ui-router - Default substate based on data - angularjs

I have a list of modules with module detail on the right side.
li(data-ng-repeat="module in modules")
Both module list and each module has it's own state. I want the parent state to be addressable, therefore no abstract.
.state('modules', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: ..
.state('modules.input', {
url: '/input',
templateUrl: ..
When accessing the list without explicitly selected module, I want to have selected first failed module. (redirect to another state based on downloaded data)
I've tried several paths without success:
a) state.onEnter - is not triggered when redirecting from child state (e.g. the back button or manual url change) and $state.current is not target state yet (so I do not know if we aren't in the child state already)
b) redirect in $urlRouterProvider - absence of downloaded data and I'm unable to download it (sync vs async)
c) global $stateChangeSuccess handling .. unability to access the data (even if it should be already downloaded via state.resolve) - so this one is probably managable at the cost of getting data multiple times.
So I've been left with changing state in controller's constructor and registering custom $stateChangeSuccess inside a controller to handle the back button/manual url edit.
function ModulesController($scope, apiService, $state, $rootScope) {
var _this = this;
this.scope = $scope;
this.getInitialJobTraceDetail = function () {
apiService.getModules(function (modules) {
_this.scope.modules = modules;
this.setDefaultState = function () {
if (_this.$state.current.name != 'modules')
var targetModule = _this.getFailedModule();
this.setupModulesStateWatch = function () {
_this.scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
this.registerOnStateChangeEvent = function () {
_this.unregisterOnStateChangeEvent = _this.$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event, toState) {
if (toState.name == 'modules') {
Edit: But I think there should be a better solution. Working with state inside a controller doesn't feel right - my other state-hadling code is in global separate file. Maybe that is the problem and state-handling/definitions should be with corresponding components?


How to resolve Angular Service directly from an Angular Component

I am currently using Angular 1.5. I am using ui-router as my primary navigation mechanism. I am leveraging Angular components.
I understand that I can use .resolve on my states to instantiate services which are then passed down through my component hierarchy (mostly using one-way bindings).
One of my components is called literatureList and is used in more than one route/state. The literatureList component makes use of a specific service called literatureListService. literatureListService is only used by literatureList. literatureListService takes a while to instantiate, and uses promises etc.
In each of the .state definitions then I need to have a .resolve that instantiates literatureListService. This means that I need to refer to this literatureListService in each of the .state.resolve objects. This doesn't seem very DRY to me.
What I'd really like to do is remove the literatureListService references from the .state.resolve objects and 'resolve' the service from 'within' the literatureList component itself.
How do I code a 'resolve-style' mechanism within the literatureList component that will handle the async/promise nature of literatureListService? What is best practice for doing this?
Code snippets follow:
state snippets:
name: 'oxygen',
url: '/oxygen',
views: {
'spofroot': { template: '<oxygen booklist="$resolve.literatureListSvc"></oxygen>' }
literatureListSvc: function(literatureListService){
return literatureListService.getLiterature();
name: 'radium',
url: '/radium',
views: {
'spofroot': { template: '<radium booklist="$resolve.literatureListSvc"></radium>' }
literatureListSvc: function(literatureListService){
return literatureListService.getLiterature();
// Remember that a factory returns an object, whereas a service is a constructor function that will be called with 'new'. See this for a discussion on the difference: http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2015/07/07/service-vs-factory-once-and-for-all.html
console.log('literatureListService factory is instantiating - this will only happen once for each full-page refresh');
// This is a factory, and therefore needs to return an object containing all the properties that we want to make available
var returnObject = {}; // Because this is a factory we will need to return a fully-formed object (if it was a service we would simply set properties on 'this' because the 'context' for the function would already have been set to an empty object
console.log('service instantiation reporting that modelManager.isDataDirty='+modelService.isDataDirty);
// The getLiterature method returns a promise, and therefore can only be consumed via a promise-based mechanism
returnObject.getLiterature = function($stateParams){
console.log('literatureService.getLiterature will now return a promise (via a call to $http)');
return $http({method: 'GET', url: 'http://localhost:3000/literature/'});
return returnObject;
oxygen component html:
This is the OXYGEN component which will now render a literature list, passing in bookList.data as books
<literature-list books="$ctrl.booklist.data"></literature-list>
oxygen component js
var $ctrl = this;
console.log('Hello from the oxygen component controller with literatureListSvc='+$ctrl.booklist); // Bound objects NOT YET AVAILABLE!!!!!!
this.$onInit = function() {
//REMEMBER!!!! - the bound objects being passed into this component/controller are NOT available until just before the $onInit event fires
console.log('Hello from the oxygen component controller onInit event with bookList='+JSON.stringify($ctrl.booklist));
,bindings:{ // remember to make these lowercase!!!
literatureList component html:
<literature-line ng-repeat="literatureItem in $ctrl.books" wizard="fifteen" book="literatureItem" on-tut="$ctrl.updateItemViaParent(itm)">555 Repeat info={{literatureItem.title}}</literature-line>
literatureList component js
//template:'<br/>Template here33 {{$ctrl.listLocalV}} wtfff',
// controller:function(literatureListService){
var $ctrl=this;
this.narrative = "Narrative will unfold here";
this.updateItemViaParent = function(book){
this.narrative = 'just got notified of change to book:'+JSON.stringify(book);
this.$onInit = function(){
console.log('literatureList controller $onInit firing with books='+JSON.stringify($ctrl.books));
this.$onChanges = function(){
console.log('literatureList controller $onChanges firing');
bindings: {
As JavaScript in reference based, you can crete object in your service and access it in all three controllers that you need.
For Example:
function serviceA() {
var vm = this;
vm.testObject = {};
vm.promise1().then(function(response) {
vm.testObject = response;
function ControllerA($scope, serviceA) {
$scope.testA = service.testObject;
In this case, as soon as the promise is resolved, all the controllers will get the value of the response and can be used in the partials respecively

AngularJS proper way of refreshing data in Controller

I have a testing "hello" view showing "Hello {{username}}!" or "Hello anonymous!".
This view has its own controller and is accesible via url (configure by ui.router).
Then I have a UserModel with methods setUsername(newUsername) and getUsername().
There is also logging view with a controller that uses setUsername() method on logging in success and then navigates to "hello" view.
The code looks like this:
anguler.module('hello', ...
.state('hello', {
url: '/hello',
views: {
'main#': {
controller: 'HelloController as helloController',
templateUrl: 'app/hello/hello-tmpl.html'
.controller('HelloController', function (UserModel) {
var helloController = this;
helloController.username = UserModel.getUsername();
There is also a "log out" button in the top bar. So in order to show the changes in "hello" view I added a list of function that UserModel would call when user state changes:
.service('UserModel', function() {
var model = this;
var username = '';
var onChangesFunctions = [];
function onChange() {
onChangesFunctions.forEach(function(f) {
model.onChange = function(f) {
model.setUsername = function(newUsername) {
username = newUsername;
model.clearUserData = function() {
username = '';
and added a code in HelloController to add a listener to the UserModel.onChangesFunctions.
The problem with that approach is that HelloController is initialized many times (everytime that user navigates to it) and every time it is registering new function as the listener.
Is there any better way to refresh user data?
The problem of your approach is memory leaks. As you said when your controller is destroyed and the new one is created your function will still persist in the service and the controller which should have been killed is still most likely in the memory because of the function.
I don't clearly understand what your goal is; however what you can do is destroying the functions when the controller is destroyed:
.controller('HelloController', function (UserModel, $scope) {
var helloController = this;
helloController.username = UserModel.getUsername();
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
// either destroy all functions you add to the service queue
// or
// simply call the controller specific logic here, this will be called when your controller is destroyed
Another approach is listening on '$stateChangeStart' / '$stateChangeSuccess' event.
Regardless of the way you choose I would highly recommend to avoid binding services to the controller instance specific logic. This is a way to hell

Passing data to sub-controller for insert or update

I have a main controller for my profile edit page, from where users can add their education, in a modal window. The modal has it's own controller. The user can add as many education items they want and they can modify the existing ones.
Now for my issue. I want the modal controller to take care of both adding a new item and updating an existing one. The difference is that on update, the controller should receive a fully populated education object, which it should update. I don't know how to pass this object from the main controller to the modal controller. I've seen some ways of passing data between controllers via services, but that seems too much of a hassle, and it doesn't make sense to me to use a service in this particular case.
My main controller creates modals like so:
vm.openEducation = function(){
templateUrl: "some.html",
controller: "SomeController",
controllerAs: "vm",
size: 'lg'
}).result.then(function (education) {
And the child controller (which currently only supports insert, hence the empty init of vm.education):
function SomeController($scope){
var vm = this;
vm.education = {}; // or get from parent controller
vm.save = function () {
vm.close = function () {
return vm;
You can use $rootScope.$broadcast to send data from the modal and then $scope.$on to receive that data anywhere else.
For example:
// in your modal
$rootScope.$broadcast('education:updated', yourDataObj)
// in your controller
$scope.$on('education:updated', function(e, data) {
Note that the $broadcast will be picked up by anything that's listening for it, so if you have multiple controller instances you will get multiple console.log messages

How to preserve ui-router parameters on browser refresh

am using angular ui-router to manage states of my SPA.
I have this route:
.state('index.administration.security.roleEdit', {
url: '/roleEdit',
templateUrl: 'app/administration/security/role/roleEdit.html',
controller: 'roleEditCtrl',
controllerAs: 'roleEditCtrl',
params: { data: null },
resolve: {
role: function ($stateParams) {
return angular.fromJson($stateParams.data);
modules: function (securityService) {
return securityService.getAllModules();
Also, I'm passing 'data' parameter as json object to the state.
Now when i first load this state, everything is fine.
But when i do browser refresh (F5 key) the $stateParams.data is null in the resolve function of the state.
How can I solve this?
I see these possible solutions:
1. persist somehow parameters
2. override browser refresh (don't know how) to stop the browser refreshing the app.
3. on refresh goto other sibling state.
Please help
Ok, I set data like this:
vm.editRole = function(roleId){
var role = dataService.getRoleById(roleId).then(function(result){
$state.go('roleEdit', {data:angular.toJson(result)});
The roleEdit Controller looks like this:
['role','modules', '$scope', 'securityService', '$state', roleEditCtrl]);
function roleEditCtrl('role', 'modules',$scope, securityService, $state){
var vm = this;
vm.roles = roles;
vm.originalRole = angular.copy(role);
vm.saveChanges = _saveChanges;
vm.cancel = _cancel;
return vm;
function _saveChanges(){
function _cancel(){
vm.role = angular.copy(vm.originalRole);
Had the same problem, leaving this here in case someone else needs it. Solved it by using localStorage.
I've set this as a part of app's run method
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event, toState) {
localStorage.setItem('__stateName', toState.name);
Now, depending on your app's structure you might want to consider putting this someplace else, but in my case I had parent AppController surrounding all child controllers, so this part of the code went there.
var previousState = localStorage.getItem('__stateName');
previousState && $state.go(previousState) || $state.go(<SOME_OTHER_ROUTE>);
Basically, when user hits browser refresh, AppController get initialized from the start (before child controllers), firing the state transition immediately if there was one. Otherwise, you'd go to some other state of yours.
I would stay away from option 2. You don't want to mess up a browser's expected behavior.
Maybe you could refactor your data into your resolve object ala:
resolve: {
role: function ($stateParams) {
return angular.fromJson($stateParams.data);
modules: function (securityService) {
return securityService.getAllModules();
data: function (dataService) {
return dataService.retrieveStoredData();
Where your dataService would be a service you use to store that data if it really is that important (through cookies or localstorage).
There is no reasonable way to expect that field to be populated on browser refresh if you previously executed javascript to pass stateful values to it.

Angular UI Bootstrap Module Not Closing on Back Button

I'm using a module from the UI Boostrap extensions (http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap). The module actually serves as a loading dialog and is automatically closed when a set of web service data is returned to my Angular code. As the data on this page is loaded automatically the dialog comes up immediately.
All this works great when I hit the page in question for the the first time or simply refresh it. The problem occurs when I go to a deeper page and then try and navigate back to the original page (with the dialog) via the browser's back button. The dialog never goes away despite all the fact that all the data is returned and the module's dismiss() call has been made.
I've traced this down to the promise to open the dialog appears to be happening after the dismiss call but, again, only when the page is loaded via the back button. The dismiss call never closes anything because it hasn't been added yet (I've confirmed this in the debugger).
The question I have is how could I handle this? Is there a solid way to catch the completion of the page loading via Angular and double check that the dialog closed? Is there a better way via UI Bootstrap's api?
I know this is rather unusual case but any thoughts on it would be great.
#HankScorpio's solution is good, but I think there may be a simplified option now.
There is no need to store the current modal anymore, if you register either a $locationChangeStart or $routeChangeStart listener with $uibModalStack injected and call $uibModalStack.dismissAll(). $locationChangeStart has the benefit of working for both ngRoute and uiRoute.
i.e. If only for the one page, then in your controller you'd have:
.controller('ctrl', ['$scope', '$uibModalStack', ctrl]);
function ctrl($scope, $uibModalStack) {
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', handleLocationChange);
function handleLocationChange() {
If you want to do this for all pages then define this in a factory that is always loaded or just an app.run code segment:
.run(['$rootScope', '$uibModalStack', setupUibModal]);
setupUibModal($rootScope, $uibModalStack) {
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', handleLocationChange);
function handleLocationChange() {
Here is the simple solution when using ui-router for state change
Closing modal popup on the back button click in angularjs
App.run(['$rootScope', '$modalStack', function ($rootScope, $modalStack) {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event) {
var top = $modalStack.getTop();
if (top) {
hope this will save lot of time for people who are breaking heads
I've run into this same problem. Here's how I fixed it.
1) Create a service to abstract the opening and closing of a modal and track which one is open (necessary for step 2). Instead of calling $modal.open() directly, call ModalService.open().
Here you go, you can have the one I wrote:
(function () {
'use strict';
var theModule = angular.module('services.modalService', ['ui.bootstrap']);
theModule.factory('ModalService', function ($modal) {
var service = {};
var currentModal;
var clearModal = function () {
currentModal = undefined;
service.getCurrentModal = function () {
return currentModal;
service.open = function (options) {
currentModal = $modal.open(options);
return currentModal;
return service;
2) In a controller, add an event listener to $routeChangeStart, this event will fire whenever someone hits the back button.
$scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(){
var currentModal = ModalService.getCurrentModal();
3) Your modals should now close when a user hits back.
4) Enjoy.
I found the answer from HankScorpio to be the best out there. I wanted to include this snippet for those using ui-router and their recommendation for stateful modals.
1) I wanted the result.finally(...) to jump to a parent state;
2) I wanted to control the closing of the modal from $stateProvider config, NOT through rigging a controller and adding a listener to $routeChangeStart
Here is an example of a state that opens (and closes) it's modal:
.state('product.detail', {
url: '/detail/{productId}',
onEnter: /*open-modal logic*/,
onExit: ['ModalService', function (ModalService) { ModalService.close()} ]
I made ModalService aware of $state so that the result of closing a modal could jump to a parent view:
a. Add an isStateful flag to modalService.open(...):
service.open = function (options, isStateful) {
currentModal = $uibModal.open(options);
currentModal.result.finally(function () {
return currentModal;
so that clearModal will return to previous state:
var clearModal = function (isStateful) {
currentModal = undefined;
if (isStateful)
Finally, add the closeModal() function called above (not a "stateful" close, simply a dismissal):
service.close = function() {
if (currentModal) {
currentModal.dismiss().then(function () {
The benefits of this are that back button functionality is controlled at state config level, not through a listener.
