep it in ram.
Update: I am not done with the file so don't want to call munmap. I have other stuffs to do with it but in another regions of it. Random reads.
For random read/write access to a mmap()ed file, MADV_SEQUENTIAL is probably not very useful (and may in fact cause undesired behavior). MADV_RANDOM or MADV_DONTNEED would be better options in this case. However, be aware that the kernel is free to ignore any madvise() - although in my understanding, Linux currently does not, as it tends to treat madvise() more as a command than an advisory...
Another option would be to mmap() only selected sections of the file as needed, and munmap() them as you're done with them, perhaps maintaining a pool of some small number of currently active mappings (i.e. mapping more than one region at once if needed, but still keeping it limited).
Or course you must free resources when you're done with them in order not to leak them and thus run out of available space too soon.
Not sure what the question is, if you know about mmap() then surely you know about munmap() too? It's right there on the same manual page.

fadvise vs madvise? can I use both together?

I'm randomly reading data (each read < page size) throughout a huge file (far too big to fit in memory).
I normally set MADV_DONTNEED, but looking at the docs + info it seems I instead need FADV_NOREUSE.
I'm not really getting how madvise() and fadvise() work together. Are they synonymous? Does it matter if I prefer one or the other? Can they be used together? Are they different kernel subsystems? Is FADV_NOREUSE what I'm looking for to gain optimal performance?
madvise() and posix_fadvise() are not synonymous.
madvise() tells the kernel (give advise) what to do with existing memory region while fadvise() tells the kernel what to do with cached (or future cache) of a file data.
For example, if you mmap() anonymous region you should use madvise() to hint the kernal not to swap out (MADV_RANDOM) or to swap out only after access. (MADV_SEQUENTIAL)
If you mmap() a file, or part of a file, you can use either madvise() or fadvise() to hint the kernel to readahead for you (MADV_WILLNEED) or to free that cache (MADV_DONTNEED) or to free after access (POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE, fadvise() only) in additional to the above.
If you use file without mapping the data to your process memory (without using mmap()), you should use fadvise() only. madvise() has no meaning.
As far as kernel subsystem, in linux, it is the same subsystem, simply different ways to refer to memory pages and file cache. Please note that those are only hints and when memory is in dire, the kernel might decide to swap out or reuse cached data despite the hint. Only mlock() and mlockall() can prevent that.
In your case, not giving any hint may help, especially if some pages are being read more than other, since the kernel will figure out which pages are "hot" and will attempt to keep in memory.
If you are only reading from a file then you actually don't need either. The paging daemon will automatically free RAM pages that are associated with non-dirty or shared file-backed mappings. If you keep calling madvise/MADV_DONTNEED then you are specifically instructing the kernel to do this. Which may cause performance impact if you access the same page by chance again in the near future.
fadvise is only useful if you access your file with read/lseek. For mmapped pages it has no effect.

How to copy a ram_base file to disk efficiently

I want to copy a large a ram-based file (located at /dev/shm direcotry) to local disk, is there some way for an efficient copy instead of read char one by one or create another piece memory? I can use only C language here. Is there anyway that I can put the memory file directly to disk? Thanks!
I would mmap() the files and do memcpy() between them.
Thanks you guys for the help! I made it by mmap the ram-based file and write the entire block directly to the destination. memcopy was not used because I am actually writing to a parallel file system (pvfs), which does not support mmap operation.
/dev/shm is shared memory, so one way to copy it would be to open it as shared memory, but frankly I don't think you will gain anything.
when writing your memory file to disk, the bottleneck will be the disk.
just be sure to write data in big chunks, and you should be fine.
You can just copy it like any other file:
cp /dev/shm/tmp ~/tmp
So, a quick, simple way is to issue a cp command via system().
You could try to see if the splice system call works for this. I'm not sure if it will since it has some restrictions about the types of files that it can work with, but if it did work you would call it repeatedly with memory page sized (or some multiple page size) requests repeatedly until it finished, and the kernel would handle it very efficently.
If this doesn't work you'll need to do either mmap or do plain old read/write.
Reading and Writing in memory page sized chunks makes things much more efficient. It can be even more efficient if your buffers are memory page size aligned since it opens up the oppurtunity for the kernel to just move the data to/from your process's memory via memory managment trickery rather than actually copying the data around.
The only thing you can do is read() in page size aligned chunks. I'm assuming you need to guarantee the data as written, which is going to mean bypassing buffers via posix_fadvise() or using O_DIRECT (I typically use posix_fadvise(), but O_DIRECT is appropriate here).
In this case, the speed of the media being written to alone dictates how quickly this will happen.
If you don't need to bypass buffers, the operation will complete faster, but there's no guarantee that the data will actually be written in the event of a reboot / power outage / etc. Since the source of the data is in shared memory, I'm (again) guessing you want the write to be guaranteed.
The only thing you can optimize is how long it takes read() to get data from shared memory into your own address space, which page size aligned chunks will improve.

mmaping large files(for persistent large arrays)

I'm implementing persistent large constant arrays via mmap. Is there any tips and tricks or gotchas one should be aware when using mmap?
All pointers that are stored inside the mmap'd region should be done as offsets from the base of the mmap'd region, not as real pointers! You won't necessarily be getting the same base address when you mmap the region on the next run of the program. (I have had to clean up code that made incorrect assumptions about mmap region base address constancy).
This is the most straight forward use case for mmap() so there shouldn't be much to trip you up.
You are effectively just loading a large constant array. Being constants you shouldn't need to worry about synchronization. It would be advisable to make sure the prot parameter is set to PROT_READ only since you won't be writing.
If one or more programs using the constants are going to be continually run, it might be worthwhile to have a separate program that loads the data and keeps it resident. Runs of the other programs then essentially are just doing an shared memory attach rather than continually reading the file into memory.
Make sure you check for restrictions on open file size or memory usage. On Linux there is a built in shell command ulimit. Run as ulimit -a to see the current settings.
Flush writes to the in-memory array to the file with the msync(2) syscall or else they may stay in memory until munmap(2) and there may be a power outage or something before then!
If multiple processes are mmap'ing the same memory region shared with read and write privileges, make sure that only one is writing to it at a time to avoid corrupting your data. Or use file locking or some other means of synchronization.
