How to collect all dependencies of a large Makefile project? - c

In a large C project, I have a top Makefile and many sub-Makefiles in different subdirectories. I need to collect all dependencies of the compilation. For that, I add -MMD to CFLAGS and get a bunch of .d dependency files.
These .d files are scattered in the subdirectories. Also, the dependencies are written sometimes as absolute paths, sometimes as paths relevant to the compilation directory, and sometimes containing symbolic links. I have written a script which finds all .d files, traverses their directories, and resolves all found paths. This works, but with tens of thousands of dependency files this dependency collection lasts about the same time as the compilation! (which is too long to wait :) )
Is there a faster way to get all dependencies in a single file? This is ANSI C, GCC and Linux if that matters. Thanks in advance.

Instead of -MMD, you can use -MM, which sends the dependencies to standard output.
You can then collect all the output to some dependency file in the top level directory with
gcc -MM ... file.c >>$(top)/all.d
If post processing is the only reason for collecting the output in one file, you can filter the output with a pipe
gcc -MM ... file.c | sh >file.d
and keep the dependency files separate.
If the path to some local include file (defs.h) or the main source is important, you can force gcc to include a path by giving the appropriate -I option, e.g.
gcc -MM -I$(top)/path/to ... $(top)/path/to/file.c >>$(top)/all.d
gcc -MM -I$(top)/path/to ... $(top)/path/to/file.c | sh >file.d
Instead of
file.o: file.c defs.h
gcc will emit
file.o: /absolute/path/to/file.c /absolute/path/to/defs.h
This works with relative paths as well, of course.

You can create the dependency files along with the first compile run.
During the first run, the objects do not exist yet, so the compiler will be invoked anyway. Create empty dependency files first, then update them while compiling.
It should be possible to extend the minimal Makefile for a single-directory C++ project to work with subdirectories.


Is there a way to automatically find which files are compiled into a library using cmake/make?

I have a C library which I am using in a project. It consists of .c and .h files in src and include directories. I wrote a CMakeLists.txt file that generates a Makefile which compiles
The thing is, the library also includes .c files for tests, compatibility headers for other operating systems, and other files which I don't actually use. I would like to determine which src/header files are actually compiled into the .so library. Is there a way to do so automatically, based on CMakeLists.txt or Makefile, without going through and examining each file?
If you are using gccthen you can trick the compiler into telling you which source files it used by generating the dependency information for the next make run. If I am right, the necessary flags are:
-MT $# -MMD -MP -MF $(AUTODEP_DIR)$(notdir $#).d
This should produce for foo.cpp a file foo.o.d which contains target-prerequisites lines like:
foo.o : foo.cpp bar.hpp baz.hpp
foo.cpp :
bar.hpp :
baz.hpp :
where the line with the object file as target (the file before the :) displays what got used as C/C++ source in the compile run (all files after the :). Starting with the list of .o files which are in the libary, this should give you the exact list of files that you are looking for. It requires a bit of scripting but doesn't look too complicated.
clang and other compilers of course have their own, maybe differing set of flags but it shouldn't be too hard to pick them.

Use one c source code file in multiple projects

I've written several c text processing functions that I've placed in a the files: string_functions.c and string_functions.h.
I was using these functions for one project and that worked out well. Now I want to use these same functions in a completely different project at the same time. I'm using gcc in Debian.
Is there a good way to use the same c source code in multiple projects at the same time. The projects are in different sub-directories with the same parent directory.
How do I structure the make files to do this?
Or do I just place a copy of the string_functions.c(h) in both projects. This seems like it would make it harder to maintain the source code.
Best way to do this is to build your C files (.h and .c) into a shared library.
There are many tutorials available on how to do this with gcc; one is at this link
Once the shared library is built, you can then link it into many other projects.
Briefly, these are the steps.
Ensure your string_functions.c includes string_functions.h and builds, of course.
Then compile position independent (that's what -fPIC is for)
$gcc -Wall -fPIC -c string_functions.c
Finally build your shared library like this
$gcc -shared -o string_functions.o
To link to your new shared library from some other program, ensure that whatever directory
you put it in is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Then you may link using something like
$gcc my_otherprogram.c -L/path/to/my/lib -lmy_stringfunctions
As pointed out, one should put include files (.h) used by a shared library in some directory path, and add the location to the include search path using the -I option:
$gcc my_otherprogram.c -I/path/to/include/files -L/path/to/my/lib -lmy_stringfunctions
If this is how your directory looks:
Then all you have to do is store it in a common location, and then point to that location when building your code. This is the standard way of doing it for custom installed libraries in /opt/, for example.
Hence, one suggestion is to do your directory structure like this:
And when building your respective projects, you include that search path when compiling (using the -I flag):
gcc mainfile.c -I/parent/include <other options>

Updating source files to different folder using makefile in Linux

I have a Linux GNU C project that requires building output for two different hardware devices, using a common C source code base, but different makefiles. Presently I have two makefiles in the same folder, one for each device, and when I make a change to the code, I have to first do "make clean" to make the first model, then "make clean" to make the second model. This is because they use different compilers and processors. Even if a code file didn't change, I have to recompile it for the other device.
What I would like to do is use a different folder for the second model, so it stores a separate copy of *.d and *.o files. I would not have to "make clean", only recompile the changed sources. I have looked at makefile syntax, and being new to Linux, can only scratch my head at the cryptic nature of this stuff.
One method I'm considering would update the .c & .h files from model_1 folder into model_2 folder. Can someone provide me with a simple makefile that will copy only newer *.c and *.h files from one folder to another?
Alternatively, there must be a way to have a common source folder, and separate output folders, so duplicated source files are not required. Any help to achieve that is appreciated. I can provide the makefiles if you want to look at them.
You want to generated files (object and dependencies) put into a separate folder for each build type as it compiles. Here's what I had do that may work for you:
$(PRODUCT1_OBJDIR)/%.o $(PRODUCT1_OBJDIR)/%.d: %.cpp
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$(PRODUCT2_OBJDIR)/%.o $(PRODUCT2_OBJDIR)/%.d: %.cpp
#mkdir -p $(#D)
$PRODUCT1_OBJDIR and $PRODUCT2_OBJDIR are variables names for the directory where you wish to have the generated files stored. This will check for changes to dependencies and recompile if needed.
If you still have problems, get back with feedback, will try and sort you out.
You could compile your source files to object files in different directories ("folder" is not really the appropriate word on Unix). You just have to set appropriate make rules. And you might use other builders like omake, scons, ...
You could use remake to debug your GNU Makefile-s. You could have inside a rule like
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.c
$(COMPILE.c) -c $^ -o $#
And you could set (earlier in your Makefile) variables with e.g.
OBJDIR:=obj-$(shell uname -m)
or something better
I do suggest to read GNU make's manual; it has an introduction to makefiles.
This can be easily achieved with makepp's repository mechanism. If you call makepp -R../src ARCH=whatever then it will symbolically link all parts of ../src under the current directory and compile here.
You can even create a file .makepprc and put in any options specific to this architecture, so you'll never get confused which command to call where.
If your different architectures have identically produced files (like generated sources), you can even build in ../src and the other architecture will pick up everything that doesn't depend on your current compile options.
There is much more to makepp. Besides doing almost all that GNU make can, there are lots more useful things, and you can even extend your makefiles with some Perl programming.

generating a makefile for the dumb

I got 10 C files.
10 h files all in one folder.
I need those files to create 1 executable in the same folder using unix makefile.
the soultion
create a file named "makefile"
write the following make sure you have a single TAB before the word "gcc" this will create a.out executable
gcc *.c
if you need flags just add them for example to make the filename BOB:
gcc *.c -o BOB
I don't think you want what you say you want, but how about:
gcc *.c
"missing separator" is commonly caused by a missing tab in front of a command line. The lines with $(CXX) need to be indented by a tab - not 8 spaces, not any number of spaces, but a tab.
Additionally, I don't think that empty lines between rule and commands are allowed.
Apart from obviously writing the Makefile yourself, you can also use CMake which is a convenient build system generator.
A simple example of a CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
project(yourproject C)
add_executable(yourexecutable file1.c file1.h file2.c file2.h ...)
You can then do in a terminal:
$ cmake .
$ make
and your executable will be built.
Be careful however that the generated makefile uses cmake and is therefore not distributable per se.

Header Files in Multiple Directories: Best Practices

I'm a C Newb
I write lots of code in dynamic languages (javascript, python, haskell, etc.), but I'm now learning C for graduate school and I have no idea what I'm doing.
The Problem
Originally I was building all my source in one directory using a makefile, which has worked rather well. However, my project is growing and I would like to split the source into multiple directories (unit tests, utils, core, etc.). For example, my directory tree might look like the following:
|-- src
| |-- foo.c
| |-- foo.h
| `-- main.c
`-- test
`-- test_foo.c
test/test_foo.c uses both src/foo.c and src/foo.h. Using makefiles, what is the best/standard way to build this? Preferably, there would be one rule for building the project and one for building the tests.
I know that there are other ways of doing this, including autoconf and other automatic solutions. However, I would like to understand what is happening and be able to write the makefiles from scratch despite its possible impracticality.
Any guidance or tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
So the three solutions given so far are as follows:
Place globally used header files in a parallel include directory
use the path in the #include satement as in #include "../src/foo.h"
use the -I switch to inform the compiler of include locations
So far I like the -I switch solution because it doesn't involve changing source code when directory structure changes.
For test_foo.c you simply need to tell the compiler where the header files can be found. E.g.
gcc -I../src -c test_foo.c
Then the compiler will also look into this directory to find the header files. In test_foo.c you write then:
#include "foo.h"
To link against foo.c, actually against foo.o, you need to mention it in the object file list. I assume you have already the object files, then do after that:
gcc test_foo.o ../src/foo.o -o test
I also rarely use the GNU autotools. Instead, I'll put a single hand-crafted makefile in the root directory.
To get all headers in the source directory, use something like this:
get_headers = $(wildcard $(1)/*.h)
headers := $(call get_headers,src)
Then, you can use the following to make the object-files in the test directory depend on these headers:
test/%.o : test/%.c $(headers)
gcc -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Werror $(flags) -Isrc -g -c -o $# $<
As you can see, I'm no fan of built-in directives. Also note the -I switch.
Getting a list of object-files for a directory is slightly more complicated:
get_objects = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard $(1)/*.c))
test_objects = $(call get_objects,test)
The following rule would make the objects for your tests:
test : $(test_objects)
The test rule shouldn't just make the object files, but the executables. How to write the rule depends on the structure of your tests: Eg you could create an executable for each .c file or just a single one which tests all.
A common way of doing this is for header files used by a single C file to be named the same as that C file and in the same directory, and for header files used by many C files (especially those used by the whole project) to be in a directory include that is parallel to the C source directory.
Your test file should just include the header files directly using relative paths, like this:
#include "../src/foo.h"
