I have a database query and I would like to add the condition:
$not_these_ids = array(22, 34, 55, 66)
'page_id' != $not_these_ids;
How do I write it in the mediawiki syntax?
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); ...
$conds = array( 'rev_id = page_latest',
'page_id' != $not_these_ids
); `
but it doesn't work.
You can just pass an array of strings, one for each conditions, to the third parameter of select().
Example from maintenance/Maintenance.php:
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->begin( __METHOD__ );
if ( count( $latestRevs ) > 0 ) {
$revConds[] = 'rev_id NOT IN (' . $dbw->makeList( $latestRevs ) . ')';
$res = $dbw->select( 'revision', 'rev_id', $revConds, __METHOD__ );
$oldRevs = array();
foreach ( $res as $row ) {
$oldRevs[] = $row->rev_id;
$this->output( "done.\n" );
I have an excel sheet which is read and converted to an array.
Here is the code :
$filename = $_FILES['importProjects']['tmp_name'];
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($filename);
$i = 0;
$all_sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheetCount(); //total number of sheets
$arrayInsertProject = array();
$arrayUpdateProject = array();
while ($i < $all_sheet){
$allDataInSheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null,true,true,true);
$arrayCount = count($allDataInSheet); // Here get total count of rows from the sheet
$column = 'A';
$dataIns = array();
for ($row = 1; $row <= $arrayCount; $row++) { //loop through rows
if($row ==1){
$highestColumn = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestColumn();
$rowDataHeader = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->rangeToArray('A' . $row . ':' . $highestColumn . $row,
$rowDataHeader = array_reduce($rowDataHeader, 'array_merge', array());
}else {
$highestColumn = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestColumn();
$rowData = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->rangeToArray('A' . $row . ':' . $highestColumn . $row,
$dataIns = array_combine($rowDataHeader, $rowData);
When I print this array $dataIns, I get something like this :
[intProjectSlNo] => 1069
[chvProjectNameEng] => New
[slug] => this-is -test
[nchvSecType] => 1754349
[] =>
How to remove the empty key => value pair ?
Add this after while loop of your code
foreach($dataIns as $key=>$value)
if(is_null($value) || $value == '')
I didn't get the correct filter out for the following action. Here $val is an array of checked values. But the query executes only for the last element of the array even though I used the foreach loop. Please, can anyone help me?
if( isset($_POST['state']) && count($_POST['state']) > 0 ){
foreach($_POST['state'] as $row => $val ){
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->condition='pjt_user_id=:pjt_user_id && pjt_pdt_status=:pjt_pdt_status';
$criteria->params=array(':pjt_user_id'=> $user_id, ':pjt_pdt_status'=> $val);
$criteria -> order = 'pjt_id';
$projects= ProjectModel::model() -> findAll($criteria);
$this->render('index', array('projects'=>$projects));
Thanks Martin Komara....
I got the solution ...
I just use OR condition in SQL.
if(isset($_POST['state']) && count($_POST['state']) > 0 ){
$i = 0;
foreach($_POST['state'] as $data){
$condit[":$data"] = $data;
$var .= ' || ';
$var .= " pjt_pdt_status=:$data";
$var = ' AND (' .$var.' )';
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->condition='pjt_user_id=:pjt_user_id' .$var ;
$criteria -> order = 'pjt_id';
$projects= ProjectModel::model() -> findAll($criteria);
This would be better - much more readable:
if (isset($_POST['state']) && count($_POST['state']) > 0 ) {
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->addInCondition('pjt_pdt_status', $_POST['state']);
$criteria->addColumnCondition(array('pjt_user_id' => $user_id));
$criteria->order = 'pjt_id';
$projects = ProjectModel::model()->findAll($criteria);
With of these two approaches would you prefer: trying to find the right data-types or simply using always varchar?
# ...
use HTML::TableExtract;
my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new( headers => [ 'some headers', 'one', 'two' ], keep_headers => 1 );
$te->parse( $html_string );
die $te->tables if $te->tables != 1;
( my $grid ) = $te->tables;
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( ... ) or die $DBI::errstr;
my $table = 'my_test_table';
my #rows = $grid->rows;
my $header_row = shift #rows;
##### version 1 ####
use Data::Types qw(:all);
my #create_row;
for my $col ( 0 .. $#$header_row ) {
my ( $count, $int, $float ) = ( 0, 0, 0 );
my $longest = 0;
for my $row ( #rows ) {
$longest = length $row->[$col] if length $row->[$col] > $longest;
$int++ if is_int( $row->[$col] );
$float++ if is_float( $row->[$col] );
if ( $int == $count ) {
$create_row[$col] = $dbh->quote( $header_row->[$col] ) . ' int';
elsif ( $float == $count ) {
$create_row[$col] = $dbh->quote( $header_row->[$col] ) . ' float';
else {
$create_row[$col] = $dbh->quote( $header_row->[$col] ) . " char($longest)";
$sql = sprintf "CREATE TABLE $table ( %s )",
join( ', ', #create_row );
$dbh->do( $sql );
$sql = sprintf "INSERT INTO $table ( %s ) VALUES( %s )",
join( ',', map { $dbh->quote( $_ ) } #$header_row ), join( ',', ('?') x #$header_row );
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );
#### version 2 ####
# always varchar
$sql = sprintf "CREATE TABLE $table ( %s )",
join( ', ', map { "'$_' varchar(60)" } #$header_row );
$dbh->do( $sql );
$sql = sprintf "INSERT INTO $table ( %s ) VALUES( %s )",
join( ',', map { $dbh->quote( $_ ) } #$header_row ), join( ',', ('?') x #$header_row );
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );
If the table you're processing will not change, and if the column will only be used for that single table's data, then it is safe to guess a data type that seems to fit (version 1).
However, if you plan to add any more data to that column then you'd need to keep everything as varchars in case there's some data of a different type in future (version 2).
I am using jqgrid in one of my application.
Right now i am facing a strange problem and do not know how to rectify it?
Actually in one of the reports (having multiple link) jqgrid is showing wrong footer information that is its showing Page 0 of 0 even if there are records in the table.
This is the code which runs:
if( isset($this->params['named']['ajax']) && $this->params['named']['ajax'] == '1' )
$this->autoRender = false;
// get how many rows we want to have into the grid - rowNum parameter in the grid
$limit = $this->params['url']['rows'];
// get index row - i.e. user click to sort. At first time sortname parameter -
// after that the index from colModel
$sidx = $this->params['url']['sidx'];
// sorting order - at first time sortorder
$sord = $this->params['url']['sord'];
$page = $this->params['url']['page'];
// if we not pass at first time index use the first column for the index or what you want
if( !$sidx ) $sidx = 1;
// calculate the number of rows for the query. We need this for paging the result
$findconditions = array();
array_push(&$findconditions, array('Batch.id' => $this->params['named']['batch'] ));
$row = $this->Placement->find('count',array(
'link' => array(
'Student' => array(
'conditions'=> $findconditions
$count = $row;
// calculate the total pages for the query
if( $count > 0 )
$total_pages = ceil($count / $limit);
$total_pages = 0;
// if for some reasons the requested page is greater than the total
// set the requested page to total page
if( $page > $total_pages ) $page = $total_pages;
// calculate the starting position of the rows
$start = $limit * $page - $limit;
// if for some reasons start position is negative set it to 0
// typical case is that the user type 0 for the requested page
if( $start < 0 ) $start = 0;
// the actual query for the grid data
$limit_range = $start . "," . $limit;
$sort_range = $this->modelClass . '.' . $sidx . " " . $sord;
$this->Placement->recursive = -1;
if( $this->params['url']['_search'] == 'true' )
$searchconditions = array();
if( isset($this->params['named']['batch']) && !empty($this->params['named']['batch']) )
$where.= " Batch.id =".$this->params['named']['batch'];
if( isset($this->params['url']['isstillworking']) && !empty($this->params['url']['isstillworking']) )
$where.= " AND Placement.isstillworking ='".$this->params['url']['isstillworking']."'";
if( isset($this->params['url']['studentname']) && !empty($this->params['url']['studentname']) )
$where.=" AND Student.fullname LIKE '" .$this->params['url']['studentname'] . "%'";
if( isset($this->params['url']['companyname']) && !empty($this->params['url']['companyname']) )
$where.=" AND Company.name LIKE '" .$this->params['url']['companyname'] . "%'";
if( isset($this->params['url']['salary']) && !empty($this->params['url']['salary']) )
$where.= " AND Placement.salary =".$this->params['url']['salary'];
if( isset($this->params['url']['contactnumber1']) && !empty($this->params['url']['contactnumber1']) )
$where.= " AND Student.contactnumber1 =".$this->params['url']['contactnumber1'];
if( isset($this->params['url']['batchname']) && !empty($this->params['url']['batchname']) )
$where.=" AND Batch.name LIKE '" .$this->params['url']['batchname'] . "%'";
$sql="SELECT Student.fullname,
FROM placements Placement
SELECT student_id, isstillworking, max( created ) AS other_col
FROM placements
GROUP BY student_id
) AS b ON Placement.student_id = b.student_id
AND Placement.created = b.other_col
INNER JOIN students Student ON ( Student.id = Placement.student_id )
INNER JOIN batches Batch ON ( Student.batch_id = Batch.id )
INNER JOIN companies Company ON ( Company.id = Placement.company_id )
WHERE ".$where.
" AND Student.type='student'
AND Student.trainingcompleted=1
ORDER BY ".$sort_range."
LIMIT ".$limit_range
$sql="SELECT Student.fullname,
FROM placements Placement
SELECT student_id, isstillworking, max( created ) AS other_col
FROM placements
GROUP BY student_id
) AS b ON Placement.student_id = b.student_id
AND Placement.created = b.other_col
INNER JOIN students Student ON ( Student.id = Placement.student_id )
INNER JOIN batches Batch ON ( Student.batch_id = Batch.id )
INNER JOIN companies Company ON ( Company.id = Placement.company_id )
WHERE Batch.id =
" AND Student.type='student'
AND Student.trainingcompleted=1
ORDER BY ".$sort_range."
LIMIT ".$limit_range
$i = 0;
$response->page = $page;
$response->total = $total_pages;
$response->records = $count;
foreach($result as $result)
$response->rows[$i]['id'] = $result['Placement']['id'];
$student = "<a href='" . APP_URL . "placements/report18/studentid:" . $result['Student']['id']."'>" . $result['Student']['fullname'] . "</a>";
$company = "<a href='" . APP_URL . "companies/view/" . $result['Company']['id'] . "'>" . $result['Company']['name'] . "</a>";
$batch = "<a href='" . APP_URL . "batches/view/" . $result['Batch']['id'] . "'>" . $result['Batch']['name'] . "</a>";
$contactnumber1 =$result['Student']['contactnumber1'];
$response->rows[$i]['cell'] = array($student, $result['Placement']['isstillworking'], $result['Company']['name'], $result['Placement']['salary'], $contactnumber1, $batch);
echo json_encode($response);
I am also attaching the screen shot for reference.
Please help me on this.
Why on earth would you not use Cake's ORM layer and Pagination class? If you use Model->query() you have to escape input yourself!
I can't seem to get these arrays to work. I'm getting errors along the following lines:
Global symbol '$href_array' requires specific package name
What does this mean? Here's part of my code:
sub scrape {
my ( $self, $DBhost, $DBuser, $DBpass, $DBname ) = #_;
my ($dbh, $query, $result, $array);
my $DNS = "dbi:mysql:$DBname:$DBhost:3306";
$dbh = DBI->connect($DNS, $DBuser, $DBpass ) or die $DBI::errstr;
if( defined( $self->{_process_image} ) && ( -e 'href_w_' . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt" ) ) {
open ERROR_W, "error_w_" . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt";
open M_HREF_W, "m_href_w_" . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt";
open HREF_W, "href_w_" . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt";
my #m_error_array = ( split( '|||', <ERROR_W> ) );
my #m_href_array = ( split( '|||', <M_HREF_W> ) );
my #href_array = ( split( '|||', <HREF_W> ) );
close ( ERROR_W );
close ( M_HREF_W );
close ( HREF_W );
my #m_error_array;
my #m_href_array;
my #href_array = ( $self->{_url} );
my $z = 0;
while( $href_array ){
if( defined( $self->{_x_more} ) && $z == $self->{_x_more} ) {
if( defined( $self->{_process_image} ) ) {
$self->write( 'm_href_w', #m_href_array );
$self->write( 'href_w', #href_array );
$self->write( 'error_w', #m_error_array );
$self->{_link_count} = scalar #m_href_array;
use strict;
use URI;
use File::Basename;
use DBI;
package Crawler;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
_url => shift,
_max_link => 0,
_local => 1
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub process_image {
my ($self, $process_image) = #_;
$self->{_process_image} = $process_image;
sub local {
my ($self, $local) = #_;
$self->{_local} = $local;
sub max_link {
my ($self, $max_link) = #_;
$self->{_max_link} = $max_link;
sub x_more {
my ($self, $x_more) = #_;
$self->{_x_more} = $x_more;
sub resolve_href {
my ($base, $href) = #_;
my $uri = URI->new($href);
return $uri->rel($base);
sub write {
my ( $self, $ref, $data ) = #_;
open FILE, '>>' . $ref . '_' . $self->{_process_image} . '.txt';
print FILE join( '|||', $data );
close( FILE );
sub scrape {
my #m_error_array;
my #m_href_array;
my #href_array;
my ( $self, $DBhost, $DBuser, $DBpass, $DBname ) = #_;
my ($dbh, $query, $result, $array);
my $DNS = "dbi:mysql:$DBname:$DBhost:3306";
$dbh = DBI->connect($DNS, $DBuser, $DBpass ) or die $DBI::errstr;
if( defined( $self->{_process_image} ) && ( -e 'href_w_' . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt" ) ) {
open ERROR_W, "error_w_" . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt";
open M_HREF_W, "m_href_w_" . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt";
open HREF_W, "href_w_" . $self->{_process_image} . ".txt";
my #m_error_array = ( split( '|||', <ERROR_W> ) );
my #m_href_array = ( split( '|||', <M_HREF_W> ) );
my #href_array = ( split( '|||', <HREF_W> ) );
close ( ERROR_W );
close ( M_HREF_W );
close ( HREF_W );
#href_array = ( $self->{_url} );
my $z = 0;
while( #href_array ){
if( defined( $self->{_x_more} ) && $z == $self->{_x_more} ) {
if( defined( $self->{_process_image} ) ) {
$self->write( 'm_href_w', #m_href_array );
$self->write( 'href_w', #href_array );
$self->write( 'error_w', #m_error_array );
$self->{_link_count} = scalar #m_href_array;
#$query = "SELECT * FROM `actwebdesigns.co.uk` ORDER BY ID DESC";
#$result = $dbh->prepare($query);
#while( $array = $result->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
# print $array->{'URL'} . "\n";
Your code probably won't work the way you think it will. Take, for example, this block:
my #m_error_array;
my #m_href_array;
my #href_array = ( $self->{_url} );
What this does is declare three arrays. That's all fine and good, but because you've used my, they "disappear" when they go out of scope at the end of the else{} block. You probably want to declare them up at the top, before your if...else block and remove the duplicated declarations from both blocks in the if...else section.
Then, you're probably trying to iterate over the #href_array list. You'll want to change your while() to something like:
foreach my $href_array ( #href_array ) {
All that said, kudos for putting use strict in your code (it must be there, or else you wouldn't have received the warning you did). That's an important thing that programmers new to Perl greatly benefit from, because it warns them about exactly this problem!
It means you are using an undeclared variable $href_array. You need to rewrite this line:
while( $href_array ){
to something like:
foreach my $element (#href_array) {
...although a bit more context is needed in this code to be able to understand what it is doing -- for example, you open a database connection in the scrape method ($dbh = ...), but never use it.
Your code includes while($href_array) but you don't declare a variable called $href_array.
You may have meant #href_array (these are not the same variable), although you don't seem to modify this array inside the loop.
In all these answers no one bothers to tell you that the strict pragma enforces some more stringent coding practices in Perl. See its docs for the details. We explain it fully in Learning Perl too :)
When you get a warning you don't understand, you can get more information with the diagnostics. Here's an example:
use strict;
use diagnostics;
while( $href ) { 1 };
Here's the extended error message:
Execution of /Users/brian/Desktop/t aborted due to compilation errors (#1)
(F) You've said "use strict" or "use strict vars", which indicates
that all variables must either be lexically scoped (using "my" or "state"),
declared beforehand using "our", or explicitly qualified to say
which package the global variable is in (using "::").