ExtJS call controller method inside Ext.util.Observable.observe - extjs

I have my 4.2.1 ExtJS application listen to every Ajax request (Ext.data.Connection) so I can do custom error handling and other stuff.
Im doing that inside my Main Controller
Ext.define('App.controller.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
init: function (application) {
var me = this;
'[xtype=login] button#btnLogin': {
click: me.onLogin
Ext.util.Observable.observe(Ext.data.Connection, {
requestcomplete: function (conn, response, options) {
// Do stuff on success
requestexception: me.handleRequestException // Do stuff on failure
handleRequestException: function (conn, response, options) {
var me = this;
if (response.status == 401) {
// here i need to fire the logoutApplication method
// have tried: me.fireEvent('logoutApplication'); but fireEvent is undefined because "me" scope is data.Connection
// it doesnt know about the controller.
logoutApplication: function () {
var me = this;
// do somestuff here!!
Inside the handleRequestException function Im trying to do me.fireEvent(...) but fireEvent is undefined because the scope of the function is data.Connection.
I don't want to use:
var mainController = App.app.getController('App.controller.Main');
Because when calling that the init is fired and I get issues with event firing twice.
Im new in ExtJS so Im sure there is a better way to do this. Appreciate any advice.

You can add a scope to the listeners configuration:
Ext.util.Observable.observe(Ext.data.Connection, {
requestcomplete: function (conn, response, options) {
// Do stuff on success
requestexception: me.handleRequestException, // Do stuff on failure
scope: me // add the scope here
Now you listeners get executed with that scope instead of the caller scope.


calling a function when AngularUI Bootstrap modal has been dismissed and animation has finished executing

I'm using the Angular UI bootstrap modal and I ran into a bit of a problem.
I want to call a function when the bootstrap modal dismiss animation is finished. The code block below will call the cancel() function as soon as the modal starts to be dismissed - and NOT when the modal dismiss animation has finished.
Angular UI does not use events, so there is no 'hidden.bs.modal' event being fired (at least, not to my knowledge).
var instance = $modal.open({...});
instance.result.then(function(data) {
return success(data);
}, function() {
return cancel();
The cancel() block immediately runs when the modal starts to close. I need code to execute when the closing animation for the Bootstrap modal finishes.
How can I achieve this with angular UI?
Component for reference:
A little late but hope it still helps! You can hijack the uib-modal-window directive and check when its scope gets destroyed (it is an isolated scope directive). The scope is destroyed when the modal is finally removed from the document. I would also use a service to encapsulate the functionality:
app.service('Modals', function ($uibModal, $q) {
var service = this,
// Unique class prefix
WINDOW_CLASS_PREFIX = 'modal-window-interceptor-',
// Map to save created modal instances (key is unique class)
openedWindows = {};
this.open = function (options) {
// create unique class
var windowClass = _.uniqueId(WINDOW_CLASS_PREFIX);
// check if we already have a defined class
if (options.windowClass) {
options.windowClass += ' ' + windowClass;
} else {
options.windowClass = windowClass;
// create new modal instance
var instance = $uibModal.open(options);
// attach a new promise which will be resolved when the modal is removed
var removedDeferred = $q.defer();
instance.removed = removedDeferred.promise;
// remember instance in internal map
openedWindows[windowClass] = {
instance: instance,
removedDeferred: removedDeferred
return instance;
this.afterRemove = function (modalElement) {
// get the unique window class assigned to the modal
var windowClass = _.find(_.keys(openedWindows), function (windowClass) {
return modalElement.hasClass(windowClass);
// check if we have found a valid class
if (!windowClass || !openedWindows[windowClass]) {
// get the deferred object, resolve and clean up
var removedDeferred = openedWindows[windowClass].removedDeferred;
delete openedWindows[windowClass];
return this;
app.directive('uibModalWindow', function (Modals) {
return {
link: function (scope, element) {
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
And use it in your controller as follows:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, Modals) {
$scope.openModal = function () {
var instance = Modals.open({
template: '<div class="modal-body">Close Me</div>' +
'<div class="modal-footer"><a class="btn btn-default" ng-click="$close()">Close</a></div>'
instance.result.finally(function () {
instance.removed.then(function () {
I also wrote a blog post about it here.

How to test if an event handler is set in a Marionette.js view?

There is a Marionette.js view which acts as a login form. The following code sample shows the relevant code parts including an error I already fixed:
MyApp.module("User", function(User, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
User.LoginView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
className: "reveal-modal",
template: "user/login",
ui: {
signInForm: "#signin-form"
events: {
"submit #signin-form": "onSignInFormSubmit"
onRender: function() {
var self = this;
var $el = this.$el;
// [...] Render schema
closeOnBackgroundClick: false,
closed: function(){
self.close(); // <-- This is incorrect. Do not close the ItemView directly!
onSignInFormSubmit: function(event) {
var errors = this.signInForm.validate();
var data = this.signInForm.getValue();
// [...] Notify that data has been submitted.
hideForm: function() {
I noticed a major mistake in my implementation. In the callback function closed of Reveal I decided to close the ItemView directly which is wrong as you can read in the documentation of Marionette.js:
View implements a close method, which is called by the region managers automatically.
Bugfix: Instead close() should be called on the region. I fixed this error.
Now I ask myself how can I actually write a test which covers the problem. I use Jasmine for testing. I noticed that the event handler onSignInFormSubmit is no longer called after I have incorrectly closed the ItemView and try to re-submit the form.
Here is a first draft of the test which unfortunately does fail also with the bugfix:
it("should call the submit handler for the sign-in form", function() {
spyOn(userController.loginView, "onSignInFormSubmit");
spyOn(userController.loginView.signInForm, "validate").andCallFake(function(params) {
return null;
Maybe one could also test if the event handler is registered such as:
expect(userController.loginView.events["submit #signin-form"]).toEqual("onSignInFormSubmit");

Can't get waiting for function to return (with promises?) working in angular controller

I'm trying to get the following findTimelineEntries function inside an Angular controller executing after saveInterview finishes:
$scope.saveInterview = function() {
$scope.interviewForm.$save({employeeId: $scope.employeeId}, function() {
The save action adds or edits data that also is part of the timeline entries and therefore I want the updated timeline entries to be shown.
First I tried changing it to this:
$scope.saveInterview = function() {
var functionReturned = $scope.interviewForm.$save({employeeId: $scope.employeeId});
if (functionReturned) {
Later to this:
$scope.saveInterview = function() {
$scope.interviewForm.$save({employeeId: $scope.employeeId});
$scope.saveInterview.done(function(result) {
And finaly I found some info about promises so I tried this:
$scope.saveInterview = function() {
$scope.interviewForm.$save({employeeId: $scope.employeeId});
var promise = $scope.saveInterview();
promise.done(function() {
But somehow the fact that it does work this way according to http://nurkiewicz.blogspot.nl/2013/03/promises-and-deferred-objects-in-jquery.html, doesn't mean that I can use the same method on those $scope.someFuntcion = function() functions :-S
Here is a sample using promises. First you'll need to include $q to your controller.
$scope.saveInterview = function() {
var d = $q.defer();
// do something that probably has a callback.
$scope.interviewForm.$save({employeeId: $scope.employeeId}).then(function(data) {
d.resolve(data); // assuming data is something you want to return. It could be true or anything you want.
return d.promise;

Backbone on('add') not being called

I defined the add handler on my collection:
var BookmarksCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.on('add', function(obj) {
console.log(obj.get('title') + ' added');
url: '/bookmarks',
model: Bookmark
And it's being called from one of my views:
var AddView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#entry'),
events: {
'click #submit': 'submitHandler'
submitHandler: function(event) {
if($('input').val()) {
var newBookmark = new Bookmark;
newBookmark.set({url: $('input').val()});
success: function(newBookmark) {
myBookmarks.trigger('add', newBookmark);
However the add handler on my collection is never triggered. In fact, not even the success function in the view seems to be called.
But the newBookmark gets saved anyway, so no errors happening.
What am I missing?
NodeJS respond with 201 (Created) when a new bookmark is posted.
Maybe backbone expects a 200 (OK) to trigger success?
EDIT: I tried triggering the event from outside the success function and it works.
How can I tweak backbone to react to a 201 (Created)?
I think the issue is that he first argument of save should be the data you are trying to save. The second is the options which can include the success and error callbacks.
newBookmark.save({dataiwanttosave: "hi"}, {
success: function(newBookmark) {
myBookmarks.trigger('add', newBookmark);

Backbone fetch success callback

I'm new to backbone.js and I'm having some issues with giving my collection a success callback. I'm overriding fetch in order to have a url with a parameter in it. As I understand it I should be able to assign a success callback in the options I pass to Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch.call()... but, my code isn't working. Fetch works correctly, but the callback function is not called.
Here is a bit of my code:
App.ChartController = {
load: function(userConceptId) {
App.ChartPointList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: App.ChartPoint,
url: function() {
return '/chartpoints/' + this.userConceptId;
fetch: function(userConceptId, options) {
console.log("fetch chart point");
typeof(options) != 'undefined' || (options = {});
options.success = this.postProcess;
options.error = this.handleError;
this.userConceptId = userConceptId;
return Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, options);
postProcess : function (resp, status, xhr) {
console.log("postprocess"); // never gets called
... whole bunch of stuff...
new App.Views.ChartView({ collection: this });
handleError : function (resp, status, xhr) {
alert("could not load chart data!"); // also not called
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
#fguillen's comment and another SO thread helped me figure this out. Specifically:
Collection.fetch() will call reset() on success, which in turn will trigger a 'reset' event. Any subscribers to the collections reset event should receive the event.
The issue wasn't with my success callback at all. Turns out I had an problem in a view that was subscribed to the ChartPointList reset event. A function in that view was being called before the success callback and throwing an error, and thus the success callback was not being called.
