SSAS - Empty Generated Time Dimension Table - sql-server

I'm facing a strange problem about SSAS.
I created a time dimension by using Dimension Generator Wizard.
I chosen to create a time dimension in my data source.
It works fine, I can browse by cube and filtering on date.
Now, I would like to browse this table to check values, however the time table is empty in SSMS. So when I select the "TOP 100 rows", 0 rows are retrieved.

Due to a strange mistake, when I browsed the table in SQL Server, no rows were retrieved.
I decided to delete and recreate the Time dimension (created in the data source) by using Dimension Wizard in SSDT. It works well.
To customize the table, I decided to create a view from the dimension table, then I added some changes. Finally, I changed the dimension table to the new view in SSDT (data source view).


Pivot off of access query is misbehaving

So I have a document that has a pivot table that was previously linked to an access query. It worked fine, no issues. The problem started when I wanted to change which database the pivot table was linked to. When I tried to change the external data source to the new database, excel gave me the "cannot complete the task with available resources" error. I find this error can be a little finnicky so I tried deleting the pivot and creating a new pivot with the link I want, except now the pivot comes up empty. It pulls in the column headers (in the pivot editor thing) but no data comes up when I add fields to the pivot. I should also add that the new database is exactly the same as the old one - the only difference is a new column of data.
Any thoughts? This is driving me crazy. It might be that the results from access are too big for excel to process, but I've been paring down the results and none of it makes a difference.

Updating dimension tables using SQL Server (BIDs or Data Tools)

I'm quite confused as to how I'm supposed to be adding dimension members to my data warehouse. Let's say that TOWN_NAME is a dimension table that links town_Id to a town_name. So, now, I have 1000 customer names, and they are from 9 towns. Suddenly, in my next ETL process, a customer ends up being added whose town is not amongst that 9 towns i have in my dimension. So I need to add a member to my dimension table. Which step/process in BIDS or DATA TOOLS (BIDS 2012) would have I to use? How should this be one? I'm quite lost as to what could be done.
The usual pattern - regardless of what tools you're using to populate your data warehouse - is to populate your Dimension before you populate your Fact, precisely to avoid this problem.
The usual way to do things is to have a package which pulls out your Dimension data from your source system(s), and then load any new rows into your Dimension table. Then, when your Fact table load happens later in the process you look-up the ID column from the Dimension using the town name. Your Fact data should then be loaded into the Fact table with the ID for the relevant town as one of its column values.
Specifically, in SSIS, you can manage this by creating a package which does your Dimension table load, and another package in the same project which does your Fact table load. Then you can control the order these happen in a couple of different ways:
You can create a third package which uses two Execute Package tasks to call the Dimension package first, and then the Fact package.
You could create a SQL Server Agent Job which first calls the Dimension package, then calls the Fact package.
If you want to be able to run everything from within Visual Studio in order in one go, then go with the first option.

Load data from multiple source into a destination

I have a desktop application through which data is entered and it is being captured in MS Access DB. The application is being used by multiple users(at different locations). The idea is to download data entered for that particular day into an excel sheet and load it into a centralized server, which is an MSSQL server instance.
i.e. data(in the form of excel sheets) will come from multiple locations and saved into a shared folder in the server, which need to be loaded into SQL Server.
There is a ID column with IDENTITY in the MSSQL server table, which is the primary key column and there are no other columns in the table which contains unique value. Though the data is coming from multiple sources, we need to maintain single auto-updating series(IDENTITY).
Suppose, if there are 2 sources,
Source1: Has 100 records entered for the day.
Source2: Has 200 records entered for the day.
When they get loaded into Destination(SQL Server), table should have 300 records, with ID column values from 1 to 300.
Also, for the next day, when the data comes from the sources, Destination has to load data from 301 ID column.
The issue is, there may be some requests to change the data at Source, which is already loaded in central server. So how to update the data for that row in the central server as the ID column value will not be same in Source and Destination. As mentioned earlier ID is the only unique value column in the table.
Please suggest some ides to do this or I've to take up different approach to accomplish this task.
Thanks in advance!
Okay so first I would suggest .NET and doing it through a File Stream Reader, dumping it to the disconnected layer of ADO.NET in a DataSet with multiple DataTables from the different sources. But... you mentioned SSIS so I will go that route.
Create an SSIS project in Business Intelligence Development Studio(BIDS).
If you know for a fact you are just doing a bunch of importing of Excel files I would just create many 'Data Flow Task's or many Source to Destination tasks in a single 'Data Flow Task' up to you.
a. Personally I would create tables in a database for each location of an excel file and have their columns map up. I will explain why later.
b. In a data flow task, select 'Excel Source' as the source file. Put in the appropriate location of 'new connection' by double clicking the Excel Source
c. Choose an ADO Net Destination, drag the blue line from the Excel Source to this endpoint.
d. Map your destination to be the table you map to from SQL.
e. Repeat as needed for each Excel destination
Set up the SSIS task to automate from SQL Server through SQL Management Studio. Remember you to connect to an integration instance, not a database instance.
Okay now you have a bunch of tables right instead of one big one? I did that for a reason as these should be entry points and the logic to determinate dupes and import time I would leave to another table.
I would set up another two tables for the combination of logic and for auditing later.
a. Create a table like 'Imports' or similar, have the columns be the same except add three more columns to it: 'ExcelFileLocation', 'DateImported'. Create an 'identity' column as the first column and have it seed on the default of (1,1), assign it the primary key.
b. Create a second table like 'ImportDupes' or similar, repeat the process above for the columns.
c. Create a unique constraint on the first table of either a value or set of values that make the import unique.
c. Write a 'procedure' in SQL to do inserts from the MANY tables that match up to the excel files to insert into the ONE 'Imports' location. In the many inserts do a process similar to:
Begin try
Insert into Imports (datacol1, datacol2, ExcelFileLocation, DateImported) values
Select datacol1, datacol2, (location of file), getdate()
From TableExcel1
End try
-- if logic breaks unique constraint put it into second table
Begin Catch
Insert into ImportDupes (datacol1, datacol2, ExcelFileLocation, DateImported) values
Select datacol1, datacol2, (location of file), getdate()
From TableExcel1
End Catch
-- repeat above for EACH excel table
-- clean up the individual staging tables for the next import cycle for EACH excel table
truncate TableExcel1
d. Automate the procedure to go off
You now have two tables, one for successful imports and one for duplicates.
The reason I did what I did is two fold:
You need to know more detail than just the detail a lot of times like when it came in, from what source it came from, was it a duplicate, if you do this for millions of rows can it be indexed easily?
This model is easier to take apart and automate. It may be more work to set up but if a piece breaks you can see where and easily stop the import for one location by turning off the code in a section.

SQL Analysis Services OLAP TIME dimension

i'm struggling with adding time dimension to OLAP cube.
I can get everything in cube to work except date.
In my source data view I have datetime column.
I go by using Dimensions->New Dimension->Generate time dimension on the server.
I end up with a nice hierachical time dimension (Date-Month-Quarter-Year).
Later I add this dimension to cube and define regular relationship with datetime column from source data view (same table which has fact data).
When I try to deploy the cube, I get error:
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key cannot be found when processing:Table: 'table_name', Column: 'registration_date', Value: '3/29/2007 3:00:00 PM'. The attribute is 'Date'
Maybe I don't get something? Every manual I can find talks about calendar table already created in the source database. There are plenty of script which will create calendar table for you. But why should I ? Isn't Generate time dimension on the server meant for it?
I would guess that your date field in your fact table needs to be present in the time dimension. Perhaps remove the time or create a calculated field in the SSAS designer. More experience people may have better answers, I've only made one cube.

Adding a new dimension based on a key in fact table linked to one of the dimension tables

I have a fact table that holds all date & time attributes as keys which links to actual DATE & TIME dimension.
When I create a cube on top of it using SSAS 2005, these datetime attributes are split into individual dimensions for the CUBE, which is OK.
Problem is when I add a new datetime attribute to the fact table, my cube doesn't accept that and would not create a new datetime dimension just like the other ones, unless I recreate the cube from scratch.
Can anyone please suggest, how can I add this new attribute separately as a dimension, without having to recreate the cube?
I'm struggling to understand your issue.
It sounds as if you are trying to add a new datetime column(fact) (referenced to your apporpriate Dimension/s attribute) to the Fact table. If so, this changes the structure of the cube and so requires that the cube be re-processed.
To qualify correct use of terminology, a Dimension contains Attributes. A Fact table contains Facts not attributes.
The following reference may be of use.
Re: Comments
Any structural changes need to be applied/registered within the Data Source View (DSV) in the Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), prior to processing the cube. Clicking the refresh button on the DSV, should prompt you with an option to apply any discovered changes to your tables. Also, should any of your additions/modifications be to the underlying tables of Dimensions, then you may also need to add the attributes in question to the appoprirate Dimension .dim file, prior to re-processing the cube.
Hope this makes sense.
The problem usually comes because of Unknown Member and Null Processing options setup along with the snowflake schema if you have it in your cube. I figured out what the problem actually was.
If you have a case as one mentioned, then SSAS doesn't bring up the structural changes by itself when you refresh the Data source view. In my case, since it was date & time dimensions, I had to add new dimensions manually (Cube dimensions) and setting their NULL Processing options correctly (in my case UnknownMember and not Automatic).
Since it can be tad difficult to do these changes for all such new columns added to underlying fact table, you can try updating the XMLA script using Find & Replace method, carefully crafted.
