Angular translate extend existing translations - angularjs

I am trying to have external modules change my $translateProvider.translation on the main module. see this as a "tranlation plugin" for my app.
it seems like changing translations from the $translate service is not possible.
mymodule.service('MyService', function ($translateProvider) {
var lib = function () {
this._registerTranslations = function (ctrl) {
if (!ctrl.i18n) return;
for (var name in ctrl.i18n) {
$translateProvider.translations(name, ctrl.i18n[name]);
return new lib();
anyone with a bright idea?

So, to answer your question: there's no way to extend existing translations during runtime with $translate service without using asynchronous loading. I wonder why you want to do that anyway, because adding translations in such a way means that they are already there (otherwise you would obviously use asynchronous loading).

Have a look at the Asynchronous loading page. You can create a factory that will load a translation from wherever you want.
I created an Angular constant to hold new translations. If I want to add a new translation, I add it to the constant. Then in my custom loader, I first check the constant to see if the translation exists (either a new one, or an updated one). If so, I load it from the constant. If not, I load it from a .json file (or wherever you load your initial translations from). Use $translate.refresh() to force translations to be reloaded and reevaluated.
Demo here
The demo is pretty simple. You would need to do a little more work if you wanted to just change a subset of the translations, but you get the general idea.

From the AngularJS docs (
You should use the Provider recipe only when you want to expose an API for application-wide configuration that must be made before the application starts. This is usually interesting only for reusable services whose behavior might need to vary slightly between applications.
Providers are to be used with the application's .config function. $translateProvider for configuration, $translate for other services and controllers.


structure the angularjs code to support multiple map servcie provider

I'm working on a project which involves the usage of maps where it is make operations, like plotting marker or polylines.
The functionalities are working fine but I 'm facing difficulty on using multiple map service provider.
I want to perform same set operation using a open layer. For do that, I have to change in all the places, like controllers and views. Plus, I have a service which feed the data to the controller in required format.
But I'm not sure how to create an abstraction layer for different map service provider on the client side.
I have all the map related logic in the controller
Basically I'm looking for some guidelines and suggestion which will help to switch between multiplier service provider with minimum number of changes.
Follows my controller code:
taxiFleetControlPanel.controller("overviewController", function ($scope,$location,sensorService,appService,nodeService,settingService,$timeout,$rootScope,instanceService,assetApiService) {
//google maps
function initMap() {.....}
function addMarker(){.....}
function addpolyLines(){....}
//openlayer maps
function openlayerInitMap() {.....}
function openlayerAddMarker(){.....}
function openlayerAddpolyLines(){....}
if there is requriment to use openalyer map the i will comment initMap(); in the same controller
funtion init(){
Is there a better way to do it?
there are so many other dependent functions as well I have not put to maintain simplicity.
I tried the follow idea:
Wrote two different controllers and changed the controller in the route but if the any change made in one controller i will literally copy paste the same set of methods to other i am not able to maintain a clean code
Note: The application can support multiple service provider like Google maps, openalyers and leaflet.
If I understand correctly, you want to extract out some logic so that it can be used everywhere in your application?
If so, there are two ways I know of that you could achieve this. First off, you could create a service that encapsulates the logic. That way you can inject it into each controller that you need to use it with and just call the methods that way.
Alternatively, you can declare the functions at $root level, that way it is accessible in any scope anywhere in the application.
Here's how you'd achieve this:

#section syntax instead of requirejs or browserify for angularjs application

I understand that requirejs and browserify can load my files dependent on its current context, and that it is amazing. I would really prefer to use the #section sections syntax that the razor engine uses. Was just wondering if there is a way to implement this into a typescript / angularjs application.
for example
#renderSection scripts;
// which could turn into something like
<script data-render="scripts"></scripts>
// the could declare all the scripts that will be needed on every
// page view
<script ng-section-repeat="injected in injection"></script>
// the ng-section-repeat is basically taking all the items in the
// typescript constructor and then finding out which ones are needed for
// that view.
I like the idea injecting application file dependencies in the view , without a configuration file and all the added extras that comes with the loaders.
I just want to easily define what files are needed in the actual view and get them loaded, with angular's dependency injection handling the dependency itself.
If you are handling all your dependencies with $inject then , as far as i can tell, dependency is technically already setup in the controllers, all one would need, is to load this as it is called. Which could even eliminate the need for the #section scripts completely
What i have done to sort of replicate the module loaders is to just use gulp-concat and define the file order in my gulp.config.js and then pass it to the gulp-src before running $.concat .this allows me to have the files in the gulp steam , in dependent order . They are however loaded on the first load. With gulp-uglify the files are tiny ( its now at 566Kb with 16 external libraries loading in 69ms . To put that into perspective it takes 209ms to load one google font ).
I dont know maybe i am not understanding browserify correctly but i honestly struggle to see the need for it, its seems extremely convoluted for something so simple
It is possible using external modules and an injector to do what you asked for:
I just want to easily define what files are needed in the actual view
import {UserFactory} from 'models/userFactory';
import {UserValidator} from 'models/userValidator';
import {Inject} from 'angular2/di';
and get them loaded, with angular's dependency injection handling the dependency itself.
Note: My example uses angular 2.x because I less familiar with angular 1.x and I'm sure you can do something really similar...
class SomeComponent {
userName: string;
userRating: number;
rating: number;
#Inject(UserFactory) UserFactory
#Inject(UserValidator) UserValidator
this.UserFactory = UserFactory;
this.UserValidator = UserValidator;
Then you can use Browserify to create a bundle.js file that can be executed in a web browser.

Getting hold of loaded javascript objects in Protractor

In our application we load requirejs, which in return loads angularjs, and also other javascript modules. I am wondering if there any way to get hole of these LOADED modules (angularjs, javascript modules) in protractor test. Note, we want the instance that is loaded by the browser when running Protractor, we don't want to create instance by ourselves.
Any suggestion or example?
Thanks in advance.
Nick Tomlin's answer is what you can do if a module returns serializable data structure as a value. You call require and call with the module's value the callback that executeAsyncScript gives you to allow returning asynchronous values. This will work, for instance, if your module returns "foo" or { foo: 'bar' } or structures that are generally serializable.
However, it won't always work. Complex modules cannot be retrieved that way. Roughly speaking you should expect what you send through executeScript and executeAsyncScript and what they return to have the same limitations as JSON.stringify does. One major exception is that Selenium will wrap DOM objects returned from these calls into a structure that allows to identify them on the script side, and that allows passing them back to the browser. (Then again, there are limitations there too. This is why you get stale element exceptions, for instance.)
If you try to retrieve modules that export functions, you'll probably get something but it won't be complete. Try this, for instance:
browser.executeAsyncScript(function () {
arguments[0]({ foo: function () {}});
}).then(function (value) {
The output I get is:
Object { foo: Object {} }
The function has been turned into an empty object.
I do not use angular with require.js, but i'm assuming you could access the require'd angular the same way you would in a module:
var pageAngular = browser.driver.executeAsyncScript(function () {
var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
require(['angular'], function (angular) {
The use of executeAsync is necessary here, since AMD modules are loaded asynchronously.
Do note that as #louis noted, the return of executeAsyncScript is going to be a serialized object, not the "live" instance of angular. If you need to interact with angular within the context of your page, you should do so within the callback torequire.
Something like this should do it:
var angular = browser.driver.executeScript("return window.angular;");

Call translation service from a callback registered in an app.config section

I'm relatively new to AngularJS and the problem I'm facing is one of those "I want to inject a Service into an app.config" type of scenarios, which I realise cannot be done. (I'm comfortable with the different between Service and Provider, and why a Service cannot be injected into a .config.)
What I am trying to accomplish is to use angular-schema-form together with angular-translate such that field titles in generated forms are translated.
There is an issue where someone asks how to do this, and the advice given is to take advantage of angular-schema-form's postProcess, which is a property of the Provider. This callback gives you the form object before it is rendered, giving you the opportunity to manipulate it with user code. Therefore translation could be done within here.
The postProcess method is called on the Provider, so it is done within an app.config:
app.config(function(schemaFormProvider, $translateProvider) {
// within here I can inspect the form object, find all
// properties whose key is "title", and then perform
// language translation on their values.
So, that is apparently the place where I have an opportunity to manipulate control titles and so on.
Over to the angular-translate library, for me to 'manually' translate strings, I can use the $translate service. This provides both synchronous and asynchronous methods to translate a given key string. The synchronous one is $translate.instant(key).
To glue these two together, what I have tried so far (which does work) is to create a 'bridge' method like this:
var app = angular.module('myApplicationName', ['schemaForm', 'pascalprecht.translate']);
app.config(function(schemaFormProvider, $translateProvider) {
// ... code here which iterates over properties
// and finds all control titles ...
key = app.myTranslate(key);
// ....
app.myTranslate = function (key) {
var service = angular.injector(['ng', 'myApplicationName']).get("$translate");
return service.instant(key);
This does work, but it seems ugly and unsafe (as presumably there's no guarantee $translate is ready when the callback is first invoked) and the calls to angular.injector(['ng', 'myApplicationName']).get... are presumably expensive.
Is there a better way, or is this the only way I'm going to get it done, considering the constraints of the libraries I'm working with?
I have also considered an alternative approach altogether, which would be to instead perform the translations on the schema or form objects before they are processed by angular-schema-form. This could be done from within Controllers, eliminating the problem of accessing the $translate service. I may end up going down that route, but it would still be nice to understand the best solution for the above scenario.

Angular: Single service in multiple files

I have a singleton that creates classes for me. Each class is in a separate file.
// singleton.js
.service('singleton', SingletonClass)
// someclass1.js, someclass2.js, ...
// Multiple files with same layout. Each web page has different # of these files.
// Therefore, it's hard to inject them statically
// (ie, via aggregator service/factory).
.??('someClass', function(singleton) {
classOptions = {}; // details here
// creates a class with options and adds it to `singleton`s cache
// yet another file
.controller('myController', function(singleton) {
singleton.getClasses(); // gets all classes added by #addClass method
Basically, I want each individual "class" to be self-contained in its own file similar to how modules are self-contained. That means I don't want want singleton or any aggregator service/factory to know of the existence of these classes in its creation.
I'd like to clarify: I'm using singleton instead of individually injecting the created classes because I don't yet know which classes will be created yet. The web page will dynamically load certain js files. Each file will inject the singleton object and use the addClass method to create a new class and store it inside the singleton object itself. The controllers using singleton.getClasses() won't know how many or which classes it's getting, but they have a uniform interface which allows it to use them in a predictable fashion.
You could try setting up providers for each class (per my comment above), though that seems . . . time consuming. Maybe you just don't need it? Make each class a separate file in a closure (like you use to need to do with jquery), and grab the singleton object from the injector:
// file 1 - Add other files for other classes.
;(function(window, $) {
$(function() {
var classOptions = {};
})(window, jQuery);
This is not exactly the angular way, and angular purists will call for your head, but I think it will achieve what you're after if you don't want to mess with providers.
