Array Loop Writing Over Elements C - c

I am writing to an array from a loop within a loop. The values are writing over themselves.
A couple of background notes, keyname = GET_STRING_VALUE(Ds, Os, Fs, Rs, Is); is pulling string values from a database. An example would be 71001093. Those keys will be different for each Rs (record number for this database). The Fk and Fs relate to different columns in that database. The code is supposed to loop through (first 5) the records of the database and find the name relating it to a key. For the names that match keycmp, add them to the array.
The Issue
The ArrayCheck print outs at the bottom all display the last key entered into the array. The key & counter print out display the correct iterative number and associated key within the loop.
char* status_keys [ 2 ][ 200 ];
int Ds, Os, Fs, Rs, Is, Fk, a, c;
char* keyname;
char* keycmp;
char* stationlookup[4];
char* key;
keycmp = "STRING";
for ( Rs = 1; Rs < 5; Rs++ ) {
keyname = GET_STRING_VALUE(Ds, Os, Fs, Rs, Is);
printf("keyname: %s\n", keyname);
do {
strncpy(stationlookup, keyname, 4);
stationlookup[4] = '\0';
key = GET_STRING_VALUE(Ds, Os, Fk, Rs, Is);
printf("key : %s\n",key);
printf("counter : %d\n",a);
status_keys[0][a] = key;
status_keys[1][a] = stationlookup;
} while (strstr(keyname,keycmp) != NULL);
printf("ArrayCheck 0: %s\n", status_keys[0][0]);
printf("ArrayCheck 1: %s\n", status_keys[0][1]);
printf("ArrayCheck 2: %s\n", status_keys[0][2]);
printf("ArrayCheck 3: %s\n", status_keys[0][3]);
Example Output:
Appreciate the stationlookup help, but this code still provides the writing over issue.
for ( Rs = 1; Rs < 5 ; Rs++ ) {
keyname = GET_STRING_VALUE(Ds, Os, Fs, Rs, Is);
printf("keyname: %s\n", keyname);
do {
status_keys[0][a] = GET_STRING_VALUE(Ds, Os, Fk, Rs, Is);
printf("key : %s\n",status_keys[0][a]);
printf("counter : %d\n",a);
} while (strstr(keyname,keycmp) != NULL);

You declared:
char* stationlookup[4];
Which means that valid indicies are [0], [1], [2] and [3].
So a line of code like this:
stationlookup[4] = '\0';
creates an array-overrun.

I suspect your problems come from these lines:
status_keys[0][a] = key;
status_keys[1][a] = stationlookup;
assuming that GET_STRING_VALUE() returns the same string pointer on each call. The above lines don't copy the strings but instead copy the string pointers which results in what looks like your array elements being overwritten. You can check this by printing the pointer value with:
printf("keyptr : %p\n", key);
To correct this you'll need to change your code to something like:
char status_keys [ 2 ][ 200 ][64];
strncpy(status_keys[0][a], key, 62); // or strlcpy() if you have it
strncpy(status_keys[1][a], stationlookup, 62);
or something like:
char* status_keys [ 2 ][ 200 ];
status_keys[0][a] = malloc(strlen(key)+1);
strcpy(status_keys[0][a], key);
// Same for stationlookup
// Make sure to free() the strings at some point
if you prefer dynamic memory access.


C - Trouble adding string to array

I'm trying to add a string to the next index of my array, however I'm having this odd issue where when Im adding to any index other than 1 (yes, I'm indexing my array from one, just to match the actual number of the item for simplicity, I'm sorry!). Essentially, if I ass to index 1, everything is fine, however when I add to index 2, the value of index 1 seems to change to the value I'm planning to put into index 2, even before the lines of code where I add the value to index 2. For example:
Say I try to add 'test1' to my array queuedHashed[100][101] at index 1, and I run through all printing all elements of the array, next to index number, I get:
1: test1
However when I go to add 'test2' at index 2 to the array, I would get:
1: test2
2: test2
I've been pulling my hair out for hours trying to fix this, and can't see where I'm going wrong. I'm currently passing my variables around using structs (due to GTK limitations), however this issue also persisted when the variables were global variables, before I changed them to local ones.
Here is my code:
queue_hash function:
static void queue_hash (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) {
struct data *dataStruct = user_data;
GtkWidget *hashWid = dataStruct->hash;
GtkWidget *hashTypeWid = dataStruct->hashType;
GtkWidget *hashEntryLabel = dataStruct->hashEntryLabel;
GtkListStore *store;
GtkTreeIter iter;
const char* hash = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(hashWid));
int hashLen = gtk_entry_get_text_length(GTK_ENTRY(hashWid));
int hashTypeIndex = gtk_combo_box_get_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(hashTypeWid));
store = GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(list)));
// TODO: Update max length to 128
if (hashLen > 100) {
gtk_widget_set_name(hashWid, "fieldsError");
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(hashEntryLabel), "Hash exceeds max length of 100");
g_print("Hash length exceeds 100: Exiting.");
gtk_widget_set_name(hashWid, "");
gtk_widget_set_name(hashTypeWid, "");
gtk_widget_set_name(hashEntryLabel, "");
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(hashEntryLabel), "Hash to be cracked:");
if ((strcmp(hash, "") == 0) || (hashTypeIndex == -1)) {
if (strcmp(hash, "") == 0) {
gtk_widget_set_name(hashWid, "fieldsError");
if (hashTypeIndex == -1) {
gtk_widget_set_name(hashTypeWid, "fieldsError");
g_print("Invalid Entry \n");
} else {
// Check for spaces in hash - return if found
// TODO: Check for other non-alphabetical chars/symbols
for (int i = 0; i < hashLen; i++) {
if (hash[i] == ' ') {
gtk_widget_set_name(hashWid, "fieldsError");
gtk_widget_set_name(hashEntryLabel, "errorLabel");
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(hashEntryLabel), "Please remove all spaces");
g_print("Space found in hash: Exiting\n");
g_print("Before: (HashCount: %i)\n", dataStruct->hashCount);
//test_queue(dataStruct->queuedHashes, dataStruct->hashCount);
for (int i = 1; i <= dataStruct->hashCount; i++) {
g_print("%i: %s\n", i, dataStruct->queuedHashes[i][0]);
// Save hash to array
g_print("After Increment: %i\n", dataStruct->hashCount);
g_print("Hash: %s\n", hash);
dataStruct->queuedHashes[dataStruct->hashCount][0] = hash; // Line to actually add new string to array
dataStruct->queuedHashTypes[dataStruct->hashCount] = hashTypeIndex;
g_print ("Queue Hash: %s %i\n", dataStruct->queuedHashes[dataStruct->hashCount][0], dataStruct->queuedHashTypes[dataStruct->hashCount]);
g_print("After: (HashCount: %i)\n", dataStruct->hashCount);
//test_queue(dataStruct->queuedHashes, dataStruct->hashCount);
g_print("Manual 1: %s, 2: %s\n", dataStruct->queuedHashes[1][0], dataStruct->queuedHashes[2][0]);
for (int i = 1; i <= dataStruct->hashCount; i++) {
g_print("%i: %s\n", i, dataStruct->queuedHashes[i][0]);
Part of calling function that calls the above function:
struct data *hash_data = g_new0(struct data, 1);
hash_data->hash = hashEntry;
hash_data->hashType = hashSelect;
hash_data->hashEntryLabel = hashEntryLabel;
g_signal_connect(queueButton, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (queue_hash), hash_data);
Global struct definition:
struct data {
char* queuedHashes[100][101];
int queuedHashTypes[100];
int hashCount;
GtkWidget *hash;
GtkWidget *hashType;
GtkWidget *hashEntryLabel;
GtkTreeSelection *selectedHash;
I have a lot of print statements in there to help illustrate where things seem to be changing unexpectedly, here is the output of the program when run, and two values are entered:
Before: (HashCount: 0)
After Increment: 1
Hash: 12357890
Queue Hash: 12357890 1
After: (HashCount: 1)
Manual 1: 12357890, 2: (null)
1: 12357890
Before: (HashCount: 1)
1: asdfghjkl <----- This should be "1: 12357890", as the array has not yet been changed
After Increment: 2
Hash: asdfghjkl
Queue Hash: asdfghjkl 2
After: (HashCount: 2)
Manual 1: asdfghjkl, 2: asdfghjkl
1: asdfghjkl <----- This should be "1: 12357890"
2: asdfghjkl
Here is my full code for all relevant functions:
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
The symptom described in the question usually indicates that the code isn't making a copy of the string. As a result, every "string" stored in the array is just a pointer to the same input buffer, and therefore every entry in the array appears to be the last string received from the user.
The fix is to make a copy of the string. On a POSIX system, you can use the strdup function to make a copy. The strdup function is essentially a call to malloc following by a call to strcpy, which makes a copy of the string, and returns a pointer to the copy. So if your implementation doesn't support strdup, you can easily write your own function to allocate memory, and copy the string.

How to retrieve JsonbPair values of input JSONB object in PostgreSQL?

I am trying to write a PostgreSQL (11.2) server side function to read the key-value pairs of an input JSONB object. I did this (in print_kv_pair below) by trying to
extract the JsonPairs from the input jsonb object and
iterate through the keys and values and print them.
For example, for '{"a":1, "b": 2}', I expect it to print
k = "a", v = 1
k = "b", v = 2
However, the code output strange characters for the key, and the values (1 and 2) are not a numeric type as I expect. Please see sample output at the end of the question.
Can someone explain how to fix the code and correctly iterate through the key-value pairs?
//1. extracting JsonbValue
Jsonb *jb1 = PG_GETARG_JSONB_P(0);
JsonbIterator *it1;
JsonbValue v1;
JsonbIteratorToken r1;
JsonbParseState *state = NULL;
if (jb1 == NULL)
if (!JB_ROOT_IS_OBJECT(jb1))
ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("Can only take objects")));
it1 = JsonbIteratorInit(&jb1->root);
r1 = JsonbIteratorNext(&it1, &v1, false);
ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("Iterator was not an object")));
JsonbValue *object = &v1;
Assert(object->type == jbvObject);
//2. iterating through key-value pairs
JsonbPair *ptr;
for (ptr = object->val.object.pairs;
ptr - object->val.object.pairs < object->val.object.nPairs; ptr++)
//problem lines!!!
char *buf = pnstrdup(ptr->key.val.string.val, ptr->key.val.string.len);
elog(NOTICE, "print_kv_pair(): k = %s", buf); //debug
if (ptr->value.type != jbvNumeric) {
ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("value must be numeric")));
elog(NOTICE, "print_kv_pair(): v = %s", DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(numeric_out,
NumericGetDatum(ptr->value.val.numeric))) ); //debug
elog(NOTICE, "print_kv_pair(): ok4");
Sample output with problem line disabled:
=> select print_kv_pair('{"a":1.0, "b": 2.0}'::jsonb);
NOTICE: print_kv_pair(): k = $�K
ERROR: value must be numeric
It seems that part 1. extracting JsonbVaule isn't working properly, and the extracted value points to invalid memory.
(I'm not very familiar with JSONB or the server side PostgreSQL programming.) Any suggestion is appreciated.

Printing SQL in C

I'm looking for help with printing the results of an SQL statement out in C. I'm trying not to set each variable to a pointer and then using that pointer to print the variable out. If I did, I'd have like a couple hundred variables. This is what I've tried so far. I'm literally lost on how to get this to output correctly. Any help would be appreciated.
int hstmt = DBActivateSQL(hdbc, "SELECT * FROM REG_RESULTSTABLE");
if (hstmt <= 0)
sprintf(uutNum, "%s \n", hstmt);
while((resCode = DBFetchNext(hstmt)) == DB_SUCCESS) {
SetCtrlVal(panelHandle, PANEL_lstregulator, uutNum);
Prototype of DBActivateSQL is
int DBActivateSQL (int connectionHandle, char SQLStatement[]);
It is returns int.
Hence hstmt should be declared as int type.
int hstmt = DBActivateSQL(hdbc, "SELECT * FROM REG_RESULTSTABLE");
To print it to string you need use %d not %s as hsmt is of type int.
sprintf(uutNum, "%d",hstmt);
^^------------------------//Using %d instead of %s here
The functions that you want are DBFetchNext and DBGetCol* (DBGetColChar, DBGetColDouble, ...). According to the documentation page on DBGetColChar, the flow should be something like this, where you only need one variable per column:
void print_MyTable(int hdbc)
char *var1;
int var2;
float var3;
int statement = DBActivateSQL(hdbc, "SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM MyTable");
int resultCode;
while ((resultCode = DBFetchNext(statement)) == DB_SUCCESS) {
if ((resultCode = DBGetColChar(statement, 1, &var1, "")) != DB_SUCCESS) {
// Handle the error
if ((resultCode = DBGetColInt(statement, 2, &var2)) != DB_SUCCESS) {
// Handle the error
if ((resultCode = DBGetColFloat(statement, 3, &var3)) != DB_SUCCESS) {
// Handle the error
// Print the values
printf("col1: %s, col2: %d, col3: %f\n", var1, var2, var3);
// Free the string's memory
statement = DBDeactivateSQL(statement);

Compare 2 arrays of string for matches in C optimization

I am having a perl script that has 2 arrays, 1 with keys and 1 with substring.
I need to check if substring of 1 array have matches in the keys array.
The amount of records is huge, something that can be counted in millions so I use Inline:C to speed up the search, however it is still taking hours to treat the records.
--Perl part
//%h contains {"AAAAA1" => 1, "BBBBBB" => 1, "BB1234" =>1, "C12345" => 1.... }
my #k=sort keys %h;
//#k contains ["AAAAA1", "BBBBBB", "BB1234", "C12345".... ]
my #nn;
//#n contains [ "AAAAA1999", "AAAAABBB134", "D123edae", "C12345CCSAER"]
// "AAAAA1" (from #k) can be found in "AAAAA1999" (in #n) = OK
foreach(#n) {
my $res=array_search(\#k,$_);
if($res) {
} else {
push #nn,$_;
--C part
int fastcmp ( char *p1, char *p2 ) {
while( *p1 ){
char *a = p1, *b = p2;
if (*b != *a) return 0;
++p1; ++b;
return 1;
int array_search(AV *a1, SV *s1){
STRLEN bytes1;
char *p1,*p2,*n;
long a1_size,i,c;
a1_size = av_len(a1);
p1 = SvPV(s1,bytes1);
SV** elem = av_fetch(a1, i, 0);
SV** elem_next = (i<a1_size-1)?av_fetch(a1, i+1, 0):elem;
p2 = SvPV_nolen (*elem);
n = SvPV_nolen (*elem_next);
if (p1[0] == p2[0]) {
if (fastcmp(p1,p2)>0) {
return i;
if ((p1[0] == p2[0]) && (p2[0] != n[0])) { return -1; }
return -1;
If somebody could help to optimize the search, that could be nice.
Note: added comments to help what is inside each variables.
The implementation you have fails in many ways:
Fails for #a=chr(0xE9); utf8::upgrade($x=$a[0]); array_search(\#a, $x);
Fails for "abc"=~/(.*)/; array_search(["abc"], $1);
Fails for array_search(["a\0b"], "a\0c");
It also incorrectly assumes the strings are null-ternminated, which can lead to a SEGFAULT when they aren't.
Your approach scans #k for each element of #n, but if you build a trie (as the following code does), it can be scanned once.
my $alt = join '|', map quotemeta, keys %h;
my $re = qr/^(?:$alt)/;
my #nn = sort grep !/$re/, #n;
my $z = #nn;
my $y = #n - #nn;
For example, if there are 1,000 Ns and 1,000 Hs, your solution does up to 1,000,000 comparisons and mine does 1,000.
Note that 5.10+ is needed for the regex optimisation of alternations into a trie. Regexp::List can be used on older versions.
A proper C implementation will be a little faster because you can do a trie search using a function that does just that rather than using the regex engine.

Use of sqlite3_exec

I have the next SQLITE3 commands that generates a file with more than 60 million records:
.mode csv
.output matppp.csv
select mat, ppp from matppp order by mat;
.output stdout
How can I include these commands into a C program using:
sqlite3_exec(db, "..........", NULL, 0, &db_err);
When I attempt to do it myself, the c program generates an expression error when executing.
If you want to do this within C (as opposed to piping something to sqlite3's command line program that has those nifty dot commands) then you will have to use a callback.
For your cutting and pasting convenience, here is the code, hacked out of the Apophenia library for statistical computing.
Part I:
sqlite3 *db=NULL; //The global database handle.
static int apop_db_open(char *filename){
if (!filename)
if (!db)
printf("Not sure why, but the database didn't open.\n");
return 0;
//From the SQLite manual:
#define ERRCHECK {if (err!=NULL) {printf("%s\n",err); sqlite3_free(err); return 0;}}
apop_data * apop_sqlite_query_to_screen(char *query){
char *err = NULL;
if (db==NULL)
sqlite3_exec(db, query, The_Callback, a_param, &err);
Part II:
The callback will have the following form, and runs once for each line returned. Notice how the parameter a_param transfers; if you don't need it (as in this example), just set it to NULL above.
int The_Callback(void *a_param, int argc, char **argv, char **column){
for (int i=0; i< argc; i++)
printf("%s,\t", argv[i]);
return 0;
The companion web site of the book Using SQLite has some examples. In particular, chapter 7 has some examples of the C/C++ API.
Example code:
I think you really want to use a callback function and perhaps fprintf() to write your formatted output to a file. Fortunately, the prototype for the callback pointer contains an extra (optional) void * which could serve as a FILE * stream, making the callback more re-usable in the future.
AFAIK, sqlite3_exec() does not offer the same interface as the sqlite3 CLI. Its just for queries, not output modifiers.
Check out the example code at the bottom of the link I gave, its very easy to use a callback function.
I am doing some experiments with SQLite with a simple test harness using a single table that contains a char string key and a single integer value. The following are pieces of source from the experimental test harness that I am using. I pulled these pieces in order to show the creation of the table along with the function I use to create a record set from a select SQL statement using the call back functionality of SQLite. There are printf() statements and fprintf() statements in various places so that I can see the results of actions as this is a simple console type application for the test harness.
Notice that there are times when you do not need the call back argument so SQLite allows you to specify a NULL pointer indicating not to bother with the call back.
And as you read over the source just remember this is an experimental hack!
The function to create the table looks like:
int CreateSetupTable (sqlite3 *db)
char *zErrMsg = 0;
int rc;
char *aszSqlCreate = "create table tbl1(one varchar(10), two smallint)";
char *aszSqlCreateIndex01 = "create unique index index1 on tbl1 (one)";
do {
rc = sqlite3_exec(db, aszSqlCreate, 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", zErrMsg);
rc = sqlite3_exec(db, aszSqlCreateIndex01, 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", zErrMsg);
} while (0); // loop only once to allow breaks on errors
return rc;
I insert some records into this table and then have a function that I call to get one or more records from the table using a select SQL statement. The select function retrieves the records and uses a call back to convert each record returned into a C struct. The C struct look like:
typedef struct {
char cKey[20];
int iValue;
} Tbl1Record;
The call back used for the record set uses a struct that contains record select management data. By this what I mean is that the call back takes as its first argument a pointer to a struct that in turn points to the location to put the transformed data along with some information about the size of the memory area. Since a select might return more than one record depending on the where clause, the call back function uses the call back struct to know how many transformed records it can put into the memory area as well as an index so that as it is putting records, it can index through the memory area in order to return multiple transformed records.
The call back management struct looks like this:
typedef struct _RecordProcessor {
void *pRecordSet;
int nRecordSetMax;
int nRecordSetActual;
} RecordProcessor;
The select function looks like:
int SelectRecord (sqlite3 *db, char *cSelect, char *cKey)
char *zErrMsg = 0;
int rc;
char aszSqlSelect[128];
Tbl1Record myRec[20];
RecordProcessor myProcessor;
myProcessor.pRecordSet = myRec;
myProcessor.nRecordSetActual = 0;
myProcessor.nRecordSetMax = 20;
if (cKey) {
sprintf (aszSqlSelect, "select %s from tbl1 where one='%s'", cSelect, cKey);
} else {
sprintf (aszSqlSelect, "select %s from tbl1", cSelect);
rc = sqlite3_exec(db, aszSqlSelect, MyRecordProcessor, &myProcessor, &zErrMsg);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
fprintf(stderr, "SQL error SelectRecord: %s\n", zErrMsg);
} else {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < myProcessor.nRecordSetActual; i++) {
printf ("Rec #%d cKey = %s iValue = %d\n", i+1, myRec[i].cKey, myRec[i].iValue);
return rc;
The call back that processes each record returned by the select looks like this:
static int MyRecordProcessor (void *callBackArg, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName)
int iRetStatus = 0;
char *colNameTable[] = {
Tbl1Record *pTbl1Record = (Tbl1Record *)((RecordProcessor *)callBackArg)->pRecordSet;
if (((RecordProcessor *)callBackArg)->nRecordSetActual < ((RecordProcessor *)callBackArg)->nRecordSetMax) {
int i, j;
int iIndex = ((RecordProcessor *)callBackArg)->nRecordSetActual;
memset (pTbl1Record + iIndex, 0, sizeof(Tbl1Record));
((RecordProcessor *)callBackArg)->nRecordSetActual++;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++){
int j;
for (j = 0; j < sizeof (colNameTable)/sizeof(colNameTable[0]); j++) {
if (strcmp (azColName[i], colNameTable[j]) == 0) {
switch (j) {
case 0:
strncpy (pTbl1Record[iIndex].cKey, (argv[i] ? argv[i] : "NULL"), 19);
case 1:
pTbl1Record[iIndex].iValue = atoi (argv[i] ? argv[i] : "0");
return iRetStatus;
