defaultHighLight of solr3.6 does not work? - solr

I am using solr 3.6.2 and I found the default highlight does not work like solr 1.4.1.
Is it a bug?
I use 2gram tokenizer.
text: testabctest123456testabc
index: te es st ta ab bc ct te es st t1 12 23 ・・・
query: test
At solr 3.6.2 the default highlight result is: {{{testabctest123456test}}}abc
At solr 1.4.1 the highlight result is: {{{test}}}abc{{{test}}}123456{{{test}}}abc
At solr 3.6.2 the FastVectorHighlighter resutlt is: {{{test}}}abc{{{test}}}123456{{{test}}}abc
What happened to the default highlight in solr 3.6?
Though the FastVectorHighlighter works well, I need to use default highlight.

No, it's not a bug. That's how the highlighter works. If it finds multiple matches within the same term, it wraps them all. There does not appear to be any sort of configuration to change this behavior, I don't believe.
Seems like using the Highlighter implementation that does what you want would be the logical approach.


Updating fields in solr using SOLRNET - field data change [duplicate]

I'm doing a simple partial update scenario which worked with version 6.x and 7.x of Solr. After upgdrading both Solr and Solrj to 8.8, I'm getting the following exception:
2021-02-23 14:57:58.201 ERROR (qtp-459670553-28) [ x:core1] o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: TransactionLog doesn't know how to serialize class org.apache.lucene.document.LazyDocument$LazyField; try implementing ObjectResolver?
at org.apache.solr.update.TransactionLog$1.resolve(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.writeVal(
at org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec$BinEntryWriter.put(
at org.apache.solr.common.ConditionalKeyMapWriter$EntryWriterWrapper.put(
at org.apache.solr.common.MapWriter$EntryWriter.putNoEx(
at org.apache.solr.common.MapWriter$EntryWriter.lambda$getBiConsumer$0(
at org.apache.solr.common.MapWriter$EntryWriter$$Lambda$548/0000000000000000.accept(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument.lambda$writeMap$0(
at org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument$$Lambda$549/0000000000000000.accept(Unknown Source)
solrj code is just similar to the sample provided here and was working before upgrade. The operation is 'add' with a simple integer field for a document whose id is provided.
Note that this is different from a previous question on stackoverflow, since I'm passing simple integer field and on solr/lucene side it's replaced with org.apache.lucene.document.LazyDocument$LazyField.
Seems to be a bug in Solr to be fixed in the next version of solr 8 (8.9).
Until it's released the workaround is to set <enableLazyFieldLoading>false</enableLazyFieldLoading> in solrconfig.xml

Where are avgRequestsPerSecond and avgTimePerRequest metrics in solr 7,8

I am coding golang solr exporter which format the same with java solr-exporter of Apache Solr (it ate much RAM) . I want to add more metric like "avgTimePerRequest", "avgRequestsPerSecond".
According to Solr document, it said that can query "avgTimePerRequest" and "avgRequestsPerSecond" via
But when i couldn't see avgTimePerRequest or avgRequestsPerSecond, It only includes these
With Solr 6, I can found "avgTimePerRequest" and "avgRequestsPerSecond" in mbean. But solr7,8 I couldn't found it? Does they need to enable?
From SOLR v7.3 Change.txt
SOLR-8785: Metrics related classes in org.apache.solr.util.stats have been removed in favor of
the dropwizard metrics library. Any custom plugins using these classes should be changed to use
the equivalent classes from the metrics library.
As part of this, the following changes were made to the output of Overseer Status API:
* The "totalTime" metric has been removed because it is no longer supported
* The metrics "75thPctlRequestTime", "95thPctlRequestTime", "99thPctlRequestTime"and "999thPctlRequestTime" in Overseer Status API have been renamed to "75thPcRequestTime", "95thPcRequestTime"
and so on for consistency with stats output in other parts of Solr.
The metrics "avgRequestsPerMinute", "5minRateRequestsPerMinute" and "15minRateRequestsPerMinute" have been replaced by corresponding per-second rates viz. "avgRequestsPerSecond", "5minRateRequestsPerSecond" and "15minRateRequestsPerSecond" for consistency with stats output in other parts of Solr.

Solr 5: only first word gets highlighted

Search for: "test string"
Highlighting I get: test string
This has been reported as a bug and is allegedly fixed:
Solr: Multi Word Synonyms : Only first word is highlighting
However, here's my version of Lucene:
How is it possible that I'm still getting this behaviour?
There are no special settings related to highlighting in my solrconfig.xml
Here is the query I use:
My problem was that the application was incorrectly parsing tags returned by the highlighter - not Solr's fault at all!

Map static field between nutch and solr

I use nutch 1.4 and I would like to map static field to Solr.
I know there is the index-static plugin. I configured it in nutch-site.xml like this :
However, the value is not sent to Solr.
Does anyone have a solution ?
It looks like the entry in nutch-default.xml is wrong.
According to the plugin source "index.static" instead of "index-static" is the right name for the property.
String fieldsString = conf.get("index.static", null);
After using that in my nutch-site.xml I was able to send multiple fields to my solr server.
Also make sure that the plugin is added to list of included plugins in the "plugin.includes" property.

ParseException Unknown function termfreq in FunctionQuery

What is the right syntax if my query is formulated incorrectly in the link above for Apache 3.5 SOLR and do I have to enable anything specific in solrconfig.xml and schema.xml
Using Apache SOLR 3.5 and receiving a ParseException Uknown function termfreq in FunctionQuery(tf(text,amplifiers)'
I am following the syntax on other websites because I don't know how to do it for the documentation on the wiki -->
It won't work, the function query tf(field, term) that you are attempting to use is not available in 3.5, browse through ValueSourceParser if you want to double-check. You need to get Solr 4.x nightly build - Solr Nightly Build from trunk & use it, but beware Solr 4.x is not stable & released yet, there will be a significant level of API changes compared to 3.5.
If you are interested in poking into the code, you could for instance, if you are using Maven modify pom.xml to get the atrifacts from Trunk and browse the source code starting from ValueSourceParser that should let you know if those relevance functions exist & how their implementation is.
For Ex: You will see parsers related to the term vector function queries,
// From Solr 4 `ValueSourceParser` Trunk Source Code
addParser("tf", new ValueSourceParser() {
public ValueSource parse(FunctionQParser fp) throws ParseException {
TInfo tinfo = parseTerm(fp);
return new TFValueSource(tinfo.field, tinfo.val, tinfo.indexedField, tinfo.indexedBytes);
