Windows programmer moving to linux - Coding conventions [closed] - c

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been developing for Windows for a long time, mainly WinApi (and .Net).
I'v started learning basic Linux, and I have some questions regarding the differences:
In Windows I have barely used the C Standard library.
If I needed an API, I would search MSDN and find the appropriate library\function.
From what it seems like, in Linux the C Standard library is EVERYTHING.
All the code samples I have seen used the standard library (Instead of using some Linux internal functions, like a Linux "CreateFile").
Is this really how writing "proper" linux code is done ? Using the C standard library ?
If I wish to read a file, or allocate memory are fopen\malloc the way to go ?
If the answer to my first question is yes (And I guess it will be)
The C standard library is POWERLESS compared to the powerful WinApi.
Lets say I wish to get a list of running process (CreateToolhelp32Snapshot) or create a thread or a process (CreateThread\CreateProcess), How should I do that in Linux ?
In Windows, all I need can be found in MSDN.
If I have a "how do I do" question (Like the questions above) where should I go ?
Where is my main source of documentation.
Thanks a lot,

Perhaps you've forgotten that the Standard C Library isn't environment-specific, it specifies least-common-denominator functionality among all systems that can run C programs, and C runs on systems that don't even have processes.
If you want an API that provides consistent common GUI/multithread/etc. APIs, pick a likely-looking GUI/multithread/etc. API. You might start with Qt, it's quite comprehensive and produces good-looking, near-native UIs on a host of systems.
It's not generally considered polite to point this out, but most questions that get asked publicly are asked by people who lack the discipline to do even simple research. Once people can do that, they don't need to ask very many, and that's why what you see is so ... trivial. You're past that. For more options, you could start here.
For more general-purpose tools, the top hit on a search for important linux tools might be helpful.


How would I go about incrementing an integer in C when the user opens a program? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm currently writing a text-based adventure game and I have a lifetime counter. I wanted to know if it would be possible to increment the lifetime counter upon starting the game without using a file?
I am using Windows 10 x64.
This is operating system specific, since while the C11 draft standard n1570 does mention files (in section §7.21) it does not mention other ways of persisting data.
You might consider using some database, e.g. the sqlite library or PostGreSQL or MongoDB. It might be overkill.
You could consider keeping persistent data (like suggested in this draft report, or coded in C++ in the RefPerSys software) in some textual format such as JSON. Concepts and terminology from garbage collection could be relevant (e.g. Cheney's algorithm). Read at least the old Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques paper for terminology.
You might be interested by web services, using libcurl and/or libonion and/or Wt. Before that, read documentation related to HTTP. You might consider using JSONRPC or SWIG.
On Linux you might consider using shared memory or other ways of interprocess communication with several cooperating processes, see shm_overview(7), sem_overview(7), fifo(7), unix(7), poll(2) and other syscalls(2) (and atexit(3)). Read then Advanced Linux Programming
On Windows you need to read the documentation of the WinAPI.
You could be interested by the POSIX standard and by cross-platform libraries like GTK or libSDL. Both are often used in game software.
Notice that SBCL has some persistence machinery (see also this). You might take inspiration from its save-lisp-and-die primitive. You could also write parts of your game in Ocaml and take advantage of Ocaml's Marshal module. You could embed Python (or GNU guile, or Lua) in your game software and use its persistence features. Even if you don't code in SBCL or Ocaml, you could take inspiration from their runtime C code.
I'm currently writing a text-based adventure game and I have a lifetime counter.
Then look also (for inspiration) inside the source code of existing games on github.

Existing threadpool C implementation [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What open-source implementation(s) in C for a pthreads thread pool would you recommend ?
Additional points if this implementation is :
Light-weight: glib, APR, NSPR and others come with a big buy-in, I'd rather have just 2 files (header and implementation).
Tested on several platforms (Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, etc.).
Still maintained.
I worked on making something I'd be able to use and I've published it on github: it's unimaginably called threadpool.
If your goal is light-weight, then the last thing you want is a prewritten, super-general-purpose, high-level-abstraction-based implementation. Implementing a thread pool yourself, suited to your particular task, is fairly trivial, but you might also question whether you actually need a thread pool or whether you'd be fine just creating and destroying threads as needed.
Without knowing more details about your application, I can't give much more specific advice. But the tools you might find useful are:
Condition variables
A job queue protected by a mutex
POSIX message queues
Here is an implementation with these features:
ANSI C and POSIX compliant
Minimal but powerful API
Synchronisation from the user
Full documentation
I once used this, which isn't actually an official implementation per se. It does use pthreads as you requested, and should give you some ideas of what you need to do. (See threadpool.h, threadpool.c, threadpool_test.c, and the Makefile for instructions on how to compile.) You'll obviously have to do some refactoring as it's original intention is probably different than yours. It's commented rather well actually.
Even though this deviates from the original question, I'd also like to mention that the newest C standard, unofficially C1X (see wikipedia, hyperlink limit), has planned support for threads N1570 (google it, hyperlink limit again!) (7.31.15).
Some personal advice from my experience would be to make sure that your application can actually be run in parallel, and if the overhead of creating a new thread is so high that you can't live without a thread pool. Personally I've blundered on both these parts and I've actually ended up with implementations slower than my single threaded application. Also, you might want to be aware of different problems, including cache-lockouts and misses, which would actually degrade the performance of your application.
I'm probably blabbering on by now, but best of luck.

LInux vs BSD for kernel development [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I recently updated my rusty C skills, and I've been trying to find a project to try them out on, so I picked kernel development (after all, C is a systems language). So, I was wondering which would be easier to start out with, Linux or one of the BSDs? Linux has a larger userbase (so I would probably have more support), but it also has a humongous codebase (9 million lines last time I checked), would the BSDs be easier to start out with because they combine the userbase and kernel into one large codebase? Also, is it best to just start reading the kernel source code? And, are they trying to implement new features aside from SMP and new drivers?
Unfortunately, I can only speak of Linux kernel hacking for myself. Currently I'm in an internship where I am working on a kernel, and I never did this before. But I was able to learn a lot of stuff in a quite short time, due to several reasons (again, I want to point out that I don't know how much of this is covered withint he BSD community):
Tutorials. The Linux Community is quite big and therefore you will find a lot of beginners information on kernel hacking. I feel like the standard to begin with was this guide. If you read it you will see, that even kernel hacking starts with hello world ;)
Linux Cross Reference. A great tool. It covers the complete Vanilla source code and shows you where each function/struct/define/whatever was defined and implemented, so no long searching for some stuff
The modular build of linux (I assume the same goes for BSD) Clearly you won't be able to look through 9 mio lines of code. But you can start easy with a little loadable kernel module and then go deeper. Maybe look at other modules first, hack them, and finally dig into the directly compiled stuff
The sheer community size. Not only kernel mailing lists, but also a huge number of forums or Q&A sites like this one where you can be sure to get help if you don't know what to do ;)
Just my 2 cents ;)
I am using and developing for Linux for many years, but am lacking any real experience with BSD to recommend either way.
You sound lacking experience for kernel hacking. Just reading kernel source might be insightful, but won't really teach you much. There is a lot going on in Linux kernel besides drivers. For example, latest 2.6.38 was focused on desktop responsiveness. DRM stack is ever changing and could use more man power.
I'd suggest start easy, small fixes for beta drivers, etc.

Legal issues when forking Lua? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been developing a highly modified version of Lua (including a rewrite of the sources to keep a better maintainability). Right now i'm at a point where I would consider forking Lua, and possibly re-release it under a different name (so people don't mistake it as the original Lua interpreter).
Of course the resulting Interpreter and compiler will be Opensource (MIT License, just as Lua5.0). but I wonder if that would be just fine with the Lua license? Can I use the Lua sources to continue my own work? do I have to keep the copyright notes?
My first suggestion would be to send an email to the Lua folks. I'm 99,9% sure you won't have any problem.
Now that I think about it, another guy create a language called "Idle" which, if I remember well, is heavily based on Lua.
As long as you properly show the due credits and fairly represent the differences with Lua, I'm sure you'll be fine.
The 'polite' thing to do is to use a different name and clearly credit on your documentation; stating that it's based on Lua but not 'official' Lua. AFAIK, the licence doesn't legally require even that; but it's what you're expected to do.
Remo.D mentioned the Idle case; personally, i don't like the attitude of "this fixes the problems with Lua" that i kinda read on Idle's webpage and his messages to the Lua list; but it's widely recognized that he's doing the right thing: a different name and openly showing credits.
If you want to be really popular in the Lua community; you could try to release your code not as a fork of Lua; but as a set of patches to the core. It's more work, I'm sure; but it has a much higher chance of being used by more people; and maybe (big maybe) some ideas could eventually be integrated in the core.

What alternatives to Hans Boehm GC are out there for small devices? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'd like to use a virtual machine like NekoVM into a small device but to build it, it requires Boehm GC, however there is no port of that GC to that small device so I was wondering if there is any alternative to it, something that could be done exclusively with C code?
I'd say your best option would be to port the GC to your platform, for which there are instructions (libgc porting instructions).
Additionally, it should be possible to swap out the GC implementation (NekoVM FAQ), see vm/alloc.c file.
Hopefully useful additional links: (untested)
Smieciuch Garbage Collector
libgcroots (based on libgc 7, abstracts architecture dependant bits)
Squirrel programming language
Perhaps you'd be better off with Lua, which has a very small but powerful virtual machine, has its own garbage collector built in, and runs on any platform that supports ANSI Standard C. With just a little effort you can even build Lua on a machine that lacks standard input and standard output. I have seen Lua running on an embedded device that was a small LCD touch screen with an embedded CPU stuck on the back. Neko is good work, but I think you'll find Lua every bit as satisfying.
I could suggest TinyGC ( - an independent lightweight implementation of the BoehmGC targeting small devices. It is fully API-compatible (even more, binary compatible) with BoehmGC v7+ but only a small subset of the API is implemented (but sufficient for Java/GCJ-like memory management) and there is no automatic threads and static data roots registration. The latter, however, may require some efforts to make NekoVM work with it (i.e., call GC_register_my_thread() and GC_add_roots()).
