Facebook API Windows Phone using CodenameOne - codenameone

When following the blog outlining the use of the facebook API under codenameoOne, it only stated how to do this under iOS and Android. Is it possible to use the facebook functionality under Windows Phone? I haven't seen the "Bundle ID" on the Windows Phone setup.

We have two ways to connect to Facebook: Native and Lightweight.
On Windows Phone only the lightweight mode is supported at the moment, Facebook officially deprecated that method even though it provided no alternative for quite a few platforms. E.g. they don't seem to have an official Windows Phone SDK.
Our lightweight login (demonstrated in the FacebookDemo app) allows you to login using the web UI which should work everywhere. You should use it as a fallback when the facebook connect API indicates that it is unsupported.


realm mobile platform sync and web app

I'm looking at using realm for a project I'm working on which will be a multi-platform mobile app which will needs to sync data between users / devices. I think the realm mobile platform would be perfect.
However, I also need to have a admin / web app. I've seen that realm has a react-native module so I can use react-native to create my mobile app. Question is can I also use react (or react-native) to create a web admin app or even a desktop version using Electron?!.. In effect the admin app syncs to the same realm the mobile app is using via the realm mobile platform.
Hope that makes sense - Thanks is advance..
The new Professional Edition might be the solution you are looking for.
As EpicPandaForce states, you would need the enterprise license in order to use sync on the server.
There is a Node SDK for Realm: https://realm.io/news/first-object-database-realm-node-js-server/. We are not officially supporting Electron yet though people have managed to make it work. However, that doesn't yet offer sync so it won't help you in this particular case but stay tuned for updates on that situation!

Which Flurry SDK Should I Use With Phonegap

I am installing Flurry into a Phonegap application so that I might collect better in app analytics. I've seen numerous cordova plugins allowing you to use Flurry's iPhone and Android SDKs with Phonegap
e.g. https://github.com/jfpsf/flurry-phonegap-plugin
However Flurry has released a Mobile Web SDK. I assume the Mobile Web SDK is easier to integrate with a phonegap application, however I'm concerned that it is not as full featured or ill suited for working with phonegap. Can anyone comment on which SDK should be used in this situation? Many thanks.
Posing the question to Flurry's support team I received the following reply:
"The Mobile Web SDK tracks devices on the basis of cookies. The native SDK's track it on the basis of device id.
Apart from that, the mobile web SDK doesn't provide metrics like carrier, device and OS metrics. The native SDK provides those.
Crash reporting is not supported on the Mobile Web SDK. The native iOS and Android SDK's provide that."
Ergo, the SDKs are not created equally. One should use the native SDKs whenever they have the opportunity.

Using AdMob with Windows Store apps

There is a restriction in Google Adsense posted here that says:
The use of AdSense for mobile in a mobile application is a violation
of AdSense policies. A mobile application constitutes any downloadable
application, even if a WebView is used to display the ad. Any AdSense
for mobile ad units found in mobile applications will be disabled. If
you’re looking for an advertising solution for your mobile
application, please sign up for AdMob, Google’s leading mobile
advertising display product.
So if I read this correctly Windows Store Apps that run on laptops are considered mobile apps aswell?
But my main question is. Am I allowed by Google to use Admob in Windows Store apps and Where can I find the SDK?
I tried using Microsoft PubCenter. But it shows no advertisements to people that downloaded my app so I am looking for an alternative to monetize my app

P2P payments with PayPal on mobile devices

I'm looking into supporting P2P payments for a mobile app, iOS as well as Android. I do not think the PayPal API has support for this, what would be the best way to achieve this?
I need a verification preferably of a payment made to another user.
PayPal absolutely supports this. You have a number of options. You can use their actual mobile SDK's or you can just build standard HTTP requests to the API end-point like usual.
When using Express Checkout or Adaptive Payments their system will automatically switch to using the mobile checkout experience when a mobile device is used. This way you can build your apps to run on mobile devices or regular computers (with jQuery Mobile, for example) and it would give the user the experience they expect.

Could somebody explain or give an example what features does Facebook new SDK support for iOS 6?

On Facebook developer blog, it said "Updating the Facebook SDK with support for iOS 6.0".
But when I setup login following by https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/login-with-facebook-using-ios-sdk/, I still need to input account/password again, even though I have login Facebook via settings on iOS6.
I am a new developer, so I am confused with "support for iOS 6.0"
Could somebody explain or give an example what features does Facebook new SDK support for iOS 6?
