How to create a AngularJS jQueryUI Autocomplete directive - angularjs

I am trying to create a custom directive that uses jQueryUI's autocomplete widget. I want this to be as declarative as possible. This is the desired markup:
<autocomplete ng-model="employeeId" url="/api/EmployeeFinder" label="{{firstName}} {{surname}}" value="id" />
So, in the example above, I want the directive to do an AJAX call to the url specified, and when the data is returned, show the value calculated from the expression(s) from the result in the textbox and set the id property to the employeeId. This is my attempt at the directive.
app.directive('autocomplete', function ($http) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: '<input type="text" />',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
source: function (request, response) {
url: attrs.url,
method: 'GET',
params: { term: request.term }
.then(function (data) {
response($.map(data, function (item) {
var result = {};
result.label = item[attrs.label];
result.value = item[attrs.value];
return result;
select: function (event, ui) {
return false;
So, I have two issues - how to evaluate the expressions in the label attribute and how to set the property from the value attribute to the ngModel on my scope.

Here's my updated directive
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('myAutocomplete', myAutocomplete);
myAutocomplete.$inject = ['$http', '$interpolate', '$parse'];
function myAutocomplete($http, $interpolate, $parse) {
// Usage:
// For a simple array of items
// <input type="text" class="form-control" my-autocomplete url="/some/url" ng-model="criteria.employeeNumber" />
// For a simple array of items, with option to allow custom entries
// <input type="text" class="form-control" my-autocomplete url="/some/url" allow-custom-entry="true" ng-model="criteria.employeeNumber" />
// For an array of objects, the label attribute accepts an expression. NgModel is set to the selected object.
// <input type="text" class="form-control" my-autocomplete url="/some/url" label="{{lastName}}, {{firstName}} ({{username}})" ng-model="criteria.employeeNumber" />
// Setting the value attribute will set the value of NgModel to be the property of the selected object.
// <input type="text" class="form-control" my-autocomplete url="/some/url" label="{{lastName}}, {{firstName}} ({{username}})" value="id" ng-model="criteria.employeeNumber" />
var directive = {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
compile: compile
return directive;
function compile(elem, attrs) {
var modelAccessor = $parse(attrs.ngModel),
labelExpression = attrs.label;
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
mappedItems = null,
allowCustomEntry = attrs.allowCustomEntry || false;
source: function (request, response) {
url: attrs.url,
method: 'GET',
params: { term: request.term }
.success(function (data) {
mappedItems = $.map(data, function (item) {
var result = {};
if (typeof item === 'string') {
result.label = item;
result.value = item;
return result;
result.label = $interpolate(labelExpression)(item);
if (attrs.value) {
result.value = item[attrs.value];
else {
result.value = item;
return result;
return response(mappedItems);
select: function (event, ui) {
scope.$apply(function (scope) {
modelAccessor.assign(scope, ui.item.value);
if (attrs.onSelect) {
change: function () {
currentValue = element.val(),
matchingItem = null;
if (allowCustomEntry) {
if (mappedItems) {
for (var i = 0; i < mappedItems.length; i++) {
if (mappedItems[i].label === currentValue) {
matchingItem = mappedItems[i].label;
if (!matchingItem) {
scope.$apply(function (scope) {
modelAccessor.assign(scope, null);

Sorry to wake this up... It's a nice solution, but it does not support ng-repeat...
I'm currently debugging it, but I'm not experienced enough with Angular yet :)
Found the problem. elem.autocomplete pointed to elem parameter being sent into compile function. IT needed to point to the element parameter in the returning linking function. This is due to the cloning of elements done by ng-repeat. Here is the corrected code:
app.directive('autocomplete', function ($http, $interpolate, $parse) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: '<input type="text" />',
require: 'ngModel',
compile: function (elem, attrs) {
var modelAccessor = $parse(attrs.ngModel),
labelExpression = attrs.label;
return function (scope, element, attrs, controller) {
mappedItems = null,
allowCustomEntry = attrs.allowCustomEntry || false;
source: function (request, response) {
url: attrs.url,
method: 'GET',
params: { term: request.term }
.success(function (data) {
mappedItems = $.map(data, function (item) {
var result = {};
if (typeof item === "string") {
result.label = item;
result.value = item;
return result;
result.label = $interpolate(labelExpression)(item);
if (attrs.value) {
result.value = item[attrs.value];
else {
result.value = item;
return result;
return response(mappedItems);
select: function (event, ui) {
scope.$apply(function (scope) {
modelAccessor.assign(scope, ui.item.value);
change: function (event, ui) {
currentValue = elem.val(),
matchingItem = null;
if (allowCustomEntry) {
for (var i = 0; i < mappedItems.length; i++) {
if (mappedItems[i].label === currentValue) {
matchingItem = mappedItems[i].label;
if (!matchingItem) {
scope.$apply(function (scope) {
modelAccessor.assign(scope, null);


How to redisplay directive after Javascript function executes

I have an AngularJS Directive defined in a Javascript file that looks like this:
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('fileUploader', fileUploader);
fileUploader.$inject = ['appInfo', 'fileManager'];
function fileUploader(appInfo, fileManager) {
var directive = {
link: link,
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'views/directive/UploadFile.html',
scope: true
return directive;
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.hasFiles = false;
scope.files = [];
scope.upload = fileManager.upload;
scope.appStatus = appInfo.status;
scope.fileManagerStatus = fileManager.status;
and in the template URL of the directive there is a button that calls a Javascript function which looks like this:
function upload(files) {
var formData = new FormData();
angular.forEach(files, function (file) {
formData.append(, file);
.then(function (result) {
if (result && result.files) {
result.files.forEach(function (file) {
if (!fileExists( {
appInfo.setInfo({ message: "files uploaded successfully" });
return result.$promise;
function (result) {
appInfo.setInfo({ message: "something went wrong: " + });
return $q.reject(result);
function () {
appInfo.setInfo({ busy: false });
service.status.uploading = false;
Once I select files for upload and click the upload button I need to reload the directive or somehow get it back to it's initial state so I can upload additional files. I'm relatively new to AngularJS and I'm not quite sure how to do this. Any help is much appreciated.
You just need to create a reset method. Also, you may want to call the parent controller function.
Using answer from this
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function($scope,el){
var onChangeHandler = scope.$eval(attrs.onFileChange);
el.bind('change', onChangeHandler);
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('fileUploader', fileUploader);
fileUploader.$inject = ['appInfo', 'fileManager'];
function fileUploader(appInfo, fileManager) {
return {
link: link,
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'views/directive/UploadFile.html',
onSubmitCallback: '&',
onFileChange: '&'
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.reset = reset;
scope.fileChange = fileChange;
function reset() {
scope.hasFiles = false;
scope.files = [];
scope.upload = fileManager.upload;
scope.appStatus = appInfo.status;
scope.fileManagerStatus = fileManager.status;
if(typeof scope.onSubmitCallback === 'function') {
function fileChange(file) {
if(typeof scope.onFileChange === 'function'){
<input type="submit" ng-click="reset()" file-on-change="fileChange($files)" />Upload
<file-uploader on-submit-callback="onUpload" on-file-change="onFileChange" ng-controller="UploadCtrl" />
$scope.onUpload = function() {
console.log('onUpload clicked %o', arguments);
$scope.onFileChange = function(e) {
var imageFile = (e.srcElement ||[0];

Predefine error message with angular validation custom directive

I am doing angular validation as follows:
<form name="form" ng-submit="vm.create(vm.job)" validation="vm.errors">
<input name="vm.job.position" type="text" ng-model="vm.job.position" validator />
When the form is submitted the directive gets the name of the property, e.g. position, from the ng-model. It then checks if vm.errors has a message for that property. If yes then adds a span with the error message after the input.
However, I would also like to use the same directive in another way:
<form name="form" ng-submit="vm.create(vm.job)" validation="vm.errors">
<input name="vm.job.position" type="text" ng-model="vm.job.position" />
<span class="error" validator="position"></span>
In this case I removed the validator from the input and added the span already allowing me to control where the error will be displayed. In this case I am using validator="position" to define to which model property the error message is associated.
I am not sure how should I add this functionality to my current code ... Any help is appreciated.
The following is all the code I have on my directives:
(function () {
"use strict";
angular.module("app").directive("validation", validation);
function validation() {
var validation = {
controller: ["$scope", controller],
replace: false,
restrict: "A",
scope: {
validation: "="
return validation;
function controller($scope) {
var vm = this;
$scope.$watch(function () {
return $scope.validation;
}, function () {
vm.errors = $scope.validation;
angular.module("app").directive("validator", validator);
function validator() {
var validator = {
link: link,
replace: false,
require: "^validation",
restrict: "A"
return validator;
function link(scope, element, attributes, controller) {
scope.$watch(function () {
return controller.errors;
}, function () {
if (controller.errors) {
var result = controller.errors.filter(function (error) {
if (error.flag == null)
return false;
var position =".");
if (position > -1)
return + 1).toLowerCase() === error.flag.toLowerCase();
return === error.flag.toLowerCase();
if (result.length > 0) {
var error = element.siblings("span.error").first();
if (error.length == 0)
element.parent().append("<span class='error'>" + result[0].info + "</span>");
} else {
}, true);

how to execute the statement after promise is executed?

I have used the following directory in my template
i want to change the model value of drop-down to id for it i have used as bellow
<md-select flex class="md-select-form" ng-model="" placeholder="Degree" save-id id="education.degree_id" ">
<md-option ng-value="degree" ng-repeat="degree in ['High School', 'Associates Degree', 'Bachelor Degree', 'Masters Degree', 'M.B.A', 'M.D', 'Ph.D', 'other']">{{degree}}</md-option>
.directory code
.directive('saveId', function(Profile){
return {
require: 'ngModel',
scope: {
id: '=',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
console.log("initial loading");
// view --> model (change to string)
var keepGoing = true;
Profile.getDegreeList().then(function(data) {
angular.forEach(data, function(ob){
if(keepGoing) {
if( == viewValue){ = ob.degree_id;
keepGoing = false;
console.log("within promise"; //it executes second
console.log(; //it executes first
Once if i try to return the value of ng-model in finally block it also not working
.directive('saveId', function(Profile){
return {
require: 'ngModel',
scope: {
id: '=',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
console.log("initial loading");
// view --> model (change to string)
// var id = -1;
var keepGoing = true;
Profile.getDegreeList().then(function(data) {
angular.forEach(data, function(ob){
if(keepGoing) {
if( == viewValue){ = ob.degree_id;
keepGoing = false;
i have used Profile.getDegreeList() service to assign the id to relevant drop-down element by using ngModel.$parsers.push(). The problem is in case of service usage before promise going to complete it returns the previous assigned id .
i want to prevent it and need to return the promise id.
how to solve this issue please help?
You can use finally method which will be executed after executing promise.
angular.forEach(data, function(ob)
if (keepGoing)
if ( == viewValue) { = ob.degree_id;
keepGoing = false;
console.log("within promise";
// your code
Here you go first make a call and then use parsers.
Profile.getDegreeList().then(function(data) {
angular.forEach(data, function(ob) {
if (keepGoing) {
if ( == viewValue) { = ob.degree_id;
keepGoing = false;
ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {
var keepGoing = true;
return ;
See other links too for more guidance.

AngularJS $watch newValue is undefined

I am trying to make a alert service with a directive. It is in the directive part I have some trouble. My have a directive that looks like this:
angular.module('alertModule').directive('ffAlert', function() {
return {
templateUrl: 'components/alert/ff-alert-directive.html',
controller: ['$scope','alertService',function($scope,alertService) {
$scope.alerts = alertService;
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.$watch(scope.alerts, function (newValue, oldValue) {
console.log("alerts is now:",scope.alerts,oldValue, newValue);
for(var i = oldValue.list.length; i < newValue.list.length; i++) {
scope.alerts.list[i].isVisible = true;
if (scope.alerts.list[i].timeout > 0) {
$timeout(function (){
scope.alerts.list[i].isVisible = false;
}, scope.alerts.list[i].timeout);
}, true);
The reason for the for-loop is to attach a timeout for the alerts that has this specified.
I will also include the directive-template:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-1"></div>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<div alert ng-repeat="alert in alerts.list" type="{{alert.type}}" ng-show="alert.isVisible" close="alerts.close(">{{alert.msg}}</div>
<div class="col-sm-1"></div>
When I run this, I get this error in the console:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'list' of undefined
at Object.fn (http://localhost:9000/components/alert/ff-alert-directive.js:10:29)
10:29 is the dot in "oldValue.list" in the for-loop. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Edit: I am adding the alertService-code (it is a service I use to keep track of all the alerts in my app):
angular.module('alertModule').factory('alertService', function() {
var alerts = {};
var id = 1;
alerts.list = [];
alerts.add = function(alert) { = id;
alerts.list.push(alert); += 1;
console.log("alertService.add: ",alert);
alerts.add({type: "info", msg:"Dette er til info...", timeout: 1000});
alerts.addServerError = function(error) {
var id = alerts.add({type: "warning", msg: "Errormessage from server: " + error.description});
// console.log("alertService: Server Error: ", error);
return id;
alerts.close = function(id) {
for(var index = 0; index<alerts.list.length; index += 1) {
if (alerts.list[index].id == id) {
alerts.list.splice(index, 1);
alerts.closeAll = function() {
alerts.list = [];
return alerts;
try like this , angular fires your watcher at the first time when your directive initialized
angular.module('alertModule').directive('ffAlert', function() {
return {
templateUrl: 'components/alert/ff-alert-directive.html',
controller: ['$scope','alertService',function($scope,alertService) {
$scope.alerts = alertService;
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.$watch(scope.alerts, function (newValue, oldValue) {
if(newValue === oldValue) return;
console.log("alerts is now:",scope.alerts,oldValue, newValue);
for(var i = oldValue.list.length; i < newValue.list.length; i++) {
scope.alerts.list[i].isVisible = true;
if (scope.alerts.list[i].timeout > 0) {
$timeout(function (){
scope.alerts.list[i].isVisible = false;
}, scope.alerts.list[i].timeout);
}, true);
if you have jQuery available, try this
inside scope.$watch

angular directive encapsulating a delay for ng-change

I have a search input field with a requery function bound to the ng-change.
<input ng-model="search" ng-change="updateSearch()">
However this fires too quickly on every character. So I end up doing something like this alot:
$scope.updateSearch = function(){
searchDelay = $timeout(function(){
So that the request is only made 300ms after the user has stopped typing. Is there any solution to wrap this in a directive?
As of angular 1.3 this is way easier to accomplish, using ngModelOptions:
<input ng-model="search" ng-change="updateSearch()" ng-model-options="{debounce:3000}">
Syntax: {debounce: Miliseconds}
To solve this problem, I created a directive called ngDelay.
ngDelay augments the behavior of ngChange to support the desired delayed behavior, which provides updates whenever the user is inactive, rather than on every keystroke. The trick was to use a child scope, and replace the value of ngChange to a function call that includes the timeout logic and executes the original expression on the parent scope. The second trick was to move any ngModel bindings to the parent scope, if present. These changes are all performed in the compile phase of the ngDelay directive.
Here's a fiddle which contains an example using ngDelay: (Written and edited by me, with help from mainguy and Ryan Q)
You can find this code on GitHub thanks to brentvatne. Thanks Brent!
For quick reference, here's the JavaScript for the ngDelay directive:
app.directive('ngDelay', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
compile: function (element, attributes) {
var expression = attributes['ngChange'];
if (!expression)
var ngModel = attributes['ngModel'];
if (ngModel) attributes['ngModel'] = '$parent.' + ngModel;
attributes['ngChange'] = '$$delay.execute()';
return {
post: function (scope, element, attributes) {
scope.$$delay = {
expression: expression,
delay: scope.$eval(attributes['ngDelay']),
execute: function () {
var state = scope.$$delay;
state.then =;
$timeout(function () {
if ( - state.then >= state.delay)
}, state.delay);
And if there are any TypeScript wonks, here's the TypeScript using the angular definitions from DefinitelyTyped:
components.directive('ngDelay', ['$timeout', ($timeout: ng.ITimeoutService) => {
var directive: ng.IDirective = {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
compile: (element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes) => {
var expression = attributes['ngChange'];
if (!expression)
var ngModel = attributes['ngModel'];
if (ngModel) attributes['ngModel'] = '$parent.' + ngModel;
attributes['ngChange'] = '$$delay.execute()';
return {
post: (scope: IDelayScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes) => {
scope.$$delay = {
expression: <string>expression,
delay: <number>scope.$eval(attributes['ngDelay']),
execute: function () {
var state = scope.$$delay;
state.then =;
$timeout(function () {
if ( - state.then >= state.delay)
}, state.delay);
return directive;
interface IDelayScope extends ng.IScope {
$$delay: IDelayState;
interface IDelayState {
delay: number;
expression: string;
execute(): void;
then?: number;
action?: ng.IPromise<any>;
This works perfectly for me: JSFiddle
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('delaySearch', function ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
template: ' <input ng-model="search" ng-change="modelChanged()">',
link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {
$scope.modelChanged = function () {
$timeout(function () {
if ($scope.lastSearch != $ {
if ($scope.delayedMethod) {
$scope.lastSearch = $;
$scope.delayedMethod({ search: $ });
}, 300);
scope: {
Using the directive
In your controller:
app.controller('ctrl', function ($scope,$timeout) {
$scope.requery = function (search) {
In your view:
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="ctrl">
<delay-search delayed-method="requery(search)"></delay-search>
I know i'm late to the game but,hopefully this will help anyone still using 1.2.
Pre ng-model-options i found this worked for me, as ngchange will not fire when the value is invalid.
this is a slight variation on #doug's answer as it uses ngKeypress which doesn't care what state the model is in.
function delayChangeDirective($timeout) {
var directive = {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 10,
controller: delayChangeController,
controllerAs: "$ctrl",
scope: true,
compile: function compileHandler(element, attributes) {
var expression = attributes['ngKeypress'];
if (!expression)
var ngModel = attributes['ngModel'];
if (ngModel) {
attributes['ngModel'] = '$parent.' + ngModel;
attributes['ngKeypress'] = '$$delay.execute()';
return {
post: postHandler,
function postHandler(scope, element, attributes) {
scope.$$delay = {
expression: expression,
delay: scope.$eval(attributes['ngKeypressDelay']),
execute: function () {
var state = scope.$$delay;
state.then =;
if (scope.promise) {
scope.promise = $timeout(function() {
delayedActionHandler(scope, state, expression);
scope.promise = null;
}, state.delay);
function delayedActionHandler(scope, state, expression) {
var now =;
if (now - state.then >= state.delay) {
return directive;
