create simple form with AngularJS+Bootstrap+grid - angularjs

I am working on AngularJS and Bootstrap. I am new to both. I wanted to create one form which include firstname input textbox,lastname input textbox , city dropdown and add button called addUser.
When I click the add user button it should be saved in our database and then displayed in below grid with edit and delete button. When I click the edit button, all record comes under above corresponding textbox. I have gone through below link but i didn't get my scenario implementation, in that they used xeditable.

Here is an form example made with angular link
Basicly you need to create a controller. In your controller create a user object, bind this object properties to form contollers with ng-model. When user clicks a button send user object to a method in your controller, add ng-click to your buttons. In your functions, you can do create, edit, delete actions.
Please refer the link and check the highlighted keywords, this must cover all of your needs.


angular: creating a simple input dialog box from a form action

Note: I am not well versed with angularjs/frontend dev as such, so I may be using wrong words/terms.
I have a form as a result of a html and a controller. Controller has functions defined which are invoked when user performs some actions as defined in html, like clicking a button.
One of the UI element in the form is ui-select. It enables user to select multiple values from a dropdown.
What I want is that when user clicks on one of the selected value from ui-select, a new dialog window opens up wherein user can provide some input value, close it, return to original open form, and value from dialog box gets appended to the original clicked value from ui-select.
I want to know what is best way of creating an input dialog box in angular.
I see $uibModal being used which can be used to create a form by combining a html and a controller. But I have a usecase for a simple dialog box. So it seems $uibModal is bit of an overkill.
Is there an easier way of doing this?

Cakephp - Popup to confirm existing entry

From my template, when I click on submit, I have to check if one of the fields of my form exist in another table yet and if it's, show popup with OK/Cancel
How can I do that?

how to access the value of input text was nested in ui-grid cell

enter image description here
I made a cell template(ui-grid) which contains a label, a textfield, and a button. I bind a ng-click on the button. But I dont know how to access the value of textfield. Because what I want to implement is when user input value in the field and click save imagebutton and it will call ajax then do some update in web service.
I was wondering that is it possible to access the textfield from row entity, but I could not find the textfield property in the grid-cell.
thank you so much
ui-grid has built in row editor features. Try the link below.

Apex radio button check from controller

I have a scenario and i ma getting no where:
I am having 20 record and i m using pagination via standartcontroller and my page size is 1.
one by one record are displayed on the screen and i am having a list or radio button to select options.
When user select a radio button i am getting its value and fill a map with record,value for some processing.
What i want to do is that when a user hits back button the option he has selected in radio button must be visible there. But its not coz every time i m filling new values in the radiobutton list so old values are not sustained.
What i want is when user hits back button he should be able to see the old radio button selected.
How can i achive this:
1.Is there any way to make a radio button list's values be checked through controller.
2.Do I need to use wrapperclass to do this.
Help needed.! Thanks
It will be easier to put this field into object. If you don't have such field in you sObject than I would suggest to create wrapper class in your controller and display list of this wrappers instead of your native sObject.
If your radio button field is already part of the object, then there's no need for a wrapper class, but if the radio button doesn't need to be part of the object then use a wrapper class to keep the object simple.
Check out this example of a wrapper class with check boxes.
Wrapper classes don't have to be complex.

Salesforce Action buttons in enhancedlist

Is there a way to add a custom button to the action section of the apex:enhancedlist?
To my knowledge you cannot create an <apex:commandbutton> from which you can invoke controller actions, however you can create a 'Custom Buttons and Links' style button from the setup menu. If you go to the Custom Buttons and Links section for the sObject that you are feeding to the type attribute of your enchanced list, you can create a button whose display type is 'List Button'. Then it will show up on any enhanced list component of that sObject type. As I mentioned, you can't invoke a controller action, but you can navigate to an arbitrary URL, display a Visualforce page, or run arbitrary javascript that way. Hope that help you.
