Angularjs ng-model nested inside ng-repeat updates all - angularjs

This should be simple. For some reason, when using ng-model inside of ng-repeat it updates all ng-models inside that repeat loop.
Here's the code. Any ideas?

Problem is that you are resetting row.field with an object from "$scope.columns"
<select ng-model="row.field" ng-options="column.title for column in columns"></select>
Here, row.field is reset with an object from $scope.columns and if you change this object in one row, as the other rows also use the same object, they repeat the same value.
You can change this model to row.field.type as
<select ng-model="row.field.type" ng-options="column.type as column.title for column in columns" ng-change="resetRow(row.field)"></select>
and define $scope.resetRow in your controller to reset other properties based on the field type.
Here is the updated plunker.
I would love to have a feature in ng-options to return a copy of
the object selected instead of the object reference to solve your problem though.


Why ng-value and value attribute of input element hold different values

The input field value doesn't get the assigned ng-value.The dragItms object holds the value to be bound for the given col key.
When isSaveTemplt = true, collection and columns gets updated after api call.
The functionality that I implement is such that dragItems object changes on clicking tabs and the said api is called for getting the data for tbody element.
<th ng-if="isSaveTemplt && collection.length>0 && columns.length>0" ng-
repeat="col in columns track by $index">
<input class="filterStyle" type="search" placeholder="search
by {{col | translate}}" st-search="{{col}}" ng-value={{dragItms[col]}} />
I didn't get your question clearly, Maybe more code and explanation is needed. Unfortunately I dont have enough reputation to comment. But what I feel is the issue of using ng-if. Whenever ng-if is used it creates a child scope. So any element inside has a different scope. To access parent scope use $parent. So you access will be something like this {{$parent.dragItms[col]}}. $parent is parent scope.

bind different value to ng-model on some condition

I have started using Angular and don't have much experience in it.
I am stuck with an issue. I am using ng-show and ng-model.
its like
<tr ng-show="responseValid">
<td> <input id="nameId" ng-model=""/> </td>
I am pre-populating the value in
Now if response is valid the input tag is shown otherwise not.
but when I submit the form, nameId value is bind by ng-model=""
Issue here is I want should not contain any value if response is not Valid i.e when input tag is hidden. but its not happening.
How can I nullify/empty the value in Is there anything available that I can use in the tag itself?
You should use ng-if instead of ng-show I believe.
ng-if removes elements from the DOM while ng-show only sets display:none.
When your send your model, check the state of the validResponse and set your model data based in this
$scope.sendModel = function(){
$ = $scope.validResponse? $ : '';
A more advanced example
You can use ngSwitch or ngIf.
<tr ng-if="responseValid">
<td> <input id="nameId" ng-model=""/> </td>
If the condition is not met, angular will completely remove the DOM element, till the condition will meet.

use ng-options or ng-repeat in select?

I want use select in angularjs.
I have a json that every element have 2 part: name and value. I want show name in dropdown and when user select one of theme, value is copy to ng-model.
$scope.list = [{name:"element1",value:10},{name:"element2",value:20},{name:"element3",value:30}];
For this I have 2 way to use select:
I use ng-options like below:
<select ng-model="model.test" ng-options=" for element in list"></select>
It's work correctly, but when I select each of element, I want just value of element is copy to ng-model, but a json is copy to ng-model, like below:
$scope.model.test = {name:"element1",value:1}
I can resolve this problem in angular controller, but I want find a better way that resolve this problem.
For resolove this problem, I use second way:
2.use ng-repeat in options:
<select ng-model="model.test">
<option ng-repeat="element in list" value="{{element.value}}">{{}}</option>
In second way, just value is copy to ng-model, but as a string type:
$scope.model.test = "10";
I use below code, but all of them return a string value to model.
<option ng-repeat="element in list" value={{element.value}}>{{}}</option>
<option ng-repeat="element in list" value="{{element.value}}|number:0">{{}}</option>
<option ng-repeat="element in list" value={{element.value}}|number:0>{{}}</option>
How can fix this problem?
you can resolve it with ng-options as well
ng-options="element.value as for element in list"
please read this blog to understand more about ng-options.
Also another advantage of ng-options is, it binds the object as opposed to json string in case you want to attach the selected object to ng-model.
Have you tried this :
<select ng-model="model.test" ng-options="element.value for element in list"></select>
btw, if you may have hundreds of records into your list, you should create your own directive, where you would manipulate your DOM with a simple javascript for loop
ng-repeat will be slow to be rendered,
ng-options adds every record into $watch.

AngularJS ng-repeat with ng-change

I'm trying to have a way to catch the change of a variable inside of an ngRepeat so that I can modify other properties. So I have this HTML:
<tr ng-repeat="variable in variables">
<div ng-if="....">
<textarea ng-model="variable.u_field_values" ng-change="onChange(variable)">
Whenever they modify the text in that textarea, I need to update another value on the current variable that's being used. The change method doesn't seem to ever get fired though.
Try putting the ng-change ahead of the ng-model:
<textarea ng-change="onChange(variable)" ng-model="variable.u_field_values">
I have found that order sometimes matters. No idea why, though..

Need a callback after filtering the rows when using ng-repeat along with filter in angularjs

I am using angularjs, ng-repeat to fill the required data in the datagrid.
Something like this:
<input type="text" placeholder="Search" ng-model="query">
<tr ng-repeat="item in items | filter:query">
when I enter some query string to filter the rows in the datagrid, at the end when the rows are filtered I need a callback, to do some application specific stuff.
Kindly if anyone can suggests what will be the right way to do this.
Try to use $watch method of the scope which detects changes of the defined expression. For your case, you need to watch "items" like:
scope.$watch('items', function() {
console.log('Search key was entered');
