Changing test set of an existing test case in Rally using Ext Js - extjs

I want to create a report where where we have capability to reparent our test cases from one test set to other.
in simple language, I need to remove the existing link with the test set and assign a new test set for my existing test case/cases.
I was referring to one existing report at
listeners: {
scope: this,
artifactChosen: function(items){
pageSize: 1,
autoLoad: true,
filters: [{property:'ObjectID',value:record.get('ObjectID')}],
listeners: {
load: function(store,records){
var ts = records[0];
me._log(["Selected items:",items]);
var tc_store = ts.getCollection('TestCases');
me._log(["Got store:",tc_store]);
me._log("Added items.");
// callback: function(){
// me._log("inside callback");
// me._getTestSets(me.iteration_selector.getValue());
// }
success: function(batch,options) {
failure: function(batch,options) {
Here If I try to use remove it gives me an error, I am not sure what is causing the issue.
Or How can I approach the issue. I need to change the test set of any user selected test case in my report. Can please some help me on the same.
The error is "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getRef' of null". When it can add to the same object why cant it delete. I understand that it has only one value. but I tried removing the filters as well from code snippet mentioned below, but still it gives only current selected test case object id.
Thanks in Advance


Null selection error on Bryntum Kanban Task click

I am working on integrating the Bryntum Kanban board into an EXTJS application. In the top toolbar of the kanban, I have an ExtJS combobox that changes the view so that users can view their private taskboard as well as the taskboard for their groups. (Users can be in more than one group) When the view is changed, both the statestore that populates the columns of the taskboard and the userstore that populates the userpicker need to reload, as well as the taskstore. The problem is that after the view is changed, clicking on a task throws two errors:
Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "getRange", this.selected is null
ExtJS 2
map ExtJS
ExtJS 4
ExtJS 86
Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "getRange", this.selected is null
ExtJS 2
each ExtJS
ExtJS 2
Here is the code for the change listener on the combobox:
change: function (field, newValue) {
var ts ='taskstore');
var ss ='statestore');
var us ='userstore');
var taskboard = field.up('mytaskboard');
ts.getProxy().setExtraParam('view', newValue);
ss.getProxy().setExtraParam('view', newValue);
us.getProxy().setExtraParam('view', newValue);
callback: function () {
// taskboard.deselectAll();
callback: function () {
callback: function () {
Is there anything that I need to do before I reload the stores to ensure that this error is not thrown? If anyone has also had this problem I'd appreciate your solutions. I have tried deselecting all before reloading, as you can see in the code above, but that doesn't help either.
After troubleshooting, I was able to find a solution that seems to be working. I had to add the following line to the change listener before reloading the stores:
delete field.up('mytaskboard').selModel;
This line deletes all the selection models from the taskboard, which were the things that were causing the problem in the first place. Now the views change and everything works as expected. I am still interested to know if this may cause other issues down the line though.

Getting Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "both angul arJS testability and angular testability are undefined

I am trying to run a Protractor Test using PageObjectModel (module.exports mechanism).
My HomePageObjects.js is like below -
//Get the page objects to spec files in the form of key-value pair
Checkbox: element(by.css("input[id='exampleCheck1']")),
// element(by.cssContainingText("[id='exampleFormControlSelect1'] option", "Female")).click(); //One way to select a value
Gender:element(by.css("select[id='exampleFormControlSelect1']")).click().element(by.css("select[id='exampleFormControlSelect1']>option:nth-child(2)")), //Another way
// to select a value
function HomePage1()
this.Checkbox= element(by.css("input[id='exampleCheck1']"))
// element(by.cssContainingText("[id='exampleFormControlSelect1'] option", "Female")).click(); //One way to select a value
this.Gender=element(by.css("select[id='exampleFormControlSelect1']")).click().element(by.css("select[id='exampleFormControlSelect1']>option:nth-child(2)")); //Another way
// to select a value
Homepage1 = new HomePage1();
When I am trying to execute the spec (which is below), I am getting error.
I have tried with browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false); but of no avail.
describe('Submit Form', function(){
var obj = require("./HomePageObjects.js"); // Access the objects from HomePageObjects.js
it('Test Submit Form', function(){
Can anyone please help me?
Error -
Error: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "both angul
arJS testability and angular testability are undefined. This could be either be
cause this is a non-angular page or because your test involves client-side navig
ation, which can interfere with Protractor's bootstrapping. See
4gXM for details"

Sencha: Set Dataview XTemplate when created Dynamically

I have some data that I'm getting from the server that depending on the situation may bring different fields, so what I have is this:
//This is the way i'm attaching the newly created template to the view
//Still no success
function processDataMethod(response){
//some processing here...
var details = Ext.widget('details');
details.config.itemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate(tplFields);
url: '...',
success: function (response, request) {
var combinedData = processDataMethod(response);
operation.setResultSet(Ext.create('', {
records: combinedData,
total: combinedData.length
if (typeof callback == "function") { || that, operation);
Any help is appreciated, thanks!!
You have to make a distinction between a number of things:
currentList.up() returns a DOM element (Ext.dom.Element). This has no method push().
With Ext.widget('details', config); you can pass a config like {itemTpl: yourTemplate, data: yourData} to create an instance with a custom template and custom data.
To update your component after creation you can always do someWidget.update(data);.
A component can be rendered to an HTML element with the renderTo option.
A component can be appended to existing components in different ways and you can update the whole layout or parts of it in different ways. This is unnecessary if you are rendering to an HTML element.
Does that help you find your problem?

Backbone: validating attributes one by one

I need to validate a form with a bunch of inputs in it. And, if an input is invalid, indicate visually in the form that a particular attribute is invalid. For this I need to validate each form element individually.
I have one model & one view representing the entire form. Now when I update an attribute:
this.model.set('name', this.$name.val())
the validate method on the model will be called.
But, in that method I am validating all the attributes, so when setting the attribute above, all others are also validated, and if any one is invalid, an error is returned. This means that even if my 'name' attribute is valid, I get errors for others.
So, how do I validate just one attribute?
I think that it is not possible to just validate one attribute via the validate() method. One solution is to not use the validate method, and instead validate every attribute on 'change' event. But then this would make a lot of change handlers. Is it the correct approach? What else can I do?
I also think that this points to a bigger issue in backbone:
Whenever you use model.set() to set an attribute on the model, your validation method is run and all attributes are validated. This seems counterintuitive as you just want that single attribute to be validated.
Validate is used to keep your model in a valid state, it won't let you set an invalid value unless you pass a silent:true option.
You could either set all your attributes in one go:
var M=Backbone.Model.extend({
validate: function(attrs) {
var invalid=[];
if ("") invalid.push("name");
if (attrs.count===0) invalid.push("count");
if (invalid.length>0) return invalid;
var obj=new M();
obj.on("error",function(model,err) {
or validate them one by one before setting them
var M=Backbone.Model.extend({
validate: function(attrs) {
var invalid=[];
if ( (_.has(attrs,"name"))&&("") )
if ( (_.has(attrs,"count"))&&(attrs.count===0) )
if (invalid.length>0) return invalid;
var obj=new M();
obj.on("error",function(model,err) {
if (!obj.validate({name:"name"}))
I recently created a small Backbone.js plugin, Backbone.validateAll, that will allow you to validate only the Model attributes that are currently being saved/set by passing a validateAll option.
That is not the issue of Backbone, it doesn't force you to write validation in some way. There is no point in validation of all attributes persisted in the model, cause normally your model doesn't contain invalid attributes, cause set() doesn't change the model if validation fails, unless you pass silent option, but that is another story. However if you choose this way, validation just always pass for not changed attributes because of the point mentioned above.
You may freely choose another way: validate only attributes that are to be set (passed as an argument to validate()).
You can also overload your model's set function with your own custom function to pass silent: true to avoid triggering validation.
set: function (key, value, options) {
options || (options = {});
options = _.extend(options, { silent: true });
return, key, value, options);
This basically passes {silent:true} in options and calls the Backbone.Model set function with {silent: true}.
In this way, you won't have to pass {silent: true} as options everywhere, where you call
this.model.set('propertyName',val, {silent:true})
For validations you can also use the Backbone.Validation plugin
I had to make a modification to the backbone.validation.js file, but it made this task much easier for me. I added the snippet below to the validate function.
validate: function(attrs, setOptions){
var model = this,
opt = _.extend({}, options, setOptions);
return, _.extend(getValidatedAttrs(model), model.toJSON()));
///////////BEGIN NEW CODE SNIPPET/////////////
if (typeof attrs === 'string') {
var attrHolder = attrs;
attrs = [];
attrs[attrHolder] = model.get(attrHolder);
///////////END NEW CODE SNIPPET///////////////
var result = validateObject(view, model, model.validation, attrs, opt);
model._isValid = result.isValid;
_.defer(function() {
model.trigger('validated', model._isValid, model, result.invalidAttrs);
model.trigger('validated:' + (model._isValid ? 'valid' : 'invalid'), model, result.invalidAttrs);
if (!opt.forceUpdate && result.errorMessages.length > 0) {
return result.errorMessages;
I could then call validation on a single attribute like so
this.model.set(attributeName, attributeValue, { silent: true });

Sencha scope issue

I've completely rewritten my question to hopefully better reflect what I am trying to do here. Thank you guys so much for your help so far.
I have a file called en.js, which holds this code:
Ext.apply(Ext.locale || {}, {
variable: 'great success!'
Here's my index.js setup code:
tabletStartupScreen: 'tablet_startup.png',
phoneStartupScreen: 'phone_startup.png',
icon: 'icon.png',
glossOnIcon: false,
onReady: function() {
Ext.locale = {};
var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
newScript = document.createElement('script');
newScript.type = 'text/javascript';
newScript.src = 'en.js';
loginPanel = new login.Panel();
login.Panel is an extension of the Sencha panel class using Ext.extend.
The 'en.js' script is added to the header correctly. I don't have it in the index.html file because once this problem is solved there will be several files that could be loaded, depending on the output of a function. That's why I need to add the script to the header in the onReady function, and not in the index.html file itself.
Once the script has been added it loads "variable: 'great success'" into Ext.locale,
Yet my problem currently lies within login.Panel(), which is an extension of the Sencha panel class using Ext.extend.
Currently, there is a button in the panel.
When I put this in the button's handler:
it returns the string "great success",
yet when I try to set the button's text like this:
I get the error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'variable' of undefined
I'm guessing I have a scope issue here, since console.log() and alert() can both access Ext.locale, but trying to use it to construct the form gives me the undefined error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
it sounds like you are defining Ext.locale from your script early on... then later in onReady you are overwriting it as Ext.locale = {}
onReady will run after all your other scripts have been loaded.
Why not move your initialisation code for locale into onReady insted of your = {} line
This will add three properties and their values to the receiving object.
Ext.apply(receivingObject, {
property1: 'value1',
property2: 'value2',
property3: 'value3'
Here also is the Sencha documentation on the Ext.apply method:
As for accessing the isReady property, you could do something like if(someExtObj.isReady), but you may be more interested in using the onReady method...
onReady: function() {
// your setup code
