Google sites and Google App Engine Integration - google-app-engine

I have deployed a few static html pages through Google app engine which works fine as expected (Access rights reserved to a specific domain).
Embedded those pages in Google site through the i frames(insert -> gadgets -> iframe and include url) which works fine only if an instance of the application on Google app engine is started by that particular machine, but if that's not the case, i frames won't display anything.
Which means if there is no instance of the application started by a particular machine (, it wont work while what i think is it should start an instance by itself on opening of the Google site page because i frame on that page already links it to the page on App engine.
Can anybody please explain as to why is this happening and suggest some work around for it..


Managing Google Appengine App on Grandfathered Account

I have a grandfathered Google Apps for Work account since I had my appengine app running since before they started the whole Apps for Work thing and don't have to pay anything.
I haven't touched the actual app since long before the Apps for Work thing came around, and though I got the emails about it and opened the console once or twice, I haven't opened the app engine console forever.
I also have a google cloud platform account that I use for the VMs(not GAE).
The problem came when I went to actually update my app. I found that while the app is most definitely still running and accessible, and while my Apps for Work console still lists it, when I try to manage it, it redirects me to my cloud platform account, which has no GAE apps. I haven't even touched GAE on my cloud platform account, and there were no apps listed, just the docs.
So how do I access my app and edit it?

Google App Engine Custom Admin Pages in the New Google Cloud Console

I'm a Google App Engine user, and I got this message saying the old app engine console will be retired by the end of March.
However - as it seems, there is no place in the Google Cloud Console (which is supposed to be the only available console to manage App Engine projects) to access and use the custom admin pages used to manage the project.
Does anyone know what is up with that?

Did Google migrate old Google app to Google cloud?

I am a company admin and have a simple Java app (no backend, just several mostly static pages assembled through tiles) deployed since Google started the app engine. The site went down a couple of days ago. When I log in and go Admin/App Engine Apps page the app shows with the status "Always on". But it's not running and the message on top states "This feature will be moving to the Google Developers Console in Q2 2015. Follow these instructions to get the new permissions you'll need." Instructions are
But when I go to the dev console under my account - nothing is there. Called support (we are paying for some Google services) and they can't say anything except that now we need to sign up for Silver support at Google Cloud to talk to anybody there. But I am able to configure and deal with the app - I just can't find it anywhere! Any pointers will be hugely appreciated.

Unable to Remove (Deleted) App Engine Service from Google Admin Dashboard

I recently deployed a Google App Engine app and then set up a custom URL for it from my Google Apps Admin dashboard. Everything ok until the app engine app was deleted (it is no longer listed on my developer console): I would now like to remove it from my admin dashboard to reclaim the custom URL for a different GAE app.
From the admin dashboard, I go into "App Engine Apps" and select the one I want to remove. If I click "delete" on the web address I would like to reclaim, I get "We are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later." (and this has been happening for days). If, instead, I try to delete the service altogether, when I click to confirm I receive "You do not have the permissions necessary to uninstall this application."
I found this question which suggests getting in touch with the Google Apps help center. After doing that, I received the following:
Our Google Apps team offers support for the core suite of Google Apps services defined at The issue you’ve experienced is currently outside the scope of our support offering and we won’t be able to offer you further direct assistance at this time.
Does anyone know how I can remove the (deleted) app engine app from my admin console, to reclaim the custom URL?
Following from #Patrice's suggestion, I managed to resolve this from the app engine console (note: not the app admin console, where I was focusing all my efforts/receiving all those cryptic error messages).
I followed the instructions here to add a custom URL in the app engine console . After verifying my domain, I added my custom URL to my new app engine project. When I clicked to confirm, I got some warning saying that this custom URL is currently pointing to another app engine app and that by confirming, it would no longer point there.
I clicked confirm, and now everything is working.

Does hosting an appengine app on custom domain force me to be a google apps customer?

I have a domain I bought (via - let's call it
I have an gae app - let's call it
I added a masked redirect at godaddy dns management console and now gets redirected to (even though the address bar shows
This stops working well in some cases like when I give a direct url redirect like href='/static/url/tohelppage.html' or when I attempt to redirect for OAuth authorization. So I read other posts on what I need to do and the most referred one was
Based on that page it appears that it is necessary to sign up for a new Google Apps account with the new domain name?
So I Have to pay for Google Apps separately beyond what I am paying for Google AppEngine?
And also manage a separate apps domain and its services? I already have google apps domains and this seems more overhead to run a small app on gae.
Could you please help me understand if I've understood this right? And if there is a way to avoid the additional overhead of an extra google apps account?
The way that I do this, is I set up a basic google apps account (which is free), and I link the GAE app to my google apps account. Then you can set google apps to alias "www" to the appengine app, and now your appengine app works on www.yourdomain.tld
It's explained more here, which I know you already looked at, but it explains it well. Try reading it again.
