I need to URL encode a variable that is being passed into a web service.
testcategory = "Action and Adventure"
jsonRequest = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
jsonRequest.SetURL("http://myurl.com/?method=getRokuCategorizedSeriesListing&category=" + testcategory)
I need to have whatever the value be for "testcategory" to be url encoded to be passed it to this web service call. In this example I would need "Action and Adventure" to be "Action%20and%20Adventure"
Is there a Brightscript function to accomplish this?
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you!
Place this function in one of your brightscript file
Function HttpEncode(str As String) As String
o = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
return o.Escape(str)
End Function
and then you can use the function HttpEncode as
jsonRequest.SetURL("http://myurl.com/?method=getRokuCategorizedSeriesListing&category=" + HttpEncode(testcategory) )
I was trying to run this example: tensorflow_abalone_age_predictor_using_layers
, in which abalone_predictor.predict(tensor_proto) is used to call the endpoint and make the prediction. I was trying to use the java API AmazonSageMakerRuntime to achieve the same effect, but I don't know how to specify the body and contentType for the InvokeEndPointRequest. The document is not in detailed abou the format of the request. Greatly appreciate any piece of help!
I have not tried the specific example but the below snippet should help you to invoke the endpoint for predictions
InvokeEndpointRequest invokeEndpointRequest = new InvokeEndpointRequest();
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(image);
AmazonSageMakerRuntime amazonSageMaker = AmazonSageMakerRuntimeClientBuilder.defaultClient();
InvokeEndpointResult invokeEndpointResult = amazonSageMaker.invokeEndpoint(invokeEndpointRequest);
I see the example you are trying creates a TensorProto and passes to the endpoint request. You can try to create a TensorProto of your invoke request and set as the body
Just figured I can override the input_fn to convert the request body string to something can be fed to the model, in this case a TensorProto object.
I am using angular js and making a restcall. But I have one variable and this variable have some value when I put this variable in service then this variable value encoded in console.
var rep = "CX-0138_ES48A9CA";
Rh.all('example/demo/db ').post(" ",+JSON.stringify(rep)).then(function(resp)
then rep value is not exist in console url.
But when I removed +JSON.stringify then service(url) encoded.
var rep = "CX-0138_ES48A9CA";
Rh.all('example/demo/db ').post(" ",rep).then(function(resp)
Encoded service in console
How can set value of rep CX-0138_ES48A9CA in post method.
Try this:
Rh.all('example/demo/db ').post({rep: encodeUriComponent(rep)}).then(function(resp)
I am downloading the file from the server using API, for that i have to send session details in header, how can i do it using angularjs?. Please help me out.
Thank you in advance for suggestions.
No - It is not possible to send headers in straight way using $window.open
Yes - Its is possible but not straight way, If you've got server-side control then you can set header value in query string and get it parsed from query string on the back-end.
I don't suggest to pass params with window.open.
BUT you can use window.open like this.
var params = {
access_token: 'An access_token',
other_header: 'other_header'
//Add authentication headers in URL
var url = [url_generating_pdf, $.param(params)].join('?');
//Open window
Please check the details info here
I am having a peculiar issue.
I am calling a restful service with path param from angularjs controller/service.
Below is the url format
Now, creditId has special charachters in it for eg 'abcd%xyz-433'
I am calling a service which makes a GET rest call as below in angualarjs controller
creditService.creditOption('abc','abcd%xyz-433').success(function(data, status) {
$log.log('log the status ' + status);
The service is as below
creditOption: function(id, creditId) {
return $http({
method: 'GET',
url: '/payment/'+id+'/credit/'+creditId+'/fetch/options'
The Restful service signature is as follows
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/payment/{id}/credit/{creditId}/fetch/options", produces = APPLICATION_JSON)
public boolean getCreditOption(#PathVariable String id, #PathVariable String creditId) {
return true
This is giving me 404 all the time i execute this code. But when i remove the special charachters it works fine and hits the restful service. I also tried to use encodeURIComponent() and then send the value.. but it is still the same case.
Please let me know if there is any way out for this.
Thanks for any help
The % symbol is used for encoding values in URls, see rfc3986 section 2.1. In particular it's expected that there will be two hex digits after the % - which it seems like you are exactly stumbling on to.
You may have to escape the percent (use %25) or choose a different character to substitute.
You can try it on this page, the address is:
A 1 percent encoded is %31, so you could just as easily go here:
I am building an application prototype and try to mock the REST web-services.
Here is my code:
var mock = angular.module('mock', ['ngMockE2E']);
users = [{id:1,name:'John'},{id:2,name:'Jack'}];
$httpBackend.whenGET(new RegExp('\\/users\\/[0-9]+')).respond(users[0]);
Everything is ok, my resource User.query() returns all users, and User.get({id:1}) and User.get({id:2}) returns the same user (John).
Now to improve my prototype, I would like to return the appropriate user, matching the good id.
I read in the angular documentation I should be able to replace the RegExp URI by a function. The idea is to extract the id from the url to use it in respond method.
I then tried this:
$httpBackend.whenGET(new function(url){
var regexp = new RegExp('\\/users\\/([0-9]+)');
id = url.match(regexp)[1];
return regexp.test(url);
The problem is the url parameter is always undefined. Any idea to achieve my goal?
By using new function(url) your app tries to instantiate a new object from your anonymous function and pass that new object as the first argument of the $httpBackend.whenGET() call.
Of course, at the time of calling whenGET() no URL is provided, thus it is always undefined.
You should pass the function itself (and not an object instanciated using the function). E.g.:
$httpBackend.whenGET(function (url) {
After some more digging it turned out that the option to pass a function as the first argument to whenGET was added in version 1.3.0-beta.3. The docs you were reading probably referred to the latest beta version, while you were using an earlier version.
(Note that even versions 1.3.0-beta.1 and 2 did not provide this option.)
Without getting into much detail, responsible for verifying a matching URL is MockHttpExpectation's matchUrl method:
function MockHttpExpectation(method, url, data, headers) {
this.matchUrl = function(u) {
if (!url) return true;
if (angular.isFunction(url.test)) return url.test(u);
if (angular.isFunction(url)) return url(u); // <<<<< this line does the trick
return url == u;
The line if (angular.isFunction(url)) return url(u); is the one that gives the option to directly pass a function and was added in version 1.3.0-beta.3 (as already mentioned).
But, if you still want to pass a function to a previous AngularJS version, you could "trick" angular into believing you passed a RegExp, by providing an object with a test method.
I.e. replace:
.whenGET(function (url) {...})
.whenGET({test: function (url) {...}})
See, also, this short demo.
I found a solution by using a function in the respond part instead of the when part:
$httpBackend.whenGET(new RegExp('\\/users\\/[0-9]+')).respond(
function(method, url){
var regexp = new RegExp('\\/users\\/([0-9]+)');
var mockId = url.match(regexp)[1];
return [200, users[mockId]];