Opengl make "AI" paddle move up and down - c

I'm a bit of an openGL/programming noobie so I'm trying to make an "AI" for the right paddle. I know this isnt the proper way of doing it, what I SHOULD be doing is making it follow the ball. But right now I'm just trying to make it perpetually move up and down. I can't figure out how to do it, trying to use If loops like
if (paddle.pos[1] > 1){
paddle.pos[1] = paddle.pos[1] - delta}
I set delta to something like 0.01, 1 is the top of the screen. Obviously this isnt right because as soon as it goes down below 1 it goes up again, but I'm trying to do something like it.
2nd question - How do you move the ball from 0,0 when it starts? Kind of the same problem, am using if statements with the x values but thats definitely not right.
This is using C by the way.

Try something like this to make pos repeatedly go from 0 to 1 and back to 0:
// Initialize.
float pos = 0.0f;
float delta = 0.01f;
// On every update.
pos += delta;
if (pos > 1.0f) {
pos = 1.0f;
delta = -delta;
} else if (pos < 0.0f) {
pos = 0.0f;
delta = -delta;
The key here is that you invert the sign of your increment each time you reach one of the end positions.


Intesection problem with Möller-Trumbore algorithm on 1 dimension of the triangle

I am currently working on a raytracer project and I just found out a issue with the triangle intersections.
Sometimes, and I don't understand when and why, some of the pixels of the triangle don't appear on the screen. Instead I can see the object right behind it. It only occurs on one dimension of the triangle and it depends on the camera and the triangle postions (e.g. picture below).
Triangle with pixels missing
I am using Möller-Trumbore algorithm to compute every intersection. Here's my implementation :
t_solve s;
t_vec v1;
t_vec v2;
t_vec tvec;
t_vec pvec;
v1 = vec_sub(triangle->point2, triangle->point1);
v2 = vec_sub(triangle->point3, triangle->point1);
pvec = vec_cross(dir, v2); = vec_dot(v1, pvec);
if (fabs( < 0.00001)
return ;
s.c = 1.0 /;
tvec = vec_sub(ori, triangle->point1);
s.a = vec_dot(tvec, pvec) * s.c;
if (s.a < 0 || s.a > 1)
return ;
tvec = vec_cross(tvec, v1);
s.b = vec_dot(dir, tvec) * s.c;
if (s.b < 0 || s.a + s.b > 1)
return ;
s.t1 = vec_dot(v2, tvec) * s.c;
if (s.t1 < 0)
return ;
if (s.t1 < rt->t)
rt->t = s.t1;
rt->last_obj = triangle;
rt->flag = 0;
The only clue at the moment is that by using a different method of calculating my ray (called dir in the code), the result is that I have less pixels missing.
Moreover, when I turn the camera and look behind, I see that the bug occurs on the opposite side of the triangle. All of this make me think that the issue is mainly linked with the ray..
Take a look at Watertight Ray/Triangle Intersection. I would much appropriate if you could provide a minimal example where a ray should hit the triangle, but misses it. I had this a long time ago with the Cornel Box - inside the box there were some "black" pixels because on edges none of the triangles has been hit. It's a common problem stemming from floating-point imprecision.

How to make turret pointing at an object using 2d frames in tower defense games?

I'm working on tower defense game and I'm using stencyl.
I want to make 2d tower defense game like (clash of clans), so I want to know how to make a turret pointing at an object using frames like (canon in clash of clans).
I mean when an object enters the range of tower the tower will point at it without rotating the tower but using 2d frames instead by some way using code or mathematical way.
I've found the solution.
Do this :
float Direction = 0;
float FinalDirection = 0;
float DirectionDegree = 0;
int NumberOfDirections = 0; // eg: 24 or 32 or even 128 or anything Directions
DirectionDegree = 360 / NumberOfDirections;
void update() // this will run every frame
Direction = Math.atan2(target.y - tower.y, target.x - tower.x ) * (180 / Math.PI);
if(Direction < 0)
Direction += 360;
FinalDirection = Direction / DirectionDegree;
tower.frame = FinalDirection;

How to realize the DRAWING processing in Processing?

We all know how to draw a line in Processing.
But when we draw a line, the line is shown immediately.
What if i want to witness the drawing process, namely, to see the line moving forward, gradually completes a whole line.
Here's what i want to realize: to DRAW several lines and curves which finally turn into some pattern.
So how to make that happen? Using array?
Many thanks.
In processing all of the drawing happens in a loop. An easy way to create animated sequences like you describe is to use frameCount to drive it and using the modulus function % is a good way to create a loop. For example, to animate along the x axis:
void draw() {
float x = 50;
float y = 50;
float lineLength = 50;
int framesToAnimate = 60;
line(x,y,x+float(frameCount % framesToAnimate)/framesToAnimate*lineLength, y);
Note: strange things will happen if you don't cast / convert to a float
I use this pretty often to animate other features such as the color.
fill(color(127 + sin(float(frameCount)/90)*127, 0, 0, 127));
If you want to get more advanced, setting vectors and coordinates with PVector. There is a pretty good tutorial on Daniel Shiffman's site.
If you want to set your animation independent of frame rate, you can use mills() instead. That will return current time since the sketch started so you can set something to happen in a given time in seconds.
like for example:
long initialTime;
void setup(){
initialTime = millis();
void draw() {
float x = 50;
float y = 50; //set the multiplier to adjust speed
line(x,y,x+(millis()-initialTime)*0.01, y); //10 px/sec
line(x,y+50,x+(millis()-initialTime)*0.05, y+50); //50 px/sec
line(x,y+100,x+(millis()-initialTime)*0.001, y+100); // 1 px/sec
There is also some animation libraries, i've seen some impressive results with some, but i never used them. Here a list.

Intermittent bugs - sometimes this code works and sometimes it doesn't!

This code intermittently works. It's running on a small microcontroller. It will work fine even after restarting the processor, but if I change some part of the code, it breaks. This makes me think that it's some kind of pointer bug or memory corruption. What's happening is the coordinate, p_res.pos.x is sometimes read as 0 (the incorrect value) and 96 (the correct value) when it is passed to write_circle_outlined. y seems to be correct most of the time. If anyone can spot anything obviously wrong please point it out!
int demo_game()
long int d;
int x, y;
struct WorldCamera p_viewer;
struct Point3D_LLA p_subj;
struct Point2D_CalcRes p_res;
p_viewer.hfov = 27;
p_viewer.vfov = 32;
p_viewer.width = 192;
p_viewer.height = 128; = 51.26f;
p_viewer.p.lon = -1.0862f;
p_viewer.p.alt = 100.0f; = 51.20f;
p_subj.lon = -1.0862f;
p_subj.alt = 100.0f;
fill_buffer(draw_buffer_mask, 0x0000);
fill_buffer(draw_buffer_level, 0xffff);
compute_3d_transform(&p_viewer, &p_subj, &p_res, 10000.0f);
x = p_res.pos.x;
y = p_res.pos.y;
write_circle_outlined(x, y, 1.0f / p_res.est_dist, 0, 0, 0, 1); -= 0.0001f;
//p_viewer.p.alt -= 0.00001f;
d = 20000;
return 1;
The code for compute_3d_transform is:
void compute_3d_transform(struct WorldCamera *p_viewer, struct Point3D_LLA *p_subj, struct Point2D_CalcRes *res, float cliph)
// Estimate the distance to the waypoint. This isn't intended to replace
// proper lat/lon distance algorithms, but provides a general indication
// of how far away our subject is from the camera. It works accurately for
// short distances of less than 1km, but doesn't give distances in any
// meaningful unit (lat/lon distance?)
res->est_dist = hypot2(p_viewer-> - p_subj->lat, p_viewer->p.lon - p_subj->lon);
// Save precious cycles if outside of visible world.
if(res->est_dist > cliph)
goto quick_exit;
// Compute the horizontal angle to the point.
// atan2(y,x) so atan2(lon,lat) and not atan2(lat,lon)!
res->h_angle = RAD2DEG(angle_dist(atan2(p_viewer->p.lon - p_subj->lon, p_viewer-> - p_subj->lat), p_viewer->yaw));
res->small_dist = res->est_dist * 0.0025f; // by trial and error this works well.
// Using the estimated distance and altitude delta we can calculate
// the vertical angle.
res->v_angle = RAD2DEG(atan2(p_viewer->p.alt - p_subj->alt, res->est_dist));
// Normalize the results to fit in the field of view of the camera if
// the point is visible. If they are outside of (0,hfov] or (0,vfov]
// then the point is not visible.
res->h_angle += p_viewer->hfov / 2;
res->v_angle += p_viewer->vfov / 2;
// Set flags.
if(res->h_angle < 0 || res->h_angle > p_viewer->hfov)
res->flags |= X_OVER;
if(res->v_angle < 0 || res->v_angle > p_viewer->vfov)
res->flags |= Y_OVER;
res->pos.x = (res->h_angle / p_viewer->hfov) * p_viewer->width;
res->pos.y = (res->v_angle / p_viewer->vfov) * p_viewer->height;
res->flags |= X_OVER | Y_OVER;
Structure for the results:
typedef struct Point2D_Pixel { unsigned int x, y; };
// Structure for storing calculated results (from camera transforms.)
typedef struct Point2D_CalcRes
struct Point2D_Pixel pos;
float h_angle, v_angle, est_dist, small_dist;
int flags;
The code is part of an open source project of mine so it's okay to post a lot of code here.
I see some of your calculation depends on p_viewer->yaw, but I do not see any intialization for p_viewer->yaw. Is this your problem?
A couple of things that seem sketchy:
You can return from compute_3d_transform without setting many of the fields in p_res/res but the caller never checks for this situation.
You consistently read from res->flags without initializing it first.
Whenever the output differs, it possibly means some value is not initialized and the outcome depends on the garbage value present in a variable. Keeping that in mind, I looked for uninitialized variables. the structure p_res is not initialized.
if(res->est_dist > cliph)
goto quick_exit;
that means if condition may turn out to be true or false depending on what garbage value is stored in res->est_dist. When if condition turns out to true, it goes straight to quick_exit label and doesn't update p_res.pos.x. If condition turned out to be false then its updated.
When I used to program C, I would use a divide and conquer debugging technique for this kind of problem to try to isolate the offending operation (paying attention to whether the symptoms change as debugging code is added, which is indicative of dangling pointer type bugs).
Essentially, start with the first line where the value is known to be good (and prove that it is consistently good at that line). Then identify where is it known to be bad. Then approx. halfway between the two points insert a test to see if it's bad. If not, then insert a test halfway between the mid-point and the known bad location, if it is bad then insert a test halfway between the mid-point and the known good location, and so on.
If the line identified is itself a function call, this process can be repeated in that called function, and so on.
When using this kind of approach, it's important to minimize the amount of added code and the artificial "noise", which can create timing changes.
Use this if you don't have (or can't use) an interactive debugger, or if the problem does not manifest when using one.

How to make my robot move in a rectangular path along the black tape?

I am working on a robot, it's part of the summer robotics workshop in our college. We are using C-STAMP micro controllers by A-WIT. I was able to make it move, turn left, turn right, move backward. I have even managed to make it go along the black tape using a contrast sensor.
I send the robot at 30-45 degrees toward the black tape on the table and it aligns itself and starts to move along the black tape. It jerks a little, probably due to my programming logic below, it's running a while-loop and constantly checking if-statements, so it ends up trying to turn left and right every few milliseconds, which explains the jerking part. But it's okay, it works, not as smooth as I want it to work but it works! Problem is that I can't make my robot go into a rectangular path of the black tape. As soon as it reaches the corner of the black tape it just keeps going straight instead of making left or right turn.
My 2 sensors are located right underneath the robot, next to the front wheel, almost at the floor level. It has "index" value ranging from 0 to 8. Eight being the brightest contrast and zero being the darkest contrast. So when the robot moves into the black-tape-zone, the index value drops, and based on that, I have an if-statement telling my robot to either turn left or right.
Here's my attempt. To avoid confusion I didn't post the entire source code, but only the logical part responsible for the movement of my robot along the black tape.
while(1) {
// don't worry about these.
// 10 and 9 represent Sensor's PIN location on the motherboard
V = ANALOGIN(10, 1, 0, 0, 0);
V2 = ANALOGIN(9, 1, 0, 0, 0);
// i got this "formula" from the example in my Manual.
// V stands for voltage of the sensor.
// it gives me the index value of the sensor. 0 = darkest, 8 = lightest.
index = ((-(V - 5) / 5) * 8 + 0.5);
index2 = ((-(V2 - 5) / 5) * 8 + 0.5);
// i've tweaked the position of the sensors so index > 7 is just right number.
// the robot will move anywhere on the table just fine with index > 7.
// as soon as it drops to or below 7 (i.e. finds black tape), the robot will
// either turn left or right and then go forward.
// lp & rp represent left-wheel pin and right-wheel pin, 1 means run forever.
// if i change it from 1 to 100, it will go forward for 100ms.
if (index > 7 && index2 > 7)
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
if (index <= 7) {
turnLeft(lp, rp, 1);
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
// this is the tricky part. i've added this code last minute
// trying to make my robot turn, but i didn't work.
if (index > 4) {
turnLeft(lp, rp, 1);
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
else if (index2 <= 7) {
turnRight(lp, rp, 1);
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
// this is also the last minute addition. it's same code as above
// but it's for the 2nd sensor.
if (index2 > 4) {
turnRight(lp, rp, 1);
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
I've spent the entire day trying to figure it out. I've pretty much exhausted all avenues. Asking for the solution on stackoverflow is my very last option now.
Thanks in advance!
If you have any questions about the code, let me know, but comments should be self-explanatory.
This is my goForward function in case anyone wonders:
void goForward(BYTE lp, BYTE rp, WORD t)
for(i = 0; i < t; i = i + 1){
PULSOUT(lp, 400, 1, 1);
PULSOUT(rp, 800, 1, 1);
UPDATE: Here's what I've come up with so far. I've erased all my if-statements that I've posted earlier and decided to write the logic from scratch:
// if there's enough bright light in both sensors at the same time
// robot will move forward forever.
if (index > 7 && index2 > 7)
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
// but if there's not enough bright light anymore (i.e. reached black tape)
// proceed to the else-statement.
else {
// if left sensor detects the black tape then turn right
// if doesn't detect the black tape then keep going forward
if (index2 <= 7)
turnRight(lp, rp, 1);
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
// if right sensor detects the black tape then turn left
// if it doesn't detect the black tape then keep going forward
if (index <= 7)
turnLeft(lp, rp, 1);
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
// The reason for turnLeft and turnRight is to keep robot re-alligning
// to the black tape. It will happen so fast (every 1ms) that the jerking
// shouldn't even be noticeable.
You need to trap the sudden occurrence: [cycle n] "I see the tape" -> [cycle n+1] "I don't see the tape" that happens when you encounter a corner.
A state machine is a good way of handling this type of problem. With a state machine the code for a specific state is isolated, it only runs when the state is true. This isolation prevents "cross-talk" and gives you one known code block for each state.
Given your example the flow might be something like:
State == Moving forward and on tape.
read sensors
delta = abs(valueLastCycle - valueThisCycle);
if (delta >= bigChangeValue){
// the tape was just gone.
// change state and handle this situation.
CurrentState = suddenValueChange;
if (index <= 7) {
turnLeft(lp, rp, 1);
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
else if (index2 <= 7) {
turnRight(lp, rp, 1);
goForward(lp, rp, 1);
State == suddenValueChange
code that handles sudden value change event
Stop Robot;
Move backwards slowly until on tape or distance x
Goto Loop
Increasing the scan rate might seem to help....but the faster the robot moves the faster your scan rate....i.e. You might still jump from on tape -> off tape in which case your current code flounders.
My guess is that the goForward immediately after the turnLeft/TurnRight "cancels" the turning?
It depends on how turning is implemented though
Make sure your "plan" makes sense before worrying about the code.
Start by moving the robot around by hand and observing when the sensors pass over black and white areas. Try to come up with a behaviour, and simulate it by hand. If this doesn't work as you want, then you need to revise the behaviour.
A suggestion: You may wish to add some more loops to ensure that if something seems wrong, the robot corrects itself before resuming normal behaviour. (E.g. rather than turning right/left for 100ms, do that behaviour as long as it takes for the sensors to see the right thing.)
Does your while loop run fast enough to catch a corner? If both sensors report that they are on the tape, and in the next cycle both sensors are off the tape, you can't detect that, right? The sensor reports the same values (8) for being on the tape and off the tape?
Try making your code faster. Without seeing the entire code, it's hard to make a recommendation, but it seems that you might be evaluating if statements that are not necessary. Add an ELSE after the first IF, once you know that you are going straight.
It seems that your goforward implementation is blocking the loop for too long. 1 does not mean run forever, it does one pass of the for-loop, and then you PAUSE 17 (msec?). What's the PAUSE for? Remove it. This probably causes the jerking, and it prevents the next set of sensor values from coming in.
Right now, by the looks of your code, every time the robot sees black, it goes forward forever. I'm not really sure how going forward is implemented.
In pseudocode, your code says:
if you see black
go forward forever
if you don't see black
turn left or right
Do you see how your robot would go forward forever with that kind of logic? Again, I have no idea how going forward is implemented so I could be wrong.
