Mokafive Host Script reporting - batch-file

I'm working on setting up Host Scripts for Mokafive player on Windows. I've made a few VBSCripts and have worked with batch files trying to gather information on Mokafive Player start. I'm trying to capture data such as Firewall status, and Encryption status. I've tried multiple variations on gathering this data back to the Mokafive Management Server, such as echoing the results out in VBScrpt, Echoing the results back into the .bat file needed to run the VBScript, with no success.
Does anyone have any code, or examples of a working Host Script for Mokafive Player?

After meeting with several engineers it looks like the VBScript must echo out the results from each condition to an output file. This file will then be read by the launcher XML as a key value pair and parsed out to the database. so per each line that needs to be output you'd use the following...
Set objfs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
outputfile = "outputfile.out
Set objFile = objfs.CreateTextFile(outputfile,True)
'Your Script Here
objFile.Write "Key=" & "Value" & vbNewLine


Print multiple copies of pdf from script file

I would like to silent print a PDF file multiple times. I don't really mind what implementation is used, but due to being in a corporate environment I cannot easily install unsupported software :(.
I am currently using the following VBscript but could switch to any other implementation:
TargetFolder = "<path to folder>"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(TargetFolder)
Set colItems = objFolder.Items
For Each objItem In colItems
For i = 1 To 13
objItem.InvokeVerbEx ("Print")
This spools the job 13 times though. Is there a way to do this as a single job?
I also saw a suggestion for printing using adobe reader that looked like this:
AcroRd32.exe /t <file.pdf> <printer_name> <printer_driver> <printer_port>
But I couldn't find any reference material for passing the number of copies as a parameter.
I just found this questions which is essentially the same:
Programatically print multiple copies from command line
It appears that looping through and sending the file multiple times is the only solution without additional software.

.bat file - How to start a .bat file when I rename any file in a specific folder

I want my .bat file to run after I rename a file in the Sources folder that is located here:
The .bat file is located in the same Sources folder.
How can I do that without double-clicking on the .bat file manually? I want it to run automatically after I rename a file in the Sources folder.
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set MonitoredEvents = WMI.ExecNotificationQuery("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and TargetInstance.GroupComponent= 'Win32_Directory.Name=""C:\\\\Users\\\\David Candy""'")
Wscript.Echo MonitoredEvents.NextEvent.TargetInstance.PartComponent
WshShell.Run "cmd /c ""C:\folder\batchfile.bat""", 1, false
Note the use of 4 \ for 1 in directory name but nowhere else.
It a vbs file. It monitors a directory and will run commands if you rename or create files in that directory. WITHIN 10 means it tests every 10 secs.
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set MonitoredEvents = WMI.ExecNotificationQuery("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and TargetInstance.GroupComponent= 'Win32_Directory.Name=""C:\\\\Users\\\\David Candy""'")
WMIPath = Split(MonitoredEvents.NextEvent.TargetInstance.PartComponent, "=")(1)
FilePath = Replace(WMIPath, "\\", "\")
WshShell.Run "cmd /k echo File Renamed is " & FilePath & "&" & Filepath
Ok, you can do this in a rather complicated way with windows tools.
First, you need to enable Auditing.
run GPEDIT and then go to: Computer Configuration --> Windows Settings --> Security Settings --> Local Policies --> Audit Policy --> Audit object Access
enable i guess both success and failures.
Now go to the folder you want to monitor, double-click and go to: security tab --> Advanced --> Auditing Tab
add a rule with your user (or a groups or something like that) that will make a log for the rename (the is no rename event, but you can try different combination, like file creation, file delete or read/write attributes you can find)
after that, now if you got to Event Viewer, Security log, a couple of events with Ids 4565/4663 will appear when the operation you selected is perfomed.
last thing, open the Task Scheduler and create a new task, with the activation set to the trigger of the event and an action that will run the bat.
Some of the term may differ, my Windows is not in English so i might have translated something wrong. Also, you might do some tests to see if you have everything set up correctly.
Another option might be setting up a small application that monitors the folder and run the bat accordingly. You can do such a thing in Java or in other languages.
This can be achieve easily with AutoHotkey using WatchDirectory()

WMIC: Run Batch Script Remotely

I've been trying to get a Jenkins deploy job to work by running a batch script to do the install of an msi from the Jenkins build machine itself. I've given the appropriate access rights, but still am not able to run the following command remotely, using WMIC
wmic /node:myServerIp /user:"clientpc\my-user" /password:"my-password" process call create "D:\someDir\someOtherDir\test.bat"
The follow response from the above command:
Executing (Win32_Process)->Create()
Method execution successful.
Out Parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 9;
After some research, it looks like return value of '9' is 'Path not found' according to, but I've verified that the path exists on the remote server.
The test.bat file that I'm trying to run is very simple, and should just write to a text file.
#echo This is a test.> test.txt
I've verified that both files exist on the server, and have granted 'EVERYONE' to the shared folder 'someDir'.
I have tried prefixing 'cmd.exe /c' to the path called:
wmic /node:myServerIp /user:"clientpc\my-user" /password:"my-password" process call create "cmd.exe /c D:\someDir\someOtherDir\test.bat"
...for which I receive:
Invalid Verb Switch.
I've verified that the user access is correct by providing a bad password, in which case permission is denied.
Changed the path from D:\someDir\someOtherDir\test.bat to D:\\someDir\\someOtherDir\\test.bat but now receive the following error:
Description = The RPC server is unavailable.
Looks like the RPC user I was using was the cause for the error. Still troubleshooting, but when I use my AD user, as opposed to the administrator I created to run this, I get the following AGAIN...
Executing (Win32_Process)->Create()
Method execution successful.
Out Parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 9;
I was able to get the following to work on an Active Directory domain.
Wmic /node:"ComputerName" process call create "cmd.exe /c (net use o: /delete /y & net use o: \\Server\share /user:Domain\Administrator Password & o:\Dir\Subdir\test.cmd) >> c:\users\MyUser\testout2.txt"
The very simple contents of test.cmd:
echo Just a test >> c:\users\MyUser\testout.txt
date /t >> c:\users\MyUser\testout.txt
time /t >> c:\users\MyUser\testout.txt
The "job" is being sent to "ComputerName" on the domain. The batch/script file the job runs is on a network share. The job running on "ComputerName" will not see any mapped drives, so I delete and map a drive. I don't believe it is ever necessary to delete the drive, but I added that for completeness sake.
After execution, testout2.txt shows the batch file executing the commands and
testout.txt contains the results of the batch file commands as expected.
Things to watch out for:
As mentioned, mapped drives are not visible from the remote job
You are executing in the target machine's environment - drive letters need to make sense to that machine
Internal commands such as 'echo' require the job starts with 'CMD.EXE /c'
Group multiple commands inside parentheses and separate with ampersands (&)
Don't collide file access. I use testout.txt and testout2.txt files. If I had given them the same name, one set of outputs would have been lost.
Nothing you do this way will ever be visible to the user; the job is run in such a way that it can not display on the user's screen.
Sending a password in clear text as I show in the example is a security hazard and should be avoided. I'm not sure of a better way to map drives in this context however.

Passing an argument into a VBS script which passes into a batch file

I have a legacy application which doesn't support utilizing the default applications defined in windows which requires that I specify a specific an executable for a file format to be opened within the application. Since Microsoft no longer includes MODI with Office by default I have been looking at using launching Windows Picture Viewer for .TIF, .TIFF, & .BMP files since it is built into Windows; however Microsoft does not have a direct executable for Windows Picture Viewer which can be called forcing me to create a script which executes the command which calls for Windows Picture Viewer to execute. After research the only way I have been able to call the application to open a specific file is by creating a batch file such as below:
rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen %~1
If I execute the above code such as GIFTS.BAT "C:\Example Directory\Sample File.tif" from a command prompt or from the application launches and the Sample File.tif opens without a problem; however a command prompt opens along with the file when launching from the application.
Upon which I tried to create a vbscript to hide the batch file from executing however I can't seem to pass my argument if the argument has a "space" within the argument.
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run """C:\GIFTS.BAT"" " & WScript.Arguments.Item(0), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
If I try to execute the VBScript from a command prompt such as GIFTS.VBS "C:\Example Directory\Sample File.tif" the application never launches and the command prompt returns no message or error. If I simplify the execute command (removing spaces to GIFTS.VBS "C:\Sample_File.tif" the application launches as well as the file Sample_File.tif is displayed and there is no command prompt displayed when the application executes the VBScript.
My question is how can I pass an argument into the VBS script that in return passes the the batch file when the argument contains spaces (which there is always going to be spaces since the argument will be a file name and path)?
There might be an easier approach to what I want to accomplish; however I am looking for a solution that Windows 7 - 8.1 can utilize with no additional software to install or manage on each workstation. The batch files works great I just need to be able to hide the command prompt that opens along with the application as my end users won't know what to do with it.
Sometimes, nested levels of escaping characters requires intimate knowledge of the undocumented behavior of CMD or some voodoo. Another way to attack the problem is to guarantee that you won't have any spaces in the name of the file. Windows has a concept of a short path (no spaces or special chars) for which every existing file has a unique one.
Here's a modified version of your program for which invoked subcommand doesn't need quotes around the file name.
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fsoFile = fso.GetFile(WScript.Arguments.Item(0))
WshShell.Run """c:\GIFTS.BAT"" " & fsoFile.ShortPath, 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
You may wish to add your own error checking. The specified file must exist in order for the GetFile() command to succeed.

Batch or VBS | How to check the bitrate of a music file?

I need to check the bitrate of a music file, I need to receive the number in digits like: 192000 (for 192 kbps), 320000 (for 32kbps) or (+)3000000 for wavs and uncompressed music. I mean I need exactly the number, If an MP3 is VBR and is compressed at 194 kbps, I need the 194000 number, not the current CBR 192000.
I was do this job with MEDIAINFO (x64) CLI Program, In Batch:
for /f "tokens=*" %%%% in ('mediainfo "%%a" "--Inform=General;%%BitRate/String%%"') do set "BitRate=%%~%%"
But I have 35.000+ files to check and then the comprobation of all files is more than 2 hours of time.
I need a simple code to check it, Not a program which need to execute it and to waste that lot of time...
Is very important that the code needs to recognize at least this filetypes (I mean the internal bitrate):
And can't be a code for Ruby or Python, because I'll need to "compile" it and sure when is "compiled" waste a lot of time to check much files (Cause the uncompression of the .exe compiled).
More info: I thinked about store the results in a file and then do a comparision to chek only new added files, But I can't store the result to do a comparision at the next run cause sometimes I'll need to replace checked files (old files). By the way neither I can't handle this by file datestamps. Need to be one unique procediment to check ALL the files, Ever (Or this is what I think...).
I tried another method to check the bitrates, I'm really sure this is what I need but I can't get it run like I want...
This VBS uses the DBPowerAmp program API, And shows a window with info (included the bitrate), But with a window I can't do nothing... Maybe if I can redirect the windows info to a text file... And then set the variable "Bitrate" by reading the bitrate info in the text file... But I don't know how to do that:
' create shell object
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Create dMC Object
Set dMC = CreateObject("dMCScripting.Converter")
'Read audio properties of a file
Dim AudioProps
AudioProps = dMC.AudioProperties("C:\test.aac")
Call WshShell.Popup(AudioProps, , "Returned Audio Properties", 0)
I've tried to "convert" that code into Batch, like this, But don't run, I get nothing:
#echo off
rundll32.exe dMCScripting.Converter.AudioProperties("C:\Test.aac") > test.txt
Oh and I've tried this too, but waste more time than mediainfo:
mplayer "test.aac" -frames 0 | findstr "kbit"
To give you an idea of what it is like in Ruby, audioinfo is just one of the many libraries doing such things.
require "audioinfo""R:/mp3/j/John Coltrane - I Think.mp3") do |info|
puts info.to_h
=>{"artist"=>"John Coltrane", "album"=>"John Coltrane", "title"=>"I Think", "tracknum"=>nil, "date"=>nil, "length"=>272, "bitrate"=>128}
Here a vbs script, works with mp3, the rest i didn't try
Set objPlayer = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX" )
Set colMediaCollection = objPlayer.mediaCollection
Set colMedia = colMediaCollection.getAll()
For i = 0 to colMedia.Count - 1
Set objItem = colMedia.Item(i)
Wscript.Echo objItem.Name & " : " & objItem.GetItemInfo("bitrate")
See for a list of attributes you can use.
