Being wrapped by a directive, how can I access its scope? - angularjs

How can I access the directive's isolate scope in the directive's body? My DOM looks like this:
<div ng-app="app">
<p>boolProperty: {{boolProperty|json}}</p>
The boolProperty is assigned inside the directive's link function:
angular.module("app", []).directive("directive", function() {
return {
scope: {},
link: function($scope) {
$scope.boolProperty = true;
The problem is, the child <p> inside the directive binds to the directive's parent scope, not the directive's isolated scope. How can I overcome this?
Click here for jsFiddle.

There are couple of problems in your code.
The default restrict option is A for attribute so anyways your directive will not be compiled because you are using it as an element. Use restrict: 'E' to make it work.
As per the documentation, the scope of the transcluded element is not a child scope of the directive but a sibling one. So boolProperty will always be undefined or empty. So you have to go up the scope level and find the proper sibling.
<div ng-app="app">
<p>boolProperty: {{$parent.$$childHead.boolProperty}}</p>
and need to use transclusion in the directive as:
angular.module("app", []).directive("directive", function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
transclude: true,
template: '<div ng-transclude></div>',
link: function(scope) {
scope.boolProperty = true;
However, this approach is not advisable and break later If you add a new controller before the directive because transcluded scope becomes 2nd sibling unlike 1st as before.
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="OneCtrl"></div>
<p>boolProperty: {{$parent.$$childHead.boolProperty || $parent.$$childHead.$$nextSibling.boolProperty}}</p>
Here is the Working Demo. The approach I mentioned is not ideal so use at your own risk. The #CodeHater' s answer is the one you should go with. I just wanted to explain why it did not work for you.

You forgot about two things:
By default AngularJS uses attrubute restriction, so in your case in directive definition you should specify restrict: "E"
You should use child scope, but not isolated. So set scope: true to inherit from parent view scope.
See updated fiddle
Good luck.

From the docs:
As the name suggests, the isolate scope of the directive isolates everything except models that you've explicitly added to the scope: {} hash object. This is helpful when building reusable components because it prevents a component from changing your model state except for the models that you explicitly pass in.
It seems you would need to explicitly add boolProperty to scope.
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<directive bool="boolProperty">
<p>boolProperty: {{boolProperty|json}}</p>
angular.module("app", []).controller("ctrl",function($scope){
$scope.boolProperty = false;
}).directive("directive", function() {
return {
scope: {boolProperty:'=bool'},
link: function($scope) {
$scope.boolProperty = "i'm a boolean property";
Here's updated fiddle.


How to pass string and bool variables automatically to directive parent scope

I bind variable in a directive like this :
<path-filter-modal is-opened="filterModalIsOpened">
And in the directive I use '=' binding like this:
scope: {
isOpened: '='
When I change variable in directive, a parent scope contains own value.
How can I make that the parent scope contain the same value?
For objects it works well but not with strings and booleans.
Notice that I use controller that is defined in my directive in my directive to change values.
Because JavaScript is designed to be so.
Defining an isolate scope in the directive creates a new $scope object, which is a separate $scope object. Its only relationship with the parent scope is that: $isolateScope.$parent === $parentScope. It doesn't inherits from $parentScope prototypical.
When you assign some primitive type (string/boolean) to $scope.isOpened, actually JavaScript engine will create a new variable isOpened on $scope. It is totally not related to $parentScope.isOpened.
But now, Angular syncs the two variables for you implicitly. So binding primitive variables still makes two-way binding work well. Please check JSFiddle.
If you binds to some object type, the child scope and parent scope are referencing to the exactly the same copy of an object in the memory. Changing on the parent scope will change the child scope automatically. So two-way binding is always recommended to bind objects, not primitive types.
Check this JSFiddle. I bind a primitive and an object to the directive myDirective. Then modify them inside the link function:
scope.primitiveParam = 'primitive from directive';
// $parent.primitive and primitiveParam refer to different memory;
// Angular is responsible to sync them.
console.log(scope.primitiveParam); = 'object from directive';
// $parent.obj and objectParam refer to an identical object
console.log(scope.objectParam === scope.$parent.obj);
And the result is like:
primitive from parent
primitive from directive
object from directive
object from directive
For more details: Understanding Scopes (here are many intuitive images illustrating the concepts clearly)
RE: For objects it works well but not with strings and booleans
I think it's the usual case of prototypal inheritance problem. When the model come from object it works well, but if it come from non-objects there's a possibility that the ng-model is created on child scope.
To solve that problem, use modern approach, use Controller as approach. Or put the filterModelIsOpened in an object. The first approach is better.
<div ng-controller="SomeController as s">
<path-filter-modal is-opened="s.filterModalIsOpened">
function SomeController() { // no need to use $scope
this.filterModalIsOpened = false;
Or if you are using older version of Angular, you cannot use Controller as approach. Just create your own alias in the controller:
<div ng-controller="SomeController">
<path-filter-modal is-opened="s.filterModalIsOpened">
function SomeController($scope) {
$scope["s"] = this;
this.filterModalIsOpened = false;
Here's a good article explaining the prototypal inheritance:
Here are the demo why you should always prefix your model, be they are object or primitive.
Not recommended. Live code demo:
<div ng-app="App" ng-controller="Ctrl">
<div ng-if="true">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="filterModalCanBeOpened"/>
<the-directive primitive-param="filterModalCanBeOpened"></the-directive>
The value below doesn't react to changes in primitive(non-object) property
that is created a copy on a directive(e.g., ng-repeat, ng-if) that creates
child scope
$scope.primitive: {{filterModalCanBeOpened}}
angular.module('App', [])
.directive('theDirective', function () {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
scope: {
primitiveParam: '='
template: '<div>primitiveParam from directive: {{ primitiveParam }}; </div>',
link: function (scope) {
.controller('Ctrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.filterModalCanBeOpened = true;
Recommended: Live code demo:
<div ng-app="App" ng-controller="Ctrl as c">
<div ng-if="true">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="c.filterModalCanBeOpened"/>
<the-directive primitive-param="c.filterModalCanBeOpened"></the-directive>
The value below react to changes in primitive(non-object) property that is
addressed directly by its alias c, creating child scope on it would be
impossible. So the primitive below react to changes on
the c's filterModalCanBeOpened.
c.primitive: {{c.filterModalCanBeOpened}}
angular.module('App', [])
.directive('theDirective', function () {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
scope: {
primitiveParam: '='
template: '<div>primitiveParam from directive: {{ primitiveParam }}; </div>',
link: function (scope) {
.controller('Ctrl', [function () {
this.filterModalCanBeOpened = true;

Why does my nested directive disconnect from its ngModel as soon as $setViewValue() is called?

Plunker here.
I have a directive ("child") nested inside another directive ("parent"). It requires ngModel, and ngModelCtrl.$modelValue is shown and kept up-to-date just fine in its template. That is, until I call ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue().
So here is the HTML initialising the directives:
<div parent>
<div child ng-model="content">Some</div>
And here are the directives:
angular.module('form-example2', [])
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.content = 'Hi';
.directive('parent', function() {
return {
transclude: true,
template: '<div ng-transclude></div>',
controller: function(){
scope: {}
.directive('child', function() {
return {
require: ['ngModel', '^parent'],
transclude: true,
template: '<div>Model: {{model.$modelValue}} (<a style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;" ng-click="alter()">Alter</a>)<br />Contents: <div style="background: grey" ng-transclude></div></div>',
scope: {},
link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
var ngModelCtrl = ctrl[0];
var parentCtrl = ctrl[1];
scope.model = ngModelCtrl;
// view -> model
scope.alter = function(){
// model -> view
// load init value from DOM
When the model (i.e. content) changes, this change can be seen inside the child directive. When you click the "Alter" link (which triggers a call of $setViewValue()), the model's value should become "Hi2". This is correctly displayed inside the child directive, but not in the model outside the directive. Furthermore, when I now update the model outside the directive, it is no longer updated inside the directive.
How come?
The directives ended up being just fine; the only problem was that the passed model should be an object property. Hence, the directives work if the following modifications are made to the calling code (Plunker):
In the controller, instead of $scope.content = 'Hi';:
$scope.content = {
value: 'Hi'
In the template, replace all references to content with content.value:
<input ng-model="content.value" type="text" />
<div parent>
<div child ng-model="content.value">Some</div>
<pre>model = {{content.value}}</pre>
The reason this works, roughly, is that when Angular passes the reference to the model to the transcluded scope of the parent directive (i.e. the one the child is in), this is only a reference when it refers to an object property - otherwise it is a copy, which Angular cannot watch for changes.
#Josep's answer helped greatly so, even though it did not provide the actual solution, if you're reading this and it's useful, give it a vote :)

Accessing parent scope from isolated scope

I'm trying to write attribute directive that wraps element and decorates it with some other things along with additional directives. And I need to keep content inside the element intact. Something like this:
app.controller 'myCtrl', ($scope)->
$ = "Gwendolyn"
app.directive 'niceName',($compile)->
restrict: 'A'
replace: yes
scope: niceName:"="
template: (element, attrs)->
<div style='background:lightgray'>
controller: ($scope, $element)->
$scope.$watch 'hover',->
$scope.nice = if $scope.hover then $scope.niceName else ''
compile:(element, attrs)->
element.attr('ng-mouseover',"hover = true")
element.attr('ng-mouseout',"hover = false")
element.removeAttr('nice-name') # removing itself to avoid from falling into infinite loop
pre:(scope, iElement, iAttrs)->
<div nice-name="uglyname">
Now that thing doesn't work at all, it won't render h2 part because now uglyname is unknown to the current scope. I can compile it with passing the parent scope, but then it totally breaks my controller. (see jsbin below)
So somehow I have to compile content of the element applying parent scope, add it to the template and then compile again applying local scope? Or I need to find a way to inherit properties of parent scope? Or I can't do it with attribute directive? Maybe I need to use element directive and transclusion?
Any ideas?
i would do what #marfarma suggested as well as change you html to not include the brackets so:
scope: { niceName: "="},

Why I can't access the right scope?

<!doctype html>
<div ng-app="project">
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
{{ property1 }}
<br />
{{ property2 }}
<div class="ts" d-child property1="{{ property1 }}cloud" property2="property2">
property1: {{ property1 }}
<br />
property2: {{ property2 }}
angular.module('project', [])
.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.property1 = 'ss';
$scope.property2 = 'dd';
.directive('dChild', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
property1: '#',
property2: '='
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
// template: '<input type="text" ng-model="property1" />'
I thought the property1: {{ property1 }} would be "property1: sscloud",but it turns out to be "ss",as if it still refers to the scope of the mainCtrl controller, shouldn't it be refer the scope of the d-child directive?
if I use template in the directive,it does refer to the right scope and shows 'sscloud',anyone can tell me why?
When angular compiles an element with isolated scope it has some rules:
If directives has no template property (or templateUrl), the inner content is attached to the parent scope. Actually before this commit, inner contents were getting the isolated scope. check your example to confirm it works on versions less than 1.2
If directives do have a template property then it would override the inner content (unless trancluded).
Only when you use a transclusion, then the inner content is attached to a sibling scope (non isolated).
The reason why angular works this way is to let reusable components be loosely coupled, and not have any side effects on your application.
Directives without isolate scope do not get the isolate scope from an isolate directive on the same element (see important commit).
Directive's template gets the isolated scope anyways.
If you want to alter this behavior you can pass the isolated scope to the tranclusion function like so:
.directive('dChild', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
transclude: true,
scope: {
property1: '#',
property2: '='
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, linker) {
linker(scope, function(clone, scope){
I highly recommend you to see these tutorials:
Angular.js - Transclusion basics
Angular.js - Components and containers
And to read more:
Access directive's isolate scope from within transcluded content
I'm not quite sure about this, I'm pretty sure it all has to do with when each {{}} is evaluated, and when the scope of the directive becomes isolated. My suggestion is to place the content in a template, as it seems to be working when doing so.
If you want to read more about the difference of of "#" and "=" in directive scopes, here's the best text I've found about it.
What is the difference between '#' and '=' in directive scope in AngularJS?
I think you have to use the transclude option.
In fact, as AngularJS docs says :
What does this transclude option do, exactly? transclude makes the contents of
a directive with this option have access to the scope outside of the directive
rather than inside.
Because of the Directives isolated scope that you created
More docs at:

AngularJS directive transclude part binding

I'd like to use a directive, transclude content, and call directive's controller method within the transcluded part:
<div ng-click='foo()'>
click me
app.directive "mydirective", ->
return {
restrict: 'EACM',
transclude: true
template: "<div ng-transclude></div>"
scope: { } #required: I use two way binding on some variable, but it's not the question here
controller: [ '$scope', ($scope)->
$ = -> console.log('foo')
plunkr here.
How can I do that please?
I have a different answer, which is not a hack and I hope it will be accepted..
see my plunkr for a live demo
Here is my usage of the directive
<div custom-directive custom-name="{{name}}">
if transclude works fine you should see my name right here.. [{{customName}}]
Note I am using customName within the directive and I assign it a value as part of the directive's scope.
Here is my directive definition
angular.module('guy').directive('customDirective', function($compile, $timeout){
return {
template : '<div class="custom-template">This is custom template with [{{customName}}]. below should be appended content with binding to isolated scope using the transclude function.. wait 2 seconds to see that binding works</div>',
restrict: 'AC',
transclude: true,
scope : {
customName : '#'
link : function postLink( scope, element, attrs, dummy, transcludeFn ){
transcludeFn( scope, function(clone, innerScope ){
var compiled = $compile(clone)(scope);
$timeout( function(){
scope.customName = 'this stuff works!!!';
}, 2000);
Note that I am changing the value on the scope after 2 seconds so it shows the binding works.
After reading a lot online, I understood the following:
the ng-transclude directive is the default implementation to transclusion which can be redefined per use-case by the user
redefining a transclusion means angular will use your definition on each $digest
by default - the transclusion creates a new scope which is not a child of the isolated scope, but rather a sibling (and so the hack works). If you redefine the transclusion process you can choose which scope is used while compiling the transcluded content.. -- even though a new scope is STILL created it seems
There is not enough documentation to the transclude function. I didn't even find it in the documentation. I found it in another SO answer
This is a bit tricky. The transcluded scope is not the child of the directive scope, instead they are siblings. So in order to access foo from the ng-click of the transcluded element, you have to assign foo to the correct scope, i.e. the sibling of the directive scope. Be sure to access the transcluded scope from the link function because it hasn't been created in controller function.
Demo link
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.directive("mydirective", function(){
return {
transclude: true,
restrict: 'EACM',
template: "<div> {{ name }} <br/><br/> <div ng-transclude> </div></div>",
scope: { },
link: function($scope){
$ = 'Should change if click below works';
$scope.$$ = function(){
$ = 'it works!';
Another way is assigning foo to the parent scope because both prototypally inherits from the parent scope, i.e.
$scope.$ = ...
Technically, if you remove scope: { }, then it should work since the directive will not create an isolated scope. (Btw, you need to add restrict: "E", since you use the directive as element)
I think it makes more sense to call actions defined in parent scope from directive rather than call the actions in the directive from parent scope. Directive should be something self-contained and reusable. The actions in the directive should not be accessible from outside.
If you really want to do it, you can try to emit an event by calling $scope.$broadcast(), and add a listener in the directive. Hope it helps.
