Call async service in AngularJS custom validation directive - angularjs

I have a directive for custom validation (verify a username doesn't already exist). The validation uses the $http service to ask the server if the username exists, so the return is a promise object. This is working fantastic for validation. The form is invalid and contains the myform.$error.usernameVerify when the username is already taken. However, user.username is always undefined, so it's breaking my ng-model directive. I think this is probably because the function in .success is creating it's own scope and the return value isn't used on the controllers $scope. How do I fix this so the ng-model binding still works?
commonModule.directive("usernameVerify", [
'userSvc', function(userSvc) {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
scope: false,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
function checkForAvailability(value) {
if (value.length < 5) {
return value;
// the userSvc.userExists function is just a call to a rest api using $http
.success(function(alreadyUsed) {
var valid = alreadyUsed === 'false';
if (valid) {
ctrl.$setValidity('usernameVerify', true);
return value;
ctrl.$setValidity('usernameVerify', false);
return undefined;
Here is my template:
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': accountForm.username.$dirty && accountForm.username.$invalid}">
<label class=" col-md-3 control-label">Username:</label>
<div class="col-md-9">
<input name="username"
required />
<span class="field-validation-error" ng-show="accountForm.username.$dirty && accountForm.username.$error.required">Username is required.</span>
<span class="field-validation-error" ng-show="accountForm.username.$dirty && accountForm.username.$error.minlength">Username must be at least 5 characters.</span>
<span class="field-validation-error" ng-show="accountForm.username.$dirty && accountForm.username.$error.usernameVerify">Username already taken.</span>

Angular has a dedicated array of $asyncValidators for precisely this situation:
ngModel.$asyncValidators.uniqueUsername = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
var value = modelValue || viewValue;
// Lookup user by username
return $http.get({url:'/api/users/' + value}).
then(function resolved() {
//username exists, this means validation fails
return $q.reject('exists');
}, function rejected() {
//username does not exist, therefore this validation passes
return true;

In order to get this to work, I needed to add "return value;" outside of the asynchronous call. Code below.
commonModule.directive("usernameVerify", [
'userSvc', function(userSvc) {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
scope: false,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
function checkForAvailability(value) {
if (value.length < 5) {
return value;
.success(function(alreadyUsed) {
var valid = alreadyUsed === 'false';
if (valid) {
ctrl.$setValidity('usernameVerify', true);
return value;
ctrl.$setValidity('usernameVerify', false);
return undefined;
// Below is the added line of code.
return value;


Passing Information to Directive to Match Passwords

I'm trying to add an errors to my floating placeholder labels when certain conditions are met in my controller
However, I'm not sure the best way to go about this and my current implementing doesn't seem to be detecting the attribute change in the directive (custom-error stays set to "test").
Here's what I've got right now:
<input type="password" float-placeholder
custom-error="test" placeholder="Confirm password"
required name="passwordSecond" id="passwordSecond"
ng-model="vs.PasswordSecond" />
angular.module('myApp').directive('floatPlaceholder', function ($window) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
customError: '#'
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element.after("<label class='floating-placeholder'>" + attrs.placeholder + "</label>");
var label = angular.element(ele.parent()[0].getElementsByClassName('floating-placeholder'));
element.on('blur', function() {
if (ele.val().length > 0) {
if (scope.customError) {
label.text(attrs.placeholder + ' - ' + scope.customError);
angular.module('myApp').controller('SignupController', function factory() {
_this.confirmPassword = () => {
if(_this.PasswordFirst !== _this.PasswordSecond){
angular.element(signupForm.passwordSecond).attr('custom-error', _this.Error);
I'm using Angular 1.6
Validator Directive which Matches Passwords
To have a form match password inputs, create a custom directive that hooks into the ngModelController API ($validators):
app.directive("matchWith", function() {
return {
require: "ngModel",
link: postLink
function postLink(scope,elem,attrs,ngModel) {
ngModel.$validators.match = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
if (ngModel.$isEmpty(modelValue)) {
// consider empty models to be valid
return true;
var matchValue = scope.$eval(attrs.matchWith);
if (matchValue == modelValue) {
// it is valid
return true;
// it is invalid
return false;
For more information, see AngularJS Developer Guide - Forms - Modifying Built-in Validators
.directive("matchWith", function() {
return {
require: "ngModel",
link: postLink
function postLink(scope,elem,attrs,ngModel) {
ngModel.$validators.match = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
if (ngModel.$isEmpty(modelValue)) {
// consider empty models to be valid
return true;
var matchValue = scope.$eval(attrs.matchWith);
if (matchValue == modelValue) {
// it is valid
return true;
// it is invalid
return false;
<script src="//"></script>
<body ng-app="app">
<form name="form1">
<input type="password" name="password1" required
placeholder="Enter password"
ng-model="vm.password1" />
<input type="password" name="password2" required
placeholder="Confirm password"
ng-model-options="{updateOn: 'blur'}" />
<p ng-show="form1.password2.$error.match">
Passwords don't match
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
Had a look at your code. Have you defined the scope variables in the SignUpController
_this.PasswordFirst and _this.PasswordSecond
Also this line in your controller
angular.element(signupForm.passwordSecond).attr('custom-error', _this.Error);
good suggestion would be to implement this in the directive as attributes can be accessed correctly in the directive
(I'm basing this on you saying 'custom-error stays set to "test"')
custom-error is looking for a variable of "test", not a string value of "test". Have you tried setting a variable test in your controller and updating that?

error message with AsyncValidator is not visible

The required directive shows the red error message that works!
The uniqueschoolclassnumberValidator directive shows NOT the red error message!
From the server I always return exists => true, but I also tried it with false.
What do I wrong? The custom directive is triggered for sure!
'use strict';
angular.module('TGB').directive('uniqueschoolclassnumberValidator', function (schoolclassCodeService) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
ngModel.$asyncValidators.unique = function (schoolclass) {
var schoolclassNumber = "0a";
var schoolyearId = 1;
return schoolclassCodeService.exists(schoolyearId, schoolclassNumber);
this.exists = function (schoolyearId, schoolclassNumber) {
var path = 'api/schoolyears/' + schoolyearId + '/schoolclasses/' + schoolclassNumber;
return $http.get(path).then(function (response) {
if ( == true) {
$q.reject("schoolclass number has already been taken");
else {
return $q.resolve();
<form name="myForm">
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input type="text" unique-schoolclasnumber-Validator name="myInput"
ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default blur', debounce: {'default': 300, 'blur': 0} }"
ng-model="schoolclassNumber" class="form-control"
required placeholder="Enter schoolclass">
<div ng-messages="myForm.myInput.$error" style="color:red" role="alert">
<div ng-message="required">You did not enter anything.</div>
<div ng-message="unique">That schoolclass number already exists.</div>
In your service's exists method there should be return keyword before $q.reject:
if ( == true) {
return $q.reject("schoolclass number has already been taken");
else {
return $q.resolve();
Directive should be named uniqueSchoolclassnumberValidator instead of uniqueschoolclassnumberValidator (AngularJS change dash-delimited format to camelCase).
There is also a misspell in html code, in word "class". It should be unique-schoolclassnumber-Validator instead of unique-schoolclasnumber-Validator.

Async validation with AngularJS

There are a couple of things going wrong. First, how do I catch the error in the template, because the has-error class doesn't get applied, even though the response is 404 and the proper code is executed.
Second, this only works the first time around. If I leave the field and then enter it again, each time I press a key I get a TypeError: validator is not a function exception (as you can see in the code, I execute this only on blur). Where am I going wrong?
The service call
this.CheckIfUnique = function(code) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$http.get("/Api/Codes/Unique/" + code).then(function() {
}, function() {
return deferred.promise;
The directive
var uniqueCode = [ "CodeService", function(codeService) {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "ngModel",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
element.bind("blur", function(e) {
if (!ctrl || !element.val()) return;
var currentValue = element.val();
ctrl.$asyncValidators.uniqueCode = codeService.CheckIfUnique (currentValue);
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error' : ( codeForm.submitted && codeForm.code.$invalid ) || ( codeForm.code.$touched && codeForm.code.$invalid ) }">
<label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="code">Code</label>
<div class="col-md-8">
<input class="form-control" id="code" name="code" ng-model="newCode.code" ng-required="true" type="text" unique-code />
<span class="help-block" ng-show="( codeForm.submitted && codeForm.code.$error.required ) || ( codeForm.code.$touched && codeForm.code.$error.required)">Please enter a code</span>
<span class="help-block" ng-show="codeForm.code.$pending.code">Checking if the code is available</span>
<span class="help-block" ng-show="( codeForm.submitted && codeForm.code.$error.uniqueCode ) || ( codeForm.code.$touched && codeForm.code.$error.uniqueCode)">This code already exist</span>
The MVC controller
public async Task<ActionResult> Unique(string code)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code))
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return _db.Codes.Any(x => x.Code = code)
? new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
: new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Accepted);
Just to clarify, the API gets called only when I leave the field, the exception gets thrown on key down (and only after the first time I leave the field)
In case someone misses the comment, dfsq's answer works and if you add ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }" to the input it'll validate on blur only.
You didn't provide proper validator function. It should use anonymous function that returns promise object (from your service). You also don't need blur event:
var uniqueCode = ["CodeService", function(codeService) {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "ngModel",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
ctrl.$asyncValidators.uniqueCode = function(value) {
return codeService.CheckIfUnique(value);
codeModule.directive("uniqueCode", uniqueCode);
In addition, you should clean up service method to not use redundant deferred object:
this.CheckIfUnique = function(code) {
return $http.get("/Api/Codes/Unique/" + code);
About the other part of your question, the message is not showing because:
For the "Checking the code" message you have codeForm.code.$pending.code and it should be codeForm.code.$pending.uniqueCode
Here is the plunker working:

How can I add an async validator to an input field?

In the documentation it shows this:
ngModel.$asyncValidators.uniqueUsername = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
var value = modelValue || viewValue;
// Lookup user by username
return $http.get('/api/users/' + value).
then(function resolved() {
//username exists, this means validation fails
return $q.reject('exists');
}, function rejected() {
//username does not exist, therefore this validation passes
return true;
But how do I connect this with an input field? It doesn't give an example of this.
You'd apply your validator inside of a directive link function. The directive must require ngModel, and then you'd apply that directive as an attribute to the input tag. In your case, that might look a bit like this:
angular.directive('isUniqueName', function () {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function ($scope, $elem, $attrs, ngModel) {
ngModel.$asyncValidators.uniqueUsername = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
var value = modelValue || viewValue;
// Lookup user by username
return $http.get('/api/users/' + value).
then(function resolved() {
//username exists, this means validation fails
return $q.reject('exists');
}, function rejected() {
//username does not exist, therefore this validation passes
return true;
And then in your HTML code:
<input type='text' name='username' ng-model='username' is-unique-name />

verify email is already used or not angularjs

I start with angularJS and I want to check if the email entered in the form already exists or not . for that, I will use RESTto communicate withe back_end.My problem is : how to check email before sending the form with a directive and display an error message if the email is already used.
<form name="registrationForm">
<input type="email" name="email" class="form-group"
required compare-to=""
the model
demoApp.directive('existTo', [function () {
return {
require: "ngModel",
scope: {
otherModelValue: "=existTo"
link: function(scope, element, attributes, ngModel) {
ngModel.$validators.existTo = function(modelValue) {
return modelValue == scope.otherModelValue;
scope.$watch("otherModelValue", function() {
}; }]);
back_end checkmail: the controller
demoApp.controller('signupCtrl',function($scope,$http) {
$scope.verficationEmail = function(mail) {
$scope.test = mail;
var urll="";
var test="";
var ch3=$scope.aplrest;
success(function(respons) {
$ = respons;
$scope.valid = respons.valid;
if ( $scope.valid == "false") {
$scope.msgalert="mail used";
thank you in advance for your assistance
You will most likely want to put the verficiation function in a service and inject it wherever it's needed:
demoApp.factory('verifyEmail', function() {
return function(mail) {
var test=mail;
var urll="http://localhost:8080/app/personne/verifmail?msg=";
var aplrest=urll+test;
var ch3=aplrest;
return $
In your directive:
demoApp.directive('existTo', ["$q","verifyEmail",function ($q, verifyEmail) {
return {
require: "ngModel",
scope: {
// This is probably not needed as ngModel's
// validators will pass the current value anyway
otherModelValue: "=existTo"
link: function(scope, element, attributes, ngModel) {
// Note the change to $asyncValidators here <-------------
ngModel.$asyncValidators.existTo = function(modelValue) {
var deferred = $q.defer()
return deferred.promise
scope.$watch("otherModelValue", function() {
}; }]);
In your controller:
demoApp.controller('signupCtrl',function($scope,$http,verifyEmail) {
$scope.verficationEmail = function (mail) {
verifyEmail(mail).success(function(respons) {
$ = respons;
$scope.valid = respons.valid;
if ( $scope.valid == "false") {
$scope.msgalert="mail used";
Also, in your html you dont seem to be actually using the directive exist-to, I'm guessing that's what compare-to should have been. But, in any case, it might look like this:
<input type="email" name="email" class="form-group"
required exist-to
Note that there's no need to pass the model value to the directive
Hope that helps.
