I create my first CakePHP application.
My app contains a fixed set of routes. I want redirect to 404 any request that not match to defined routes. I do not want these requests reach controller. I want to redirect its immediately at the Router level.
Since you only want your fixed routes to be used first make sure you remove / comment the require CAKE . 'Config' . DS . 'routes.php'; statement in your app's routes.php to prevent the default routes from being setup. Then with debug off (set debug = 0 in core.php) cake should automatically generate an error page with 404 status for urls not matching a route.
I'm having issues with react url param routes and it's giving out error on amplify.
Example routes with url params
<AsyncSearchResultsList path="search/:q" />
<AsyncSearchDetailedInfo path="search/user/:id" />
This is the error I'm getting
On amplify I have these redirects setup
I can't navigate to either of these routes and it works fine for other routes without parameters
All of these routes are also working perfectly on localhost
Is there something I'm missing? I'm using Reach Router in my react project.
Figured what seemed to be part of it, the issue I was having was resolved. Amplify wasn't handling the Lazy loaded route components properly, data is flowing and the page is loading now after refactoring. But another issue came up, the page now displays blank whenever I navigate to those routes directly. I'm pretty sure it's an issue with Amplify's redirect rules. Still need help!
To those who need to use react and params
Source address
Target address
Country code
200 (Rewrite)
301 (Redirect - Permanent)
Ref: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amplify/latest/userguide/redirects.html#redirects-for-single-page-web-apps-spa
I can go to my root route, navigate using links within the app, but when I go directly to or refresh a non-root route (in production only) I get the following error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
I have a project set up with ReactRouter v5.0.1.
I am using BrowserRouter wrapper, I don't want to use HashRouter because of URLs looking nice.
When I refresh or go to a path that is not a root route (eg: ____/user/article):
in local, it works as expected
in production (Heroku), it gives a Cannot get /user/article
I have looked up the issue and the solutions I found were to change my webpack.js:
add historyApiFallback: true to devServer
add publicPath:'/' to output
These have been unable to solve my issue.
My frontend client is inside my nodejs "app" where the built files are served up by an express server. Maybe this may affect my refresh?
Help would be greatly appreciated...
This is a client vs server side routing issue. When navigating around on front end, it's all client side routing. But when you refresh the page, it does a request to the back end with that route. So in your express server, you need a catch all route, defined after all other routes, that redirects them to the root path /, e.g.
app.get('*', function(req, res) { /* redirect to / here */ });
There's a bunch of posts about this already if you want some more in depth exploration of the issue, like this one
I'm trying to get two different Wagtail sites to have their own 404 pages, but there does not appear to be a way to specify which page to use as 404 page in a "site" config in the wagtail "settings" => "sites" section, and I can't seem to get the correct 404 to be loaded when I put them into the app directories involved:
./404.html (this 404 always gets used)
./404.html (this file never gets used)
So in INSTALLED_APPS we have:
...django apps...
...wagtail apps...
In this, the main site has the vast bulk of all the page types, and the spinoff site, which runs on a different domain, uses those page types by importing them from apps.mainsite.
In Wagtail we have two pages that work as root: a Homepage that is a mainsite Page type, and a Spinoff Homepage that is a spinof Page type that inherits from the mainsite's page type.
In the sites settings, we have one site entry that points to mainsite.com, with the main Homepage set as Root, and another site entry that points to spinoff.com, with the spinoff homepage set as root.
For both of these sites, an non-existent url request leads to the main site's 404.html getting used, so the question is: how do we make non-existent urls on the spinoff domain resolve to the spinoff's 404.html instead?
Since Wagtail is built on Django, you can customize the error view. Wagtail's core.view.serve calls core.models.page.route, and if the page route isn't found, then it raises Http404. Therefore, in urls.py you would put:
from yourapp.views import custom404_view
handler404 = 'yourapp.views.custom404_view'
And in views.py:
from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound
def custom404_view(request, exception):
return HttpResponseNotFound('<h1>{}</h1>'.format(request.site))
What I've shown above returns the Wagtail site to illustrate that the site is available in the view, so in your case, just return your HTML conditionally based upon the site.
I have an angular app that uses routes, where it has .otherwise(){} in routes.js file and now I need to make custom error pages using nginx, how to stop the .otherwise(){} and use the error pages defined on nginx default file, Anyone Please help I'm working on it from 5hrs. Or point me to any link that explains and solves this problem.
"Otherwise" in the routing is looking for a client side route. You can probably direct otherwise to a separate route on the client side with a controller that automatically redirects to a server route.
Then in the ControllerThatSendsToServer just do a window.location = 'server error page';
When I refresh the page on some url like "page/sub/url/" I get an error because this is send to the server and not to the bundle in index.html. From here I understand that it is possible to configure the server to just ignore such request and serve index.html. No problem here. However, in such case after refresh the user gets the default Indexroute, for example: "/" instead "page/sub/url/" where he requested the refresh initialy. Is there a way to send the "page/sub/url/" to the bundle.js and route the user to this location after he refreshed the page?
OMG .. that was just super easy. Once i defined the routes on the server side and directed them to index.html the pages reloaded normaly without any errors. Begginers mistake.