AutoHotkey's Loop (read file contents) issues related to "+" symbol - loops

Referring to Loop (read file contents), a quite strange thing happens every time I use a code like this one to run a script:
Gosub, MySub
Send, +{Enter}
Loop, read, C:\MyFile.txt
temp = %A_LoopReadLine%
Send, %temp%
Send, +{Enter}
MyFile.txt is a simple text file where sometimes the "plus" symbol (+) is used together with normal letters and numbers.
Despite of this, however, what I see if I run the hotkey on an empty text file, either a Notepad or Microsoft Word blank sheet, is that every + is replaced by an underscore (_), an exclamation mark (!) or a question mark (?). I've seen an occurrence with a dollar symbol ($) replacement, too.
I tried to debug it printing on screen a message box with
MsgBox, %temp%
before sending text and it shows the original content of MyFile.txt perfectly.
Thus the issue should be on Send rather than on file reading.
The content of my file is something like this (repeated for about 20 rows more):
120001267381 ~ TEXT 0 10/20/18 VARIABLE word text -> numbers: 17,000 x 108.99 | 109.26 x 15,000 /// number = +5.500% some text
120001267381 ~ TEXT 0 10/20/18 VARIABLE word text -> numbers: 17,000 x 108.99 | 109.26 x 15,000 /// number = +5.500% some text
120001267381 ~ TEXT 0 10/20/18 VARIABLE word text -> numbers: 17,000 x 108.99 | 109.26 x 15,000 /// number = +5.500% some text
120001267381 ~ TEXT 0 10/20/18 VARIABLE word text -> numbers: 17,000 x 108.99 | 109.26 x 15,000 /// number = +5.500% some text
What can be the cause of this?

Found the answer: due to the fact that + symbols read from my file are sent like pressing the Shift key, the output is amended by the pressing of such a key instead of sending the original symbol present in file.
In order to send the original content of my file without triggering special hotkeys, I have to use SendRaw instead of Send, like in this example:
Gosub, MySub
Send, +{Enter}
Loop, read, C:\MyFile.txt
temp = %A_LoopReadLine%
SendRaw, %temp%
Send, +{Enter}

Here's an updated version that pastes using CTRL-V instead of Send to "retype" rows of data:
Gosub, MySub
Send, +{Enter}
Loop, read, C:\MyFile.txt
temp = %A_LoopReadLine%
Clipboard = %temp% ; Write to clipboard
Send, ^v+{enter} ; Paste from clipboard
Sleep 10
; Short delay so it doesn't try to paste again before the clipboard has changed
; This check can get a lot more complex, but just increase it if 10 doesn't work


Read file txt with lua

A simple question. I have 1 file test.txt in userPath().."/log/test.txt with 15 line
I wish read first line and remove first line and finally file test.txt with 14 line
local iFile = 'the\\path\\test.txt'
local contentRead = {}
local i = 1
file =, 'r')
for lines in file:lines() do
if i ~= 1 then
table.insert(contentRead, lines)
i = i + 1 -- this will prevent us from collecting the first line
print(lines) -- just in case you want to display the first line before deleting it
local file =, 'w')
for _,v in ipairs(contentRead) do
there must be other ways to simplify this, but basically what I did in the code was:
Open the file in reading mode, and store all lines of text except the first line in the table contentRead
I opened the file again, but this time in Write mode, causing the entire contents of the file to be erased, and then, I rewrote all the contents stored in the table contentRead in the file.
Thus, the first line of the file was "deleted" and only the other 14 lines remained

AHK: Copying a block of text into an array, modifying, and transferring to another array

Alright so the question is hard to word. I've googled this several times, but usually it turns out I'm not googling the right phrases, and the answer is readily available. I do work as a medical biller for a doctors office, and I have to include diagnosis codes for the office visits. In the Electronic Medical Record program, there's a diagnosis list. The first line is the doctors description, I don't care about that. The second line is an ICD-9 code. Those are old, I don't care about those either. The third line (every third line) contains the ICD-10 code. That's what I need. What I'd like to be able to do is grab the whole list, dump it into an array delimited by new lines, and get rid of every element that doesn't contain a specific string. Then, dump all the kept elements into another array (or the same one, but not separated by 3 like they would be after the removals) and remove that prefixed string that I kept elements based on. After that, I need to click a specific spot (I know how to do this), add exactly four of the arrays elements as text (can't figure this out), hit enter, and keep adding and hitting enter until I've entered all of the array. I will post what I've tried cobble together from google searches if anyone wants to see that mess. But a general explanation on how to do this would also be appreciated. Thanks.
first of all, the stuff I'd be copying would look like this (actual example)
Lumbar stenosis - Primary
ICD-9-CM: 724.02
ICD-10-CM: M48.06
Spondylolisthesis of lumbar region
ICD-9-CM: 738.4
ICD-10-CM: M43.16
Lumbar degenerative disc disease
ICD-9-CM: 722.52
ICD-10-CM: M51.36
Chronic bilateral low back pain with bilateral sciatica
ICD-9-CM: 724.2, 724.3, 338.29
ICD-10-CM: M54.42, M54.41, G89.29
Naturally the list would be much longer.
The string I'd look for to keep the lines would be "ICD-10-CM: ", just so you guys know. I DID try using it as a delimiter, in quotes, but got some really quite weird results. It would have made this problem slightly easier to solve had that worked as the delimiter.
sendinput, ^c
sleep 20
sleep 2000
;StringReplace, bigone, newbigone, `n, "DLMTR", All
;Arrays:= StrSplit(newbigone, "DLMTR")
StringSplit, Arrays, bigone, `n
if (k<Arrays.Max_Index)
if (a<RealArray.Max_Index)
send RealArray%a%
sendinput, {Space}
sendinput, {enter}
^j collects codes containing "ICD-10", ^k pastes the codes formatted 5 per line
sendinput, ^c
sleep 20
bigone := ClipBoard
sleep 100
global matches
matches := []
numMatches := 0
Loop parse, bigone, `n
Loop parse, A_LoopField, `,
if InStr(A_LoopField, "ICD-10")
matches[++numMatches] := trim( substr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, ":") + 1), " `t`n`r")
global matches
for index, element in matches
Send %element%{SPACE}
if mod(index,5) == 0
Send {ENTER}
Recurrent major depressive disorder, in partial remission
ICD-9-CM: 296.35
ICD-10-CM: F33.1
ICD-10-CM: F33.2
ICD-9-CM: 296.35
ICD-10-CM: F33.3
ICD-10-CM: F33.4
ICD-9-CM: 296.35
ICD-10-CM: F33.5, ICD-10-CM: X432.6, ICD-10-CM: Y232.6
ICD-10-CM: F33.6
ICD-9-CM: 296.35
F33.1 F33.2 F33.3 F33.4 F33.5
X432.6 Y232.6 F33.6
Without knowing how the underlying program that you are automating works, I can't tell you when to sleep or send extra ENTERs.
Maybe you can query the state of the screen to determine what to do next (e.g., send codes, extra ENTERs, wait).
I identify the screen state by searching for a small image that uniquely identifies the state the program is in. I make the images using Alt+PrintScrn to capture the entire screen and then use pbrush.exe to crop out small a unique identifying image.
; Search screen for image stored in "images/name.png"
; return true if found, false otherwise
find( name )
fname := "images\" . name . ".png"
ImageSearch x, y, 0,0,A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, *32 %fname%
return ( ErrorLevel = 0 and x >= 0 and y >= 0 )
; Wait for image stored in "images/name.png" to appear on the screen
wait_for( name )
tooltip Waiting for %name%, 100,0,1
while !find(name)
sleep 100
; business/domain logic bot
if ( find( "logon" ))
else if ( find( "payroll_history" ))
else if ( find( "payroll_screen1" ))
sendplay Type this on screen1{enter}01{enter}
wait_for( "payroll_screen2" )
sendplay Type this on screen2{enter}
sleep 250

What is ^X in in Linux?

For my homework assignment, I have to make sure that my output matches the solution output 100% or I don't get credit.
My output is:
hw05-data-10.txt : min = 5, max = 90, mean = 51.23, variance = 618.34
The solution output is:
hw05-data-10.txt : min = 5, max = 90, mean = 51.23, variance = 618.34
They look similar, however when I use diff mine.txt solution.txt, I get a difference.
I used cat -tev mine.txt and cat -tev solution.txt to find the difference, and I found that mine looks like:
hw05-data-10.txt^X : min = 5, max = 90, mean = 51.23, variance = 618.34$
and the solution looks like:
hw05-data-10.txt : min = 5, max = 90, mean = 51.23, variance = 618.34$
What is ^X? I've tried looking around but I can't find the answer. How can I remove this from my output? It's a C program.
^X is the CTRL-X character, made visible by the -v flag of cat.
If you want to get rid of it, you can pass the contents through something like:
tr -d '[:cntrl:]'
See the following transcript for an example (the ^X is inserted in bash with CTRL-VCTRL-X):
pax> echo '123^X456' | cat -v
pax> echo '123^X456' | tr -d '[:cntrl:]' | cat -v
If you want to remove it at the source rather than filtering after the event, you need to investigate the program that's creating your mine.txt file. It will be the one inserting the rogue character.
According to the man page of cat command,
-v flag: Display non-printing characters so they are visible. Control characters print as ^X for control-X; the delete character (octal 0177) prints as ^?. Non-ASCII characters (with the high bit set) are printed as M- (for meta) followed by the character for the low 7 bits
-e flag: Display non-printing characters (see the -v option), and display a dollar sign (`$') at the end of each line.
Therefore, the answer of ^X is a Control Character. To remove from output, remove the -v and -e flag from your cat command if possible. If can't, you have to investigate your C program: why it's generating this control character.
^X is ASCII CAN, cancel control character. Normally it is not used by the linux tty driver on output, so you will not see it when output to the terminal. If you use it on input, linux tty driver will interpret it as the STOP character and will send a SIGSTOP signal to the foreground process, causing it to stop execution until it receives a SIGSTART signal. The character you mention is probably somewhat inserted in the format string you used for the printf(3) call. (you have not shown your code snippet in the question)
The ^X character is also used in some window environments to Cut the selected text, so probably you inserted it at some undesired place in the program source code.

Awk - Separate one .txt file to files by condition

I have one problem, I would like to separate one file by condition to more files.
INPUT: One text file
variable chrom=chr1
1000 10
1010 20
1020 10
vriable chrom=chr2
1000 20
1100 30
1200 10
OUTPUT: two files for this example.
variable chrom=chr1
1000 10
1010 20
1020 10
variable chrom=chr2
1000 20
1100 30
1200 10
So, the separator condition if row starts with chrom=chr$i (i={1..22}) => separate to other text file.
Thank you
Something along these lines:
awk 'BEGIN { filename="unknown.txt" } /^variable chrom=/ { close(filename); filename = substr($0, index($0, "=") + 1) ".txt"; } { print > filename }'
Where the awk code is
BEGIN { filename="unknown.txt" } # default file name, used only if the
# file doesn't start with a variable chrom=
# line
/^variable chrom=/ { # in such a line:
close(filename) # close the previous file (if open)
# and set the new filename
filename = substr($0, index($0, "=") + 1) ".txt" filename
{ print > filename } # print everything to the current file.
The basic algorithm is very straightforward: Read file linewise, change filename when you find a line that starts a new section, always print the current line to the current file, so the devil is in the detail of isolating the file name from the marker line. The
filename = substr($0, index($0, "=") + 1) ".txt"
approach is simplistic but serviceable for the example you showed: It takes everything after the = and attaches .txt to get the file name. If your marker lines are more complicated than variable chrom=filenamestub, this will have to be amended, but in that case I could only guess your requirements and would probably guess wrong.
If you know how many lines there are between, you could use
split -l 4 textfile.txt
This will split the textfile every 4th line it finds, making the files xaa and xab, and so on.

Tab based split on lines misses empty columns - Perl

I have a tab separated text file. I read line by line and column by column. I make few changes in each column and write the line to a new file. When I read each column using split function of perl
my #aLastOldElements = split(/\t/, $_);
I miss out on empty columns in the end. For example if file has 33 tab separated columns, out of which 10 in the end are empty. The split function creates array of size 23. I want to have all the columns. Because this way the header of file (33 columns) doesn't match the data (23 columns) and I get errors while writing the file to the database.
split accepts an optional third parameter for the maximum number of fields to return. If this is present, empty trailing fields will not be discarded:
perl -E '#arr = split(/ /, "foo bar ", 100); say scalar #arr'
So long as the tabs to separate the empty fields at the end of the line are present, this should always give you 33 fields in the array, even if the last 10 are empty. (In my example, there are 14 fields returned because the string contains 13 separators, even though the specified limit was 100.)
Edit: In answer to the question in the first comment:
perl -wE '#arr = split(/\t/, "foo\tbar\t\thello\t", 100); say $_ || "(empty field)" for #arr'
(empty field)
(empty field)
If you know that the columns should be there, whether or not they have any data, you can just ensure the result yourself.
my #aLastOldElements = split(/\t/, $_);
my $short_fall = 33 - #aLastOldElements;
if ( $short_fall > 0 ) {
push #aLastOldElements => ( '' ) x $short_fall;
