TCP in C Programming - c

I want to know how a client or server gets an acknowledgement packet from a client or server after sending a packet in TCP Channel in C programming.
Why don't I need to handle this in code? How exactly does the client receive the acknowledgement packet, if it sends a data packet to server? Does this happen internally?

The TCP protocol is designed to provide a stream protocol. The typical programming interface is the socket interface where you can give a chunk of data that the protocol stack will transfer to the receiver. The actual implementation hides when the data has been queued in the receiving protocol stack or has been handed off to the receiving application. You would have make this distinction.
Sou what you apparently want is a signal mechanism to know, that and when the client has read the data from the protocol stack. This can be done by designing and implementing a protocol on top of the TCP protocol. When one side doesn't have to send meaningful data it sends a heartbeat message. This message indicates that the TCP connection is still alive.
Regarding your questions:
Why don't I need to handle this in code? Because the underlying layer has it done for your.
How exactly does the client receive the acknowledgement packet, if it sends a data packet to server? You don't need to care as long as you don't need a heartbeat. TCP provides you a stream interface similar like the interface for file I/O. You don't ask, when the data has left the disk cache, do you? When you start to re-implement internas you will have to define what about reassemblies, Nagle-algorithm and many other nasty things. Never implement TCP if you have another choice.
Does this happen internally? Yes, fortunately.


Transfering file on UDP socket in C! Linux

I'm programming an application for transferring a file between two host with an UDP socket.
But it seems that some data arrives corrupted at the client.
My question is: is it possible that if the server is faster than the client, the client could read corrupted data from the socket?
I use sendto() in the server and read() in the client (I use the connect() before beginning transferring the file in the client),
and if yes: how can I stop the server from sending new data until the client has read all the previous data?
is it possible that if the server is faster than the client, the
client could read corrupted data from the socket?
No it is not possible - every datagram that you see is error checked by the IP layer and will be as it was sent.
how can I stop the server from sending new data until the client has
read all the previous data?
Typically you send a small packet, the receiver sends an acknowledgement, then you send the next. Problem with UDP however is packets can get dropped without telling you event duplicated moreover you can flood the network as there is no congestion control..
So why re-invent the wheel, use TCP for sending files which takes care of reliability and congestion control - everyone has been using that for decades, e.g. this web page is delivered to you using HTTP which uses TCP.

C LINUX\WINSOCK- check FIN packet in Send

I am trying to understand how to avoid the following scenario:
A client kills its process. A FIN message is sent to server.
Server receives the FIN message from the client.
A milisecond after the server receives the FIN message, the server uses the send message, and sends information to the client.
Using the C API- can the server know what packets are acknowledged by the client?
If so- what are the commands in Linux\Winsock?
This question comes up periodically. Short answer: The TCP layer in the OS intentionally does not pass up "acks" (acknowledgement of receipt) to the application layer. And if it did, it would be the rope you would hang yourself by. While TCP is considered "reliable", it doesn't actually have a way to indicate if the application code above it has actually processed the received bytes.
You mentioned "packets", but that is a very ambiguous term. Your socket application may have the notion of "messages" (not packets), but TCP does not have the concept of a packet or even a message. It sends byte "streams" that originate from your application code. TCP segmentation, IP fragmentation, and other factors will split your message up into multiple packets on the wire. And TCP has no knowledge of what IP packets make up the entire application message. (Common socket fallacy - many developers erroneously believe a "send" corresponds to an identically sized "recv" on the other side).
So the only code that can acknowledge success receipt of a message is the socket application itself. In other words, your client/server protocol should have its own system of acknowledgements.
I can't speak for Linux, but under Windows if a process is killed with established connections open, those connections are forcibly (hard) reset. The peer will receive a RST, not a FIN, and further communication over the connection is impossible.

Reliable check if tcp packet has been delivered [duplicate]

When i send()/write() a message over a tcp stream, how can i find out if those bytes were successfully delivered?
The receiver acknowledges receiving the bytes via tcp, so the senders tcp stack should know.
But when I send() some bytes, send() immediately returns, even if the packet could not (yet) be delivered, i tested that on linux 2.6.30 using strace on netcat, pulling my network cable out before sending some bytes.
I am just developing an application where it is very important to know if a message was delivered, but implementing tcp features ("ack for message #123") feels awkward, there must be a better way.
The sending TCP does know when the data gets acknowledged by the other end, but the only reason it does this is so that it knows when it can discard the data (because someone else is now responsible for getting it to the application at the other side).
It doesn't typically provide this information to the sending application, because (despite appearances) it wouldn't actually mean much to the sending application. The acknowledgement doesn't mean that the receiving application has got the data and done something sensible with it - all it means is that the sending TCP no longer has to worry about it. The data could still be in transit - within an intermediate proxy server, for example, or within the receiving TCP stack.
"Data successfully received" is really an application-level concept - what it means varies depending on the application (for example, for many applications it would only make sense to consider the data "received" once it has been synced to disk on the receiving side). So that means you have to implement it yourself, because as the application developer, you're really the only one in a position to know how to do it sensibly for your application.
Having the receiver send back an ack is the best way, even if it "feels awkward". Remember that IP might break your data into multiple packets and re-assemble them, and this could be done multiple times along a transmission if various routers in the way have different MTUs, and so your concept of "a packet" and TCP's might disagree.
Far better to send your "packet", whether it's a string, a serialized object, or binary data, and have the receiver do whatever checks it needs to do to make it it's there, and then send back an acknowledgement.
The TCP protocol tries very hard to make sure your data arrives. If there is a network problem, it will retransmit the data a few times. That means anything you send is buffered and there is no timely way to make sure it has arrived (there will be a timeout 2 minutes later if the network is down).
If you need a fast feedback, use the UDP protocol. It doesn't use any of the TCP overhead but you must handle all problems yourself.
Even if it got as far as the TCP layer, there's no guarantee that it didn't sit in the application's buffer, then the app crashed before it could process it. Use an acknowledgement, that's what everything else does (e.g. SMTP)
Application layer has no control over the notifications at lower layers (such as the Transport layer) unless they are specifically provided - this is by design. If you want to know what TCP is doing on a per packet level you need to find out at the layer that TCP operates at; this means handling TCP headers and ACK data.
Any protocol you end up using to carry your payload can be used to pass messages back and forth by way of that payload, however. So if you feel awkward using the bits of a TCP header to do this, simply set it up in your application. For instance:
A: Send 450 Bytes
B: Recv 450 Bytes
B: Send 'B received 450 Bytes'
A: Recv 'B received 450 Bytes'
A: Continue
This sounds like SCTP could be something to look at; I think it should support what you want. The alternative seems to be to switch to UDP, and if you're switching protocols anyway…

how does non-blocking tcp socket notify application on packets which fail to get sent.

Im working on a non-blocking C tcp sockets for linux system. I've read that in non-blocking mode, the "send" command will return "bytes sent" immediately if there is no error. I'm guessing this value returned does not actually mean that those data have been delivered to the destination but rather the data has been passed to kernel memory for it to handle further and send.
If that is the case, how would my application know which packet has really been sent out by kernel to the other end, assuming that the network connection had some problems and kernel decides to give up only after several retries in a span of a few minutes later?
Im asking because i would want my application to resend those failed packets again at a later time.
If that is the case, how would my application know which packet has
really been sent out by kernel to the other end, assuming that the
network connection had some problems and kernel decides to give up
only after several retries in a span of a few minutes later?
Your application won't know, unless it is able to recontact the receiving application and ask the receiving application about what data it had previously received.
Keep in mind that even with blocking I/O your application doesn't block until the data is received by the remote application -- it only blocks until there is some room in the kernel's outgoing-data buffer to hold the bytes you asked the TCP stack to send(). So even with blocking I/O you would face the same issue.
Also keep in mind that the byte arrays you pass to send() do not have a guaranteed 1-to-1 correspondence to the TCP packets that the TCP stack sends out. The TCP stack is free to pack your bytes into TCP packets any way it likes (e.g. the data from multiple send() calls can end up in a single TCP packet, or the data from a single send() call can end up in multiple TCP packets, or any other combination you can think of). Depending on network conditions, TCP stacks can and do pack things various different ways, their only promise is that the bytes will be received in FIFO order (if they get received at all).
Anyway, the answer to your question is: you can't know, unless you later ask the receiving program about what it got (or didn't get).
TCP internally takes care of retrying, application doesn't need to do any special handling for it. If you wish to confirm a packet received the other end of the TCP stack then you can set the send socket buffer (setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF)) to zero. In this case, kernel uses your application buffer to send the data & its only released after the TCP receives acknowledgement for this data. This way you can confirm that the data is pushed to the receiver end of the TCP stack. It doesn't confirm that the application has received the data. You need to have application layer acknowledgement in your protocol to confirm that the data reached the receiver application.

In what format SMPP protocol data unit (PDU) is sent and received in send and recv socket system call ?

Whether the PDU goes in the form of structure or a string ? (In any mode). I am making a C program and want to send a message to a mobile number via SMPP. Either I use a structure or send every PDU content in a single string ?
You need to read the SMPP Protocol Your question is not as easy as it sounds.
Basically you create a connection to the smpp server using TCP sockets. Then you send packets to login to the smsc server and other packets to send messages.
The packets are called PDUs or Protocol Data Units. Each PDU has a defined set of values that can be there.
The whole protocol is big enough for you to implement it as easy as you are speaking. You will need to rely on a library that abstracts you from the protocol and let you do your messaging in a higher level.
You can google for some smpp C library
