Using extjs 4.2 grid as attendance management system - extjs

I am looking to create an attendance sheet but not getting the magic idea for the same. Possible options for me
Use grid but done know how to pass date values as grid column headings
Use table but don’t know how to edit the same. grid is editable component.
Please help me with the thought process

I don't think that Ext.grid.Panel is the component for this purpose. Grid conceptually more resembles database tables (fixed columns/fields repeated many times in rows/records) than spreadsheets (cells w/o prescribed purpose).
Also, grid has a lot of features like sorting, column re-ordering, column hiding that you would need to turn off for this purpose. Grid is just an overkill.
I would probably go with a custom table-like form with checkboxes. The form would be dynamically generated as employees can change and dates as well.


How can I change the styling dynamically for an entire row in React-Virtualized?

My React-Virtualized Table receives data from the back-end.
I am comparing the data for similarities, the rows which have the most similarities should change their background to 'green' for example.
How can I achieve this?
I know how to style the table, table columns or single table cells.
But how can I change/ address the styling for an entire row?
Maybe with RowRenderer?
Thank you in advance!

use vlookup to return multiple values and expand rows

I am trying to create a semi-automated invoicing system for my business but I am running into some problems.
I would like to be able to have a spreadsheet with all of my inventory in rows. Each of these items would have 4-5 columns of information. I would like to use this spreadsheet as a database that I could use data validation with to create a drop down menu to choose an item from the database. When an item is selected it would return all of the columns of info in the database.
I have been able to do this using vlookup functions. However, most of the items in my database are often grouped together. Is there a way that I could select one item from the database and have it return all of the grouped items on separate rows?
Lastly, as these items are added to the invoice it would be nice if I could automatically have the invoice add rows to expand the invoice. For example, if I choose an item from my database that is grouped with 10 other items, the spreadsheet would also add 10 rows or shift the rows below the dropdown selection down 10 rows.
From my research I have figured out how to return multiple values from an array following the instructions on this link:
This only allows me to return a single value though.
Here is a link to the excel file in case you don't want to sift through the entire page:
I also followed this guide to use a vlookup function to return multiple values but I don't know how to have it return multiple items from the database.
Thanks in advance!
I think it's time you left VLOOKUP behind, and embraced PivotTables. Slicing, dicing, and aggregations are what they do best, and they handle grouped items with ease. Trying to cobble together a solution that meets your requirements using just formulas is going to be messy.

Creating a slicer using DAX in PowerView

I am working to make a dashboard in MS PowerView but having some trouble creating "slicers" for my dashboard. A slicer is basically a filter for the whole dashboard which filters out the whole display based on what is selected. For example, I am working with a survey so if we click on person type 1 under the "person" slicer, only responses from person type 1 will show.
I am trying to make a slicer based on statistical measure type. Basically, I want a slicer with 3 different statistical measures: average, median, and mode. So when "average" is selected only those graphs using the measure of "average" will display.
So far, all I have is a table in MS Access called "measure name" and I have made this a slicer on my table. However, in order for my slicer to work I believe I have to use a DAX formula. Any idea how to do this? I have tried
if(MeasureName[MeasureType] = "Average") but I'm not sure what to put for the true and false.
Any feedback would be appreciated!! :)
You can make a slicer that allows users to choose the measure to be shown in charts on the canvas. But as Rory said, you cannot use it to show/hide graphs. It would just change the measure used in the graphs.
Jason Thomas has a good blog post on creating a slicer to choose measures in Power Pivot. It works similarly in a Tabular model.
Create a table of measures with an ID column.
Create a measure based on that table to find the minimum ID value from the slicer selection. This tells you which measure is chosen.
Replace the measures in your charts with this new measure.
I don't consider this to be against Kimball at all. It has less to do with the dimensional model and more to do with the technological solution required for the desired UI capabilities. Basically, you can have your dimensional model and have this table out outside of that without feeling like you are breaking the rules.
A slicer is usually an attribute of one of your dimensions. When you filter on that attribute the filter applies also to your fact table. So if you have a dimension with three entries: average, median and mode it would be possible to create one fact table that stacks the average, median and mode values so that when the slicer is clicked the fact table is filtered for that attribute.
That will allow you to show the three types on one graph. It won't allow you to show some graphs and not others. And this type of fact table kind of goes against what Kimball might say about fact table design ...

How to make title sortable with two different tables whose data coming from same model in cakephp?

I have a view showing two tables which data is coming from same model but based on different column status I divided in 2 tables. Problem is, when I click on top table's column name heading for sorting, it also sort the bottom tables. I'm wanting the bottom table data won't sort when I click on top table column heading title. If any one have a good solution, would highly appreciated.
This highly depends on your setup, but you're going to have to do some custom code.
For example, don't allow Cake to sort for you. See what the links look like when created by Cake, then write your own, and include an additional variable &table=1 or something.
Based on the sort variable and the table variable, build your pagination options for each including the correct sort you want for each group separately.
Another option (depending on how large your data sets are) is to use javascript datatables.

Displaying a multi-valued column using a tabular UI

I'm hoping to display a multi-valued column in a tabular UI format. By multi-valued column, I mean a column in which a single cell can simultaneously have multiple values -- aka a list of values. These values might be drawn from a short list of possibilities (e.g. an enumeration) or from a long list (e.g. another table). Imagine a table of contacts with a "friends" column that can refer to zero or more other contacts.
I need the ability to add new values, remove values, and ideally the values would be listed horizontally and word wrapped. I have a feeling that no out-of-the-box datagrid control on the planet can do this, but I figured this is the right forum to ask such a question.
I'm guessing that the current state of the art is to display the information in a form, not in a table (e.g. "details" of a row). However, we would like to actually display the values in a column of the table in a horizontally wrapped, in-line editable fashion. At this time, we are planning to use WPF, so I'm hoping for a WPF solution.
WPF is definitely the right tool for this job. I don't think you'll find it very difficult to get the layout you want once you understand a few core WPF concepts (mostly binding and DataTemplates). I would suggest maybe a ListView/GridView with a GridViewColumn with a custom CellTemplate containing an ItemsControl with its own DataTemplate...Simple, really ;-)
