connect QT 5.3 and postgresql - database

I'm a newbie in Qt (although I have some experience with C/C++/Java/PHP). I'm trying to migrate my older program that use PostgreSQL database into Qt GUI. I'm using PostgreSQL v2 and have downloaded the recent QT 5.3.0 (for MinGW 32-bit).
I created an example widget application, called Anu. The file looks like this :
QT += sql
QT += core gui
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
SOURCES += main.cpp\
HEADERS += mainwindow.h
FORMS += mainwindow.ui
And the mainwindow.cpp looks like this :
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include <QSqlDatabase>
#include <QtSql>
#include <QMessageBox>
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
delete ui;
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QPSQL");
bool ok =;
if(ok != true)
QMessageBox::information(this,"Connection","Connection Failed!") ;
QMessageBox::information(this,"Connection","Connection OK!") ;
QSqlQueryModel model;
model.setQuery("select * from invoice ");
QMessageBox::information(this,"Information","This Message box is needed in order to see the rendered tableview!") ;
The error in compile shows QSqlDatabase: QPSQL driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMYSQL QMYSQL3 QODBC QODBC3 QPSQL QPSQL7. I tried to build the plugin using the information here : I opened the command prompt for Qt and put this :
cd E:\Qt\Qt5.3.0\5.3\mingw482_32\plugins\sqldrivers\psql
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=E:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\include" "LIBS+=E:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\lib\libpq.lib"
The problem is, I can't find the src folder or psql on folder sqldrivers. I've only found qsqlpsql.dll on that folder, and everytime I used it it says directory can't be found. Also, what's '' mean?
Thanks a lot for any help.

The most easy way, you need the following;
Depending on your application, 64 or 32 bit
If postgresql is 64 or 32 bit it doesn't matter, as the mingw is configured for 32 bit applications.
You need the 32 bit dlls,
If your version of postgre is 32 bit, then copy following dll's from your postgresql installations bin folder libeay32.dll, libintl.dll, libpq.dll, and ssleay32.dll, to your qt version mingw bin folder, now your program should work
If postgresql is 64 bit, the the included dll's doesn't work out of the box these are 64 bit !
You can still use 64 bit postgresql DB, no problem but you need the 32 bits dll's for your application.
There are more sophisticated ways to do this but to kick start your application this is considered the fastest.


Upper filter device driver for a mouse

I've just started diving into driver related stuffs as what I want to do (cf. here) seems undoable with a "regular" application. For now, I'm just trying to install a Kernel Mode Driver (KMDF) as an upper filter for the mouse I want to modify the behaviour. The source files are not empty as they are filled in according to the Visual Studio KMDF template. The only modification I did so far in those source files was adding those two lines of code in the CreateDevice routine :
WdfDeviceInitSetDeviceType(DeviceInit, FILE_DEVICE_MOUSE);
to specify that the driver is a mouse filter driver.
However, I'm having trouble to install it as I would like on my virtual machine. Here is the INF file (don't pay too much attention to the comments, I just added them to better understand what's going on as it's the first time I'm confronted to such a file):
; EGMC_filter.inf
Signature="$WINDOWS NT$" ;Operating system for which the INF file is valid
Class=Mouse ; The class is mouse
ClassGuid={4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} ; Mouse class GUID
Provider=%ManufacturerName% ; is specified in the Strings section (bottom of this file) ; for signature
DriverVer= ; TODO: set DriverVer in stampinf property pages
; The DestinationDirs section specifies the target destination directory for all copy, delete and/or rename operations
; on files referenced by name elsewhere in the INF file
DefaultDestDir = 12 ; directory is \Drivers on WinNT platforms
EGMC_filter_Device_CoInstaller_CopyFiles = 11 ; Directory is \system32 on WinNt platforms
1 = %DiskName%,,,""
EGMC_filter.sys = 1,,
WdfCoInstaller$KMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$.dll=1 ; make sure the number matches with SourceDisksNames
; Install Section
[Manufacturer] ; This section is used to list all devices handled by the driver
%ManufacturerName%=Standard,NT$ARCH$ ;stands for architecture. Is modified depending on x64 or x86
[Standard.NT$ARCH$] ; This is a model section
%EGMC_filter.DeviceDesc%=EGMC_filter_Device, USB\VID_093A&PID_2510; Specifying the Hardware ID for which to install the driver. No revision nb specified
[EGMC_filter_Device.NT] ; This is a DDInstall section
CopyFiles=Drivers_Dir ; CopyFiles directive that specify a copyfiles section (Drivers_Dir)
HKR,,"UpperFilters",0x0010008,"EGMC_filter" ; REG_MULTI_SZ value
[Drivers_Dir] ; This is a CopyFile section.
EGMC_filter.sys ; All the files in this section are copied to the specified directory in the DestinationDirs section.
;-------------- Service installation
AddService = EGMC_filter,%SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, EGMC_filter_Service_Inst ; create a service installation section
; -------------- EGMC_filter driver install sections
DisplayName = %EGMC_filter.SVCDESC%
ServiceBinary = %12%\EGMC_filter.sys ; create a value in the registry with the fully qualified path of the driver's file
;--- EGMC_filter_Device Coinstaller installation ------
AddReg=EGMC_filter_Device_CoInstaller_AddReg ;Add a registry section
HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000, "WdfCoInstaller$KMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$.dll,WdfCoInstaller"
KmdfService = EGMC_filter, EGMC_filter_wdfsect
KmdfLibraryVersion = $KMDFVERSION$
ManufacturerName="EGMC" ; My manufacturer name
ClassName="Mouse" ; ClassName of the device
DiskName = "EGMC_filter Installation Disk" ; the disk name. DON'T KNOW WHERE IT COMES FROM !!!
EGMC_filter.DeviceDesc = "EGMC Filter Device"
EGMC_filter.SVCDESC = "EGMC_filter Service"
I'm trying to install my driver in a virtual machine running Windows 10. The VM is configured to support USB 2.0 and I've added a USB device filter in order for the VM to detect my particular mouse (otherwise, the VM couldn't distinguish the different mice connected).
First I tried deploying it via Visual Studio using the "Install/Reinstall and Verify" option in the project properties (configuration properties -> Driver Install -> Deployment). Note that remove previous driver versions before deployment is selected.
It didn't work and I got the following error messages :
[17:32:01:625]: ERROR: Task "Default Driver Package Installation Task" failed to complete successfully. Look at the logs in the driver test group explorer for more details on the failure.
[17:32:02:348]: Driver Post Install Actions
[17:32:02:348]: Removing any existing files from test execution folder.
[17:32:02:375]: Copying required files for "Driver Post Install Actions".
[17:32:02:934]: [Driver Post Install Actions] Command Line:
$KitRoot$\Testing\Runtimes\TAEF\te.exe "%SystemDrive%\DriverTest\Run\DriverTestTasks.dll" /select:"#Name='DriverTestTasks::_DriverPostInstall'" /rebootStateFile:%SystemDrive%\DriverTest\Run\DriverTestReboot.xml /enableWttLogging /wttDeviceString:$LogFile:file="%SystemDrive%\DriverTest\Run\Driver_Post_Install_Actions_00011.wtl",writemode=append,encoding=unicode,nofscache=true,EnableLvl="WexStartTest|WexEndTest|WexXml|WexProperty|WexCreateContext|WexCloseContext|*" /runas:Elevated
[17:32:05:387]: Result Summary: Total=1, Passed=1, Failed=0, Blocked=0, Warned=0, Skipped=0
[17:32:05:388]: Task "Driver Post Install Actions" completed successfully
Driver Deployment Task Failed: Default Driver Package Installation Task
It may sound stupid but I was unable to locate the logs in the driver test group explorer to get more info about the error.
Secondly, I tried using the "Hardware ID Driver" option instead of the "Install/Reinstall and Verify" one with the following Hardware ID "USB\VID_093A&PID_2510" (same as the one specified in the INF). It worked this time. However, I'm not sure to understand exactly why. So now that you got a better picture of what I'm doing, here are my questions :
1) I did understand that the SourceDisksNames section is used to specify the name of a disk (CD-rom, DVD) containing the .sys file of the driver. However, I don't understand how to install a driver from such a disk practically. Imagine I buy a specific hardware and it comes with a CD with the corresponding driver files. Once the CD is in the player, what should I do ? Should I run the INF file in order to install it ? From what I remember the only time I had to install a driver from a disk it was a .exe file.
2) What if I want to release my driver package via Internet ? What's the point of this section then ?
3) By default when I created the project, VS filled the disk name with "EGMC_filter Installation Disk". What does it correspond to ? Should I modify it ?
4) I don't understand how the deployment process works. I guess that VS first transfers the driver package (containing the .INF, .cat and .sys) to the VM and then launches the .INF file in the VM. Is that right ? If yes, what does the DiskName correspond to in the VM ? Does VS create some kind of ISO containing the package ? Where can I find where the package is stored in the VM ?
5) Does the deployment process differ when using the "Hardware ID Driver Update" and the "Install/Reinstall […]" options ?
6) Any idea why I can't install my driver using the "Install/Reinstall and Verify" option ? What's wrong with the INF file ? Has it something to do with the Disk name ?
7) Despite having read this page, I'm confused about why I can deploy my driver with the "Hardware ID" option considering that I didn't respect the form Root\xxx (I saw this page afterwards). However, it seems clear that for what I want to do, I must install my driver using the other option. Any idea why it still seems to work (at least partially) ?
8) After the "incorrect" installation is completed, a "EGMC Filter Device" entry is added to the Device Manager under Mice and other pointer devices even when the mouse of interest is unplugged. Why is this ? When I plug it, another entry appears.
9) When my driver is installed, the mouse doesn't work anymore (it doesn't even light up !). However, as the upper filter doesn't do anything for now, the mouse should work normally. The only explanation I've found so far is that the driver is installed as a function driver and not as a filter one. Could it be the case ? In the registry of the VM, I'm unable to find the UpperFilters keys with the "EGMC_filter" value in the section "Ordinateur\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}". The only one I found is : "UpperFilters : VboxMouse mouclass". It comforts me in my idea that the driver is installed as a function one… Could the VM interferes with my driver ?
10) The driver details of the mouse of interest (left) and the regular one (right) also confuse me as the mouhid is missing from the former.
11) Lastly, what's the point of specifying in the driver code that it's a filter driver ? What does it change concretely ?
I know it's a long post and that I'm asking quite specific questions but I hope you won't mind and hopefully some experts right there will be able to answer them.
I'm looking forward to your replies.

Could not load main class in JavaCC

I am AI student and we work with JavaCC.
I am new with it. I was trying simple example and I had some errors.
1) I downloaded JavaCC 0.6 from it's website
2) I extracted it in disc C
3) I wrote this code in a file with extension ".jj"
class Test
public static void main(string [] args)
new Test(new InputStreamReader(;
<number: (["0"-"9"])+("." (["0"-"9"])+)?(("e"|"E")(["0"-"9"])+)?>|
<plus: "+">
void start():
{ }
4) I saved it and put it in javacc/bin folder
5) I wrote this line in command
..."my Path"..javacc Test.jj
6) I had this error
Could not find or load main class javacc
Is there something I have to install before these steps?
thx in advance
Use version 5 at . Version 6.0 is missing the scripts to run JavaCC. If you really want to use version 6.0 you can find the appropriate scripts in version 5, just copy them to version 6's bin directory and away you go.
Update (2020): Since version 6 is now harder to find, I have put a copy at
I selected the step you missed in bold below.
The download should have placed into your file system either a ZIP or
GZIP file containing the JavaCC software. You should go to the directory
where the archive was installed and unzip it's contents. That
completes your installation.
Once you have completed installation, add the bin directory within
the JavaCC installation to your path. The javacc, jjtree, and jjdoc
invocation scripts/executables reside in this directory.
You need to modify PATH system variable in windows (wild guess on used OS).
For example as described in

Problem with loading compiled c code in R x64 using dyn.load

I recently went from a 32bit laptop to a 64bit desktop (both win7). I just found out that I get an error now when loading dll's using dyn.load. I guess this is a simple mistake and I am overlooking something.
For example, I write this simple c function (foo.c):
void foo( int *x) {*x = *x + 1;}
Then compile it in command prompt:
Then in 32bit R I can use it in R:
> dyn.load("foo.dll")
> .C("foo",as.integer(1))
[1] 2
but in 64bit R I get:
> dyn.load("foo.dll")
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
unable to load shared object 'C:/Users/Sacha/Documents/R/foo.dll':
LoadLibrary failure: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
For reference, R CMD can be forced in an architecture by using --arch 64x :
R --arch x64 CMD SHLIB foo.c
Quite clear actually, I knew I was making a rooky mistake:)
My guess is that you are compiling it to a 32 bit target. You need to build it on your 64 bit machine with 64 bit tools. You can't load a 32 bit DLL into a 64 bit process, and vice versa.
what i did is to compile with --arch x64 and --arch 32 once a time and manually put corresponding .dll ( with the same name ) under separate folders src-x64 and src-i386 respectively, these two folders are under the same directory where the folder src is.

CustomAction succeeds on development computer, fails on deployment computer

I'm creating a WiX installer to install a program which connects to a database. To help with this, I've created a C dll which checks to see if a certain instance of SQL exists on a server:
extern "C" UINT __stdcall DBConTest(MSIHANDLE hInstaller)
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("dbcontestdll.txt", "w");
_ConnectionPtr pCon;
int iErrCode;
UINT rc;
//init COM
fwprintf(fp, L"entering dbcontest\n");
fwprintf(fp,L"did coinit\n");
if(FAILED(hr = pCon.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Connection))))
fwprintf(fp,L"created instance of connection\n");
TCHAR constr[1024];
DWORD constrlen = sizeof(constr);
rc=MsiGetProperty(hInstaller,TEXT("DBCONNECTIONSTRING"), constr, &constrlen);
fwprintf(fp, L"dbconstring is: %s\n", constr);
TCHAR serverstr[1024];
DWORD serverstrlen = sizeof(serverstr);
rc = MsiGetProperty(hInstaller,TEXT("SQLINSTANCE"),serverstr,&serverstrlen);
fwprintf(fp, L"SQLINSTANCE is: %sl\n",serverstr);
TCHAR finalconstr[2048];
swprintf(finalconstr,L"%s; Data Source=%s;",constr,serverstr);
hr = pCon->Open(finalconstr,TEXT(""),TEXT(""),adConnectUnspecified);
catch(_com_error ce){
fwprintf(fp, L"%s\n", msg);
::MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("Successfully connected to the database!"),NULL,NULL);
fwprintf(fp, L"leaving...\n");
Now, when I build this function into a dll and add it to my WiX project, this code works on my development machine (specifically, the installation successfully finishes and the file "dbcontestdll.txt" exists and has the correct data in it)--but, when I run it on a "fresh install" machine, the installation fails with exit code 2896 and the "dbcontestdll.txt" is not created.
Are there prerequisites to using C-based dlls in a Windows Installer, such as the C++ redistributable?
You probably don't want to get yourself into the situation where you have to bootstrap C++ redists just to run a Custom Action. Have you tried using the File | New | C++ Custom Action probject that comes with WiX? You can use that to stub out your CA and then copy and paste your code into it. That should give you all the compiler and linker settings that you need to avoid this problem.
For custom actions, I highly recommend statically linking to the C run time. The custom aciton DLL ends up a little bigger but you'll have one less dependency on files outside the custom action.
Yes you probably need the visual c runtime. Dependency Walker might assist finding the required dlls.
Look at this example how to use a Bootstrapper. This way you can install the runtime before the msi will be run. I use the following bootstrapper line:
<BootstrapperFile Include="Microsoft.Visual.C++.9.0.x86">
<ProductName>Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries (x86)</ProductName>
This package is normally stored in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages\vcredist_x86 directory.
I had this problem also. I had an MFC DLL that was dynamically linking by default, and I forgot to include MSVCR100.DLL in the package. Of course it worked fine on the development machine, it even worked on most customers' machines, but it failed on an old Vista PC. I switched to statically linked.

Access a 16 Bit DLL

I have been given the task to upgrade an existing 16 Bit Desktop application originally written in GFA Basic.
I want to know if there is a possibility to access the functions inside these 16 Bit Dlls via C/JNI (or any other programming language).
I guess, I have to write some sort of an intermediate DLL to access the functionalities from a Java class (or any other language).
For example
DLLTEST has the implementation of the functions
'LNK Exe d:\DLLtest.dll
Procedure LIBMAIN(hInst&, DSeg&, HpSz&, lpCmd%)
q_dllname$ = "DLLtext.dll"
RETVAL 1 ' If LIBMAIN is used, then RETVAL must be TRUE
Procedure WEP(SysExit&)
' ##############################################
// SysExit = 1 - ExitWindows
// SysExit = 0 - DLL vrijgegeven
RETVAL 0 ' ???????????
Procedure TextTest(dc&)
$EXPORT TextTest
RGBColor 0
Local t$ = "Hello world" + Chr$(0)
Text 10, 10, t$
~TextOut(dc&, 10, 50, V:t$, Len(t$))
The above dll file is in turn used by TESTTEXT.exe
// destination exe file
'LNK Exe d:\testtext.exe
DLL #7, "dlltest.dll"
OpenW # 1
h& = Win(1)
KeyGet k%
CloseW # 1
FreeDll 7
I want to rewrite this TESTTEXT.exe using Java/C (or any other moder programming language). I guess, I need to build a bridge between this dll and the new exe by building another dll.
I was hoping to get some help about writing this intermediate dll.
Also, let me know if this kind of solution makes sense!
Your help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks you for your time.
Using a 16-bit DLL from a 32-bit application involves what Microsoft calls (called) "flat thunking". Flat Thunking is available only in the 16/32-bit hybrid versions of Windows (Windows 95, 98, 98SE, Me).
What you want is not supported on any reasonably current version of Windows.
I agree with Jerry. In the meantime you might start looking at this post:
