How to Implement URL parameter service correctly - angularjs

I'm about to design an service which handles URL parameters in AngularJS. Currently I have two different kinds of parameters.
Single valued
Multi valued
I'm not sure whether to implement a setter for both single and multi valued parameters.
* Set parameter
* #param {string} name
* #param {string|array} values
* #param {boolean} multi
setParam: function(name, value, multi) { }
Or if each type of parameter should get its own setter?
* Set single valued parameter
* #param {string} name
* #param {string} value
setSingleValuedParam: function(name, value) { }
* Set multi valued parameter
* #param {string} name
* #param {array} values
setMultiValuedParam: function(name, array) { }
Please note: This is pseudo-code and does not work!

Even the single one that you show is technically an array with a single element. So I would just implement the multi-valued one.
* Set parameters
* #param {string} name
* #param {array} values
setMultiValuedParam: function(name, array) { }
When the query comes, split it by , and there will be 0 or more parameters in the array.
FYI: Definitely include a possibility of 0 parameters, because even if your program does not call with 0, since this is a query parameter, someone else could just hit the URL directly.


how to document react functional components using Jsdocs, and Typescript

Given this
type LocationWeather = {
name: string;
temperature: number;
type IndexProp = {
savedLocationsWeather: LocationWeather[];
favoriteLocationWeather: LocationWeather;
function Index({ savedLocationsWeather, favoriteLocationWeather }: IndexProp)
What should the documentation look like?
My first approach was:
* Home page displaying weather details of saved locations and favorite location
* #param {object} props Component props
* #param {LocationWeather[]} props.savedLocationsWeather Weather details of saved locations
* #param {LocationWeather} props.favoriteLocationWeather Weather details of favorite location
* #return {TSX.Element}
I'm not sure if that's the correct way to specify the Array type of savedLocationsWeather as in
* #param {Array} props.savedLocationsWeather Weather details of saved locations
I'm also not sure it's correct to specify LocationWeather as a jsdoc type, as in
* #param {Locationweather} props.favoriteLocationWeather Weather details of favorite location
Is there even such a thing as a TSX.Element type, as in
* #return {TSX.Element}
Finally, should I define PropTypes as done here

Laravel Orchid: How can the post entry in the database be retrieved from in the PostEditScreen.php?

Laravel Orchid: How can the post entry in the database be retrieved from in the PostEditScreen.php?
In a function in the PostEditScreen.php, how can the entry in the database that is being referred to by the PostEditScreen be accessed?
Post::find($ is not working.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
* Query data.
* #param Post $post
* #return array
public function query(Post $post): array
// This will already be a record of your model.
Or you can do it explicitly
* Query data.
* #param int $id
* #return array
public function query(int $id): array
This is stated in the laravel documentation:

Can we create a custom aggregate function on two columns for pivot grid in extjs?

As per pivot.js code
* #param {Array} records Records to process.
* #param {String} measure Field to aggregate by.
* #param {Ext.pivot.matrix.Base} matrix The matrix object reference.
* #param {String} rowGroupKey Key of the left axis item.
* #param {String} colGroupKey Key of the top axis item.
* #return {Number}
sum: function(records, measure, matrix, rowGroupKey, colGroupKey) {
var length = records.length,
total = 0,
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
total += Ext.Number.from(records[i].get(measure), 0);
return total;
How do we create custom aggregate function on two columns for pivot grid based on this ?

How do I paginate a collection or custom query into API json in Laravel?

I have a complex query that is not based on any specific model table that I want to paginate output for. However laravel's built in pagination relies on models and tables. How can I paginate a collection and have the output match up with laravel's built in pagination output format?
I keep this in an app\Core\Helpers class so that I can call them from anywhere as \App\Core\Helpers::makePaginatorForCollection($query_results). The most likely place to use this is the last line of a controller that deals with complex queries.
In app/Http/Controllers/simpleExampleController.php
* simpleExampleController
public function myWeirdData(Request $request){
$my_unsafe_sql = '...';//never do this!!
$result = DB::statement(DB::raw($my_unsafe_sql));
return \App\Core\Helpers::makePaginatorForCollection($result);
In app\Core\Helpers.php or anywhere you like that auto loads.
* This will match laravel's built in Model::paginate()
* because it uses the same underlying code.
* #param \Illuminate\Support\Collection $collection
* #return \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator
public static function makePaginatorForCollection(\Illuminate\Support\Collection $collection){
$current_page = (request()->has('page')? request()->page : 1) -1;//off by 1 (make zero start)
$per_page = (request()->has('per_page')? request()->per_page : config('api.pagination.per_page')) *1;//make numeric
$page_data = $collection->slice($current_page * $per_page, $per_page)->all();
return new \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator(array_values($page_data), count($collection), $per_page);
* Copy and refactor makePaginatorForCollection()
* if collection building is too slow.
* #param $array
* #return \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator
public static function makePaginatorForArray($array){
$collection = collect($array);
return self::makePaginatorForCollection($collection);

Document a constant using ngDoc

How would one go about documenting a constant using ngDoc? I don't see any angular specific documentation for documenting values registered with .constant, and the jsDoc syntax for constants doesn't seem to generate any actual docs when it's run through ngDoc.
* #constant
* #name WHITE
* #description
* The color white!
module.constant( 'WHITE', '#fff' );
ngDocs currently doesn't provide a way to document constants. As you can see in its templating source code. There isnt relevant html_usage_* method.
I document constants like this, it shows a APP_CONFIG as a module then.
* #ngdoc object
* #name APP_CONFIG
* #description
* constant...
* #example
* APP_CONFIG is injectable as constant (as a service even to .config())
* <pre>
* (...) .config(function ($APP_CONFIG) {
* </pre>
It should be #const
/** #const */ var MY_BEER = 'stout';
* My namespace's favorite kind of beer.
* #const {string}
mynamespace.MY_BEER = 'stout';
/** #const */ MyClass.MY_BEER = 'stout';
* Initializes the request.
* #const
mynamespace.Request.prototype.initialize = function() {
// This method cannot be overridden in a subclass.
See the constant part and the comments part for more informations
