Loops through Access Table and for each Column with Data - loops

I think this should be simple, but I can't find the right way to do it. I have a table with an ID number column, and 10 rows following it labeled Question #1, Question #2, and so forth.
There are no duplicate ID numbers, but each ID number could have more than one row of questions.
I would like to take the ID row and for each different question where applicable create a new row with the same ID. So if an ID number has a question listed under the Question #1 and Question #2, Id like to create a duplicate for that ID number and have have both questions listed under one column Lets call it "Total Questions", and grouped by that ID number. This can be done by creating a new table.
| ID | Question #1 | Question #2 |
| 11111 | Was it notated correctly? | Was it completed on time? |
| ID | Total Questions |
| 11111 | Was it notated correctly? |
| 11111 | Was it completed on time? |

A simple solution using DAO
sub SomeProcedure()
Dim db as DAO.Database, recIn as DAO.Recordset, recOut as DAO.Recordset
Set db = currentdb()
Set recIn = db.openRecordset("yourQuestionsInputTable", dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
Set recOut = db.openRecordset("yourQuestionsOutputTable", dbOpenDynaset, dbEditAdd)
with recIn
for i = 1 to .Fields.count
if left(.Fields(i).Name, 8) = "Question" then
recOut.Fields("Id") = .fields("Id")
recOut.Fields("Total Questions") = .Fields(i)
end if
next i
loop until .EOF
end with
end sub
The explanation:
What I'm doing is:
Read each record from the input table
For each column wich name begins with "Question", create a new record in the output table, with the Id of the input table, and the value of the selected column.
This is just a draft. You'll need to tweak the code to fit your needs.
Hope this helps.
After thinking a little, I may have an alternative to the problem you mention in your comments.
I think you can change the loop like this:
' You'll need a variable of type Field
Dim f as DAO.Field ' Check if this is right
' Some code
with recIn
for f in .Fields
if left(f.Name, 8) = "Question" then
recOut.Fields("Id") = .Fields("Id").Value
recOut.Fields("Total Questions") = .Fields(f.Name).Value
end if
next f
loop until .EOF
end with
' More code
Instead of iterating on the Fields collection with an index, this will iterate with any Field member in it. That should avoid the "Item not found in collection" issue.
Warning: Not tested

Try a couple queries like this:
SELECT ID, Question1 AS TotalQuestions
INTO NewTable
FROM OriginalTable;
SELECT ID, Question2 AS TotalQuestions
INTO NewTable
FROM OriginalTable;


Dynamically build a SQL Insert statement based on results from a DataView

I have a legacy data logging industrial app that I'm writing a new interface for. The program lets you select points on devices, save those to a profile, then select devices to apply that profile for. When you apply the profile it create a table for each device using the devices unique ID as the table name and creates columns for each point of data you will be logging using the unique point ID. For example I select 3 points of information to datalog and it saves those three as a Profile (into it's own table) and then the point into the Points table tagged with that Profile:
PointID PointName ProfileID
33 Temp23 1
34 Hum14 1
35 Stat 1
I then select a couple devices and apply that profile which saves to the Device table:
DeviceID DeviceName ProfileID
5 NWUnit 1
6 NEUnit 1
After it saves the devices it creates the table per device such as:
Table Name: DEV5
Column 1: PNT1 - Float
Column 2: PNT2 - Float
Column 3: PNT3 - Bit
As you can see the table names are directly related to the device ID and the column names directly related to the point ID. I can add/remove points form the profile, it adds/deletes columns as needed. Apply a different profile and the DEV tables get deleted and recreated. Everything works as expected like the old program that's being replaced.
Now I need to actually do the data logging. I created a simple view:
SELECT dbo.Devices.DeviceID, dbo.Points.PointName, dbo.Points.PointID
dbo.Points ON dbo.Devices.ProfileID = dbo.Points.ProfileID
Again so far so good:
DeviceID PointName PointID
5 Temp23 33
5 Hum14 34
5 Stat 35
6 Temp23 33
6 Hum14 34
6 Stat 35
I take this and I throw it in a DataTable, do a Columns.Add("Value") to it to get a blank column, then go through a data retrieval. When it's done I now have the table with the retrieved value:
DeviceID PointName PointID Value
5 Temp23 33 72.34
5 Hum14 34 43.8
5 Stat 35 1
6 Temp23 33 76.80
6 Hum14 34 54.2
6 Stat 35 0
And that's where I'm stuck. I need to take this info, use the DeviceID for the table name and the PointID for the column name, and insert the data. In otherwords I need this:
Dim myParamList As New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
{"#SampleTime", Date.Now},
{"#DevTable", "Dev" & r.Item("DeviceID")},
UpdateDatabase(MySQLConnection, "INSERT INTO #DevTable (SampleTime, AND HERE?) VALUES (#SampleTime, AND HERE)", myParamList)
I cannot figure out the cycling through part. I thought I should use a Count + Group By to find out how many rows have the same device ID, like DeviceID 5 has 3 rows, and use that to cycle through that number of times but I'm just stuck trying to figure out how.
Any suggestions on the best way to do this?
So after struggling with trying to do a GroupBy on a dataview I decided to just do another database query with a Count(*) and GroupBy DeviceID to grab my unique DeviceIDs:
DeviceID RowCount
5 3
6 3
I then used that to loop through the device ID's and used the ID to filter myView as needed. Then I dynamically created a parameterized SQL string and update the database:
For Each r As DataRow In DevIDDataset.Tables("DeviceIDs").Rows
myView.RowFilter = "DeviceID=" & r.Item("DeviceID")
Dim myParamList As New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {
{"#SampleTime", Date.Now}
Dim myFields As String = "SampleTime"
Dim myValues As String = "#SampleTime"
For Each row As DataRowView In myView
Dim myPointID As String = row.Item("PointID")
myFields += ",obj" & myPointID
myParamList.Add("#obj" & myPointID, row.Item("RetrievedValue"))
myValues += ",#obj" & myPointID
UpdateDatabase(MySQLConnection, "INSERT INTO dev" & r.Item("DeviceID") & " (" & myFields & ") VALUES (" & myValues & ")", myParamList)
Not pretty but it does what it needs to do and I can't think of any other way to do it.

Adding multiple records from a string

I have a string of email addresses. For example, "a#a.com; b#a.com; c#a.com"
My database is:
record | flag1 | flag2 | emailaddresss
1 | 0 | 0 | a#a.com
2 | 0 | 0 | b#a.com
3 | 0 | 0 | c#a.com
What I need to do is parse the string, and if the address is not in the database, add it.
Then, return a string of just the record numbers that correspond to the email addresses.
So, if the call is made with "A#a.com; c#a.com; d#a.com", the rountine would add "d#a.com", then return "1, 3,4" corresponding to the records that match the email addresses.
What I am doing now is calling the database once per email address to look it up and confirm it exists (adding if it doesn't exist), then looping thru them again to get the addresses 1 by 1 from my powershell app to collect the record numbers.
There has to be a way to just pass all of the addresses to SQL at the same time, right?
I have it working in powershell.. but slowly..
I'd love a response from SQL as shown above of just the record number for each email address in a single response. That is, "1,2,4" etc.
My powershell code is:
$EmailList2 = $EmailList.split(";")
# lets get the ID # for each eamil address.
foreach($x in $EmailList2)
$data = exec-query "select Record from emailaddresses where emailAddress = #email" -parameter #{email=$x.trim()} -conn $connection
if ($($data.Tables.record) -gt 0)
$ResponseNumbers = $ResponseNumbers + "$($data.Tables.record), "
$ResponseNumbers = $($ResponseNumbers+"XX").replace(", XX","")
return $ResponseNumbers
You'd have to do this in 2 steps. Firstly INSERT the new values and then use a SELECT to get the values back. This answer uses delimitedsplit8k (not delimitedsplit8k_LEAD) as you're still using SQL Server 2008. On the note of 2008 I strongly suggest looking at upgrade paths soon as you have about 6 weeks of support left.
You can use the function to split the values and then INSERT/SELECT appropriately:
DECLARE #Emails varchar(8000) = 'a#a.com;b#a.com;c#a.com';
WITH Emails AS(
FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(#Emails,';') DS)
INSERT INTO YT (emailaddress) --I don't know what the other columns value should be, so have excluded
FROM dbo.YourTable YT
LEFT JOIN Emails E ON YT.emailaddress = E.Email
SELECT YT.record
FROM dbo.YourTable YT
JOIN dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(#Emails,';') DS ON DS.Item = YT.emailaddress;

Calculate Sum and Insert as Row

Using SSIS I am bringing in raw text files that contain this in the output:
I use this data later to report on. The Key columns get pivoted. However, I don't want to show all those columns individually, I only want to show the total.
To accomplish this my idea was calculate the Sum on insert using a trigger, and then insert the sum as a new row into the data.
The output would look something like:
Is what I'm trying to do possible? Is there a better way to do this dynamically on pivot? To be clear I'm not just pivoting these rows for a report, there are other ones that don't need the sum calculated.
Using derived column and Script Component
You can achieve this by following these steps:
Add a derived column (name: intValue) with the following expression:
(DT_I4)(RIGHT([Value],2) == "GB" ? SUBSTRING([Value],1,FINDSTRING( [Value], " ", 1)) : "0")
So if the value ends with GB then the number is taken else the result is 0.
After that add a script component, in the Input and Output Properties, click on the Output and set the SynchronousInput property to None
Add 2 Output Columns outKey , outValue
In the Script Editor write the following script (VB.NET)
Private SumValues As Integer = 0
Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()
Output0Buffer.outKey = ""
Output0Buffer.outValue = SumValues.ToString & " GB"
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Output0Buffer.outKey = Row.Key
Output0Buffer.outValue = Row.Value
SumValues += Row.intValue
End Sub
I am going to show you a way but I don't recommend adding total to the end of the detail data. If you are going to report on it show it as a total.
After source add a data transformation:
Add two columns to your data flow: Size int and type string
Select Value as readonly
Here is the code:
string[] splits = Row.value.ToString().Split(' '); //Make sure single quote for char
int goodValue;
if(Int32.TryParse(splits[0], out goodValue))
Row.Size = goodValue;
Row.Type = "GB";
Row.Size = 0;
Now you have the data with the proper data types to do arithmatic in your table.
If you really want the data in your format. Add a multicast and an aggregate and SUM(Size) and then merge back into your original flow.
I was able to solve my problem in another way using a trigger.
I used this code:
, [Type]
, [DeviceSN]
, [Property]
, [Value]
SELECT ms.[Filename],
'Memory Device.Total' AS [Key],
CAST(SUM(CAST(left(ms.[Value], 2) as INT)) AS VARCHAR) + ' GB' as 'Value'
FROM [Table] ms
JOIN inserted i ON i.Row# = ms.Row#
WHERE ms.[Value] like '%GB'
GROUP BY ms.[filename],

SSIS Combine multiple rows into single row

I have a flat file that has 6 columns: NoteID, Sequence, FileNumber, EntryDte, NoteType, and NoteText. The NoteText column has 200 characters and if a note is longer than 200 characters then a second row in the file contains the continuation of the note. It looks something like this:
|NoteID | Sequence | NoteText |
|1234 | 1 | start of note text... |
|1234 | 2 | continue of note.... |
|1234 | 3 | more continuation of first note... |
|1235 | 1 | start of new note.... |
How can I in SSIS combine the multiple rows of NoteText into one row so the row would like this:
| NoteID | Sequence | NoteText |
|1234 | 1 | start of note text... continue of note... more continuation of first note... |
|1235 | 1 | start of new note.... |
Greatly appreciate any help?
Update: Changing the SynchronousInputID to None exposed the Output0Buffer and I was able to use it. Below is what I have in place now.
Dim NoteID As String = "-1"
Dim NoteString As String = ""
Dim IsFirstRow As Boolean = True
Dim NoteBlob As Byte()
Dim enc As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
If Row.NoteID.ToString() = NoteID Then
NoteString += Row.NoteHTML
IsFirstRow = True
If IsFirstRow Then
IsFirstRow = False
End If
NoteID = Row.NoteID.ToString()
NoteString = Row.NoteHTML.ToString()
End If
NoteBlob = enc.GetBytes(NoteString)
Output0Buffer.ClaimID = Row.ClaimID
Output0Buffer.UserID = Row.UserID
Output0Buffer.NoteTypeLookupID = Row.NoteTypeLookupID
Output0Buffer.DateCreatedUTC = Row.DateCreated
Output0Buffer.ActivityDateUTC = Row.ActivityDate
Output0Buffer.IsPublic = Row.IsPublic
End Sub
My problem now is that I had to convert the output column from Wstr(4000) to NText because some of the notes are so long. When it imports into my SQL table, it is just jibberish characters and not the actual notes.
In SQL Server Management Studio (using SQL), you could easily combine your NoteText field using stuff function with XML Path to combine your row values to a single column like this:
select distinct
min(sequence) over (partition by n.noteid order by n.sequence) as sequence,
stuff((select ' ' + NoteText
from notes n1
where n.noteid = n1.noteid
for xml path ('')
),1,1,'') as NoteText
from notes n;
You will probably want to look into something along the line that does similar thing in SSIS. Check out this link on how to create a script component in SSIS to do something similar: SSIS Script Component - concat rows
SQL Fiddle Demo

How to fill a textBox automatically with a special format of autoNumbering when selecting a value from a comboBox in ms-access-2010?

I have a form containing a combBox and a textBox. The comboBox is getting it's data from a table witch has only three values (JED,RUH and DMM). What I want is when the user pick any of the three values in the comboBox, the textBox will be filled automatically with a special format of autoNumbering. For example if the user picked JED the format will be j0000a ("j": is static and it's a shotcut of JED, "0000": is a regular number that increases sequentially, "a": is an alphabetical letter that will never change unless the 0000 reaches it's limit witch is 9999). Note that each value in the comboBox has it's special format of autoNumbering and it's unique.
How can I do it ?
Thanks in advance.
If you are storing the value in a table then some VBA code in the drop down's afterupdate() event would do it.
I will take some liberties here because I don't know your exact structure.
1 | JED
2 | RUH
3 | DMM
And another table.
ID | CustomID | ABRVID
1 | j0000a | 1
And the code to make this work is
Private Sub cmbABRV_AfterUpdate()
Dim seed, autoVal, autoRemainder, autoAlpha
seed = DCount("ID", "Table_Auto", "ABRVID = " & DLookup("ID", "Table_ABRV", "ABRV = '" & cmbABRV.Text & "'"))
autoVal = Round(seed / 10000, 0) + 1 'this will be used for the alpha character
autoRemainder = seed Mod 10000 'this will be used for numeric value
autoRemainder = Format(autoRemainder, "000#") 'Add preceeding 0's
autoAlpha = ConvertToLetter(autoVal) 'convert the autoVal to Alpha
txtAuto.Value = Left(cmbABRV.Text, 1) & autoRemainder & autoAlpha 'Create string
End Sub
Function ConvertToLetter(Val) As String
'Convert a letter to a numeric equivalent
Dim iAlpha As Integer
Dim iRemainder As Integer
iAlpha = Int(Val / 27)
iRemainder = Val - (iAlpha * 26)
If iAlpha > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(iAlpha + 64)
End If
If iRemainder > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = ConvertToLetter & Chr(iRemainder + 64)
End If
End Function
The form text box will display the auto number after a value is picked from the drop down.
