$http.jsonp not wrapping angular.callbacks - angularjs

My function
$scope.doCall = function(){
success(function(data) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
var url = "http://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/wtmpeachtest.wordpress.com/posts?callback=JSON_CALLBACK";
When I look at my network, the second call wraps angular.callbacks._1(OBJECT) while the first just returns [...ARRAY OF OBJECTS...]
The second will output in my console, the first is not doing anything! How can i make it work!

Thats API problem, http://api.v2.quran.com didn't wrap JSON to JSON_CALLBACK, in second case JSON starts with JSON_CALLBACK({... but in first case you get pure JSON, not JSONP. Try to fix it on server.


Use response from one $http in another $http in Angularjs

First of all I want to use $http in order to receive some data (e.g. students), then I want to make another $http call to get e.g. studentDetails. After that I want to append some part of studentDetails to students JSON.
Also I need response from the first call in order to create the url for the second call.
Problem is that I cannot access response of the first http call inside the another.
Does anybody know how this can be done?
var getStudents = function(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
var appendStudentDetails = function(){
var studentsWithDetails = response;
for(var i=0; i<studentsWithDetails.length; i++){
//here I want to append the details,
//received from the second http call, to each student
//of the array received from the first http call
//PROBLEM: I cannot access response of the
//first http call inside the another
You're using the deferred anti-pattern as well as the deprecated success/error-callbacks. You should instead use then, since it returns a promise, and you can chain promises.
Here's an example of how you could do it:
function getStudents(){
return $http.get('[someurl]');
function appendStudentDetails(studentsWithDetails){
for(var i=0; i<studentsWithDetails.length; i++){
function appendSingleStudentDetails(singleStudent){
// Append some stuff
singleStudent.stuff = res.data;
// Call it like this:
.then(function(response){ return response.data; })
I decided to structure the appendStudentDetails function a little differently, based on its name, but you could as easily just call getStudents() within the method as you did before.
Beware not to use the i-variable inside your inner then-function, as that would cause you troubles with closure.
Edit: Fixed example to avoid problem with i being under closure.

Unable to get a JSON response from my express router using node-Fetch module

So I'm making a post request to my Express search router where I'm using the node-fetch module to call a remote api:
var fetch = require('node-fetch');
//Performs Job Search
.post(function(req, res){
var area = req.body.area;
fetch('https://api.indeed.com/ads/apisearch?publisher=*********&l=' + area)
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(json) {
I'm using angular 1 on the client side to call the router and parse the returned json:
$scope.search = function(){
$http.post('/api/search', $scope.newSearch).success(function(data){
if(data.state == 'success'){
//perform JSON parsing here
$scope.error_message = data.message;
I'm just starting out with the MEAN stack and only have a vague idea of how promises work. So my issue is that my angular search function is not getting the JSON string I want to return from my remote API call. But rather the data parameter is getting set to my page html. Eventually the breakpoints I've set in the .then() clauses are hit and my json is returned. So my question is how can I use Anguular to get the JSON values when they are finally returned????
Can you try something like this?
//Performs Job Search
.post(function(req, res){
var area = req.body.area;
fetch('https://api.indeed.com/ads/apisearch?publisher=*********&l=' + area)
.then(function(result) {
//or possibly res.send(result), depending on what indeed responds with
Turns out I had forgotten that I had middleware in place where if the user was not authenticated when performing the search they were redirected to the login page. So I was getting a bunch of html returned for this login page, rather then my json. What still confuses me is why my breakpoints in search function were ever hit if I was being redirected before ever reaching this function.

Retrieving data using $http.post

Hi I want to get data from my json file using post method(which is working 5n with get method)
'use strict';
var vm= this;
the about code is give error
which means can't we use post method to get the data
This is how u can use the post method in your controller:
'use strict';
angular.module('myapp').controller('lastWeekWinners', controller){
function controller($scope,fetch){
var vm= this;
vm.show = show;
function show() {
return fetch.show()
.then(function successCallback(data){
vm.winnerData = data;
}, function errorCallback (response) {
and in your service :
.service('fetch', Service);
function Service($http) {
var fetch = {
show : show
return fetch;
function show() {
return $http.get('http://localhost:9000/json/sample.json')
function getShowComplete(response){
return response.data;
function getShowFailed(error){
console.log("Error:" + error);
First of all, the difference between GET/POST:
GET is used for getting data, POST is used for saving (and sometimes updating) data. So if you just want to get the json, use GET.
Regarding the specific problem you have here, if you look carefully, you get a 404 code. that means the route was not found. (You can read more about HTTP status code here: http://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html)
Not sure what server you're using but usually, you're not only defining a route but also the verb of the route (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE), so if you have a route defined like:
GET /users/
This will only work for GET requests, if you try to post for the same route you'll get 404. You have to define the same route for the POST verb.
You can read more about http verbs here: http://www.restapitutorial.com/lessons/httpmethods.html
To do $http.post you need a back end API(PHP,Node Js etc),that system catch your desired post data and save into the db or JSON(Read/Write Method).
Static JSON data just read only possible not write.
Or used Browser $window.localStorage to save data.

AngularJS ngResource delete event not calling callback

I have this code:
dogsResource.delete({id: $stateParams.dogId}, angular.noop,
function(value, responseHeaders){
The delete is done, the problem is that neither success nor error is being called. I've also tried using an instance (that means, to use $delete), but it didnt work either.
I tried testing the callbacks with other methods, such as get
$scope.dog = dogsResource.get({id: $stateParams.dogId}, function(value, res){
And it works. I don't know why that happen, since the dog is being deleted from database.
dogResource code
// Return the dogs resource
.factory('dogsResource', ['$resource', function($resource){
return $resource("http://localhost:5000/dogs/:id",{id: "#id"},{update: {method: "PUT"}});
I Found the error. It was in the RESTful API (Node js). The method was not sending anything to Angular, so no callback was triggered:
//DELETE - Delete a dog with specified ID
exports.deleteDog = function(req, res) {
console.log('DELETE' + req.params.id);
Dog.findById(req.params.id, function(err, dog) {
dog.remove(function(err) {
if(err) return res.status(500).send(err.message);
console.log('Succesfully deleted.');
Replacing res.status(200) with res.status(200).end() got the callback triggered.
Thanks you all for your time.
I suggest to you to not use
In fact usually when you delete an object with a REST service in expressJS, the common case is to send the deleted object as response, because it could be useful for the frontend to get this object (and to make sure that it's the good object).
So instead of use
Or if you want to send an empty response, the status code for a delete operation should be :
Note that you don't need to set the status code by default it will be 200. So set status code to 200 is just useless.
And to finish an http response needs to be sent to close the request. The end method or the send method make that. Set a status code to a response http will never send anything to the frontend. That's why your angular callback was never fired.
So i suggest to you to add the tag expressjs to your question, because it's not an AngularJS problem but a real expressJS mistake.
In your code, the second argument is angular.noop:
dogsResource.delete({id: $stateParams.dogId}, angular.noop,
function(value, responseHeaders){
According to the ngResource Source Code, if you set the second argument to a function (angular.noop is a function) then it will use the second argument as the success callback. Since the second argument is a no-operation, nothing will happen when it is called.
Try setting the second argument to function (r) { console.log (r) } and see what you get.
I'm recently working with ngResource. In my case, I've have used three parameters in that api call. Therefore, you could use
dogsResource.delete({id: $stateParams.dogId}, function(value, responseHeaders){
I hope that helps.
Use promise return by the $resource object. As $resource object by default return a promise object, and that promise object is available .$promise variable over that $resource API method.
dogsResource.delete({id: $stateParams.dogId}).$promise.then(function(data)//Success
function(httpResponse){ //Error

how to make synchronous http request in angular js

How to make blocking http request in AngularJS so that i can use the $http response on very next line?
In the following example, $http object doesn't return the result to the next line so that I can pass this result to fullcalender(), a JavaScript library, because $scope.data returns blank value.
This is the sample code:
$scope.data = data;
data: $scope.data
You can use promises for that.
here is an example:
$scope.myXhr = function(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
url: 'ajax.php',
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
//if request is successful
//resolve the promise
deferred.resolve('request successful');
//if request is not successful
//reject the promise
//return the promise
return deferred.promise;
$scope.callXhrAsynchronous = function(){
var myPromise = $scope.myXhr();
// wait until the promise return resolve or eject
//"then" has 2 functions (resolveFunction, rejectFunction)
}, function(reject){
You can't, you'll need deal with it through promises, but you could try do it like this:
angular.copy(data, $scope.data);
data: $scope.data
but most people would just do
data: data
If whatever your fullCalender object is doesn't work with async data, you might need to wrap it in something like ng-if or force it to redraw when the data has been supplied. You can also force the controller to not load until the data is loaded by using the route resolve.
Here is a practical answer, courtesy of user Kirill Slatin who posted the answer as a comment. Practical use example at the bottom of the answer.
If, like me, you need to use that response object as a scope variable, this should work:
$scope.data = data;
$.fullCalender = $scope.data;
$scope.$apply() is what will persist the response object so you can use that data.
Why would you need to do this?
I'd been trying to create an "edit" page for my recipes app.
I needed to populate my form with the selected recipe's data.
After making my GET request, and passing the response data to the $scope.form, I got nothing... $scope.$apply() and Kirill Slatin helped big time. Cheers mate!
Here's the example from my editRecipeController:
$http.get('api/recipe/' + currentRecipeId).then(
function (data) {
$scope.recipe = data.data;
$scope.form = $scope.recipe;
Hope that helps!
