Infinite Scrolling without scrollbar on ng-grid - angularjs

I have a ng-grid that has scrollbars (default).
The ng-grid triggers the ngGridEventScroll event (api) when you are at the bottom of the grid.
So far so good but I want this behaviour when there are no scrollbars. The only way I could turn these scrollbars off is by using the ng-grid-flexible-height.js plugin but then the ngGridEventScroll event is ignored.
I there a way to get this event when you're at the bottom of the grid?
Are there other ways to throw your own custom event?
When using a custom event, the ideal situation would be to throw the event when you're at the last 'x' records (to preload data).
There is a jsfiddle here (with flexible height plugin enabled, to disable comment out: ,plugins: [new ngGridFlexibleHeightPlugin()])
Thanks for any input!

I checked the documentation and I dont think Ng Grid provides incremental loading. You ll need to write custom code for it.
You could use some jquery like as discussed here - Auto Load More Data On Page Scroll (jQuery/PHP)
$(window).scroll(function() { //detect page scroll
if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() == $(document).height()) //user scrolled to bottom of the page?
{ // do your stuff here; }
Or better use a jquery plugin like this one - jQuery Waypoints | Example


Polymer grid in different views

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask because I dont have any code to show. I'm actually looking for ideas on possible ways to solve my problem.
I have an app that displays the grid on the screen when the media query has a min width of a tablet.
But when the view is in mobile mode I don't want to show the grid. Instead I have a drop down menu which has a grid option. When selected will be show in a paper-dialog (pop up)
The problem is I have to create two grids (vaadin-grid) and show the appropriate one based on the view. Is there a way to have only one grid? Can I put it in a paper-dialog but not pop-out when in tablet and desktop view?
Thanks in advance
If your grid element has every custom property then that is an element in the DOM, so you can move it into the dialog if thats needed using javascript:
let myGrid = this.$$('#myGrid');
let myDialogContent = this.$$('#myDialogContent');
Also if you think it a different way, then you can hide the grid outside of the screen and you can slide that in when it's needed like a drawer panel and you dont need to move the element at all in the DOM.
By the way for programming question stackoverflow has the site, but I think it is Ok to send it here.

Angular Material Design Animation

I'm currently developing a mobile web application with AngularJS, ngAnimate, Angular-Material and UI-Router. I'm following Google Material Design specifications for the UI/UX part.
I'd like to animate a state change 'the Angular way' and especially this 'Parent to child' animation
I've no idea on how to achieve this 'lift & expand' animation.
Thanks for your help !
You have to do it yourself, I guess.
Angular-material is not a magic wand that replicates the animation guidelines of Material Design. Material Design guidelines are simply guidelines, and are loose enough to be hacked — or strictly followed, in the case of Google's Android apps (in-house or not).
My feeling is the angular material team is already pushing like maniacs to bring this awesome tool to 1.0, and will take advantage of the new routing system in Angular 2 to provide some animations like the one you wish to attain out of the box.
But it's the bleeding edge of the bleeding edge, at least for the time being.
Good news seem to be that routes will have their own viewports and sibling viewports.
AngularJS somewhat starts to embrace Polymer's web components concept.
Scroll to "Show me the magic!" on this page, and check these demos. Polymer's ecosystem provides a lot of already-made components to build your app with. It's quite large, and makes you wonder why Polymer doesn't get the same momentum as AngularJS. But I digress...
Option 1
create a custom-made function that gets triggered on a list element being clicked/tapped, to place in your controller (or directive).
Once the user clicks/taps the list element, it triggers the function (console test).
The function should :
retrieve the id of the clicked/tapped item (pass it to the function)
animate : here you have several choices, but here's one : use a ui-router absolute named view (#view_name), and wrap it in a div container with overflow:hidden, that has inital dimensions corresponding to the dimensions of a list item.
Detect the x-y position of the list element that has been clicked (an example, assuming you use AngularJS with jQuery), and you pass it to the "item detail" route (see above), so the rectangle grows with origins corresponding exactly to where the UI is a the moment of the click/tap. The animation shown in the video seems pretty complex: the "item detail page" grows slower on the bottom and faster on the top, when the bottom item is clicked.
Why an absolute named view? Because it will allow, with z-indexing, for the list to stay underneath the "item detail" view, so when the user closes/leaves it, you can roll back your animation, and the rectangle will shrink back to exactly the dimensions and position of the list item. Finally, you transition the opacity:0 and leave the route.
Option 2
Here's a rough mockup of a technique stretching/scrolling an ion-item. It would require to detect the y position of the item, and use ionicScrollDelegate to scroll to it. Also, you would freeze the main scroll so the user get "stucked", until he closes the "detail view", which then releases the scroll.
$scope.toggleStretchedMode = function(itemID) {
$scope.stretched = $scope.stretched === false ? true: false;
A very basic JSFiddle, which needs to be refined (clicked item should scroll to the middle of the screen, then expand).
Note that the JSFiddle only blocks the mousewheel scroll. If seems to block the first swipe, but then the ng-click releases it, so as it is it's far from perfect. You should not only block the list scrolling, but the up and down swipe events.
Also it initalizes badly, only works the second time. But the concept could be something like this.

Vertical scroll-bar of extjs4-multiselect is not displaying?

I'm using extjs 4.0.7 library. I have created UI as follows.
Landing page is a panel with border-layout.its north region have a panel with id: 'filterPanel'. This panel have a 'multiselect' component. Center region of landing page a tab panel, each panel having a grid.
Landing page has a listener, afterrender, on this listener I made filterPanel as collapsed by using Ext.getCmp('filterPanel').collapse().
The issue is, system not showing vertical scroll-bar when I expand 'filterPanel'.
If I remove panel collapse code from listener, scroll-bar is displaying.
Our requirement is filterPanel should be collapsed while rendering the UI, that's why I tried to collapse filter panel on landing-page afterrender listener.
Is this approach correct?
I got a work around for this issue. The steps which i followed is given below,
Add an expand listener for the panel here its 'filterPanel'
Remove all element from multiselect component store.
Reload multiselect store.
I'm sure its not a good fix , but time being its work for me.
Thank you all.

extjs 4 scroilling WITHOUT a scrollbar

I have this narrow panel which is basically a list of thumbnails, and i need to be able to scroll over them using buttons.
We have a panel (anchor layout), with containers in it, and each container contains the image.
there isn't space for a scrollbar, and anyway we don't want one.
I thought it would be as easy as in the listener for my button calling panel.getEL().scroll('b',20)
but this isn't working because the scrollHeight === ClientHeight so scroll does nothing.
Is there a technique I am missing or should this work?
So you're using a button to scroll through the images? What about having the button's listener remove/hide the containers/images at the front of the panel to allow the others to use the space?

how to remove scrollbar after datastore removed?

i have a window with grid panel as the content...
when the window first shown, my store is empty and i can't see the scrorllbar (good)
when i load the data to store, i can see the scrollbar (good)
when i remove all data from store, i can still see the scrollbar and scrollable. when exactly there's no data in view (bad)
so my question is my title, how to remove scrollbar after datastore removed
here is the demo
Its is a open bug. Sencha team promises to fix it it 4.0.7. Have a look at this discussion at Sencha forum.
One possible solution given in the forum, is to hide the scrollbar using hideVerticalScroller() method. I did try it on fiddle but was not successful 100% (may be something to do with fiddle). I had to click "remove data" button twice to remove the scroll bar:
On the forum, they suggest doing (And this works!):
var data = [];
var store = gridSr.getStore();
store.loadData(data, false);
if (data.length == 0) {
