angularjs model view update through angular directive - angularjs

I am trying to update my view using model in angular directive here is the directive I have created
app.directive('aboutOptions', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'C',
scope: {
testing: '='
transclude: true,
link: function(scope, elem, attr) {
scope.$watch(attr.ngModel, function() {
scope.testing = scope.$eval(attr.ngModel);
here is html model and file name is ab.html
<input type="text" class="about-options" ng-model="testing" />
Here is the view to be updated and file name is show.html
<h2 class="about-options">{{testing}}</h2>
ab.html file will be loaded as a template inside jquery ui dialog and my show.html file is in main page
If I remove
scope: {
testing: '='
Console is showing what I am typing
Update - 1
Tried with the following changes
testing: '=test'
And in html
<input type="text" class="about-options" ng-model="testing" />
<h2 class="about-options">{{test}}</h2>

What your doing at the end there with the scope is isolating the scope, so if an attribute called testing isn't found on the element where that directive is used you should be seeing an error in the console. If you desire an isolate scope (a good idea a lot of the time) then you'll need to provide the testing="someScopeVar" as an attribute of the element the directive is applied to.

Take a look at this repo to see how I'm doing it.
also take a look at the angular-ui mask directive. That is how I built my directive.
I apologize I don't have time right now to write a full explanation. Will try and update tomorrow


Run 'ng-click' inside a directive's isolated scope

Thanks in advance for taking the time to look into this question
I have serverside generated code that renders a directive wrapped around pre-rendered content.
<serverside-demo color="blue">
<p><strong>Content from Server, wrapped in a directive.</strong></p>
<p>I want this color to show: <span ng-style="{color: color}">{{color}}</span></p>
<button ng-click="onClickButtonInDirective()">Click Me</button>
This means that 1.) the directive tag, 2.) the content inside the directive tag, 3.)the ng-click and 4.) The curly braces syntax are all generated by the server.
I want AngularJs to pick up the generated code, recompile the template and deal with the scope.
The problem is that I am having trouble getting it working. I understand that because the ng-click is inside the controller block, it is picked up not by the directive isolated scope, but the parent controllers. Instead I want the opposite... to pick up the onClickButtonInDirective scope function inside the serversideDemo link
I have created a jsfiddle best explaining my problem, which aims to clearly demonstrate the working "traditional" way of loading the template separately (which works) comparing it to the server-side way.
What is the best way to do this?
Thank you!
There are two major problem in your code
1- directive name and dom element not matched, - missing in dom element
app.directive('serverSideDemo', function() {
use <server-side-demo color="blue"> instead of <serverside-demo color="blue">
2- you need to compile the html code of server-side-demo dom with directive scope in link function
Working jsfiddle
Use templateUrl instead of template to fetch the content of directive from server:
app.directive('serverSideDemo', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
scope: {
color: '='
templateUrl: 'link/that/returns/html/content',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.onClickButtonInDirective = function() {
console.log('You clicked the button in the serverside demo')
scope.color = scope.color === 'blue' ? 'red' : 'blue';
Have a look at angular docs for more details

Passing a model to a custom directive - clearing a text input

What I'm trying to achieve is relatively simple, but I've been going round in circles with this for too long, and now it's time to seek help.
Basically, I have created a directive that is comprised of a text input and a link to clear it.
I pass in the id via an attribute which works in fine, but I cannot seem to work out how to pass the model in to clear it when the reset link is clicked.
Here is what I have so far:
In my view:
<text-input-with-reset input-id="the-relevant-id" input-model="the.relevant.model"/>
My directive:
app.directive('textInputWithReset', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
replace: 'true',
template: '<div class="text-input-with-reset">' +
'<input ng-model="inputModel" id="input-id" type="text" class="form-control">' +
'<a href class="btn-reset"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></a>' +
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
// set ID of input for clickable labels (works)
elem.find('input').attr('id', attrs.inputId);
// Reset model and clear text field (not working)
elem.find('a').bind('click', function() {
scope[attrs.inputModel] = '';
I'm obviously missing something fundamental - any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should call scope.$apply() after resetting inputModel in your function where you reset the value.
elem.find('a').bind('click', function() {
scope.inputModel = '';
Please, read about scope in AngularJS here.
$apply() is used to execute an expression in angular from outside of the angular framework. (For example from browser DOM events, setTimeout, XHR or third party libraries). Because we are calling into the angular framework we need to perform proper scope life cycle of exception handling, executing watches.
I've also added declaring of your inputModel attribute in scope of your directive.
scope: {
inputModel: "="
See demo on plunker.
But if you can use ng-click in your template - use it, it's much better.
OK, I seem to have fixed it by making use of the directive scope and using ng-click in the template:
My view:
<text-input-with-reset input-id="the-relevant-id" input-model="the.relevant.model"/>
My directive:
app.directive('textInputWithReset', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
replace: 'true',
scope: {
inputModel: '='
template: '<div class="text-input-with-reset">' +
'<input ng-model="inputModel" id="input-id" type="text" class="form-control">' +
'<a href ng-click="inputModel = \'\'" class="btn-reset"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></a>' +
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
elem.find('input').attr('id', attrs.inputId);
It looks like you've already answered your question, but I'll leave my answer here for further explanations in case someone else lands on the same problem.
In its current state, there are two things wrong with your directive:
The click handler will trigger outside of Angular's digest cycle. Basically, even if you manage to clear the model's value, Angular won't know about it. You can wrap your logic in a scope.$apply() call to fix this, but it's not the correct solution in this case - keep reading.
Accessing the scope via scope[attrs.inputModel] would evaluate to something like scope['the.relevant.model']. Obviously, the name of your model is not literally the.relevant.model, as the dots typically imply nesting instead of being a literal part of the name. You need a different way of referencing the model.
You should use an isolate scope (see here and here) for a directive like this. Basically, you'd modify your directive to look like this:
app.directive('textInputWithReset', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
replace: 'true',
template: [...],
// define an isolate scope for the directive, passing in these scope variables
scope: {
// scope.inputId = input-id attribute on directive
inputId: '=inputId',
// scope.inputModel = input-model attribute on directive
inputModel: '=inputModel'
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
// set ID of input for clickable labels (works)
elem.find('input').attr('id', scope.inputId);
// Reset model and clear text field (not working)
elem.find('a').bind('click', function() {
scope.inputModel = '';
Notice that when you define an isolate scope, the directive gets its own scope with the requested variables. This means that you can simply use scope.inputId and scope.inputModel within the directive, instead of trying to reference them in a roundabout way.
This is untested, but it should pretty much work (you'll need to use the scope.$apply() fix I mentioned before). You might want to test the inputId binding, as you might need to pass it a literal string now (e.g. put 'input-id' in the attribute to specify that it is a literal string, instead of input-id which would imply there is an input-id variable in the scope).
After you get your directive to work, let's try to make it work even more in "the Angular way." Now that you have an isolate scope in your directive, there is no need to implement custom logic in the link function. Whenever your link function has a .click() or a .attr(), there is probably a better way of writing it.
In this case, you can simplify your directive by using more built-in Angular logic instead of manually modifying the DOM in the link() function:
<div class="text-input-with-reset">
<input ng-model="inputModel" id="{{ inputId }}" type="text" class="form-control">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
Now, all your link() function (or, better yet, your directive's controller) needs to do is define a reset() function on the scope. Everything else will automatically just work!

Why is this code broken in AngularJS 1.2?

The following code seems to work in older versions of Angular, but not in the 1.2 version. I am not sure why that is. What happens in Angular 1.2, is that the $watch directive does not get hit. It does not execute. It does execute in Angular 1.0.1.
Any idea why?
<fieldset validatedmarker>
<input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" ng-model="name" required>
And the JS.
var APP = angular.module('myApp', []);
APP.directive('validatedmarker', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
scope: { },
link: function(scope,e,a) {
scope.$watch(function() {
}, function(newValue, oldValue) {
console.log("change detected: " + newValue)
Working example (Angular 1.0.1)
Non working example (Angular 1.2.0)
The most probable reason for this is the treatment of isolated scopes, that has changed in AngularJS 1.2.0
In earlier version everything inside the directive element got the isolated scope, but now the elements inside the directive get the original parent scope. So when you are setting the value of you are setting on parent scope. The watch is on child scope.
See this SO answer AngularJS Scope differences between 1.0.x and 1.2.x and the changelog.
To make your example work you would have to create a template for your directive and set transclude: true in directive definition.
the main reason why this is hapening is probably due to the fact that you are creating an isolated scope over an already liked html since you are not providing a template but rather using the existing html wich is most likely to be linked to the parent scope so you should take your directives innerhtml and use it as a template for your directive
APP.directive('validatedmarker', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
scope: { },
template:'<fieldset><legend>User</legend><input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" ng-model="name" required="true"/>',
link: function(scope,e,a) {
scope.$watch(function() {
}, function(newValue, oldValue) {
console.log("change detected: " + newValue)
<div validatedmarker></div>
you can see it here
You are specifying an isolated scope, but with no attributes inside. You can either add attributes inside the scope property of your directive, or remove it altogether if you don't need to isolate your directive's scope.
More info on the attributes can be found here (search on 'isolate' scope):$compile

Angular.js child input element not getting parents scope

This should be pretty simple, but for some reason when I have
<div class="file-navigator" ng-controller="FileSystemCtrl">
<input type="file" id="openFile" ng-model="path" ng-change="openFolder()" nwdirectory />
The ng-change doesn't get triggered.
If I use
the onchange event gets triggered, but obviously, that's ugly.
The FileSystemCtrl is defined as a module which I'm importing into my app, it's structured like this.
Any ideas why the child doesn't know about it's parent controller? Particularly as the child doesn't have a controller of it's own?
AngularJs doesn't support input with type file. See this issue. And this. Your onchange event is the best option for now.
Another way would be to use a directive taking advantage of $compile to interact with a ng-model:
.directive('path', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',//<path></path> in your markup
replace: true,
template: '<input type="file" />',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var textField = $(elem).attr('ng-model', 'something');
$(elem).change(function() {
//do stuff
I didn't test it, but it provides you with a get-go.

ng-repeat in combination with custom directive

I'm having an issue with using the ng-repeat directive in combination with my own custom directive.
<div ng-app="myApp">
<x-template-field x-ng-repeat="field in ['title', 'body']" />
angular.module('myApp', [])
.directive('templateField', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: function(element, attrs, transcludeFn) {
element.replaceWith('<input type="text" />');
See jSFiddle
The problem here is that nothing is replaced. What I'm trying to accomplish is an output of 2x input fields, with the 'x-template-field' tags completely replaced in the DOM. My suspicion is that since ng-repeat is modifying the DOM at the same time, this won't work.
According to this Stack Overflow question, the accepted answer seems to indicate this has actually worked in earlier versions of AngularJS (?).
Wouldn't element.html('...') work?
While element.html('...') actually injects the generated HTML into the target element, I do not want the HTML as a child element of the template tag, but rather replace it completely in the DOM.
Why don't I wrap my template tag with another tag that has the ng-repeat directive?
Basically, for the same reason as above, I don't want my generated HTML as a child element to the repeating tag. While it would probably work decently in my application, I would still feel like I've adapted my markup to fit Angular and not the other way around.
Why am I not using the 'template' property?
I haven't found any way to alter the HTML retrieved from the 'template' / 'templateUrl' properties. The HTML I want to inject is not static, it's dynamically generated from external data.
Am I too picky with my markup?
Probably. :-)
Any help is appreciated.
Your directive needs to run before ng-repeat by using a higher priority, so when ng-repeat clones the element it is able to pick your modifications.
The section "Reasons behind the compile/link separation" from the Directives user guide have an explanation on how ng-repeat works.
The current ng-repeat priority is 1000, so anything higher than this should do it.
So your code would be:
angular.module('myApp', [])
.directive('templateField', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
priority: 1001, <-- PRIORITY
compile: function(element, attrs, transcludeFn) {
element.replaceWith('<input type="text" />');
Put your ng-repeat in the template. You could modify attributes of element and accordingly in directive to determine if ng-repeat is needed, or what data to use inside the directive compiling
<div ng-app="myApp" template-field></div>
angular.module('myApp', [])
.directive('templateField', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
template:'<input type="text" value="{{field}" ng-repeat="field in [\'title\',\'body\']" />'
Also works as an element :
<div ng-app="myApp" >
angular.module('myApp', [])
.directive('templateField', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template:'<input type="text" value="{{field}}" ng-repeat="field in [\'title\',\'body\']" />'
