Mysterious:Selecting a large Xml in Sql Server - sql-server

I am having a column in my table which stores XML data as a varchar(MAX).For example one of my value has around 1 LAC characters.While selecting it from the Table, i end up getting only 43679 characters for all samples.
What is the reason behind this mystery?Please,if there is any way to retrieve the complete data,help.

Try using settings of sql server management studio.

try to select with a cast:
select top 1 cast(ColumnName as xml) from Table


Is there a way to extract individual values from a varchar column using SQL Server 2016?

I am trying to extract individual dates from a varchar column in a SQL Server 2016 tablet that are stored comma separated and am not sure how to proceed. The data is setup like this:
article Consolidation_Order_Cut_Off_Final_Allocation
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
011040 01/13/2021,03/10/2021
019099 01/13/2021,01/27/2021,02/24/2021,03/24/2021,04/28/2021,05/26/2021,06/23/2021,07/28/2021
019310 01/27/2021,02/03/2021,03/10/2021,04/14/2021,05/12/2021,06/09/2021,07/14/2021,08/11/2021
059611 01/13/2021
Ideally - I would have each date split out into a new row. I have seen a few similar questions that use very complex functions but those seem to be for SQL Server 2008. I have also found the new function STRING_SPLIT but that would seem to be table valued and thus have to come in the FROM. One thought I had was to declare a variable to hold this column and then use something like select * FROM string_split(#dates,','); however since there is more than one value in that list that returns an error. I am very new to the 2016 version of SQL Server and curious if anyone has ran into a way to solve this.
String_Split() is a table valued function, so you can call it with a CROSS APPLY
Example or dbFiddle
Select A.article
From YourTable A
Cross Apply string_split(Consolidation_Order_Cut_Off_Final_Allocation,',') B

Passing SubQuery into OpenQuery with AS400 Linked Server

I have a Linked Server to the AS400 here. I'm trying to pull data from a field, but it is pulling over a million records when I only need about 20k.
I have a list of IDs that I need, and I'm trying to figure out how to pass that list into the OpenQuery.
Here is my OpenQuery:
I want to add WHERE IMITNO IN (SELECT item_id FROM as400_item_scope) but the as400_item_scope table is on the SQL machine, not the AS400. I looked at several examples and I can pass in a single variable, but I don't understand how to pass in a list/query like this.
I'm using latest SSMS, but SQL Server Version is 2008
You can't as far as I know...
Two options..
Insert the results of SELECT item_id FROM as400_item_scope into a (temporary?) table on the IBM i and then reference that table in your openquery.
build a comma delimited string with from the results of SELECT item_id FROM as400_item_scope and include that in your openquery string.
Depending on how many records are returned, you might run into issues with statement size trying to use option #2. Db2 for IBM i supports SQL statement of up to 2,097,152 bytes...

How to show CLOB type in a SELECT in SQL Server?

I have a table with one column of CLOB type data, they are all very short no more than 20 bytes, however I cannot see the actual string in the CLOB data.
For example if I use SELECT *, under the CLOB type every data is like:
CLOB, 8 Bytes
CLOB, 15 Bytes
CLOB, 9 Bytes
But I just want to see the content of the CLOB data.
I tried:
SELECT DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(ClobColumnName, 20 ,1)
And it doesn't work, error is:
Error Code: 4121, SQL State: S1000
Cannot find either column "DBMS_LOB" or the user-defined function or aggregate "DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR", or the name is ambiguous.
So can I ask what's the syntax for direct display a CLOB data in a query?
I'm using SQL Server with dbVisualizer.
I figured out one solution. There should be better ways, please show more possible solutions in the comments.
SELECT CAST(ClobColumnName AS VARCHAR(50)) AS ClobColumnName ;
I have table with one column has CLOB data type(1000K), after storing message/data into CLOB column and found one solution see the actual data in CLOB column.
The above query CAST the CLOB(Character Large Objects) into a normal String.
To see it in DbVis you just have to change it in the options.
There is an entry for the display of CLOB columns.
I presume you are using jDTS driver to connect to the SQL Server.
In the driver properties of the connection you can set the "USELOBS" to False to automatically cast them to string.
I had the same problem and solved it by using DBeaver ( instead of dbVisualizer.
When I use DBeaver and do a select * from my SQLServer I can just double-click the CLOB in the result set and it opens in a new window with the content. Very slick.

Powerpivot sql query fails - Unable to convert a value to the data type requested for table column

I'm trying to execute a sql query through powerpivot and I get the following error
"Unable to convert a value to the data type requested for table (massive hex string) column (name)"
SELECT [name], [table].[group],[table2].[group2] ,SUM([number]) AS number
FROM table LEFT JOIN [table2] ON table.[group ID] = [table2].id
GROUP BY [name],[table].[group],[table2].[group2]
Powerpivot's validator is happy with the query and the same query runs fine through sql management studio, any ideas how I can fix this?
this usually happens when you are updating a query in a table that already had data from the original query, and the columns in that table already assigned datatypes based on the previous query.
Either recreate the table or change the datatypes to the ones in your new query.
Hope that helps.
I had same issue. I am querying a Powerpivot book on sharepoint and some of the values coming back were blank or "NaN xxx." This is because I made an Iferror( ,BLANK()) in the measurements.
I changed the calcualted measure from IFERROR( ,Blank()) to IFERROR( ,0) and then I could successfully query the model on sharepoint.

XML input getting truncated

I have an xml doc (size: 3.59 mb) with 3765815 total characters in it. My sql server 2008 database table has a column with xml data type. When I try to insert this xml into the column it seems to truncate it.
I thought xml data type can handle 2GB of data. Is this a correct understanding or am i missing something?
Here is the query i am using
declare printxml nvarchar(max)
select printxml=cast(inputxml as varchar(max))
from TableA
where SomeKey='<some key>'
print printxml
Select the data directly instead of printing it to the messages window:
WHERE SomeKey = '<somekey>'
The caveat is that you have to set up Management Studio to be able to return all the data to the window. You do that using the following option (the default setting is 2MB):
