Execute bash command stored in associative array over SSH, store result - arrays

For a larger project that's not relevant, I need to collect system stats from the local system or a remote system. Since I'm collecting the same stats either way, I'm preventing code duplication by storing the stats-collecting commands in a Bash associative array.
declare -A stats_cmds
# Actually contains many more key:value pairs, similar style
stats_cmds=([total_ram]="$(free -m | awk '/^Mem:/{print $2}')")
I can collect local system stats like this:
# Collect stats about local system
# Many more similar calls here
A precondition of my script is that ~/.ssh/config is setup such that ssh $SSH_HOSTNAME works without any user input. I would like something like this:
# Collect stats about remote system
complex_data_structure_that_doesnt_matter=`ssh $SSH_HOSTNAME ${stats_cmds[total_ram]}`
I've tried every combination of single quotes, double quotes, backticks and such that I can imagine. Some combinations result in the stats command getting executed too early (bash: 7986: command not found), others cause syntax errors, others return null (single quotes around the stats command) but none store the proper result in my data structure.
How can I evaluate a command, stored in an associative array, on a remote system via SSH and store the result in a data structure in my local script?

Make sure that the commands you store in your array don't get expanded when you assign your array!
Also note that the complex-looking quoting style is necessary when nesting single quotes. See this SO post for an explanation.
stats_cmds=([total_ram]='free -m | awk '"'"'/^Mem:/{print $2}'"'"'')
And then just launch your ssh as:
sh "$ssh_hostname" "${stats_cmds[total_ram]}"
(yeah, I lowercased your variable name because uppercase variable names in Bash are really sick). Then:
get_local_system_stats() {
# Collect stats about local system
complex_data_structure_that_doesnt_matter=$( ${stats_cmds[total_ram]} )
# Many more similar calls here
get_remote_system_stats() {
# Collect stats about remote system
complex_data_structure_that_doesnt_matter=$(ssh "$ssh_hostname" "${stats_cmds[total_ram]}")

First, I'm going to suggest an approach that makes minimal changes to your existing implementation. Then, I'm going to demonstrate something closer to best practices.
Smallest Modification
Given your existing code:
declare -A remote_stats_cmds
remote_stats_cmds=([total_ram]='free -m | awk '"'"'/^Mem:/{print $2}'"'"''
[used_ram]='free -m | awk '"'"'/^Mem:/{print $3}'"'"''
[free_ram]='free -m | awk '"'"'/^Mem:/{print $4}'"'"''
[one_min_load]='uptime | awk -F'"'"'[a-z]:'"'"' '"'"'{print $2}'"'"' | awk -F "," '"'"'{print $1}'"'"' | tr -d " "'
[five_min_load]='uptime | awk -F'"'"'[a-z]:'"'"' '"'"'{print $2}'"'"' | awk -F "," '"'"'{print $2}'"'"' | tr -d " "'
[fifteen_min_load]='uptime | awk -F'"'"'[a-z]:'"'"' '"'"'{print $2}'"'"' | awk -F "," '"'"'{print $3}'"'"' | tr -d " "'
[iowait]='cat /proc/stat | awk '"'"'NR==1 {print $6}'"'"''
[steal_time]='cat /proc/stat | awk '"'"'NR==1 {print $9}'"'"'')
...one can evaluate these locally as follows:
result=$(eval "${remote_stat_cmds[iowait]}")
echo "$result" # demonstrate value retrieved
...or remotely as follows:
result=$(ssh "$hostname" bash <<<"${remote_stat_cmds[iowait]}")
echo "$result" # demonstrate value retrieved
No separate form is required.
The Right Thing
Now, let's talk about an entirely different way to do this:
# no awful nested quoting by hand!
collect_total_ram() { free -m | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $2}'; }
collect_used_ram() { free -m | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $3}'; }
collect_cpus() { nproc; }
...and then, to evaluate locally:
...or, to evaluate remotely:
result=$(ssh "$hostname" bash <<<"$(declare -f collect_cpus); collect_cpus")
...or, to iterate through defined functions with the collect_ prefix and do both of these things:
declare -A local_results
declare -A remote_results
while IFS= read -r funcname; do
remote_results["${funcname#collect_}"]=$(ssh "$hostname" bash <<<"$(declare -f "$funcname"); $funcname")
done < <(compgen -A function collect_)
...or, to collect all the items into a single remote array in one pass, avoiding extra SSH round-trips and not eval'ing or otherwise taking security risks with results received from the remote system:
while IFS= read -r funcname; do
remote_cmd+="$(declare -f "$funcname"); printf '%s\0' \"$funcname\" \"\$(\"$funcname\")\";"
done < <(compgen -A function collect_)
declare -A remote_results=( )
while IFS= read -r -d '' funcname && IFS= read -r -d '' result; do
done < <(ssh "$hostname" bash <<<"$remote_cmd")


Bash: how to print and run a cmd array which has the pipe operator, |, in it

This is a follow-up to my question here: How to write bash function to print and run command when the command has arguments with spaces or things to be expanded
Suppose I have this function to print and run a command stored in an array:
# Print and run the cmd stored in the passed-in array
print_and_run() {
echo "Running cmd: $*"
# run the command by calling all elements of the command array at once
This works fine:
cmd_array=(ls -a /)
print_and_run "${cmd_array[#]}"
But this does NOT work:
cmd_array=(ls -a / | grep "home")
print_and_run "${cmd_array[#]}"
Error: syntax error near unexpected token `|':
eRCaGuy_hello_world/bash$ ./print_and_run.sh
./print_and_run.sh: line 55: syntax error near unexpected token `|'
./print_and_run.sh: line 55: `cmd_array=(ls -a / | grep "home")'
How can I get this concept to work with the pipe operator (|) in the command?
If you want to treat an array element containing only | as an instruction to generate a pipeline, you can do that. I don't recommend it -- it means you have security risk if you don't verify that variables into your string can't consist only of a single pipe character -- but it's possible.
Below, we create a random single-use "$pipe" sigil to make that attack harder. If you're unwilling to do that, change [[ $arg = "$pipe" ]] to [[ $arg = "|" ]].
# generate something random to make an attacker's job harder
# use that randomly-generated sigil in place of | in our array
ls -a /
"$pipe" grep "home"
exec_array_pipe() {
local arg cmd_q
local -a cmd=( )
while (( $# )); do
arg=$1; shift
if [[ $arg = "$pipe" ]]; then
# log an eval-safe copy of what we're about to run
printf -v cmd_q '%q ' "${cmd[#]}"
echo "Starting pipeline component: $cmd_q" >&2
# Recurse into a new copy of ourselves as a child process
"${cmd[#]}" | exec_array_pipe "$#"
cmd+=( "$arg" )
printf -v cmd_q '%q ' "${cmd[#]}"
echo "Starting pipeline component: $cmd_q" >&2
exec_array_pipe "${cmd_array[#]}"
See this running in an online sandbox at https://ideone.com/IWOTfO
Do this instead. It works.
print_and_run() {
echo "Running cmd: $1"
eval "$1"
Example usage:
cmd='ls -a / | grep -C 9999 --color=always "home"'
print_and_run "$cmd"
Running cmd: ls -a / | grep -C 9999 --color=always "home"
(rest of output here, with the word "home" highlighted in red)
The general direction is that you don't. You do not store the whole command line to be printed later, and this is not the direction you should take.
The "bad" solution is to use eval.
The "good" solution is to store the literal '|' character inside the array (or some better representation of it) and parse the array, extract the pipe parts and execute them. This is presented by Charles in the other amazing answer. It is just rewriting the parser that already exists in the shell. It requires significant work, and expanding it will require significant work.
The end result is, is that you are reimplementing parts of shell inside shell. Basically writing a shell interpreter in shell. At this point, you can just consider taking Bash sources and implementing a new shopt -o print_the_command_before_executing option in the sources, which might just be simpler.
However, I believe the end goal is to give users a way to see what is being executed. I would propose to approach it like .gitlab-ci.yml does with script: statements. If you want to invent your own language with "debug" support, do just that instead of half-measures. Consider the following YAML file:
- ls -a / | grep "home"
- echo other commands
- for i in "stuff"; do
echo "$i";
- |
for i in "stuff"; do
echo "$i"
Then the following "runner":
import yaml
import shlex
import os
import sys
script = []
input = yaml.safe_load(open(sys.argv[1], "r"))
for line in input:
script += [
"echo + " + shlex.quote(line).replace("\n", "<newline>"), # some unicode like ␤ would look nice
os.execvp("bash", ["bash", "-c", "\n".join(script)])
Executing the runner results in:
+ ls -a / | grep "home"
+ echo other commands
other commands
+ for i in "stuff"; do echo "$i"; done
+ for i in "stuff"; do<newline> echo "$i"<newline>done<newline>
This offers greater flexibility and is rather simple, supports any shell construct with ease. You can try gitlab-ci/cd on their repository and read the docs.
The YAML format is only an example of the input format. Using special comments like # --- cut --- between parts and extracting each part with the parser will allow running shellcheck over the script. Instead of generating a script with echo statements, you could run Bash interactively, print the part to be executed and then "feed" the part to be executed to interactive Bash. This will alow to preserve $?.
Either way - with a "good" solution, you end up with a custom parser.
Instead of passing an array, you can pass the whole function and use the output of declare -f with some custom parsing:
print_and_run() {
echo "+ $(
declare -f "$1" |
# Remove `f() {` and `}`. Remove indentation.
sed '1d;2d;$d;s/^ *//' |
# Replace newlines with <newline>.
sed -z 's/\n*$//;s/\n/<newline>/'
cmd() { ls -a / | grep "home"; }
print_and_run cmd
Results in:
+ ls --color -F -a / | grep "home"
It will allow for supporting any shell construct and still allow you to check it with shellcheck and doesn't require that much work.

How to access last item in bash array on Mac OS?

I had to create a bash array on Mac OS as follows. The $1 represents # of git commits you want to store in the array.
IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a array<<< "$(git log -n $1 | grep commit | awk '{print $2}')"
I can't access last array item as ${array[-1]}. I get the error "array: bad array subscript".
However, when I create the array on linux OS, I can access the last array item in the same way successfully.
readarray -t array <<< "$(git log -n $1 | grep commit | awk '{print $2}')"
echo ${array[-1]} is successful on Linux machine but not on Mac OS machine.
In a bash too old to support negative subscripts, you end up needing to do something like:
echo "${array[$((${#array[#]} - 1))]}"

sh shell: how do I grab and store values, which may have space, in an array

I am trying to write a script to grab the users from the passwd file
USERS_LIST=( $( cat /etc/passwd | cut -d":" -f1 ) )
the above would do the trick up until now because I only had users with no spaces in their names.
However, this is not the case anymore. I need to be able to resolve usernames that may very well have spaces in their names.
I tried reading line by line the file, but the same problem exists (this is one line but I have indented it for clarity here):
tk=($( while read line ; do
j=$(echo ${line} | cut -d":" -f1 )
echo "$j"
done < /etc/passwd )
unfortunately if I try to print the array, the usernames with space will be split in 2 array cells.
So username "named user" , will occupy array [0] and [1] locations.
How can I fix that in sh shell?
thank you for your help!
Arrays are bash (and ksh, and zsh) features not present in POSIX sh, so I'm assuming that you mean to ask about bash. You can't store anything in an array in sh, since sh doesn't have arrays.
Don't populate an array that way.
users_list=( $( cat /etc/passwd | cut -d":" -f1 ) )
...string-splits and glob-expands contents. Instead:
# This requires bash 4.0 or later
mapfile -t users_list < <(cut -d: -f1 </etc/passwd)
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a users_list < <(cut -d: -f1 </etc/passwd)
Now, if you really want POSIX sh compatibility, there is one array -- exactly one, the argument list. You can overwrite it if you see fit.
set --
cut -d: -f1 </etc/passwd >tempfile
while read -r username; do
set -- "$#" "$username"
done <tempfile
At that point, "$#" is an array of usernames.

Content of array in bash is OK when called directly, but lost when called from function

I am trying to use xmllint to search an xml file and store the values I need into an array. Here is what I am doing:
function getProfilePaths {
unset profilePaths
unset profilePathsArr
profilePaths=$(echo 'cat //profiles/profile/#path' | xmllint --shell file.xml | grep '=' | grep -v ">" | cut -f 2 -d "=" | tr -d \")
profilePathsArr+=( $(echo $profilePaths))
return 0
In another function I have:
function useProfilePaths {
for i in ${profilePathsArr[#]}; do
echo $i
return 0
The behavior of the function changes whether I do the commands manually on the command line VS calling them from different function as part of a wrapper script. When I can my function from a wrapper script, the items in the array are 1, compared to when I do it from the command line, it's 2:
$ echo ${#profilePathsArr[#]}
The content of profilePaths looks like this when echoed:
$ echo ${profilePaths}
/Profile/Path/1 /Profile/Path/2
I am not sure what the separator is for an xmllint call.
When I call my function from my wrapper script, the content of the first iteration of the for loop looks like this:
for i in ${profilePathsArr[#]}; do
echo $i
the first echo looks like:
... and the second echo is empty.
Can anyone help me debug this issue? If I could find out what is the separator used by xmllint, maybe I could parse the items correctly in the array.
FYI, I have already tried the following approach, with the same result:
profilePaths=($(echo 'cat //profiles/profile/#path' | xmllint --shell file.xml | grep '=' | grep -v ">" | cut -f 2 -d "=" | tr -d \"))
Instead of using the --shell switch and many pipes, you should use the proper --xpath switch.
But as far of I know, when you have multiple values, there's no simple way to split the different nodes.
So a solution is to iterate like this :
for i in {1..100}; do
xmllint --xpath "//profiles[$i]/profile/#path" file.xml || break
or use xmlstarlet:
profilePaths=( $(xmlstarlet sel -t -v "//profiles/profile/#path" file.xml) )
it display output with newlines by default
The problem you're having is related to data encapsulation; specifically, variables defined in a function are local, so you can't access them outside that function unless you define them otherwise.
Depending on the implementation of sh you're using, you may be able get around this by using eval on your variable definition or with a modifier like global for mksh and declare -g for zsh and bash. I know that mksh's implementation definitely works.
Thank you for providing feedback on how I can resolve this problem. After investigating more, I was able to make this work by changing the way I was iterating the content of my 'profilePaths' variable to insert its values into the 'profilePathsArr' array:
# Retrieve the profile paths from file.xml and assign to 'profilePaths'
profilePaths=$(echo 'cat //profiles/profile/#path' | xmllint --shell file.xml | grep '=' | grep -v ">" | cut -f 2 -d "=" | tr -d \")
# Insert them into the array 'profilePathsArr'
IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a profilePathsArr <<<"$profilePaths"
For some reason, with all the different function calls from my master script and calls to other scripts, it seemed like the separators were lost along the way. I am unable to find the root cause, but I know that by using "\n" as the IFS and a while loop, it worked like a charm.
If anybody wishes to add more comments on this, you are more than welcome.

Proper way to keep array from pipe BASH

I saw quite a few different solutions to resolve an issue with keeping an array from a pipe however none seemed to do the trick for me, currently my script works correctly however the array "databasesarray" is lost upon "done", how would I go about keeping this information with my complex pipe scheme?
dbs -d 123123 | grep db|awk '{print $2}'|while read db;
databasesarray[$N]+=$(gdb $db|grep dn);
echo ${N} ${databasesarray[$N]};
N=$(($N + 1));
Better and more efficient way of filling up array in a loop:
while read -r db; do
databasesarray+=( "$db $(gdb "$db"|grep "dn")" )
done < <(dbs -d 123123 | awk '/db/{print $2}')
Your grep and awk can be combined into one
Instead of pipe with while it better to use process substitution < <(...) syntax
PS: You could use read -a for filling up array:
read -a databasesarray < <(dbs -d 123123 | awk '/db/{print $2}')
