Call (or send event) erlang function from C app/library - c

I have an application and library that interacts with low-level hardware protocols. Now I'm writing an erlang application for fast parsing of data and send it to distributed databases. However, I'm a newbie at erlang and I've stuck at simple thing: what is the efficient way to connect C library(or application) with erlang and how to notify erlang that another block of data is ready for processing (e.g. how to call erlang function from C library or trigger an event)? Time is important here, and what shall I use -- simple ports, driver ports or NIFs? Or there are better ways for solving my task?

as an option, you can run your C application as hidden erlang node using erl_interface lib. . And send messages to real erlang node, or use rpc - remote proc calls to perform

You should try simple port first sending events to stdout. If the bandwidth of such implementation is enough, you have the benefit of erlang vm be safe from crashes of your application. If you need more then using port driver is an option, that interface was developed exactly for such purposes.


Running C code in Elixir/Erlang: Ports or NIFs?

I've found that Elixir programs can run C code either via NIFs (native implemented functions) or via OS-level ports. Having read those and similar links, I'm not a hundred percent clear on when to use one or the other method (or something else entirely?), and feel it would be good to have a direct comparison available, for myself and other novices. Can anyone provide?
What are ports?
Ports are basically separate programs which are run separately from the Erlang VM. The Erlang VM communicates with the running port over standard input/output, and the resulting port lives behind an Erlang process that owns it and can facilitate communication between the port and the rest of your Erlang or Elixir application. Ports are "safe" in the sense that if the port crashes, it doesn't bring down the whole Erlang VM.
Porcelain might be of interest as a possible improvement and expansion over what's already provided in the Port module. System.cmd/3 also uses ports in its underlying implementation.
What are NIFs?
Native inline functions or "NIFs" are functions defined in what are essentially shared libraries / DLLs loaded by the Erlang VM and written using some language which exposes a C-compatible ABI. NIFs are more efficient than ports (since they don't have to communicate over STDIN/STDOUT) and are simpler in many respects (since you don't have to deal with encoding and decoding data between your Elixir and non-Elixir codebases), but they're also much less safe; a NIF can crash the Erlang VM, and a long-running NIF can potentially lock up the Erlang VM (since the scheduler can't reason about native code).
What are port drivers?
Port drivers are kind of an in-between approach to integrating external code with an Erlang or Elixir codebase. Like NIFs, they're loaded into the Erlang VM, and a port driver can therefore crash or hang the whole VM. Like ports, they behave similarly to Erlang processes.
When should I use a port?
You want your external code to behave like an ordinary Erlang process (at least enough for such a process to wrap it and send/receive messages on behalf of your external code)
You want the Erlang VM to be able to survive your external code crashing
You want to implement a long-running task in your external code
You want to write your external code in a language that does not support C-compatible FFI (or otherwise don't want to deal with your language's FFI facilities)
When should I use a NIF?
You want your external code to behave like a collection of ordinary Erlang functions (particularly if you want to define an Erlang/Elixir module that exports functions implemented in native-compiled code)
You want to avoid any potential performance hits / overhead from communicating via standard input/output and/or you want to avoid having to translate between Erlang terms and something your external code understands
You are reasonably confident that the things your external code is doing are neither long-running nor likely to crash (including, in the latter case, if you're writing your NIFs in something like Rust; see also: Rustler), or...
You are reasonably confident that crashing or hanging the Erlang VM is acceptable for your use case (e.g. your code is both distributed and able to survive the sudden loss of an Erlang node, or you're writing a desktop application and an application-wide crash is not a big deal aside from being an inconvenience to users)
When should I use port drivers?
You want your external code to behave like an Erlang process
You want to avoid the overhead and/or complexity of communicating over standard input/output
You are reasonably confident that your port driver won't crash or hang the Erlang VM, or...
You are reasonably confident that a crash or hang of the Erlang VM is not a critical issue
What do you recommend?
There are two aspects to weigh here:
Process-like v. module-like
Safe v. efficient
If you want maximum safety behind a process-like interface, go with a port.
If you want maximum safety behind a module-like interface, go with a module with functions that either wrap System.cmd/3 or directly use a port to communicate with your external code
If you want better efficiency behind a process-like interface, go with a port driver.
If you want better efficiency behind a module-like interface, go with NIFs.

Best approach to non blocking server/listening socket in a multi-thread application on Windows?

I'm writing a TCP server/client application on Windows, to become familiar with the Winsock API. I come from an UNIX background and would like to know which of these could be the best approach to implement the application:
First the specification
Must scale well on multiprocessor and single-processor systems.
No hardset limit of connections.
Application can both listen for connections, acting as server, and act as client.
Multi threaded.
First approach:
Non-blocking select-like socket for listening, in the 'server' thread.
for each client connecting we spawn a separate thread.
Second approach:
Blocking socket for listening, in the 'server' thread.
for each client connecting we spawn a separate thread.
Third approach:
Non-blocking select-like socket for listening, in the 'server' thread.
No separate thread for each incoming connection, the protocol would need state information kept across sessions I suppose.
I wonder what is the most efficient and scalable approach, and especially if it can work with a UDP socket too.
Note: I'm writing the application in plain and old C. No .NET nor C++ involved, C++ exceptions disabled too.
As Gary says, I/O Completion Ports are the most efficient way to manage multiple network connections in a non-blocking/async manner on Windows platforms.
With IOCP you get notified when your networking operations complete and you can process these completions with a small number of threads. You get to decide how many threads you allocate to process the completions and the kernel decides when to use the threads that you're providing. It uses them in a LIFO order, to reduce context switching, so that if you are only using the minimal number of threads required at any point and you're reusing the same threads rather than cycling through all of the threads that you have available for use.
The asynchronous nature of IOCP programming can be a little confusing to start with, but once you get the hang of it it's fairly straight forward.
I have some free IOCP server code which demonstrates the basics and provides some example servers that are pretty easy to build on. You can find the code here: That page also links to some articles that I wrote to explain the code.
Relating this to the detail of your question. You should be looking at a variation on your third approach. Use AcceptEx() to accept new connections, this can be used in an asynchronous manner and so you don't need a separate thread for connection acceptance and can use the threads that are also processing your overlapped/async read and write operations.
I've written an asynchronous client which does not use blocking sockets, so if you're interested in that approach, then take a look at my client:
It's an HTTP client, but I've shown very little HTTP protocol processing in there, it's all just .NET sockets. The server would work in a similar way: you can take advantage of the *Async methods such as AsseptAsync.
Under Windows, the best performances are achieved by using I/O completion calls.
This is because the lists and queuing mechanism is done in the kernel, far from the heavy user-mode overhead (which drags your code down if you dare to do the hard work yourself).
Unfortunately, Windows I/O completion calls need to allocate many threads to scale and this is quickly killing the performances (as compared to Linux epoll which can scale independently of the number of worker threads you decide to involve in the task).
Recently, I discovered a Web server which came from Windows and was then ported under Linux. And their authors describe the problem in details on their forum.

Sending calls to libraries remotely across linux

I am developing some experimental setup in C.
I am exploring a scenario as follows and I need help to understand it.
I have a system A which has a lot of Applications using cryptographic algorithms.
But these crypto calls(openssl calls) should be sent to another System B which takes care of cryptography.
Therefore, I have to send any calls to cryptographic (openssl) engines via socket to a remote system(B) which has openssl support.
My plan is to have a small socket prog on System A which forwards these calls to system B.
What I'm still unclear at this moment is how I handle the received commands at System B.
Do I actually get these commands and translate them into corresponding calls to openssl locally in my system? This means I have to program whatever is done on System A right?
Or is there a way to tunnel/send these raw lines of code to the openssl libs directly and just received the result and then resend to System A
How do you think I should go about the problem?
PS: Oh by the way, the calls to cryptography(like EngineUpdate, VerifyFinal etc or Digest on System A can be either on Java or C.. I already wrote a Java/C program to send these commands to System B via sockets...
The problem is only on System B and how I have to handle..
You could use sockets on B, but that means you need to define a protocol for that. Or you use RPC (remote procedure calls).
Examples for socket programming can be found here.
RPC is explained here.
The easiest (not to say "the easy", but still) way I can imagine would be to:
Write wrapper (proxy) versions of the libraries you want to make remote.
Write a server program that listens to calls, performs them using the real local libraries, and sends the result back.
Preload the proxy library before running any application where you want to do this.
Of course, there are many many problems with this approach:
It's not exactly trivial to define a serializing protocol for generic C function calls.
It's not exactly trivial to write the server, either.
Applications will slow a lot, since the proxy call needs to be synchronous.
What about security of the data on the network?
As requested in a comment, I'll try to expand a bit. By "wrapper" I mean a new library, that has the same API as another one, but does not in fact contain the same code. Instead, the wrapper library will contain code to serialize the arguments, call the server, wait for a response, de-serialize the result(s), and present them to the calling program as if nothing happened.
Since this involves a lot of tedious, repetitive and error-prone code, it's probably best to abstract it by making it code-driven. The best would be to use the original library's header file to define the serialization needed, but that (of course) requires quite heavy C parsing. Failing that, you might start bottom-up and make a custom language to describe the calls, and then use that to generate the serialization, de-serialization, and proxy code.
On Linux systems, you can control the dynamic linker so that it loads your proxy library instead of the "real" library. You could of course also replace (on disk) the real library with the proxy, but that will break all applications that use it if the server is not working, which seems very risky.
So you basically have two choices, each outlined by unwind and ammoQ respectively:
(1) Write a server and do the socket/protocol work etc., yourself. You can minimize some of the pain by using solutions like Google's protocol buffers.
(2) use an existing middleware solution like (a) message queues or (b) an RPC mechanism like CORBA and its many alternatives
Either is probably more work than you anticipated. So really you have to answer this yourself. How serious is your project? How varied is your hardware? How likely is the hardware and software configuration to change in the future?
If this is more than a learning or pet project you are going to be bored with in a month or two then an existing middleware solution is probably the way to go. The downside is there is a somewhat intimidating learning curve.
You can go the RPC route with CORBA, ICE, or whatever the Java solutions are these days (RMI? EJB?), and a bunch of others. This is an elegant solution since your calls to the remote encryption machine appear to your SystemA as simple function calls and the middleware handles the data issues and sockets. But you aren't going to learn them in a weekend.
Personally I would look to see if a message queue solution like AMQP would work for you first. There is less of a learning curve than RPC.

Server Architecture for Embedded Device

I am working on a server application for an embedded ARM platform. The ARM board is connected to various digital IOs, ADCs, etc that the system will consistently poll. It is currently running a Linux kernel with the hardware interfaces developed as drivers. The idea is to have a client application which can connect to the embedded device and receive the sensory data as it is updated and issue commands to the device (shutdown sensor 1, restart sensor 2, etc). Assume the access to the sensory devices is done through typical ioctl.
Now my question relates to the design/architecture of this server application running on the embedded device. At first I was thinking to use something like libevent or libev, lightweight C event handling libraries. The application would prioritize the sensor polling event (and then send the information to the client after the polling is done) and process client commands as they are received (over a typical TCP socket). The server would typically have a single connection but may have up to a dozen or so, but not something like thousands of connections. Is this the best approach to designing something like this? Of the two event handling libraries I listed, is one better for embedded applications or are there any other alternatives?
The other approach under consideration is a multi-threaded application in which the sensor polling is done in a prioritized/blocking thread which reads the sensory data and each client connection is handled in separate thread. The sensory data is updated into some sort of buffer/data structure and the connection threads handle sending out the data to the client and processing client commands (I supposed you would still need an event loop of sort in these threads to monitor for incoming commands). Are there any libraries or typical packages used which facilitate designing an application like this or is this something you have to start from scratch?
How would you design what I am trying to accomplish?
I would use a unix domain socket -- and write the library myself, can't see any advantages to using libvent since the application is tied to linux, and libevent is also for hundreds of connections. You can do all of what you are trying to do with a single thread in your daemon. KISS.
You don't need a dedicated master thread for priority queues you just need to write your threads so that it always processes high priority events before anything else.
In terms of libraries, you will possibly benifit from Google's protocol buffers (for serialization and representing your protocol) -- however it only has first class supports for C++, and the over the wire (serialization) format does a bit of simple bit shifting to numeric data. I doubt it will add any serious overhead. However an alternative is ASN.1 (asn1c).
My suggestion would be a modified form of your 2nd proposal. I would create a server that has two threads. One thread polling the sensors, and another for ALL of your client connections. I have used in embedded devices (MIPS) boost::asio library with great results.
A single thread that handles all sockets connections asynchronously can usually handle the load easily (of course, it depends on how many clients you have). It would then serve the data it has on a shared buffer. To reduce the amount and complexity of mutexes, I would create two buffers, one 'active' and another 'inactive', and a flag to indicate the current active buffer. The polling thread would read data and put it in the inactive buffer. When it finished and had created a 'consistent' state, it would flip the flag and swap the active and inactive buffers. This could be done atomically and should therefore not require anything more complex than this.
This would all be very simple to set up since you would pretty much have only two threads that know nothing about the other.

Using telnet in a C Program

I am working on a robot automation project and I have run into a road block. To control the robot, one needs to connect with it wirelessly via telnet and send commands through the tcp/ip protocol. (ex. The 'Mabc' command moves it forward based on the left wheel speed (a), the right wheel speed (b) and time (c)). What I am trying to do is do some calculations in a C program and then send a message to the robot based on the value of the calculation.
How can send commands via tcp/ip protocol in a C program?
You are looking for sockets. This is a comprehensive guide to socket programming in C. Telnet is also a well defined protocol, although I don't know if this robot would use telnet or not (it's extra processing overhead for a protocol that wouldn't have much added benefit for a robot control program). Telnet is covered in detail by RFC 854
Expect would allow you to interact with external programs, but I am not aware of a C port of expect. Otherwise you would find a telnet library in C or write your own using socket programming.
I would use libcurl: It'll do what you want, and handle all the telnet goo that you really don't want to handle.
Expect was designed to do exactly this - hold conversations with interactive programs. It's written in Tcl, extending the Tcl interpreter with various commands. Tcl is very easy to extend; it was designed to be an embedded scripting language right from the word go. The main C API uses argv-style constructs to pass parameters to Tcl commands and is very easy to use. The best guide to the C API is Ousterhout's original book and it took me one two-hour lab session to get my first embedded Tcl interpreter up and running.
As a bonus you also get a built-in Tcl interpereter, which you can use to add a scripting capability to your application. You'll probably find that quite a bit of it can be implemented in Tcl if you feel so inclined, so it will probably save you time overall.
I would be:
writing some simple shell scripts containing the telnet interractions written as here documents.
using a .telnetrc file in your home directory to control aspects of your telnet session, e.g. crmod
calling the script using system calls.
This way your turnaround time to change your interractions with the robot won't involve having to recompile your programm all the time.
BTW This sounds like fun.
