The scope of $scope - angularjs

I have done a very small code on Plunkr under URL
I define first a Array Object which I display on a page with ng-repeat. No problem
Then on each item I add an Edit button and launch a function on ng-click
Now, I copy the selected array item into a new $scope.contractDetail and display this in the edit section (as input).
To my surprise when I start to edit the text in the input field, not only the $scope.contractDetail object gets updated but also the parent $scope.contracts.
I though I would, after edit to assign my $scontractDetail object specifically back into the $scope.contracts object at the given index.
Can somebody explain to me whta is happening here
thanks a lot

Copying your code from the plunkr to show:
angular.module('plunker', [])
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.contracts = [{title: 'Master License Agreement'},{title: 'Limited Use Agreement'},{title: 'NDA'}];
$scope.editContract = function(indx){
$scope.contractDetail = $scope.contracts[indx];
Objects in JavaScript are essentially passed by reference, so when you set:
$scope.contractDetail = $scope.contracts[indx];
The two objects are the same object. When you begin to edit it, Android's dirty checking picks that up and shows the change in the other spot.
If you want to create a copy to edit (for an edit + save/cancel scenario) you can use angular.copy(obj) to create a duplicate that is not the same object.


Angularjs form.$dirty

I'm able to find form data is changed or not using $dirty.
ex: I changed text box or drop down and then $dirty become true. If I reverted to old data still it is true. I need to know if my changes are reverted or not. Do we have any property in Angularjs? If property is true I want to enable save button otherwise it should be disable.
I need to implement around 10 pages and each page has 10 text boxes and a couple of drop downs. So I don't want track each control manually in my pages.
You can try using this module:
From the README file:
This Angular.js module adds additional properties and methods to the
ngModel and ngForm controllers, as well as CSS classes to the
underlying form elements to provide end-user with facilities to detect
and indicate changes in form data.
This extra functionality allows you to provide better usability with
forms. For example, you can add decorations to the form elements that
are actually changed. That way, user will see what values has changed
since last edit.
Also, you can reset an entire form or just a single field to it's
initial state (cancel all user edits) with just a single call to the
reset() method or lock new values (preserve new state) just by calling
overloaded $setPristine() method.
DISCLAIMER: I haven't tried it myself and I notice the author overwrites the ngModel directive instead of adding a decorator, which could be dangerous...but at the very least, you can look at the source and get an idea of how to write your own service or directive with similar functionality.
Even though it does not follow the usage of $dirty, but an implementation similar to this might be helpful for you in the case of a Save button on update.
Inside your html:
<form name="testForm" ng-controller="ExampleController" ng-submit=" save()">
<input ng-model="val" ng-change="change()"/>
<button ng-disabled="disableSave">Save</button>
Inside your controller:
.controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.disableSave = true; // Keep save button disabled initially
$scope.val = 'Initial'; // Initial value of the variable
var copyVal = $scope.val; // Copy Initial value into a temp variable
$scope.change = function() {
$scope.disableSave = $scope.val === copyVal;
$ = function() {
// Save the updated value (inside $scope.val)
// Re-disable the input box (on successful updation)
copyVal = $scope.val;
$scope.disableSave = true;
Here is a working plunkr for the same.

AngularJS typeahead select on blur

I'm using typeahead through in my AngularJS project and I would like to have it select the entry if I type the full value and click out of the field.
I've put together an example of what I mean
<input class='typeahead' type="text" sf-typeahead options="exampleOptions" datasets="numbersDataset" ng-model="selectedNumber">
If I type in 'two' and click on 'two' from the drop down then I get the full object {id: 2, name: 'two'}. This is good, if however I type 'two' and click to the next field without selecting is there a way to accept the top of the list on loss of focus on a text field?
I'm not sure if I'd want to have that sort of functionality in my app. The user hasn't actually selected anything. So selecting something for them would introduce frustrations.
But I do understand that often odd requirements are needed. In this case, I'd attack it using ngBlur. Assign a function to be called on blur. You can grab the contents of ng-model and then loop through your data (assuming static & not being sent via server) to find a match.
You can most likely just look at the source code of your typeahead directive and strip out the part does the comparison and then choose the first item in the array.
Unfortunately the underlying component does not emit any events for this condition. This will make the solution more complex. However when the value is being entered and the Typehead magic has happened you can supplement those events and catch them to update your ngModel.
I have created a plnkr based on your plnkr and although have not cleaned up but it is a working plnkr doing by far what you need.
The gist of this is following code however you can put this code wherever best suited
The explanation below:
//Crux - this gets you the Typeahead object
var typeahead ='ttTypeahead');
//This gets you the first
var datum = typeahead.dropdown.getDatumForTopSuggestion();
if (datum){
//you can do lot of things here however
//..I tried to - fill in the functionality best suited to be provided by Typeahead
//for your use case. In future if Typeahead gets this
//..feature you could remove this code
typeahead.eventBus.trigger("hasselections", datum.raw, datum.datasetName);
In the above code you can also save the datum somewhere in the scope for doing whatever you like with it later. This is essentially your object {num: 'Six'} Then you may also use ngBlur to set it somewhere (however the plnkr I created doe snot need these gimmicks.)
Then further down - ngModel's value is set as below
element.bind('typeahead:hasselections', function(object, suggestion, dataset) {
}, 1);
//scope.$emit('typeahead:hasselections', suggestion, dataset);
I'm with EnigmaRM in that ngBlur seems to be the way to do what you want. However, I agree with the others that this could be somewhat strange for the end users. My implementation is below (and in plnkr). Note that I trigger on ngBlur, but only apply the model if and only if there is only one match from Bloodhound and the match is exact. I think this is probably the best of both worlds, and hope it should give you enough to go on.
$scope.validateValue = function() {
typedValue = $scope.selectedNumber;
if(typedValue.num !== undefined && typedValue.num !== null)
numbers.get(typedValue, function(suggestions) {
if(suggestions.length == 1 && suggestions[0].num === typedValue) {
$scope.selectedNumber = suggestions[0];

Working with static and dynamic data in angularjs

On my page I show the first and last name of a person using labels.
It is then possible to edit the first and last name in a couple of input-fields. I only want to update the labels, when the user hits save, but when updating the input-fields, the labels update as well. How do I make sure, the labels are only updated on save ?
I have created a plunker here to show the issue:
Note that the labels change when the input is updated.
Here is an updated plunker.
Just clone the object you are working on with angular.copy.
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
${first_name:"John", last_name:"Doe"};
This will create a deep copy of the object and therefore you won't be referencing the same object. The rest of your code works as is.

AngularJS: Deleting from scope without hardociding

I have an array of items bound to <li> elements in a <ul> with AngularJS. I want to be able to click "remove item" next to each of them and have the item removed.
This answer on StackOverflow allows us to do exactly that, but because the name of the array which the elements are being deleted from is hardcoded it is not usable across lists.
You can see an example here on JSfiddle set up, if you try clicking "remove" next to a Game, then the student is removed, not the game.
Passing this back from the button gives me access to the Angular $scope at that point, but I don't know how to cleanly remove that item from the parent array.
I could have the button defined with ng-click="remove('games',this)" and have the function look like this:
$scope.remove = function (arrayName, scope) {
(Like this JSFiddle) but naming the parent array while I'm inside it seems like a very good way to break functionality when I edit my code in a year.
Any ideas?
I did not get why you were trying to pass this .. You almost never need to deal with this in angular. ( And I think that is one of its strengths! ).
Here is a fiddle that solves the problem in a slightly different way.
The controller is now simplified to
function VariousThingsCtrl($scope) {
$scope.students = students;
$ = games;
$scope.remove = function (arrayName,$index) {
Instead of passing the whole scope, why not just pass the $index ? Since you are already in the scope where the arrays are located, it should be pretty easy from then.

knockout checkbox binding selected value

I am learning knockout and was trying to build a page that will build a list of selectable users.
JSFiddle: (I am unable to get the data assignment right).
The data assignment is working in my page as I make a call to Controller, like below and it binds to the controls as expected
var mappedUsers = $.map(allData.AllUsers, function(item){return new User(item)});
if(allData.SelectedUsers != null){
var mappedSelectedUsers = $.map(allData.SelectedUsers, function(item){return new User(item)});
a.) What's wrong with the JSFiddle I wrote? Got it working.
b.) In my code I am able to get the function for selected checkbox invoked but I am unable to get the value stored in the "User" parameter that I receive in the function. In Chrome JS console I can see the user object has the right value stored, I just am unable to retrieve it. Got this by doing ko.toJS().
Ok, I got my JSFiddle working, I had to select Knockout.js in the framework. The updated fiddle:
Also, for getting the selected checkboxe's value I did
But I think I'll take the approach of selecting values from a list and then on click move them to another "Selected" list and remove the values from the previous ones. Got this idea from this post: KnockoutJS: How to add one observableArray to another?
OK, I think I've got the solution you need...
I started by setting up an observable array of selectedUserNames, and I applied this to the <li> elements like this:
<input type="checkbox"
data-bind="value: userName, checked:$root.selectedUserNames" />
[Note: it's important to declare the value before declaring the checked binding, which threw me for a bit… ya learn something new every day!]
Why bind an array of userName values to the checked binding? Well, when an array is passed to the checked binding, KO will compare the value of each checkbox to the values in the checked array and check any checkbox where its value is in that array. (Probably explained better in the KO documentation)
Then, while I left the observableArray for SelectedUsers, I set up a manual subscription to populate it, like so:
self.selectedUserNames.subscribe(function(newValue) {
var newSelectedUserNames = newValue;
var newSelectedUsers = [];
ko.utils.arrayForEach(newSelectedUserNames, function(userName) {
var selectedUser = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.AllUsers(), function(user) {
return (user.userName() === userName);
[I had originally tried to set up a dependent observable (ko.computed) for selectedUserNames with functions for both read and write, but the checkbox wasn't having it.]
This subscription function examines the new selectedUserNames array, looks up the user from AllUsers whose userName matches a value in that selectedUserNames array, and pushes matching User objects to the SelectedUsers array… well, actually it pushes each matching User to a temp array and then that temp array is assigned to SelectedUsers, but the goal is met. The SelectedUsers array will now always contain what we want it to contain.
Oh, I almost forgot… here's the fiddle I created, so you've got the full solution:
Hope this helps, but let me know if you have any questions
