The COM control can't display in a custom WPF window - wpf

Now I can use a COM control and display it in a WPF window.
I developed a custom WPF window for better UI.
When I put a COM control into the custom WPF window, sad event happened. The COM control didn't display and didn't throw a exception.
Could anybody give me a road to find the reason? Thanks very much.

You cannot add a COM object to a WPF application directly. While I haven't tried this myself, I believe that you would have more luck by adding a WindowsFormsHost control to your WPF application and then to add your COM object to that. Here's an example from the linked page:
<Window x:Class="HostingWfInWpf.Window1"
<wf:MaskedTextBox x:Name="mtbDate" Mask="00/00/0000"/>
Clearly, you would need to replace the mtbDate control with your COM object, ensuring that you add the correct XAML Namespace Prefix for it.


click on hyperlink (navigateuri) in one view should open another view in WPF MVVM

I am working on a WPF project which implements the MVVM architecture. I have a requirement where, a click on a hyperlink in one view(ux){Usercontrol} should open another view(window). I am able to load a view(usercontrol) through another view(window) by simply mentioning namespace:UsercontrolViewName in the host view, but I am clueless about how to do it through a hyperlink.
<UserControl x:Class="CCSAdvantage.AddOn.UX.DisplayPhoneNumbersView"
xmlns:d="" mc:Ignorable="d>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="0">
This is the code for my UserControl, the Grid has other elements but I eliminated the details for simplicity. Additional Phone(s)/Manage => On clicking this link, a new window view which is also in xaml should open up. I tried giving the Window views name in the navigateuri property, but it does not work
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
My problem was accessing the another view(v2) from the current view(v1), I am in. This can be achieved by using a delegate which is called at runtime in the v1's viewmodel, which calls window loader function in V2, this would load the window view(v2)
Check this Hyperlink in WPF Application.

Placing Custom WPF Control inside of a StackPanel

I'm trying to create a custom WPF control and place it inside of a StackPanel in my XAML file. I originally made a custom UserControl and got the following error message:
A value of type 'CustomControl' cannot be added to a collection or dictionary of type 'UIElementCollection'.
I tried changing my custom control from a UserControl to a UIElement, but I still get this message. How do I make a custom control that I can place inside of the StackPanel?
Restart Visual Studio. The XAML designer is a notoriously sensitive beast.
How are you creating the CustomControl? Make sure it is inheriting from UserControl.
I just created a new project called "TestProj" - right clicked in the solution explorer Add=>UserControl and named it CustomControl.
I was able to insert it via the following code:
<Window x:Class="TestProj.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
This could also happen if you're subclassing another control class, but your .xaml.cs file is still subclassing UserControl.

WPF User Control extending border class. "Does not support direct content"?

I am producing graphics for a process control system and I would like to create a system border which would visually wrap the various sub system being displayed in the process mimic. I could use a regular border for this except I want it to not only changing color reflecting system status, but also popping up small "balloons" indicating the piece of the system that is in alarm state.
I created a test project with a User Control and added a ListBox (for the balloons) and a ContentPresenter element wrapped in a border control. However, whenever I use this new control in another app, it wont allow me to add content to it. I've tried messing some with the ContentPropertyAttribute and properties of the ContentPresenter element, but I feel I am in the blind here.
<UserControl x:Class="SystemStatusBorder.UserControl1"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<Canvas Height="290" Width="303">
<Border HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<ListBox Canvas.Right="0" Canvas.Bottom="0">
<TranslateTransform X="20"></TranslateTransform>
I don't get it. What more should it need other than just the existence of a contentpresenter? UserControl subclasses ContentControl so I would have thought the wiring was in place. Eventually, I want it to be used something like this:
<List of relevant tags for the specific sub system goes here>
<regular content goes here>
To create your own container control, you must create a new custom control (not a UserControl).
Make your new control inherit from ContentControl.
Custom Controls don't have their own XAML. Instead, they are assigned a ControlTemplate.
When you create your first Custom Control, the IDE will create a new file Themes\Generic.xaml.
This is where the template for your control is. You can modify this template to match the XAML in your question. This will support the ContentPresenter element.
I found a very good walkthrough here.

Hide control within a WPF User Control Library

I've a project made from the "WPF User Control Library" Template in Visual Studio.
This project contains one main usercontrol plus additional Windows/Usercontrols.
How can I "hide" these additional Windows/Usercontrols, so that the user can only import the main usercontrol from the assembly (I wanted to put a screen-shot to illustrate my question but unfortunately, my "reputation" is too low!).
Thx All
Make those controls internal. If you have classic UserControls with XAML and codebehind you will need to add x:ClassModifier="internal" to the root element in the XAML:
<!-- bla -->
Maybe the usage of attributes will solve your problem. There is one attribute "DesignTimeVisible" inside the ComponentModel namespace. If you put such an attribute right above your class implementation and set it to false, the corresponding control should not be visible in the designers toolbox.
I believe that x:ClassModifier="internal" will make the entire user control internal. This may not be desirable.
Instead if you add x:FieldModifier="private" to those controls within the user control that you don't wish to be accessible to the UserControl consumer, the generated C# will have those controls as private. Note the use of lower case which is correct for a C# field modifier.

Silverlight MVVM conversion from WPF

I was reading this article -
And I came across this piece of code in the WPF Demo application that came with the article.
This template applies a CustomerView to an instance of the CustomerViewModel class shown in the main window.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:CustomerViewModel}">
<vw:CustomerView />
I substituted the angle brackets for square brackets - not sure how to post them.
The code is in the MainWindowResourses.xaml and the code starts on line 19.
Anyone know how I can do this in Silverlight ??
We don't have the DataType and I need to be able to tell the app that this View is associated with this ViewModel - so I can create a tab control with different view like the demo app.
This is an example of WPF implicit styling, where a style is applied to all the controls in the project. This is not supported in Silverlight.
To get around this you need to instead place your view controls in the markup and set their DataContext to the viewmodel.
<vm:CustomerViewModel x:Key="theViewModel">
<vw:CustomerView DataContext={StaticResource theViewModel}/>
theViewModel doesn't have to come from the resources section, it could be a property in the hosting XAML control/page.
