I have a question about failover clustering. If I set up failover clustering with 4 nodes and each node has a different instance of SQL Server running on it, will I need four separate licenses?
Yes you need to have separate licensing
The question is related to configuring failover cluster on Azure VMs with SQL Server Enterprise version.
Is it possible to configure failover cluster with two machines like that:
one high-spec PRIMARY server (VM + SQL Server)
the second one on low-spec as the SECONDARY server (VM + SQL Server)
The main traffic will go to the PRIMARY as always but the SECONDARY will live there on low-spec just in case of downtime. That approach will save some money as it is more cost effective.
Can that be considered as bad/good/neutral practice? What are the other disadvantages apart from latency with syncing the data?
Note that this is failover cluster configuration only and it is set up to avoid the downtime when one of the servers goes down.
These articles are also very helpful, but there is no information related to my question:
I have a database on an SQL Server instance hosted on Azure Windows VM. There are two things I need to achieve.
Create a real-time duplicate of the database on another server. i.e. I need my database to make a copy of itself and then copy all of it's data to the duplicate at regular intervals. Let's say, 2 hours.
If my original database fails due to some reason, I need it to redirect all read/write requests to the duplicate database.
Any elaborate answer or links to any articles you deem helpful are welcome. Thank you!
You can have a high availability solution for your SQL Server databases in Azure using AlwaysOn Availability Groups or database mirroring.
Basically, you need 3 nodes for true HA. The third one can be a simple file server that will work as the witness to complete the quorum for your failover cluster. Primary and Secondary will be synchronized and in case of a failure, secondary will take over. You can also configure read requests to be split among instances.
If HA is not really that important for your use case, disaster recovery will be a cheaper solution. Check the article below for more info.
High Availability and Disaster Recovery for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines
We are new to Vertica and found it relatively surprising that only one database at a time can be UP/active. In our research work we need to access multiple databases at a time, so I'd like to know how other Vertica users manage this limitation. The only approaches I've thought of so far are a) taking turns (start and stop databases as needed), or b) (mis-)using schemas to group tables into logical databases. Thanks for your help!
You can have multiple databases. Each database would need dedicated nodes. With a 6 node cluster:
DB1 on node1, node2, node3
DB2 on node4, node5, node6
In order to maintain high availability, each database would require at least 3 nodes for a K-Safety level of 1. If the databases loses a node with K-level 1, the database will run normally.
The way Vertica is designed is intended for a single database instance. Vertica falls under the MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) category. Multiple databases would be competing for resources on a cluster. The parallel design enables the distribution of storage and workload across the nodes. The best design is to logically create your schemas like you would databases.
You can run more then one Vertica database even on the same node !! Yo just need to alter the port number where the database run on !!
But like #FreshPrinceOfSO said Vertica is quite hungry for resources (Memory in special). So is recomended to keep your Cluster with one database running on it!!!
I prefer to create a new cluster insted of mixing up the schemas !! Or if you choose to create schemas to behave like database repos you need to have a good knowladge of your resource management tasks!
I have a question for the DBA's out there: If I scale from a single web/DB server setup to two web/two DB server setup with a load balancer in front of the web servers to route incoming queries evenly... how do solutions like MySQL Cluster work so that a change made to one DB server is immediately known to the other (otherwise, users routed to the other DB server won't see the data or will outdated data), or at least so that the other web server is made aware of the fact that it's reading "dirty data" and it should try again in X seconds so as to get up-to-date data?
Thank you.
TWO ways of doing this.
Active/Active or Active/Passive.
Active/Passive is most prevalent
The data is kept in sync on the passive node.
The cluster is useful configuration in as much as the active node goes down the passive is immediately switched hence no downtime.
The clustering continuously synchronises the 2 nodes in the cluster.
I work with SQL server but I think the basic premise of clustering is the same for mySQL - that is no (or no noticeable) downtime on hardware failure.
EDIT: Additionally the clustering software handles the synchronisation. You don't need to worry. You view the cluster nodes as a virtual directory, which behaves like one server in windows.
here is document explaining this
In Windows server clustering (to be distinguished from High Performance Clustering), there is a shared external storage array. The active node takes ownership/control of the storage, and when that node fails, the storage 'fails over' to the previously passive node (which is now the active node). There are also different schemes that allow for independent storage at each node, vs. shared storage. However, these require the application to have enough intelligence to know that it is clustered, and keep the two storage sets in sync.
Clustering is also where a number of nodes handle the workload, this is sometimes called active/active clusters i.e. all the nodes share the workload and are active. This is normally handled by specialist software like Oracle RAC (RAC#Wikipedia) for the Oracle RDBMS database. RAC allows Oracle to scale to very large workloads.
I'm not a DBA so this may be a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway. We're upgrading our SQL Servers from 2000 to 2005 and we will probably use either database replication or database mirroring. Our DBA would like to "multipurpose" the standby server meaning that he'd like to increase our capabilities and capacity by running other database applications on the standby server since "it's just going to be sitting there anyway" (his words, not mine). Is this such a good idea? Right now, our main application server uses only one instance that contains 50+ databases. As I understand it, what we're doing now and what our DBA is proposing for a failover server is a bad idea because all of these databases are sharing memory, CPUs, and working areas. If one applications starts behaving badly, the other DBs could be affected.
Any thoughts?
It's really a business question that needs to be answered?? is a slow app better then no app if you can't afford the expense of extra hardware?
Standby and mirrored db's can be used for reporting. Using it as the failover db can work if you have enough headroom (i.e. both databases will comfortably run on the server)
Will you depend on these extra applications? Where do they run in the failover case?
You really need to understand your failure modes.
If you look at it as basic resource math, that doesn't often make sense unless the resources you have running in the failure scenarios can handle the entire expected load. Sometimes this is the case, but not always. In this case, to handle the actual load you may need yet another server to come in (like RAID - perhaps your load needs a minimum of 5 servers, but you have a farm of 6, then you need 1 standby server for ever server to fail above 1). Sometimes a farm can run degraded, but sometimes they just puke and die.
And in the case of out of normal operation, you often have accident cascading where a legitimate incident causes a cascade of issues - e.g. your backup tape is busy restoring a server from a backup (to a test environment, even - there are no real "failures"), now your sql server or exhcange server (or both) is not backed up and your log gets full.
Database Mirroring would not be the way to go here in my opinion as it provides redundancy at the database level only. So you would need to configure database mirroring for up to 50 databases based on the information you provided. The chances are that if one DB where to fail all, 50 would probably follow, as failures typically occur at the hardware level rather than a specific database.
It sounds to me like you should be using SQL Server Clustering technology. You could create an Active/Active cluster to support your requirements.
What is an Active/Active Cluster?
An Active/Active SQL Server cluster means that SQL Server is running on both nodes of a two-way cluster. Each copy of SQL Server acts independently, and users see two different SQL Servers. If one of the SQL Servers in the cluster should fail, then the failed instance of SQL Server will failover to the remaining server. This means that then both instances of SQL Server will be running on one physical server, instead of two.
Applying this to your scenario
You could then split the databases between two instances of SQL server, one active instance on each node. Should one node fail, the other node will pick up the slack and vice versa.
Further Reading
An introduction to SQL Server Clustering
I suspect that you will find the following MSDN thread useful reading also
"it's just going to be sitting there anyway"
It will be sitting there applying transactions...
Take note of John Sansom's recommendation. Keep in mind that a Active/Active cluster requires two sql server licenses and a failover cluster/mirror only needs one.
Setting up mirroring for a large number of db's could turn into a big pain. You need any jobs/maintenance to move over as well - which can be achieved with alerts on WMI failover events. There's probably more to think about that could complicate things.