I'm having my SOLR index as:
Expected result
{facet_fields:{2002:{'user1':2}, 2003:{'user2':1}}}
I can use fq=year:2002 to extract the facets on user_entries to extract the count of entries of each user in year 2002 as
But I want to extract the user_entries of each year from: 2002 to 2010 individually without summing them all up.
Current Approach:
1. solr/rss/select?q=*:*&fq=year:2002&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.query=year:2002&facet.field=user_entries
2. solr/rss/select?q=*:*&fq=year:2003&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.query=year:2003&facet.field=user_entries...
So can I have a single multiple filter query instead of multiple queries for each year with which I can extract individual year data without summing them up as with default OR operation?
If you are using Solr 4.0 or newer then you can use pivot facets:
But the response is not exactly the same as regular field facets, so you may have to change your parsing code. You will get the count for the "2002" value of the year field, and for each combination of "2002" and values of the user_entries fields (limited to 3), followed by the same for the "2003" value.
I'm working with the Blog app and I see how to filter the Blog posts by year using the Visual Query Designer. I use the querystring value that has the year and in the ValueFilter and my properties are as follows:
Attribute: PublicationMoment
Value: [QueryString:year]-01-01 and [QueryString:year]-12-31
Operation: between
How would I get the posts from a specific month and year, if those values are passed via query string parameters. Because the months of the year have a varying number of days, I'm not sure how you would accomplish this in the Value field of the ValueFilter. Currently I'm passing the 2 digit month as the parameter.
I tried something like: [QueryString:year]-[Querystring:month]
Operation: contains
but the above operation doesn't really work because the datatype is a DateTime object.
I could do it in the razor view but I'm afraid that the paging datasource would have too many pages in it since it would be based on the larger subset of posts for the given year that was passed in the querystring parameter.
Is there any way to do this with the filter?
Basically dates are not perfectly handled yet, but there are a few ways to do it using the visual query:
Use the correct date in the query like between [QueryString:Start] and [QueryString:End] and calculate the correct dates there where you generate the links
Since your main problem with the "between" filter is actually that it would include the last day too, you could also use a two filters a >= first date and another < second date, so the first-date would be the year/month and day 1; the second one is year-month and day 1 as well
Last but not least: if you do it with razor and LINQ you shouldn't run into any performance issues - it's technically the same thing the pipeline does and it's been tested to perform well with tens of thousands of records.
I have a SSRS report I'm working on. What I would like to do is get the value of one field from its own dataset and subtract the value of another field from a different dataset. I can do this; however, the values are grouped so rather than giving me an individual value it gives me: (sum of all completed) - (sum of all completed the previous year).
Here is my expression I am using for the column "Compared to last year"
=SUM(Fields!Completed.Value, "MTDSales") - SUM(Fields!Completed.Value, "MTDminus1")
"MTDSales" and "MTDMinus1" are 2 seperate datasets. MTDSales Dataset is the current months sales outcomes grouped by company MTDMinus1 dataset is last years figure for this current month as i am comparing the 2 months separately.
I had to do this in a report where I was pulling current data from one database and older data from a data warehouse and combining. You will need to do a few things:
1. Establish a match field
This can be as simple as a single column. If you need to match on multiple fields you will need to add a calculated field to each dataset that you can match on. Assuming you need to match on company and financial year and each dataset returns one year of data, this might look something like match_id (assuming numeric values - otherwise you might need to use | or something as a separator):
`="A" & Fields!fin_year.Value & "B" & Fields!cust_id.Value`
2. Retrieve the data to the source field.
In your tablix add a column as you have to hold the looked up value:
=Lookup(Fields!matchId.Value, Fields!matchId.Value, Fields!Completed.Value, "MTDminus1")
3. Use the data
Now you can aggregate the data or do whatever further calculations you wish as if the field was part of your original dataset.
I am storing availability timing for my users where they enter for each day of week what timings they would be available
for example - Mr X would be available on
sunday for 2-5, 8-12, 15-18
monday for 1-3, 5-8, 10-12
and so on entire week
what would be the best possible way of indexing and searching this data in solr
a database query for searching such a dataset would be like
select * from schedule inner join days on schedule.day_id = days.id
where days.name = 'Sunday' and schedule.start>=5 and schedule.end>=8
Use the DateRangeField which became available in Solr5. This allows you to query for documents that contain ranges that matches your query time.
fq={!field f=dateRange op=Contains}[2013 TO 2018]
Before Solr 5 there's a neat hack that uses the spatial support in Solr to query for overlapping durations (if this point is contained within the expected time area, etc.).
Depending on the needed resolution, you could also index seven different fields (monday - sunday) and then index an integer for each hour that the person is available. You can then query the field with a regular query, such as available_sunday:15 to find matching persons.
I'm using solr 3.6 and I'm kinda stuck trying to perform a special query.
I'm actually using facets by date range, the face.date.gap is set to +1DAY. Of course, the facet is supposed to return the count of docs at a date range but I also need to get the sum of a special field at the same ranges used in facet. It's like I need to count how many votes I have daily monthly, weekly, whatever... it depends on the gap params.
Any ideas? Should I use the group.query or facet.query?
One suggestion I have is to treat the weeks, days separately, and index them. For ex. Today is part of 24th week. Another suggestion is not to rule out multiple searches to service one request. One to calculate all oth facets and one to return counts for given date range (based on search results from first query).
I have an example schema like:
I would like to pefrorm a range query on "date" and know how many new/unique parents occured each day. In other words i would like to see how many NEW parents were added through time. For the given data the output should look like:
2012-04-31:0 (no parents existed an that time)
2012-05-01:3 (because three new parents occured at 2012-05-01: p1,p2,p3)
2012-05-02:4 (which is 3 parents from 2012-05-01 and 1 new unique parent p4 occured at 2012-05-02 which gives a total of 4)
2012-05-03:4 (no new parent was added this day...)
Is this kind of query even possible in SOLR?
Yes this should be fairly simple if I understand your question correctly. Adding something like
fq=date:[2012-05-05T00:00:00Z TO 2012-05-06T00:00:00Z]
to your query will fetch you all documents with a date between 5 May and 6 May. Make sure to store your dates in ISO 8601 format.
For more, check out the date examples here: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrQuerySyntax
EDIT: I understood your question better now - you're looking for "group collapsing."
and count the number of documents returned.
If you want them with values for each date, you'll want to facet by date: