ExtJS Application launch on demand - not page load - extjs

I have a bundle of older ExtJs components that drive the UI, store management, and application logic in something that prior to the world of MVC I'd have called an application. I'm in the process of rewriting it, and wanted to take advantage of ExtJS MVC if possible.
The one thing that makes this unique from the tons of guides I'd otherwise be working from is that my Ext app doesn't own the whole page - instead of a full page viewport onready I have a modal Ext.window.Window that runs on an event from other non-ext javascript on the page.
I'd like to migrate this into a coherent ext application if possible, but as they seem to only properly launch when ext is ready I'm questioning if this is the right tool for the job.
My leading idea right now is to initialize the application on page load, but not actually render any views - exposing a static method on the app the external js can call to render and start my app's lifecycle on demand. Is this a good idea? Is there a better option I'm missing?

Yes, it is a very good idea. I have written an example of simple login system where the application is not actually started before the user logs-in.
It is very similar to your way in that that there is a method you call to actually start the app.


can we convert the angular8 component into a standalone JS file with routing/navigation?

i am working on a angular 8 application , when user clicks on a button it should redirect to a vendor portal which is completely a different webapp (diff Url), when user redirect to vendor page , user should see the same header ,footer and navigation what i have in my web application. but the vendor application is on angularJS(1.x).
so my question is can we convert the Angular8 project/component into a standalone JS file and ask the vendor to load the JS file in their application ? this JS file should contain the logic to replace/inject with in their page. for ex: we ask the vendor to create a html element with ID name "custom-header" in their page and ask them to add my JS file (hosted on CDN ) on their landing page, and in my JS file we need to write a logic to look for "custom-header" Id and replace with our content ?
so can we write custom code in our Angular8 application and export it as a standalone JS file ?
Note: my Header/Navigration/footer angular components are shared components , i want to use the same component in my webapp as well as vendor component
Here's the shortest answer: No.
Here's the 'been there done that answer':
I've spent time trying to make things backward compatible and it's rarely worth the effort. I have written alot of angularJS and Angular2+ code and believe that any time you spend trying to crowbar a solution here would be better spent just making the angularJS module. AngularJS a simple, fast framework and you could have your result quickly. Alot/most of your logic/html could be directly ported over with small mods.
Here's the TL;DR answer:
I hate to ever say 'You can't do that' with technology because I'm usually wrong... but you can't do that directly. Well, I guess you could use iframes but that's not a good idea.
While there is a path to incrementally merge angularJS into an Angular 8 app, the same is not true of the reverse. However, you should be able to leverage much of the existing logic from the A8 app into a module that angularJS could just import.
Without seeing how intricate the A8 component is, angularJS is alot simpler and it's relatively easy to throw together a controller/directive/view single import. I don't see a clear path to automatically updating the aJS code when you update your angular 8.

ExtJS6: Partial App load for special request that always opens in a new window

We have a ExtJS7 app, that for special requests like reset password, that always opens a new tab via email reset link, get loaded in full. We would like to load only few pages that are needed to load for these kind of request
Is there a way in ExtJS that would only load a particular page and its dependencies
I have not seen tutorials on this subject in official documentation. Myself did the following - just created another app (or bundle) for logging. The backend is responsible for the logic of what to display (loginapp or mainapp) - in the absence of a session, the user receives the app login
Absolutely. You can make another app - each app is a page, and will have its own packaged dependencies.
That's the easiest approach. A more complicated approach is to break your application into several ExtJS packages. You can then configure the app.json to exclude all of the packages from the micro loader. You then need to load these packages dynamically, presumably after logging in.
Doing this, though, is extremely complicated, and almost certainly not worth doing.

Alternative to Single-spa

We have huge enterprise application written in angularjs.
Now we have to migrate to angular, so we have ruled out an option of hybrid approach angular suggests using "ngUpgrade".
So now we are creating a new application in angular, which means we have 2 applications "angularjs(old)" and angular(new).
So to switch between these two applications can be done without refresh using angular-spa.
I was trying to find if there is another framework, where navigating between two apps happens without refreshing(without refreshing entire page by navigating to new html).
Possible solution:
Use a new Angular application as a wrapper, then just use iframe to show the application you want depends on the context - old or new. The issue you might face is changing the iframe, but I guess you can use postMessage to communicate between the apps.
A bit more sophisticated:
Use Angular Elements to create your hybrid app.
I really recommend you to watch Erin talks from the last Angular connect about how Google made the migration from js to Angular.
I've recently tried the micro-frontend architecture described here:
Each app on different code repository, runtime build and quite easy to implement. Take a look :)

Should I use Angular for a local only NW.js project?

I want to build a mid-size application using NodeJS and NW.js (formerly known as node-webkit). The application will grab some data from the internet but isn't talking with one special service which is under my control.
Is it a good idea to use AngularJS nevertheless or is the MVC approach of Angular oversized if there isn't neither a database nor a webservice on the controller layer?
I think Angular would be really fine for databinding and GUI handling, but I'm not sure if it's the right approach for this kind of application.
I see no reason not to use Angular in an nwjs project. I do it myself in the app I just finished building. It's a local-only deck tracking app for hearthstone that never communicates over the internet at runtime. It only ever monitors a log file that is generated by the Hearthstone game. Since the way I'm display information to the user is still technically a web page with a full DOM, Angular makes perfect sense since I'm already comfortable using it.

How do you bust cache for angular views using PhoneGap?

I have fully bought into the benefits of using angular and have a a hybrid app (using PhoneGap) I'm going to convert over (from Jquery Mobile) but I'm having a problem figuring out how to get my new code to the app.
The app is currently hosted on our website (NOT local to the device) so normal caching works as expected. I update a web page or js and the app sees the new content (because the underlying webview/browser knows its new content).
But with angular's SPA approach the main module gets loaded up front and changes views based on loading new partials. Also not a problem.
BUT, what happens when I change my app module (the code loaded by ng-app="demo")? Such as adding new routes, controllers, or views.
Since that's already loaded in the browser at bootstrap how do I tell the app there are changes and it needs to reload the overall app?
There are 3 use cases to consider:
1) On a PC/browser you can just refresh the page. I can't depend on users knowing to do that but its not as bad because users are likely to open and close their browser thus reloading the new app/js.
2) When I issue a new PhoneGap app (to the app stores) it forces a browser close/reopen during the installation, so the user will get the new code.
3) THIS IS THE REAL STICKLER. During normal use of the PhoneGap app users may open the app and NEVER close it again (merely suspending and reopening). These are not tech-savvy users and might not even know how to restart an app never mind realize they should try.
So what's the angular way to force the app the refresh when the base app module has changed?
Or am I on my own to create some type of version checking system to force a reload() when I need it.
Seems like a common situation to me but everything I find on caching with angular says something to this effect:
"Since you probably want to maintain browser caching for your views, partials or other routes"
No I don't - I WANT to bust cache for my app/views/controller because i know it has changed.
angular phonegap cache buster
You could dynamically load/unload your controllers on each use. This article should get you started.
