Windows Phone 8 Map control not displaying when in ContentControl - silverlight

If I try displaying an instance of Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Control.Map in a ContentControl like this:
the map will not display. However, if I do not wrap it with a ContentControl, map displays just fine.
I need to wrap it in a container, preferably one that will allow binding to the control. Hoping to do this:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding MainMapView, Mode=OneTime}"/>
Ideas anyone?

Strangely enough using a Border control works fine as follows:
<Border Name="MapContentControl" Child="{Binding MainMapView, Mode=OneTime}"></Border>


XAML - Relatively Position Control Outside of Document Flow

I'm looking to create a UI element in a WPF XAML UserControl with something that looks and works roughly like Google Suggest - a TextBox with a ListBox that appears beneath it showing suggestions that match the text entered in the TextBox. In simplified form, my XAML looks like this:
[...controls above...]
<TextBox ... />
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding SearchHints}"
Visibility="{Binding HasSearchHints}" MaxHeight="100" />
[...controls below...]
What I'm struggling to achieve is I want the ListBox to float above any content that may come below it, much like the dropdown part of a ComboBox does. Currently it pushes any controls below it downwards. I figure this must be possible because the ComboBox control essentially does exactly what I want to do. In CSS it would be a matter of setting the element to position:relative but there doesn't seem to be an immediately obvious equivalent in XAML. Any ideas?
Used Icepickle's comment - the element did exactly what I wanted.

How to load user control with scroll bars in WPF?

I am trying to load a UserControl in the Window by using content control's content property in code behind. Every thing is fine, but my friends were not able to see all the control on the page due to resolution problem. How can I fix this to have scroll bar. I have tried putting ScrollViewer also, but it's not working. So, my solution works on the bigger Window which developed, but its not working on the Smaller resolution windows.
Sample code structure of loading the UserControl:
<ContentControl Name="ContentX" Margin="15,10,15,0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<Label FontWeight="Black" FontSize="18" FontFamily="Calibri">Some Content</Label>
ContentX.Content = new UserControl();
//Contains the Code for User Control
I got it solved my Content Control is in another Grid Column where i fixed the width and height to be *, now i removed it it's working fine when i place it inside a Scroll Viewer

Control Template that wraps another control in XAML

I want to create a custom control that extends a built-in control and then has a template that wraps that control with a container?
The C# class:
class ExtraBorderTextBox : TextBox {}
The Xaml:
That doesnt' work because the TextBox in the control template isn't my custom control, it is a second instance.
I need access to the properties and events on TextBox, having a different parent doens't make sense, I would have to replicate all of that in my class.
This is a simplified example; imagine Border being replaced with a ContentControl that has a 50 line control template for itself. I guess I want something like ContentPresenter (like I have in the ContentControl), but there isn't anything like a "ControlPresenter". Right? Am I missing something, or am I stuck with replicating my content control for the TextBox, or replicating the TextBox behaviour and presentation for my content control?
There is an answer here that does what I want, which is to copy the default template for System.Windows.Controls.TextBox. This will do what I want; I can insert my container into that. I was hoping that WPF provided a way that is more maintainable to do something like this, something like a adorner/decorator pattern.
Is there any way to make this better in some way? Would using something like Expression Blend make this so that I don't have to hand-edit the XAML pasted in from the webpage?
You could use the default control template as a base and modify it. The default control templates can be found here:
If I understood you right, you want to inherit from TextBox, do some overriding, and use that new class in XAML.
If so:
1) declare the xmlns namespace at the top of your file:
2) use your custom textbox:
<local:ExtraBorderTextBox />

Bing Maps in a Listbox boundary issue

Normally the silverlight controls know where they are in terms of who is in front of or behind. An example is putting an image inside a listbox and when you scroll up and down in the listbox, the image will disappear/hide inside the listbox boundaries.
I have put a bing map object(the one that comes with the windows phone 7 sdk) inside a listbox. When I scroll to where the map is in the listbox, it is acting like I have some flag set to "Always on Top". I can't seem to find a property that is setting this or if it's inherent in the way the maps are designed.
I haven't tried this yet, but I'm curious if I add layers with pushpins in them if they too would act "Always on Top". I've included an image to explain. As you can see below, the map is outside of the listbox's bounding area and is even overlapping a button outside of the listbox.
Link to Map Image
<ListBox Height="590">
<TextBlock IsHitTestVisible="False" Foreground="#F80046" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextExtraLargeStyle}" TextAlignment="Center" Text="Map"></TextBlock>
<my:Map Width="445" x:Name="EventMap" Margin="0,0,0,20" LogoVisibility="Collapsed" CopyrightVisibility="Collapsed">
<my:ApplicationIdCredentialsProvider ApplicationId="OMITED"></my:ApplicationIdCredentialsProvider>
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but this seems like more of a usage of ScrollViewer
rather than ListBox. But anyway, I couldn't reproduce the problem. Does that button have some custom margins that could be doing that?
Here's the solution file I created to see the problem you have in the image. Note that I wasn't able to reproduce it in the solution.

How to bind to a ViewBox in Silverlight?

I have used the ViewBox Silverlight Toolkit control to bind to, however Silverlight 4 add this to the Core, however it no longer has a specific "Content" property to bind to - how to I bind Content to the new ViewBox?
For example I want to be able to do this (not valid syntax):
<ViewBox Content="{Binding Path=Canvas}"/>
Where the Content of the the Viewbox is a Canvas which can itself be many things.
If I put a ContentPresenter inside the ViewBox and Bind to this it works - putting this as the answer as it may be useful so others as it solved the issue.
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Path=Canvas}"/>
