Continuous Non-updating Loop - loops

I am no longer "new" to Python, but am now moving into unchartered territory.
Recently I was dissecting some logic circuit code found here. I learned a lot about the practical use of inheritance from this code. Good stuff.
Not much happens in this code until one changes the inputs on a gate, so the interpreter must be used to manipulate the inputs. I got tired of using the interpreter, and so I investigated ways to create a continuous loop that would not rerun the initial code.
I found that Tkinter uses a continuous loop that I could then interrupt with the "after" method to update some of the parameters of the code currently running.
That works well, however I am curious as to whether there is another and/or better way. Anyone know of one or the other?
Some of the code:
tk_TkGUI = Tk()
f_AndTest() ## Initialize the 'And' gate
tk_TkGUI.after(1000, f_ChangeAnInput) ## Invokes Tk 'after' method to update an input
tk_TkGUI.mainloop() ## Must be used in Windows with Tkinter
def f_ChangeAnInput():
A1.B.set(0) ## Change A1.B from 1 to 0

If you want a window, using Tkinter in this way is perfectly fine.
By the way, after doesn't interrupt the loop as you described it. The main loop simply loops over a queue of events and processes them in order. When it reaches the end it waits for more events. Much like when you press a key or move the mouse, after merely puts something in the queue to be processed later. It really is as simple as that.

you could use threading.
import thread
def blaH:
#All your code that isn't related to your tkinter stuffs in here
the only thing is that you need new ways of both threads to talk to each other, such as global variables.


Breakable loop in Scratch?

How do you make a breakable loop in Scratch? I'm using Scratch 2.0 and can't find any good way to make a loop breakable, from inside of the loop itself.
There is no perfect way to do it. If you can possibly stand this true fact then feel free to continue.
There are a few different ways you could do it.
With repeat until
The first and most simple one follows this:
But this isn't technically part of the script - it's just repeating until some value returns true.
With a custom block (stop this script)
In order to do it inside of the script, you'll need to use a sneaky little trick with custom blocks.
Create a custom block called whatever you want - but probably along the lines of "breakable loop". Inside of it, create this script:
By using stop script we are breaking out of the script that is currently running - which, according to Scratch, is the custom block.
See the result! (as scratchblocks)
With broadcast and wait
You could also use a broadcast-and-wait method, very similar to above:
Though I highly suggest you don't use this method, as if any other sprites have breakable loops you'll need to rename each one, which can be tedious after using a lot of loops in a lot of sprites!
(Note this bug has been fixed in version 442 of the editor and such the following no longer applies.)
Help! My project is lagging a bunch now!
As #foi has noticed, if your code must be run inside of a frame you probably checked run without screen refresh. Unfortunately, due to a bug in the Scratch player, this causes the program to essentially break after the stop this script block has been activated. How can you handle this?
It follows the same principle you use when you use a run without screen refresh custom block inside of a forever loop - the loop doesn't use screen refresh while the inside does, allowing for instant animations whether or not one is using turbo mode.
Here's an example - the image is really too long to be embedded, so see it here instead.
You can make a variable inside or outside of the repeat and make your script like this:
repeat until [[my variable] = [e.g: 1]]
your code
your code
your code
your code
end of repeat until
For a "repeat until" block the simplest way would be to "or" your normal until condition with the break condition in the until.
By adding an incremeting loop counter variable in the loop you can use a "repeat until" to replicate the function of a "repeat n times" block
By using a "repeat until" block with only your break condition you get the equivalent of a "forever" block
If you need another script/ sprite to trigger the break then a public variable will let you break the loop from anywhere and let a single condition break loops for different sprites.
I'd post an image of the blocks but this is my first reply and the site won't let me!
good luck
You can use these few ways to do it...
conditional loop
stop this script
if then else, in the else section, put nothing
I would prefer to use the first method, as it requires less blocks and for the first method, you can still add in code that will be executed after the loop has stopped executing.
You can make it repeat x times or make it have a certain point where it stops, such as another variable changing.
Otherwise, I don't think there is a wat to do that.
Use the repeat until block. Then put in an equals block or whatever into the boolean part. Then inside that repeat until block, put a stop this script block.
Hope this helps :D

LabVIEW: How to exchange lots of variables between loops?

I have two loops:
One loop gets data from a device and processes it. Scales received variables, calculates extra data.
Second loop visualizes the data and stores it.
There are lots of different variables that need to passed between those two loops - about 50 variables. I need the second loop to have access only to the newest values of the data. It needs to be able to read those variables any time they are needed to be visualized.
What is the best way to share such vector between two loops?
There are various ways of sharing data.
The fastest and simplest is a local variable, however that is rather uncontrolled, and you need to make sure to write them at one place (plus you need an indicator).
One of the most advanced options is creating a class for your data, and use an instance (if you create a by-ref class, otherwise it won't matter), and create a public 'GET' method.
In between you have sevaral other options:
property nodes
global variables
shared variables
In short there is no best way, it all depends on your skills and application.
As long as you're considering loops within the SAME application, there ARE good and bad ideas, though:
queues (OK, has most features)
notifiers (OK)
events (OK)
FGVs (OK, but keep an eye on massively parallel access hindering exec)
semaphores (that's not data comms)
property nodes (very inefficient, prone to race cond.)
global variables (prone to race cond.)
shared variables (badly implemented by NI, prone to race cond.)
TCP-IP (slow, awkward, affected by firewall config)
The quick and dirty way to do this is to write each value to an indicator in the producer loop - these indicators can be hidden offscreen, or in a page of a tab control, if you don't want to see them - and read a local variable of each one in the consumer loop. However if you have 50 different values it may become hard to maintain this code if you need to change or extend it.
As Ton says there are many different options but my suggestion would be:
Create a cluster control, with named elements, containing all your data
Save this cluster as a typedef
Create a notifier using this cluster as the data type
Bundle the data into the cluster (by name) and write this to the notifier in the producer loop
Read the cluster from the notifier in the consumer loop, unbundle it by name and do what you want with each element.
Using a cluster means you can easily pass it to different subVIs to process different elements if you like, and saving as a typedef means you can add, rename or alter the elements and your code will update to match. In your consumer loop you can use the timeout setting of the notifier read to control the loop timing, if you want. You can also use the notifier to tell the loops when to exit, by force-destroying it and trapping the error.
Two ways:
Use a display loop with SEQ (Single Element Queue)
Use a event structure with User Event. (Do not put two event structures in same loop!! Use another)
Use an enum with case structure and variant to cast the data to expected type.
(Notifier isn't reliable to stream data, because is a lossy scheme. Leave this only to trigger small actions)
If all of your variables can be bundled together in a single cluster to send at once, then you should use a single element queue. If your requirements change later such that the transmission cannot be lossy, then it's a matter of changing the input to the Obtain Queue VI (with a notifier you'd have to swap out all of the VIs). Setting up individual indicators and local variables would be pretty darn tedious. Also, not good style.
If the loops are inside of the same VI then:
The simplest solution would be local variables.
Little bit better to use shared variables.
Better is to use functional global variables (FGVs)
The best solution would be using SEQ (Single Element Queue).
Anyway for better understanding please go trough this paper.

Infinite Loop caused by Append?

I have a bit of a question regarding why my code seems to hang when I run it. The code is for a project I have in a class, but we spent one class period going over Prolog so much of what I've learned is stuff I've searched around for and have taught myself. I do apologize if my code contains horrendous stylistic errors, but again, as we never formally learned how we 'should' use Prolog, this is based mostly on my own experimentation.
The goal of the segment of code I am writing is, more or less, to form a chain that connects one actor to another through a series of movies that they have been in.
I have a function I am calling that is meant to construct connections between a starting actor, all possible linked actors ending actor, and the list of movies that connects them. This is probably a horribly inefficient method of doing this, however implementing it this way solves two parts of the assignment with one segment of code.
The code that calls the function works, and for the sake of making this simpler to read, I will omit it unless asked to share it. In short, it asserts a globalStartingActor, and passes on two empty lists (ActorList = [] and MovieList = []) to a function doActorAssertions.
In turn, we have doActorAssertions. This is the revised version of it, which should be simplified and easier to read, but lacks the massive commenting that it had previously.
doActorAssertions(ActorsName,ActorList,MovieList) :-
isNotInList(ActorsName,ActorList) ->
findMoviesIn(ActorsName,MoviesIn),%finds all movies ActorsName is in
howLong(MoviesIn,LenMoviesIn),%Sees how many movies there are.
LenMoviesIn ==0;
append(ActorsName,ActorList,UpdatedActorList),%this causes errors!
globalStartingActor(GSAName),%asserted starting actor
assert(connectedActors(GSAName,ActorsName,MovieList)), %says that the GSAName is connected to ActorsName by a list of movies MovieList.
addAndTraverse(MoviesIn,UpdatedActorList,MovieList) %Goes to propegate all movies the actor is in, then actors in those movies, then recursively calls this function again.
As I said previously, the append tag seemed to be the source of the error! This indeed appears to be the case when I simplify the code to what it is above. I simply comment that append out, and the code body works.
Why, then, is append preventing the code from working properly? I need to have append (or similar function) in that part of the code!
Is ActorsName a list? The variable' name suggests it is, as well as the usage in append/3, but then what isNotInList(ActorsName,ActorList) means? Partial or full disjunction? This could be the cause of the endless loop, maybe you should use the difference of those sets to increment the ActorList.
You should try to avoid assert/1, and instead pass around the state in variables. See this other answer for a schema doing something very similar to what you are attempting here.
This is useless, could be a typo, but then I don't understand the ->
I think should read
); % note the semicolon!

changing variables in loop in Jmeter

I have web request like this
Loop Controller(3)
While Controller(${__javaScript(${moreSamples}==true)})
SOAP/XML-RPC Request(index=${startIndex})
Regular Expression Extractor(startIndex=newIndex,moreSamples=samples)
Now problem is I am not able to initialize moreSamples and startIndex in loop.
I tried two options:
Make moreSamples and startIndex as user defined variables. Now I am able to change their values using Regular Expression Extractor but not able to reinitialize them in outer loop using BeanShell PostProcessor like this:
Make moreSamples and startIndex as User Parameters in preprocessor of of while loop but then I am not able to assign them values using Regular Expression Extractor.
Please suggest the mistakes or some new construct which can fit in.
Can you do following things:
Add UserDefinedVariables on top of your Test Plan with two defined variables:
moreSamples, startIndex (like #ant suggested already)
Under the Download - PersistentSyncScope Sampler, you have two regular expression extractors in which I assume you want to extract some values and place it in these two variables from the above. Add BeanShellPostProcessor under the Download - PersistentSyncScope Sampler.
In BeanShellPostProcessor add following code:
These two (moreSamples, startIndex) are global variables and changes on them should be visible outside of the loop.
Do you have to initialize them from the loop? How about adding those to User Defined Variables?
Or you can do it from your loop as well, the reason why it doesn't work for you is either the fact that you forgot to put the semi-colon ; after your expression(s) :
vars.put("moreSamples","false"); // ; <- was missing
vars.put("startIndex","0"); // ; <- was missing
I used BSF Sampler and it worked for me (don't forget to choose the language -> beanshell if you use this one). Here is my debug sampler (relevant part) :
You need not to use both BSF Sampler and user defined variables. You can use either, and I see you have more user defined variables, no need for that. Have one of those at the start of your test. I'm still not clear what your problem is and what you're trying to achieve.
Actually problem here is I am using 2 loops and all answers don't take this properly into account.
Since pre/post processors are applied only to samplers not to loops there is no way to reinitialize the variables before while loop. Thus if I add initialize statements in preprocessor, loop run infinitely and if in postprocessor, it never executes. Only way to initialize is adding BSF sampler before while loop but that will spoil the reports as this sampler will also be recorded by listeners.
So only solution I found is run Download - PersistentSyncScope Sampler once and add BSF preprocessor with following scripts
Now add while loop and add Download - PersistentSyncScope Sampler as its child.
That is the only solution till now. Thanks everyone to help me understand the problem.

Arrays in PowerBuilder

I have this code
n_userobject inv_userobject[]
For i = 1 to dw_1.Rowcount()
inv_userobject[i] = create n_userobject
dw_1.rowcount() returns only 210 rows. Its so odd that in the range of 170 up, the application stop and crashes on inv_userobject[i] = create n_userobject.
My question, is there any limit on array or userobject declaration using arrays?
I already try destroying it after the loop so as to check if that will be a possible solution, but it is still crashing.
Or how can i be able to somehow refresh the userobject?
Or is there anyone out there encounter this?
Thanks for all your help.
First, your memory problem. You're definitely not running into an array limit. If I was to take a guess, one of the instance variables in n_userobject isn't being cleaned up properly (i.e. pointing to a class that isn't being destroyed when the parent class is destroyed) or pointing to a class that similarly doesn't clean itself up. If you've got PB Enterprise, I'd do a profiling trace with a smaller loop and see what is being garbage collected (there's a utility called CDMatch that really helps this process).
Secondly, let's face it, you're just doing this to avoid writing a reset method. Even if you get this functional, it will never be as efficient as writing your own reset method and reusing the same instance over again. Yes, it's another method you'll have to maintain whenever the instance variable list changes or the defaults change, but you'll easily gain that back in performance.
Good luck,
I'm assuming the crash you're facing is at the PBVM level, and not a regular PB exception (which you can catch in your code). If I'm wrong, please add the exception details.
A loop of 170-210 iterations really isn't a large one. However, crashes within loops are usually the result of resource exhaustion. What we usually do in long loops is call GarbageCollect() occasionally. How often should it be called depends on what your code does - using it frequently could allow the use of less memory, but it will slow down the run. Read this for more.
If this doesn't help, make sure the error does not come from some non-PB code (imported DLL or so). You can check the stack trace during the crash to see the exception's origin.
Lastly, if you're supported by Sybase (or a local representative), you can send them a crash dump. They can analyze it, and see if it's a bug in PB, and if so, let you know when it was (or will be) fixed.
What I would normally do with a DataWindow is to create an object that processes the data in a row and call it for each row.
the only suggestion i have for this is to remove the rowcount from the for (For i = 1 to dw_1.Rowcount()) this will cause the code to recount the rows every time it uses one. get the count into a variable and then use the variable. it should run a bit better and be far more easy to debug.
