AngularJS app inside ReactJS component? - angularjs

Is it possible to create an Angular app inside a react component?
Something like:
render: function() {
return <div ng-app>...</div>;
This is completely backwards, but will only have to be a temporary solution. I'm assuming I could do something like the code above, and add the angular bootstrapping to the componentDidMount lifecycle method.
Has anyone successfully done this?

It would look something like this:
componentDidMount: function(){
this._angularEl = document.createElement("div");
this._angularEl.innerHTML = angularTemplatHTMLString;
this._angularEl.setAttribute("ng-app", "");
// bind angular to this._angularEl
componentWillUnmount: function(){
// unbind angular from this._angularEl
delete this._angularEl;
render: function(){
return <div></div>
You could either use this for each component, or create a function which returns a mixin.
function makeAngularMixin(template){
return { /* above code except for render */ }
or have a component which allows passing an angular template via props.


How to force React to accept server markup

On the first load I render my markup completely filled with data on the server.
This works well and the client sees it as a static html till the client-side React takes over. But this client-side code throws the markup away.
I stopped React from requesting the data per AJAX on the first load (because it's already there), only if I navigate client-side with a react-router <Link> to it.
But I can't force it to simply let the markup be, till the user interacts with it.
You can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute. For example, create a new component wrapper like this and set html property:
export default React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ this.createMarkup() }>
componentDidMount: function() {
// attach some events
componentWillUnmount: function() {
// detach some events
shouldComponentUpdate: function() {
return false;
createMarkup: function() {
return {
__html: this.props.html

ReactJS: best practice access input values when creating forms

I've been playing a bit with ReactJS and am really enjoying the framework.
I'm also trying to follow the rule of creating components that are stateless where possible.
I have a Settings component that includes a child SettingsForm and a SettingsWidget.
Settings holds all the states, and only pass it as props to the form and widget.
This works (and scales) well because when the state in Settings is updated, it propagates to all child components.
var Settings = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
settings: {}
What I am not 100% sure on is the best practice when accessing input values on SettingsForm to pass it on to the parent component.
I know I can use refs and also two-way binding to accomplish this, but neither feel very "ReactJS-like".
Is there a better of way accomplishing this that I am unaware of? For the sake of completeness, I've included the relevant code in my SettingsForm component below
var SettingsForm = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
changed: false
handleChange: function(event) {
this.setState({changed: true})
handleSubmit: function(event) {
// Access and pass on input values to parent callback so state is updated
For now there is a Mixin you can use to link the input values to the state, called LinkedStateMixin that is exactly what you are looking for...
var WithLink = React.createClass({
mixins: [React.addons.LinkedStateMixin],
getInitialState: function() {
return {message: 'Hello!'};
render: function() {
return <input type="text" valueLink={this.linkState('message')} />;
Then all you have to do is modify your handler functions on the parent component to take your inputs as variables, and pass that function down to the child component as a prop. When you want to handle the form, call that function in the props and send the state (bound with from the Mixin) as the variables.
React Docs - React Link

Is there a way to hook ReactJS onto dynamic elements from backbone?

Is there away to make React.render() not get called until backbone view has been rendered. Because that generates the dynamic DOM element that React.render is going to hook on?
Is there any "beautiful" way to this?
Call React.render in the render method of your view, and call React.unmountComponentAtNode in its remove method.
var ReactView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
React.render(<MyComponent />, this.el);
return this;
remove: function() {
Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments);
In your case, you would probably not directly render in this.el, but select an child element to render into via jQuery or DOM APIs.

Using x-editable with reactjs, how to call editable function on items?

I am new to ReactJS, I am trying to create a Reactjs component that is a list of editable fields using x-editable.
According to x-editable documentation I need to call .editable() for each field, normally this is done accessing the element with jQuery.
How can I do it with React ? It has to be done when the component is mounted and I can't find a way to know when the component is rendered...
I would like to know the best way to achieve this ; I had a look at React refs but I am not sure it can help. So I ended up giving it a specific class, then using a selector
to call editable() on the fields, but it works only when the rendering has been done
and I don't find it very elegant.
JS(X) code:
var EditableField = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <p>{}: {this.props.value}</p>
in script code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$.fn.editable.defaults.mode = 'inline';
You should do it in the componentDidMount function. This function is called when the component is mounted and the DOM is ready. Read more about the lifecycle here:
Example (using refs instead of class selector):
var EditableField = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function() {
render: function() {
return <p>{}: {this.props.value}</p>
Note that many "jquery plugins" will do heavy DOM manipulations and that does not always play well with React.
You can use react-x-editable(react version of x-editable).Currently not all option supported.I will try to support most of options.

can we attach click handlers to custom child components

I was trying to add a click handler to my own child component. In react chrome extension I was able to see the click handler as well.
But the click itself didn't work - wondering what did I miss.
Sample Code:
render (
<MySampleComponent onClick={this.handler} />
MySampleComponent can take whichever props it wants; components don't automatically copy props to their children. If you want to be able to add an onClick handler to MySampleComponent, then you can support this in the definition of that component:
var MySampleComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <div onClick={this.props.onClick}>...</div>;
You can add the handler from the samecomponent or call it through props.
Below code looks for onClick param in props. If nothing is passed, then
it goes for default handler in the component(clickHandler).
var MySampleComponent = React.createClass({
clickHandler: function(){
// write your logic
render: function() {
return <div onClick={this.props.onClick || this.clickHandler}>...</div>;
and while using this in another component use it as below
handler: function() {
// write your logic
render {
var self = this;
return (<MySampleComponent onClick={self.handler} />);
