I have to remove fiddler generated certs on every start of my tool for HTTPS traffic - fiddlercore

I have this test tool to try out Fiddler Core:
static void Main(string[] args)
#region AttachEventListeners
// It is important to understand that FiddlerCore calls event handlers on the
// session-handling thread. If you need to properly synchronize to the UI-thread
// (say, because you're adding the sessions to a list view) you must call .Invoke
// on a delegate on the window handle.
// Simply echo notifications to the console. Because Fiddler.CONFIG.QuietMode=true
// by default, we must handle notifying the user ourselves.
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.OnNotification += delegate(object sender, NotificationEventArgs oNEA)
Console.WriteLine("** NotifyUser: " + oNEA.NotifyString);
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Log.OnLogString += delegate(object sender, LogEventArgs oLEA)
Console.WriteLine("** LogString: " + oLEA.LogString);
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += delegate(Fiddler.Session oS)
Console.WriteLine("Before request for:\t" + oS.fullUrl);
// In order to enable response tampering, buffering mode must
// be enabled; this allows FiddlerCore to permit modification of
// the response in the BeforeResponse handler rather than streaming
// the response to the client as the response comes in.
oS.bBufferResponse = false;
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.BeforeResponse += delegate(Fiddler.Session oS)
Console.WriteLine("{0}:HTTP {1} for {2}", oS.id, oS.responseCode, oS.fullUrl);
// Uncomment the following two statements to decompress/unchunk the
// HTTP response and subsequently modify any HTTP responses to replace
// instances of the word "Microsoft" with "Bayden"
//oS.utilDecodeResponse(); oS.utilReplaceInResponse("Microsoft", "Bayden");
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.AfterSessionComplete += delegate(Fiddler.Session oS)
Console.WriteLine("Finished session:\t" + oS.fullUrl);
// Tell the system console to handle CTRL+C by calling our method that
// gracefully shuts down the FiddlerCore.
Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(Console_CancelKeyPress);
#endregion AttachEventListeners
Console.WriteLine("Starting FiddlerCore...");
// For the purposes of this demo, we'll forbid connections to HTTPS
// sites that use invalid certificates
Fiddler.CONFIG.IgnoreServerCertErrors = true;
Fiddler.CONFIG.bMITM_HTTPS = true;
if (!Fiddler.CertMaker.rootCertExists())
if (!Fiddler.CertMaker.createRootCert())
throw new Exception("Unable to create cert for FiddlerCore.");
if (!Fiddler.CertMaker.rootCertIsTrusted())
if (!Fiddler.CertMaker.trustRootCert())
throw new Exception("Unable to install FiddlerCore's cert.");
// Because we've chosen to decrypt HTTPS traffic, makecert.exe must
// be present in the Application folder.
Fiddler.FiddlerApplication.Startup(8877, true, true);
Console.WriteLine("Hit CTRL+C to end session.");
// Wait Forever for the user to hit CTRL+C.
// BUG BUG: Doesn't properly handle shutdown of Windows, etc.
Object forever = new Object();
lock (forever)
/// <summary>
/// When the user hits CTRL+C, this event fires. We use this to shut down and unregister our FiddlerCore.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
static void Console_CancelKeyPress(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Shutting down...");
This test tool works, I can capture HTTPS traffic, which I need for my actual tool.
However, the user has to re-install and re-trust the certificate every time the tool starts. If I do not call
every time, then the tool will not capture HTTPS traffic, and the app I'm monitoring stops working because apparently, the request seems to get intercepted by Fiddler but not routed to the app.
How do I have to set this up so I don't have to remove the fiddler cert every time?

You have the CertMaker.dll in your application's folder, which means that you're regenerating a new root and new EE certificates every time the application starts.
To prevent this, you need to cache the values of the preferences fiddler.certmaker.bc.key and fiddler.certmaker.bc.cert
Or remove CertMaker.dll and allow the default makecert.exe certificate logic to apply.


Slow flushing (sending) of events

We are using Application Insights today to track events in our WPF solution.
Since this is a desktop we need to manually call the flush method.
Since we don't track an heap of events we keep flushing whenever an event come.
What we realised is that the flush method is very slow. What we've now done is moved this flush call to another thread, and hence need to keep alot of locks and checks, extra code.
Looking into the application insights code it comes down to these two methods:
private void DequeueAndSend()
lock (this.sendingLockObj)
IEnumerable<ITelemetry> telemetryItems = this.buffer.Dequeue();
// send request
catch (Exception e)
CoreEventSource.Log.LogVerbose("DequeueAndSend: Failed Sending: Exception: " + e.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Serializes a list of telemetry items and sends them.
/// </summary>
private async Task Send(IEnumerable<ITelemetry> telemetryItems)
if (telemetryItems == null || !telemetryItems.Any())
CoreEventSource.Log.LogVerbose("No Telemetry Items passed to Enqueue");
byte[] data = JsonSerializer.Serialize(telemetryItems);
var transmission = new Transmission(this.endpointAddress, data, "application/x-json-stream", JsonSerializer.CompressionType);
await transmission.SendAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Looking specificly at this line:
Not sure I'm getting this right but wouldn't the GetResult() make this method synchronous, if so, why is it implemented this way?
If not, what might be the reason for the Flush() method to be so slow?

How to ensure wcf service client finishs his works in silverlight?

I use wcf service client to submit changes of data for a silverlight project. The correlative codes like this:
public class DispatcherCollection : UpdatableCollection<DocumentDispatcher>
public override void SubmitChanges()
DocumentServiceClient client = new DocumentServiceClient();
client.NewDocumentCompleted += (s, e) =>
// (s as DocumentServiceClient).CloseAsync();
// do something
client.UpdateColumnCompleted += (s, e) =>
// (s as DocumentServiceClient).CloseAsync();
// do something
client.RemoveDocumentCompleted += (s, e) =>
// (s as DocumentServiceClient).CloseAsync();
// do something
foreach (DocumentDispatcher d in this)
if (d.IsNew)
// d=>object[] data
foreach (string propertyName in d.modifiedProperties)
client.UpdateColumnAsync(d.ID, GetPropertyValue(propertyName));
foreach (DocumentDispatcher dd in removedItems)
Class UpdatableCollection derives from ObserableCollection, and I implemtent logics in class DocumentDispatcher and UpdatableCollection to buffer the changes of data such as new created, property modified and removed. I use SubmitChanges method to submit all changes to server.
Now I am stuck:
1. I am at a loss when to close the client after a bunlde fo async calls. I don't know which callback is the last one.
2. What will happen when a user closes the IE immediately right after clicking the save button (it seems to be done because it runs async but in fact the updating threads are industriously running.)?
You can keep a counter or use an isbusy function to monitor the callbacks from your Async calls - to make sure they all finished.
If the user fires off a request to the WCF service, the WCF service will complete but there will be no call back - as the application will be closed.
I think that there is no wait handle for silverlight asynchornized call brings inconvenience. Here is my experence. I want to check and submit modifications of data which are not expicitly submitted when browser is closing. I have implemented codes in App_Exit like this:
private void Application_Exit(object sender, EventArgs e)
Document doc = EDPViewModel.CurrentViewModel.Document;
if (doc != null) new ServiceClient().SubmitChangesAsync(doc);
provided that in the SubmitChangesAsync method, not submitted modifications of doc are found out and submitted. Therefore, because of the asynchronized running features, while the service invoking is being sent, the application is yet immediately closed. And that will dispose related resouces of the application, including Service Invoking Tasks. So the codes above work not. I hope so eagerly that somewhere exists a mechanism, which can export a wait handle from silverlight asynchronized call, so that I can update the above codes whith this:
private void Application_Exit(object sender, EventArgs e)
Document doc = EDPViewModel.CurrentViewModel.Document;
if (doc != null)
Task t = new TaskFactory().StartNew(() => new ServiceClient().SubmitChangesAsync(doc));
With wait operation I can really be sure that all modifications are really definitely submitted. So is there any similar pattern that can be used in silverlight?
It's for me a good news, as you put it, that calls could work like the mode "requesting and forgetting". So I needn' to worry too much about data losing during submitting.
To ensure all service calls are sent out before application is closed, I think, counter is a simple and effient idea. I will try to implement it in my project.
Thank you for your help!

WPF + PRISM - Cannot 'LoadModule' in separate thread

I have a WPF application in PRISM architecture.
I have a 'Login View' that is shown in the 'Main Region' when the app loads.
When the user presses 'Login' - I connect to a WCF service, authenticate the user, and get a list of roles for that user from the service.
Then - according to the user's roles - I load different modules, using the 'Module Manager'.
Problem is - I want all the work after the 'Login' button is pressed to be done in a separate thread, because it might take time to connect to the service etc, and I don't want the UI to be frozen.
But - if I put the code to 'connect, authenticate, get roles, load modules' in a separate thread - I get an exception when I call '_moduleManager.LoadModule' that says:
The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.
How can I solve this ?
I have tried different solutions.
I have tried to set the new thread's 'Apartment State = STA' and it didn't help.
I thought about saving the 'Dispatcher' object in the constructor of the View-Model, and then do 'dispatcher.Invoke' when I call 'LoadModule', but that is bad design (View-Model should not use Dispatcher, and also it is bad for testing).
Any ideas how I can solve this ??
Only the 'LoadModule' gives me grief, all the other stuff works fine.
[Update] - Added Code Sample :
public class LoginViewModel : NotificationObject
public LoginViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IModuleManager moduleManager)
this.LoginCommand = new DelegateCommand(LoginExecute, LoginCanExecute);
this._regionManager = regionManager;
this._moduleManager = moduleManager;
private void LoginExecute()
IsBusy = true; // Set this to 'true' so controls go disabled
LoginStatus = ""; // Clear the 'login status' string
Thread loginThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(LoginWork));
private void LoginWork()
ParamsToGetRoles param = new ParamsToGetRoles
Username = Username,
InputtedPassword = Password
// Connect to the secure service, and request the user's roles
_clientSecure = new AuthenticationServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_MyService");
_clientSecure.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = param.Username;
_clientSecure.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = param.InputtedPassword;
_clientSecure.ChannelFactory.Faulted += new EventHandler(ChannelFactory_Faulted);
var local = _clientSecure.ChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
_clientSecure.GetRolesCompleted += new EventHandler<GetRolesCompletedEventArgs>(clientSecure_GetRolesCompleted);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception : " + ex.Message.ToString());
void clientSecure_GetRolesCompleted(object sender, GetRolesCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
LoginFailure("Unable to authenticate");
_clientSecure = null;
private void LoginSuccess(List<UserTypeEnum> rolesOfAuthenticatedUser)
LoginStatus = "Success";
if (rolesOfAuthenticatedUser.Contains(UserTypeEnum.Administrator))
// This is what throws the exception !
// This is called by the 'EndInvoke' of the 'GetRoles' operation,
// Which was called in the 'LoginWork' function which was run on a separate thread !
this.IsBusy = false;
You should attach the debugger and inspect the threads window with a breakpoint set at clientSecure_GetRolesCompleted. I'm pretty sure it is not being called from the loginThread: while LoginWork does run in the loginThread, it then adds an eventhandler to the completion event of an async operation. Async = runs in yet another thread.
So what probably happens:
LoginExecute executes in the UI thread
starts a seperate thread B to run LoginWork
calls GetRolesAsync so start a thread C (which is not STA) to get the roles
thread C eventually calls 'clientSecure_GetRolesCompleted', not thread B
So, you do not need a seperate thread for LoginWork since the actual work is already done as an async operation. To get around the loading issue, either try to make the 'get roles' thread STA, or better, use a dispatcher so LoginSuccess gets invoked on the UI thread.

MessageBox.Show early in App startup causes app to terminate

As part of my App's startup procedure, it checks data integrity, and if it finds a problem it pops up a message to the user telling them that it might take a while to repair things.
I'm showing the message using MessageBox.Show. Because the data check is done from a worker thread, I'm switching over to the UI thread to make that call, and then setting a ManualResetEvent to tell the worker thread when the user has acknowledged the message.
I kick off the data check/load very early in the app's lifecycle from the constructor in the main Application class, by spinning off a worker thread (using the ThreadPool).
When I run with the debugger, and the message is displayed, the app just waits for input. When I run without the debugger, the app terminates after displaying the dialog for 10 seconds.
That 10 seconds is a big clue - it tells me that the OS thinks the app took too long to initialize (the OS kills apps that take too long to start up).
I think that my MessageBox.Show is blocking the UI thread before the App.RootFrameNavigating has a chance to be invoked.
My questions:
Does my diagnosis sound right?
I'd prefer to kick off my data load early, because it is almost entirely IO, except for this Message Box, and the sooner I can get my Model loaded, the better, but do you normally delay your data load until later in the app lifecycle?
Any other ideas/suggestions? I can't guarantee which page will be the start page, because the app could be resuming to any page. I'm also thinking of having the MessageBox.Show delay itself until the app has initialized, perhaps polling away for a flag set by App.RootFrameNavigating - does that make sense?
I think your problem is a result of kicking off the worker thread in the Application constructor. You should use the appropriate life-cycle event, in this case: PhoneApplicationService.Activated Event
So, the solution I've come up with is to still kick off the data load in a worker-thread from the Application's constructor, but in my PhoneService's class ShowDialog method that I invoke to invoke MessageBox.Show, I check to see if the initial navigation has occurred:
private readonly ManualResetEvent _appInitialized = new ManualResetEvent(false);
public void AppInitialized()
public void ShowDialog(string caption, string text, Action<MessageBoxResult> callback, MessageBoxButton button = MessageBoxButton.OKCancel)
DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() =>
var result = MessageBox.Show(text, caption, button);
if (callback != null)
Then in my Application class:
private bool _firstNavigate = true;
private void RootFrameNavigating(object sender, NavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
if (_firstNavigate)
_firstNavigate = false;
var navigationService = (NavigationService) sender;
navigationService.Navigated += NavigationServiceNavigated;
private void NavigationServiceNavigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
var navigationService = (NavigationService)sender;
navigationService.Navigated -= NavigationServiceNavigated;
Anyone see any issues with this approach? Anyone come up with a better way?

How to detect a browser refresh from Silverlight 4?

My Silverlight 4 application keeps in contact with a server side through a wcf service. Whenever the user refreshes, navigates away or terminates the browser I should do some cleanup towards the server side.
I can not use the Application Exit event; my wcf client is dead before it eventually gets called. I can not use the (new in SL4) FrameworkElement Unloaded event; it ain't called when the Silverlight app shuts down.
So, how do I detect the browser refresh, newpage or shutdown in time to do my cleanup?
I do this exact thing when a user navigates away from my Silverlight app (or does a refresh). Follow the steps below to catch this event.
1.) Start by listening for the HTML page's "onbeforeunload" event, like so...
public void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
bool ok = HtmlPage.Window.AttachEvent("onbeforeunload", Application_BeforeExit);
ok = HtmlPage.Document.AttachEvent("onbeforeunload", Application_BeforeExit);
MainPage mainPage = new MainPage();
base.RootVisual = mainPage;
2.) Implement Application_BeforeExit() to setup and call an ASP.NET "PageMethod", like so...
private void Application_BeforeExit(object sender, HtmlEventArgs args)
string methodName = "ModelShutdown";
params object[] args = new Guid().ToString());;
ScriptObject pageMethods = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("PageMethods");
if (pageMethods == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Web page does not support PageMethods");
object[] pageMethodArgs = { new PageMethodEventHandler(Success), new PageMethodEventHandler(Failure), null/*userContext*/};
object[] combinedArgs = new object[args.Length + pageMethodArgs.Length];
args.CopyTo(combinedArgs, 0);
pageMethodArgs.CopyTo(combinedArgs, args.Length);
pageMethods.Invoke(methodName, combinedArgs);
catch (Exception ex)
3.) Add the PageMethod to your page code behind (Index.aspx.cs), like so,
public partial class Index : Page
[WebMethod] // a PageMethod called from Silverlight
public static void ModelShutdown(string identifier)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("*** Signing Off: " + identifier);
4.) Allow PageMethods on your page (Indx.aspx), like so,
<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true" />
<div id="silverlightControlHost">
<object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="100%" height="100%">
Good luck,
Jim McCurdy, YinYangMoney.com
I don't think you can do anything server side after the user has decided to navigate away or browser is terminated. However you can write some JavaScript to prevent unloading of the current page where you can warn the user not to close it.
Second, use a small session timer that ticks every two minutes or so. Your session should timeout but when your Silverlight application is open and running in the browser, you should ping your server by writing some ping method that will keep your session alive every one minute.
So if your session is expiring (it didn't receive ping in the last 60 seconds), your session will be destroyed and you can write some cleanup code at the server's session end.
I had a similar requirement for an MVC app. What I did was use jQuery to subscribe to the unload event and make an ajax call to a controller action that killed the session:
$(window).unload(function() {
$.ajax({url: Url.Action("KillSession")});
public ActionResult KillSession()
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotModified);
