Are classes depends on database tables? - database

I'm newbie to designing class diagrams.
As my application works as REST API, I would like to use DTO-DAO design patterns. For user registration module, DB contains 3 tables for user signon, profile and address.
Do I need to create 3 DTOs and corresponding DAOs to insert/update user signon, profile and address?
If so, what if I only one table is created instead of three tables and dropped two tables in future?

Whatever design pattern you follow, data modelling is entirely upto you.Your design pattern should be based on your data modelling and your need. Not that,your data model will depend on the design pattern but on your need

You can create whatever dto objects you like. However both your database design and your dto design is driven by the concepts in your system (user/company/address etc) this often called the domain.
You'll often find that the two are very similar, after all they both represent the same domain!
As to whether you need different dtos for different calls that really depends on you. Do you need a different class to represent an insert/update call? What's the difference? Often the update has an id (whereas the insert hasn't had one assigned yet). So why not have two where the update inherits from the insert but adds the id property?
Delete dtos, you can do these as either an update or just as an id. After all why bother to populate an entire object you're about tot delete. Personally I'd just say
DeleteUser(int id);
Much easier!


Advice on database modeling, OneToOne with multiple related tables

I am looking for advice on the best way to go about modeling my database
Lets say I have three entities: meetings, habits, and tasks. Each has its own unique schema, however, I would like all 3 to have several things in common.
They should all contain calendar information, such as a start_date, end_date, recurrence_pattern, etc...
There are a few ways I could go about this:
Add these fields to each of the entities
Create an Event entity and have a foreign_key field on each of the other entities, pointing to the related Event
Create an Event entity and have 3 foreign_key fields on the Event (one for each of the other entities). At any given time only 1 of those fields would have a value and the other 2 would be null
Create an Event entity with 2 fields related_type and related_id. the related_type value, for any given row, would be one of "meetings", "habits", or "tasks" and the related_id would be the actual id of that entity type.
I will have separate api endpoints that access meetings, habits, and tasks.
I will need to return the event data along with them.
I will also have an endpoint to return all events.
I will need to return the related entity data along with each event.
Option 4 seems to be the most flexible but eliminates working with foreign keys.
Im not sure if that is a problem or a hinders performance.
I say its flexible in the case that I add a new entity, lets call it "games", the event schema will already be able to handle this.
When creating a new game, I would create a new event, and set the related_type to "games".
Im thinking the events endpoint can join on the related_type and would also require little to no updating.
Additionally, this seems better than option 3 in the case that I add many new entities that have event data.
For each of these entities a new column would be added to the event.
Options 1 and 2 could work fine, however I cannot just query for all events, I would have to query for each of the other entities.
Is there any best practices around this scenario? Any other approaches?
In the end performance is more important then flexibility. I would rather update code than sacrifice on performance.
I am using django and maybe someone has some tips around this, however, I am really looking for best practices around the database itself and not the api implementation.
I would keep it simple and choose option 1. Splitting up data in more tables than necessary for proper normalization won't be a benefit.
Perhaps you will like the idea of using PostgreSQL table inheritance. You could have an empty table event, and your three tables inherit from that table. That way, they automatically have all column from event, but they are still three independent tables.

Should models hold references to other models?

I am trying to build a WPF application using the MVVM pattern. It would be my first one.
In my database I have 2 tables a reports table and a columns table. Basically I just want to store the skeleton of reports by storing the name and some minor infos (header row...) and save all columns in the other table.
I am wondering what would be the best approach when creating my model:
should I do 2 models (Report and Column) for each table? And make an observable collection of Columns
Only 1 model and create a POCO Column with a regular list of Columns
If I go with the 2 models approach should I implement 2 modelViews or can I group everything in one modelview as I will work with only one report in the view (like the edit report view)?
Hope I was able to clearly explain my situation.
Just do each separately (i.e. one View/ViewModel/Model per table). You can refactor common items later (and/or as you're building).
ViewModels in MVVM usually have one-to-one relationship to View, unlike Asp.Net MVC. In order to decide how many Views/ViewModels you need you can start thinking of the interface. ViewModels is modeled UI, so if you have one screen in your app then you should start with one viewModel class, later you can refine it if it will be too big. Models are a little bit different, it depends how are you going to interact with them. I'm not sure what are you going to do with them, I had an experience of storing a report definition in database and it may happen that you do not really need two tables at all, you do not even need relational database, just save a blob with serialized XML. But anyway after deserializing it back to your object you will have at least two model classes - Column and Report, model is kind of lowest level of abstraction, if you won't have those two model classes you won't be able to distinguish these entities.

Database design rules to follow for a programmer

We are working on a mapping application that uses Google Maps API to display points on a map. All points are currently fetched from a MySQL database (holding some 5M + records). Currently all entities are stored in separate tables with attributes representing individual properties.
This presents following problems:
Every time there's a new property we have to make changes in the database, application code and the front-end. This is all fine but some properties have to be added for all entities so that's when it becomes a nightmare to go through 50+ different tables and add new properties.
There's no way to find all entities which share any given property e.g. no way to find all schools/colleges or universities that have a geography dept (without querying schools,uni's and colleges separately).
Removing a property is equally painful.
No standards for defining properties in individual tables. Same property can exist with different name or data type in another table.
No way to link or group points based on their properties (somehow related to point 2).
We are thinking to redesign the whole database but without DBA's help and lack of professional DB design experience we are really struggling.
Another problem we're facing with the new design is that there are lot of shared attributes/properties between entities.
For example:
An entity called "university" has 100+ attributes. Other entities (e.g. hospitals,banks,etc) share quite a few attributes with universities for example atm machines, parking, cafeteria etc etc.
We dont really want to have properties in separate table [and then linking them back to entities w/ foreign keys] as it will require us adding/removing manually. Also generalizing properties will results in groups containing 50+ attributes. Not all records (i.e. entities) require those properties.
So with keeping that in mind here's what we are thinking about the new design:
Have separate tables for each entity containing some basic info e.g. id,name,etc etc.
Have 2 tables attribute type and attribute to store properties information.
Link each entity (or a table if you like) to attribute using a many-to-many relation.
Store addresses in different table called addresses link entities via foreign keys.
We think this will allow us to be more flexible when adding, removing or querying on attributes.
This design, however, will result in increased number of joins when fetching data display all "attributes" for a given university we might have a query with 20+ joins to fetch all related attributes in a single row.
We desperately need to know some opinions or possible flaws in this design approach.
Thanks for your time.
In trying to generalize your question without more specific examples, it's hard to truly critique your approach. If you'd like some more in depth analysis, try whipping up an ER diagram.
If your data model is changing so much that you're constantly adding/removing properties and many of these properties overlap, you might be better off using EAV.
Otherwise, if you want to maintain a relational approach but are finding a lot of overlap with properties, you can analyze the entities and look for abstractions that link to them.
Ex) My Db has Puppies, Kittens, and Walruses all with a hasFur and furColor attribute. Remove those attributes from the 3 tables and create a FurryAnimal table that links to each of those 3.
Of course, the simplest answer is to not touch the data model. Instead, create Views on the underlying tables that you can use to address (5), (4) and (2)
1 cannot be an issue. There is one place where your objects are defined. Everything else is generated/derived from that. Just refactor your code until this is the case.
2 is solved by having a metamodel, where you describe which properties are where. This is probably needed for 1 too.
You might want to totally avoid the problem by programming this in Smalltalk with Seaside on a Gemstone object oriented database. Then you can just have objects with collections and don't need so many joins.

Linq-To-SQL Legacy Relation Mapping

I am trying to get Linq2SQL to work with my legacy database. I currently have a notes table that is generic to a few different entities and mapped m:m. Instead of mapping one relation table per entity type whoever designed this database decided to use a single relation table with a type column (as a varchar yuck!).
alt text
How do I map Foo and Bar to have a Notes collection? Is this even possible. I am not seeing the light. I tried to have two classes FooNotes and BarNotes that inherit from RelateNotes and then mapping the Type field as the descriptor.
alt text
This doesn't work and I receive the below error.
Bad Storage property: '_EntityID' on member 'TestLinq.BarNotes.EntityID'.
I don't want to get too far down the Linq2SQL road before realising it not possible. I am not allowed to change the database much.
Many Thanks,
I would consider expanding your app's design to include a Domain Model based layered architecture.
This way you can create a Domain Model that meets the requirements of the system while abstracting away how the mapping works underneath. For example, you could have a common interface for the data access layer that returns the mapped entities. An implementation of this interface could be created for the old 'string-equality' m2m relationship in the legacy database. One day when you are ready to ditch the legacy database, a new implementation could be created for a different ER db model which would allow your Domain Model (object model) and higher layers (services, UI etc) to remain unchanged (because they all utilise the common interface).
In your object model you could define each object that needs Notes and have them each contain a Notes collection for each instance. Eg. Foo has a collection of Notes; Bar has a collection of Notes. Your Repository interface would look after returning these entities but the implementation of that repo would worry about how it's read and persisted to the db.

Table Module vs. Domain Model

I asked about Choosing a method to store user profiles the other day and received an interesting response from David Thomas Garcia suggesting I use the Table Module design pattern. It looks like this is probably the direction I want to take. Everything I've turned up with Google seems to be fairly high level discussion, so if anyone could point me in the direction of some examples or give me a better idea of the nuts and bolts involved that would be awesome.
The best reference is "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture" by Martin Fowler:
Here's an excerpt from the section on Table Module:
A Table Module organizes domain
logic with one class per table in the
database, and a single instance of a
class contains the various procedures
that will act on the data. The
primary distinction with Domain
Model is that, if you have many
orders, a Domain Model will have one
order object per order while a Table
Module will have one object to handle
all orders.
Table Module would be particularly useful in the flexible database architecture you have described for your user profile data, basically the Entity-Attribute-Value design.
Typically, if you use Domain Model, each row in the underlying table becomes one object instance. Since you are storing user profile information in multiple rows, then you end up having to create many Domain Model objects, whereas what you really want is one object that encapsulates all the user properties.
Instead, the Table Module makes it easier for you to code logic that applies to multiple rows in the underlying database table. If you create a profile for a given user, you'd specify all those properties, and the Table Module class would have the code to translate that into a series of INSERT statements, one row per property.
$table->setUserProfile( $userid, array('firstname'=>'Kevin', 'lastname'=>'Loney') );
Likewise, querying a given user's profile would use the Table Module to map the multiple rows of the query result set to object members.
$hashArray = $table->getUserProfile( $userid );
