how to make current controller as default controller in cakephp? - cakephp

Here is code of appcontroller
class AppController extends Controller {
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'loginRedirect' => array(
'controller' => 'employees',
'action' => 'login'
'logoutRedirect' => array(
'controller' => 'employees',
'action' => 'logout',
public function beforeFilter() {
usercontroller not found //why it is coming
my model class name is Employee
Controller name id employeesController
please help me on this as i am new to cake php

Adding Auth to your used components suggests you are logging users in. You can read more about how it works here
You can take out the Auth out and try again, or set up the user authentication.
How does your EmployeesController look like?


Missing Plugin error in Cakephp

I am developing a site in cakephp2.5. I have two plugin Webmaster and debugKit. When I write
CakePlugin::load('Webmaster', array('bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => false));
CakePlugin::load( 'DebugKit');
The site works correctly on local system but not on live server. However if I remove one of the above Webmaster it shows error on local system and also on live
Error: The application is trying to load a file from the webmaster plugin
Error: Make sure your plugin webmaster is in the app\Plugin directory and was loaded
I also tried but no luck. Struggling from 2 days. Also seen these links
Here is my WebmasterAppController
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class WebmasterAppController extends AppController{
public $theme= "beyond";
//public $layout=NULL;
public function beforeFilter(){
$this->Auth->loginAction= array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'login');
$this->Auth->loginRedirect= array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'index');
$this->Auth->loginError= 'Invalid Email/Password!';
$this->Auth->authError= 'You are not authorised to access!';
$this->Auth->logoutRedirect= array('controller'=>'users', 'action'=>'login');
AuthComponent::$sessionKey = 'Auth.Webmaster';
//we don't need to load debug kit
And here is AppController
class AppController extends Controller{
public $cakeDescription = "CakePhp | ";
public $theme = "alpus";
public $ext = 'html';
public $helpers = array('NiceForms', 'coolFun');
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'loginRedirect' => array(
'controller' => 'pages',
'action' => 'dashboard'
'logoutRedirect' => array(
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login',
'authenticate' => array(
'Form' => array(
'passwordHasher' => 'Blowfish',
'fields' => array('username' => 'email')
'sessionKey' => 'Admin'
public function beforeFilter(){
if (isset($this->params['prefix']) && $this->params['prefix'] == 'admin') {
$this->theme = 'smart';
$this->Auth->loginAction = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'admin_login', 'plugin' => false);
Edit 1:
For cakephp 3.0 we can use
public function beforeFilter(Event $event) {
$this->Auth->sessionKey ='Auth.User';
in AppController.php to set different sessionKey for frontend and backend.
Why do you have multiple load calls for the same plugin anways? There should be only one per plugin!
That being said, mind your casing, the second CakePlugin::load() call uses webmaster instead of Webmaster. Plugin names should start with an uppercased letter, just like the corresponding directory name.
Your local filesystem is most probably case insensitive, so it can find the plugin directory even though the casing doesn't match.
Update It looks like I intially got you wrong, if CakePHP would tell you to load the plugin webmaster without you already having added a CakePlugin::load('webmaster') call, then you must have used the lowercased webmaster somewhere else in your code.

CakePhp bad Auth redirection

I just started learning about the Auth component and I'm having a problem with redirection. The path of my local aplication is: localhost/school but when a logged user tries to acces to a url he isnt't allowed the site redirects to localhost/school/school and it says "The requested address '/school/school/' was not found on this server". I want no redirection when this happens, just show "you are not allowed" in the same page or maybe redirect to specific error page, how can I do that?. I have no problems with login or logout redirection, only what I said before. This is my App Controller:
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'authorize' => array(
'Actions' => array('actionPath' => 'controllers')
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Session');
public function beforeFilter() {
//Configure AuthComponent
$this->Auth->loginAction = array(
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login'
$this->Auth->logoutRedirect = array(
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login'
$this->Auth->authError = "You're not allowed.";
I had the same problem and I solved it.
Try this code in AppController
public function beforeFilter() {
//Configure AuthComponent
// note just these two lines
$this->Auth->unauthorizedRedirect=FALSE ;
$this->Auth->authError="Access Denied";
$this->Auth->loginAction = array(
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login'
$this->Auth->logoutRedirect = array(
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login'
$this->Auth->loginRedirect = array(
'controller' => 'posts',
'action' => 'add'
class AppController extends Controller {
// added the debug toolkit
// sessions support
// authorization for login and logut redirect
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'index'),
'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login'),
'authError' => 'You must be logged in to view this page.',
'loginError' => 'Invalid Username or Password entered, please try again.'
// only allow the login controllers only
public function beforeFilter() {
public function isAuthorized($user) {
// Here is where we should verify the role and give access based on role
return true;
and in your controller it should be like this :
class UsersController extends AppController {
public function beforeFilter() {
public function login() {
//if already logged-in, redirect
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
// if we get the post information, try to authenticate
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if ($this->Auth->login()) {
$this->Flash->set(__('Welcome, '. $this->Auth->user('username')));
} else {
$this->Flash->set(__('Invalid username or password'));
If you're not allowing someone access to a page, then what do you want the controller to do when they request it?
For example, you can set a redirect with :
'action' => 'login'));`
You can display a message using Session::setFlash();
localhost/projectName/projectName is a redirection when you don't have permission to this action. I had same problem. I comment for a moment 'Actions' => array('actionPath' => 'controllers') ) in $components. After that I set aros_acos by executing this code:
$group = $this->User->Group->read(null,'1');
$this->Acl->allow($group, 'controllers/Users/controlPanel');
After that I uncomment code, and in action 'controlPanel' and error disappear :) I don't know how I can change this redirection, but if I have record in aros_acos everything works.

CakePHP - basic login functionality not working

I am wrestling with CakePHP trying to create a basic login functionality. So far CakePHP is winning. I followed the basic Blog tutorial and based on that I am try to create a similair login thingy.
The only difference I have is that I not using an Users model, but a custom Employers model and I use email/password instead of username/password.
Yet all I get is "Your username or password was incorrect."
App::uses('Controller', 'Controller');
class AppController extends Controller {
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'loginRedirect' => array(
'controller' => 'schedules',
'action' => 'index'
'logoutRedirect' => array(
'controller' => 'employers',
'action' => 'login',
'authenticate' => array(
'Form' => array(
'fields' => array(
'username' => 'email',
'password' => 'password'
'userModel' => 'Employer',
'passwordHasher' => 'Blowfish'
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class EmployersController extends AppController {
public $helpers = array('Form');
public function beforeFilter()
public function login()
$layout = 'login';
$this->layout = $layout;
return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect());
$this->Session->setFlash('Your username or password was incorrect.');
<div id="login-container">
echo $this->Form->create('Employers');
echo $this->Form->input('email', array('label' => false, 'placeholder' => 'Email'));
echo $this->Form->input('password', array('label' => false, 'placeholder' => 'Password'));
echo $this->Form->submit();
echo $this->Form->end();
When I debug $this->request->data, the data is structered like data["Employers"]['email'] & data["Employers"]['password']. This is propably not right, since my model is called Employer.
Is this correct and does the login functionality break on this and if so, how can I fix that?
Or is there something else I am overlooking.
In your login.ctp,
It should be echo $this->Form->create('Employer'); not with s, so remove s and try it.
Hope it helps.

Restricting and redirecting other user from admin in cakePHP

I'm getting issue after logging in the site. There are two kinds of users i.e. 'admin','employer'. When I've logged in by employer, I can access the restricted area of Admin. Below is the AppController of the site..
class AppController extends Controller {
public $helpers = array('Form', 'Html', 'Js', 'Time', 'Auth');
// Change template extension to .php instead of .ctp
var $ext = '.php';
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'loginAction' => array(
'controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'login'
'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'index'),
'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login'),
'authenticate' => array('Form' => array('fields' => array('username' => 'email'))),
'authorize' => array('Controller')
public function isAuthorized($user) {
// Admin can access every action
if (isset($user['type']) && $user['type'] === 'admin') {
return true;
// Default deny
return false;
public function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->allow(array('view', 'index','assessment','question'));
Now here is the controller which has methods for admin.
class TopicsController extends AppController {
public $scaffold = 'admin';
public function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->allow(array('view', 'index','moveup'));
} else {
$this->Auth->deny(array('view', 'index','moveup'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'employer' , 'action' => 'index'));
public function isAuthorized($user) {
return true;
public function index() {
$this->set('topics', $this->Topic->children());
If admin URL is , Employer is redirected to which is not right URL to be redirected.
Also want to know about public $scaffold = 'admin'; as It's little unclear to me.
Please help me..
Ok.. Found one way to redirect, which made my issue solved for a now.. Still looking for proper answer if anybody has..
I changed code from
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'employer' , 'action' => 'index'));
EDIT: Thanks Alex, I've used
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'employer' , 'action' => 'index', 'admin'=>false));
and it's working too..

LoginAction not working when using Acl in Cakephp

I am using ACL in my application. I have definned my loginAction in the beforeFilter in my AppController and still its not redirecting to the correct place. What i would like to do is when a users access the app like this - localhost/intraweb it must redirect then to localhost/intraweb/users/login
here is my AppController code
class AppController extends Controller {
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'CustomFields.Field');
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'authorize' => array(
'Actions' => array('actionPath' => 'controllers')
public $uses = array('User');
public function beforeFilter() {
//Configure AuthComponent
$this->Auth->loginAction = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login');
$this->Auth->logoutRedirect = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login');
$this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login');
and here is my PagesController code
class PagesController extends AppController {
public function beforeFilter() {
//Other code
Does anyone have an idea why its not redirecting to the users/login page?
Thank you in advance
The loginRedirect means action to call when Auth Session is not found. In simple terms a login page. The actions that are allowed to pass without Authentication being required will never redirect to loginRedirect.
When you access the localhost/intraweb, Cake will render Pages/display and since you have $this->Auth->allow('display'); in your code. The Auth will let it render without redirection to the loginRedirect.
Redeclaring beforeFilter() in other controllers over-rides all the declaration in AppController. So, if the declarations from the beforeFilter() in AppController are to be inherited,
public function beforeFilter() {
parent::beforeFilter(); // inherit beforeFilter() from AppController
// your controller specific declarations
