Initialize a 2d dynamic array in Go - arrays

I am trying to create a 2d array in Go:
board := make([][]string, m)
for i := range board {
board[i] = make([]string, n)
However, given the verbosity of that, I am wondering if there is a better or more succinct way to handle this problem (either to generate dynamic arrays, or a different/idiomatic data-structure to handle such board-game like data)?
this is for a board game
the dimensions of the board are not known until a user starts playing (so, say, MxN).
I want to store an arbitrary character (or a single char string) in each cell. In my TicTacToe game that will be the 'X' or an 'O' (or any other character the user chooses).

What you are building in your sample code is not a 2D array, but rather a slice of slices: each of the sub-slices could be of a different length with this type, which is why you have separate allocations for each.
If you want to represent the board with a single allocation though, one option would be to allocate a single slice, and then use simple arithmetic to determine where elements are. For example:
board := make([]string, m*n)
board[i*m + j] = "abc" // like board[i][j] = "abc"

The way you described creates a slice of slices, which looks similar to a 2d array that you want. I would suggest you to change the type to uint8, as you only care about 3 states nothing / first / second player.
This allocates each row separately (you will see at least m + 1 allocs/op in your benchmarks). This is not really nice because there is no guarantee that the separate allocations would be localized close to each other.
To maintain locality you can do something like this:
M := make([][]uint8, row)
e := make([]uint8, row * col)
for i := range M {
a[i] = e[i * col:(i + 1) * col]
This will end up with only 2 allocations and the slice of slices will maintain data locality. Note that you will still be able to access your M in 2d format M[2][6].
A good video which explains how to do this even faster.

For a multi dimensional array, we can have any of the 2 uses cases,
You know the dimensions of array while compiling
You get to know the array dimension only at runtime, ie may from the user
input or so
For use case 1
matr := [5][5]int{}
For use case 2
var m, n int
fmt.Scan(&m, &n)
var mat = make([][]int, m)
for i := range mat {
mat[i] = make([]int, n)
fmt.Printf("Row %d: %v\n", i, mat[i])
In short, we have to rely on make for creating dynamic arrays


Seg faulting with 4D arrays & initializing dynamic arrays

I ran into a big of a problem with a tetris program I'm writing currently in C.
I am trying to use a 4D multi-dimensional array e.g.
uint8_t shape[7][4][4][4]
but I keep getting seg faults when I try that, I've read around and it seems to be that I'm using up all the stack memory with this kind of array (all I'm doing is filling the array with 0s and 1s to depict a shape so I'm not inputting a ridiculously high number or something).
Here is a version of it (on pastebin because as you can imagine its very ugly and long).
If I make the array smaller it seems to work but I'm trying to avoid a way around it as theoretically each "shape" represents a rotation as well.
I've read that you should use dynamic arrays so they end up on the heap but then I run into the issue how someone would initialize a dynamic array in such a way as linked above. It seems like it would be a headache as I would have to go through loops and specifically handle each shape?
I would also be grateful for anybody to let me pick their brain on dynamic arrays how best to go about them and if it's even worth doing normal arrays at all.
Even though I have not understood why do you use 4D arrays to store shapes for a tetris game, and I agree with bolov's comment that such an array should not overflow the stack (7*4*4*4*1 = 448 bytes), so you should probably check other code you wrote.
Now, to your question on how to manage 4D (N-Dimensional)dynamically sized arrays. You can do this in two ways:
The first way consists in creating an array of (N-1)-Dimensional arrays. If N = 2 (a table) you end up with a "linearized" version of the table (a normal array) which dimension is equal to R * C where R is the number of rows and C the number of columns. Inductively speaking, you can do the very same thing for N-Dimensional arrays without too much effort. This method has some drawbacks though:
You need to know beforehand all the dimensions except one (the "latest") and all the dimensions are fixed. Back to the N = 2 example: if you use this method on a table of C columns and R rows, you can change the number of rows by allocating C * sizeof(<your_array_type>) more bytes at the end of the preallocated space, but not the number of columns (not without rebuilding the entire linearized array). Moreover, different rows must have the same number of columns C (you cannot have a 2D array that looks like a triangle when drawn on paper, just to get things clear).
You need to carefully manage the indicies: you cannot simply write my_array[row][column], instead you must access that array with my_array[row*C + column]. If N is not 2, then this formula gets... interesting
You can use N-1 arrays of pointers. That's my favourite solution because it does not have any of the drawbacks from the previous solution, although you need to manage pointers to pointers to pointers to .... to pointers to a type (but that's what you do when you access my_array[7][4][4][4].
Solution 1
Let's say you want to build an N-Dimensional array in C using the first solution.
You know the length of each dimension of the array up to the (N-1)-th (let's call them d_1, d_2, ..., d_(N-1)). We can build this inductively:
We know how to build a dynamic 1-dimensional array
Supposing we know how to build a (N-1)-dimensional array, we show that we can build a N-Dimensional array by putting each (N-1)-dimensional array we have available in a 1-Dimensional array, thus increasing the available dimensions by 1.
Let's also assume that the data type that the arrays must hold is called T.
Let's suppose we want to create an array with R (N-1)-dimensional arrays inside it. For that we need to know the size of each (N-1)-dimensional array, so we need to calculate it.
For N = 1 the size is just sizeof(T)
For N = 2 the size is d_1 * sizeof(T)
For N = 3 the size is d_2 * d_1 * sizeof(T)
You can easily inductively prove that the number of bytes required to store R (N-1)-dimensional arrays is R*(d_1 * d_2 * ... * d_(n-1) * sizeof(T)). And that's done.
Now, we need to access a random element inside this massive N-dimensional array. Let's say we want to access the item with indicies (i_1, i_2, ..., i_N). For this we are going to repeat the inductive reasoning:
For N = 1, the index of the i_1 element is just my_array[i_1]
For N = 2, the index of the (i_1, i_2) element can be calculated by thinking that each d_1 elements, a new array begins, so the element is my_array[i_1 * d_1 + i_2].
For N = 3, we can repeat the same process and end up having the element my_array[d_2 * ((i_1 * d_1) + i_2) + i_3]
And so on.
Solution 2
The second solution wastes a bit more memory, but it's more straightforward, both to understand and to implement.
Let's just stick to the N = 2 case so that we can think better. Imagine to have a table and to split it row by row and to place each row in its own memory slot. Now, a row is a 1-dimensional array, and to make a 2-dimensional array we only need to be able to have an ordered array with references to each row. Something like the following drawing shows (the last row is the R-th row):
| R1 -------> [1,2,3,4]
| R2 -------> [2,4,6,8]
| R3 -------> [3,6,9,12]
| .... |
| RR -------> [R, 2*R, 3*R, 4*R]
In order to do that, you need to first allocate the references array (R elements long) and then, iterate through this array and assign to each entry the pointer to a newly allocated memory area of size d_1.
We can easily extend this for N dimensions. Simply build a R dimensional array and, for each entry in this array, allocate a new 1-Dimensional array of size d_(N-1) and do the same for the newly created array until you get to the array with size d_1.
Notice how you can easily access each element by simply using the expression my_array[i_1][i_2][i_3]...[i_N].
For example, let's suppose N = 3 and T is uint8_t and that d_1, d_2 and d_3 are known (and not uninitialized) in the following code:
size_t d1 = 5, d2 = 7, d3 = 3;
int ***my_array;
my_array = malloc(d1 * sizeof(int**));
for(size_t x = 0; x<d1; x++){
my_array[x] = malloc(d2 * sizeof(int*));
for (size_t y = 0; y < d2; y++){
my_array[x][y] = malloc(d3 * sizeof(int));
//Accessing a random element
size_t x1 = 2, y1 = 6, z1 = 1;
my_array[x1][y1][z1] = 32;
I hope this helps. Please feel free to comment if you have questions.

Aliasing of slices

How to check whether two slices are backed up by the same array?
For example:
a := []int{1, 2, 3}
b := a[0:1]
c := a[2:3]
alias(b, c) == true
How should alias look like?
In general you can't tell if the backing array is shared between 2 slices, because using a full slice expression, one might control the capacity of the resulting slice, and then there will be no overlap even when checking the capacity.
As an example, if you have a backing array with 10 elements, a slice may be created that only contains the first 2 elements, and its capacity might be 2. And another slice may be create that only holds its last 2 elements, its capacity again being 2.
See this example:
a := [10]int{}
x := a[0:2:2]
y := a[8:10:10]
fmt.Println("len(x) = ", len(x), ", cap(x) = ", cap(x))
fmt.Println("len(y) = ", len(y), ", cap(y) = ", cap(y))
The above will print that both lengths and capcities of x and y are 2. They obviously have the same backing array, but you won't have any means to tell that.
Edit: I've misunderstood the question, and the following describes how to tell if (elements of) 2 slices overlap.
There is no language support for this, but since slices have a contiguous section of some backing array, we can check if the address range of their elements overlap.
Unfortunately pointers are not ordered in the sense that we can't apply the < and > operators on them (there are pointers in Go, but there is no pointer arithmetic). And checking if all the addresses of the elements of the first slice matches any from the second, that's not feasible.
But we can obtain a pointer value (an address) as a type of uintptr using the reflect package, more specifically the Value.Pointer() method (or we could also do that using package unsafe, but reflect is "safer"), and uintptr values are integers, they are ordered, so we can compare them.
So what we can do is obtain the addresses of the first and last elements of the slices, and by comparing them, we can tell if they overlap.
Here's a simple implementation:
func overlap(a, b []int) bool {
if len(a) == 0 || len(b) == 0 {
return false
amin := reflect.ValueOf(&a[0]).Pointer()
amax := reflect.ValueOf(&a[len(a)-1]).Pointer()
bmin := reflect.ValueOf(&b[0]).Pointer()
bmax := reflect.ValueOf(&b[len(b)-1]).Pointer()
return !(amax < bmin || amin > bmax)
Testing it:
a := []int{0, 1, 2, 3}
b := a[0:2]
c := a[2:4]
d := a[0:3]
fmt.Println(overlap(a, b)) // true
fmt.Println(overlap(b, c)) // false
fmt.Println(overlap(c, d)) // true
Try it on the Go Playground.
Found one way of this here. The idea is that while I don't think there's a way of finding the beginning of the backing array, ptr + cap of a slice should[*] point to the end of it. So then one compares the last pointer for equality, like:
func alias(x, y nat) bool {
return cap(x) > 0 && cap(y) > 0 && &x[0:cap(x)][cap(x)-1] == &y[0:cap(y)][cap(y)-1]
[*] The code includes the following note:
Note: alias assumes that the capacity of underlying arrays is never changed for nat values; i.e. that there are no 3-operand slice expressions in this code (or worse, reflect-based operations to the same effect).

Function to average elements of any array in Delphi

How can we implement a function to average all elements of a dynamic multidimensional array in Delphi 6? Such as:
Function Average(arr:any_array):extended;
Where arr is a dynamic array and may have 1 or more dimensions.
Linked question: how can we linearize a multidimension array? Do you have any example?
I ask this because I have many different arrays which I must average, if possible, with the one same function.
If you have one dimensional array you can simply use Mean function located in Math unit.
But for multidimensional array I'm afraid there is no already available function. The main reason is that Delphi treats multidimensional arrays in a rather specific way.
While in many other programming languages multidimensional array are in fact just one dimensional array with modified mechanism for accessing array elements which works something like this:
Actual Array Item Index = First parameter + (Second parameter * Size of first dimension)
In Delphi multidimensional arrays are represented as multiple one dimensional array referenced by another array like so:
Array of One Dimensional Array
EDIT 2: As mentioned by David in his comment these type of arrays are also known as Jagged arrays or Ragged arrays.
Why is this so different? Why is it so important? Because those One Dimensional Arrays that from multidimensional array in Delphi don't need to be of the same size. So data in your multidimensional array can actually look like this (where each X represents one array item):
So I'm afraid you will have to write your own function for this. But that should not be so hard.
All you need is a mechanism to iterate through every item in your arrays (I bet you have this already implemented in your code somewhere) so you can sum up the value of all elements in your arrays. And then you divide that sum with the number of elements in your arrays in order to get the arithmetical average of all items.
EDIT 3: I'm not sure if you could have single code to iterate through all of your dynamic arrays. I mean at least you need to know how many dimensions does your array have. This is required because for iterating through multiple dimensions of an array you actually need to recursively iterate through each separate array that represents separate dimensions.
The code for summing up elements in a 3D dynamic array would look like this:
TDyn3Darray = array of array of array of Single;
function SumOf3DArray(Dyn3DArray: TDyn3DArray): Single;
var X,Y,Z, a: Integer;
ArrItem: Single;
Result := 0;
for X := Low(Dyn3Darray) to High(Dyn3Darray) do
for Y := Low(Dyn3Darray[X]) to High(Dyn3Darray[X]) do
for Z := Low(Dyn3Darray[X,Y]) to High(Dyn3Darray[X,Y]) do
Result := Result + Dyn3Darray[X,Y,Z];
I believe you will be capable to modify the code accordingly for different number of dimensions yourself.
EDIT 1: As for linearizing of multidimensional arrays in which I believe you mean changing the multidimensional array in one dimensional array you would just copy elements of separate dimensions and add them into one dimensional array.
But doing that just in order to get average value of all elements would not be practical because for first you would need double the amount of memory and as second in order to copy all the elements from multiple dimension into one you would probably have to iterate through every element in the first place. And then whatever method would you use for calculating average value would also have to iterate through all those copied elements again and thus just slowing down the process for no good reason.
And if you are interested in replacing multidimensional arrays with one dimensional arrays while still threating its elements as if they are in multidimensional array check my explanation of how some other programming languages treat multidimensional array.
NOTE that this would require you accessing all items of such arrays through special methods and will thus result in large changes of your code where you interact with these arrays. Unless if you would wrap these arrays in a class with default multi indexed property that will allow you accessing the array items. Such approach would require additional code for initialization and finalization of such classes and require a slightly modified approach when resizing of such arrays.
Delphi does not provide easy ways for you to inspect the dimensions of an arbitrary dynamic array. Indeed it provides no means for you to pass around an arbitrary dynamic array. However, in practice, you will encounter one and two dimensional arrays commonly, and seldom anything of higher dimensions. So you need to write only a handful of functions:
TDoubleArray1 = array of Double;
TDoubleArray2 = array of TDoubleArray1;
TDoubleArray3 = array of TDoubleArray2;
function Mean(const arr: TDoubleArray1): Double; overload;
function Mean(const arr: TDoubleArray2): Double; overload;
function Mean(const arr: TDoubleArray3): Double; overload;
Implement like this:
function Mean(const arr: TDoubleArray1): Double;
i: Integer;
Result := 0.0;
for i := low(arr) to high(arr) do
Result := Result + arr[i];
Result := Result / Length(arr);
function Mean(const arr: TDoubleArray2): Double;
i, j, N: Integer;
Result := 0.0;
N := 0;
for i := low(arr) to high(arr) do
for j := low(arr[i]) to high(arr[i]) do
Result := Result + arr[i,j];
Result := Result / N;
function Mean(const arr: TDoubleArray3): Double;
i, j, k, N: Integer;
Result := 0.0;
N := 0;
for i := low(arr) to high(arr) do
for j := low(arr[i]) to high(arr[i]) do
for k := low(arr[i,j]) to high(arr[i,j]) do
Result := Result + arr[i,j,k];
Result := Result / N;
It would astound me if you really needed higher dimensions than this, but it is easy to add.
Some points:
I'm using Double rather than Extended for reasons of performance, as the latter has a size of 10 which leads to a lot of mis-aligned memory access. If you cannot bring yourself to avoid Extended you can readily adapt the code above.
You could probably find low-level methods using RTTI to write a single function that iterates over any dynamic array, however, the RTTI would likely impact performance. I personally don't see any point in going that route. Use a handful of functions like this and be done.

How do you convert a slice into an array?

I am trying to write an application that reads RPM files. The start of each block has a Magic char of [4]byte.
Here is my struct
type Lead struct {
Magic [4]byte
Major, Minor byte
Type uint16
Arch uint16
Name string
OS uint16
SigType uint16
I am trying to do the following:
lead := Lead{}
lead.Magic = buffer[0:4]
I am searching online and not sure how to go from a slice to an array (without copying). I can always make the Magic []byte (or even uint64), but I was more curious on how would I go from type []byte to [4]byte if needed to?
The built in method copy will only copy a slice to a slice NOT a slice to an array.
You must trick copy into thinking the array is a slice
copy(varLead.Magic[:], someSlice[0:4])
Or use a for loop to do the copy:
for index, b := range someSlice {
varLead.Magic[index] = b
Or do as zupa has done using literals. I have added onto their working example.
Go Playground
You have allocated four bytes inside that struct and want to assign a value to that four byte section. There is no conceptual way to do that without copying.
Look at the copy built-in for how to do that.
Try this:
copy(lead.Magic[:], buf[0:4])
Tapir Liui (auteur de Go101) twitte:
Go 1.18 1.19 1.20 will support conversions from slice to array: golang/go issues 46505.
So, since Go 1.18,the slice copy2 implementation could be written as:
*(*[N]T)(d) = [N]T(s)
or, even simpler if the conversion is allowed to present as L-values:
[N]T(d) = [N]T(s)
Without copy, you can convert, with the next Go 1.17 (Q3 2021) a slice to an array pointer.
This is called "un-slicing", giving you back a pointer to the underlying array of a slice, again, without any copy/allocation needed:
See golang/go issue 395: spec: convert slice x into array pointer, now implemented with CL 216424/, and commit 1c26843
Converting a slice to an array pointer yields a pointer to the underlying array of the slice.
If the length of the slice is less than the length of the array,
a run-time panic occurs.
s := make([]byte, 2, 4)
s0 := (*[0]byte)(s) // s0 != nil
s2 := (*[2]byte)(s) // &s2[0] == &s[0]
s4 := (*[4]byte)(s) // panics: len([4]byte) > len(s)
var t []string
t0 := (*[0]string)(t) // t0 == nil
t1 := (*[1]string)(t) // panics: len([1]string) > len(s)
So in your case, provided Magic type is *[4]byte:
lead.Magic = (*[4]byte)(buffer)
Note: type aliasing will work too:
type A [4]int
var s = (*A)([]int{1, 2, 3, 4})
Why convert to an array pointer? As explained in issue 395:
One motivation for doing this is that using an array pointer allows the compiler to range check constant indices at compile time.
A function like this:
func foo(a []int) int
return a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3];
could be turned into:
func foo(a []int) int
b := (*[4]int)(a)
return b[0] + b[1] + b[2] + b[3];
allowing the compiler to check all the bounds once only and give compile-time errors about out of range indices.
One well-used example is making classes as small as possible for tree nodes or linked list nodes so you can cram as many of them into L1 cache lines as possible.
This is done by each node having a single pointer to a left sub-node, and the right sub-node being accessed by the pointer to the left sub-node + 1.
This saves the 8-bytes for the right-node pointer.
To do this you have to pre-allocate all the nodes in a vector or array so they're laid out in memory sequentially, but it's worth it when you need it for performance.
(This also has the added benefit of the prefetchers being able to help things along performance-wise - at least in the linked list case)
You can almost do this in Go with:
type node struct {
value int
children *[2]node
except that there's no way of getting a *[2]node from the underlying slice.
Go 1.20 (Q1 2023): this is addressed with CL 430415, 428938 (type), 430475 (reflect) and 429315 (spec).
Go 1.20
You can convert from a slice to an array directly with the usual conversion syntax T(x). The array's length can't be greater than the slice's length:
func main() {
slice := []int64{10, 20, 30, 40}
array := [4]int64(slice)
fmt.Printf("%T\n", array) // [4]int64
Go 1.17
Starting from Go 1.17 you can directly convert a slice to an array pointer. With Go's type conversion syntax T(x) you can do this:
slice := make([]byte, 4)
arrptr := (*[4]byte)(slice)
Keep in mind that the length of the array must not be greater than the length of the slice, otherwise the conversion will panic.
bad := (*[5]byte)(slice) // panics: slice len < array len
This conversion has the advantage of not making any copy, because it simply yields a pointer to the underlying array.
Of course you can dereference the array pointer to obtain a non-pointer array variable, so the following also works:
slice := make([]byte, 4)
var arr [4]byte = *(*[4]byte)(slice)
However dereferencing and assigning will subtly make a copy, since the arr variable is now initialized to the value that results from the conversion expression. To be clear (using ints for simplicity):
v := []int{10,20}
a := (*[2]int)(v)
a[0] = 500
fmt.Println(v) // [500 20] (changed, both point to the same backing array)
w := []int{10,20}
b := *(*[2]int)(w)
b[0] = 500
fmt.Println(w) // [10 20] (unchanged, b holds a copy)
One might wonder why the conversion checks the slice length and not the capacity (I did). Consider the following program:
func main() {
a := []int{1,2,3,4,5,6}
fmt.Println(cap(a)) // 6
b := a[:3]
fmt.Println(cap(a)) // still 6
c := (*[3]int)(b)
ptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&c[0]))
ptr += 3 * unsafe.Sizeof(int(0))
i := (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))
fmt.Println(*i) // 4
The program shows that the conversion might happen after reslicing. The original backing array with six elements is still there, so one might wonder why a runtime panic occurs with (*[6]int)(b) where cap(b) == 6.
This has actually been brought up. It's worth to remember that, unlike slices, an array has fixed size, therefore it needs no notion of capacity, only length:
a := [4]int{1,2,3,4}
fmt.Println(len(a) == cap(a)) // true
You might be able to do the whole thing with one read, instead of reading individually into each field. If the fields are fixed-length, then you can do:
lead := Lead{}
// make a reader to dispense bytes so you don't have to keep track of where you are in buffer
reader := bytes.NewReader(buffer)
// read into each field in Lead, so Magic becomes buffer[0:4],
// Major becomes buffer[5], Minor is buffer[6], and so on...
binary.Read(reader, binary.LittleEndian, &lead)
Don't. Slice itself is suffice for all purpose. Array in go lang should be regarded as the underlying structure of slice. In every single case, use only slice. You don't have to array yourself. You just do everything by slice syntax. Array is only for computer. In most cases, slice is better, clear in code. Even in other cases, slice still is sufficient to reflex your idea.

How to merge 2 string array in Delphi

I have 2 or more dynamic string array that fill with some huge data , i want to merge this 2 array to one array , i know i can do it with a for loop like this :
Arr1, Arr2, MergedArr: Array of string;
I: Integer;
// Arr1:= 5000000 records
// Arr2:= 5000000 records
// Fill MergedArr by Arr1
MergedArr:= Arr1;
// Set length of MergedArr to length of ( Arra1 + Arr2 )+ 2
SetLength(MergedArr, High(Arr1)+ High(Arr2)+2);
// Add Arr2 to MergedArr
for I := Low(Arr2)+1 to High(Arr2)+1 do
MergedArr[High(Arr1)+ i]:= Arr2[i-1];
but it is slow on huge data , is there faster way like copy array memory data ?
First of all string is special, so it should be treated specially: Don't try outsmarting the compiler, keep your code unchanged. String is special because it's reference counted. Every time you copy a string from one place to an other it's reference count is incremented. When the reference count reaches 0, the string is destroyed. Your code plays nice because it lets the compiler know what you're doing, and in turn the compiler gets the chance to properly increment all reference counts.
Sure, you can play all sorts of tricks as suggested in the comments to gabr's answer, like filling the old arrays with zero's so the reference count in the new array remains valid, but you can't do that if you actually need the old arrays as well. And this is a bit of a hack (albeit one that will probably be valid for the foreseeable future). (and to be noted, I actually like this hack).
Anyway, and this is the important part of my answer, your code is most likely not slow in the copying of the strings from one array to the other, it's most likely slowly somewhere else. Here's a short console application that creates two arrays, each with 5M random strings, then merges the two arrays into a third and displays the time it took to create the merge. Merging only takes about 300 milliseconds on my machine. Filling the array takes much longer, but I'm not timing that:
program Project26;
uses SysUtils, Windows;
var a, b, c: array of string;
i: Integer;
Freq: Int64;
Start, Stop: Int64;
Ticks: Cardinal;
const count = 5000000;
for i:=0 to count-1 do
a[i] := IntToStr(Random(1));
b[i] := IntToStr(Random(1));
SetLength(c, Length(a) + Length(b));
for i:=0 to High(a) do
c[i] := a[i];
for i:=0 to High(b) do
c[i+Length(a)] := b[i];
WriteLn((Stop - Start) div (Freq div 1000), ' milliseconds');
You can use built-in Move function which moves a block of memory to another location. Parameters are source and target memory blocks and size of data to be moved.
Because you are copying strings, source arrays must be destroyed after the merging by filling them with zeroes. Otherwise refcounts for strings will be all wrong causing havoc and destruction later in the program.
Arr1, Arr2, MergedArr: Array of string;
I: Integer;
SetLength(Arr1, 5000000);
for I := Low(Arr1) to High(Arr1) do
Arr1[I] := IntToStr(I);
SetLength(Arr2, 5000000);
for I := Low(Arr2) to High(Arr2) do
Arr2[I] := IntToStr(I);
// Set length of MergedArr to length of ( Arra1 + Arr2 )+ 2
SetLength(MergedArr, High(Arr1)+ High(Arr2)+2);
// Add Arr1 to MergedArr
Move(Arr1[Low(Arr1)], MergedArr[Low(MergedArr)], Length(Arr1)*SizeOf(Arr1[0]));
// Add Arr2 to MergedArr
Move(Arr2[Low(Arr2)], MergedArr[High(Arr1)+1], Length(Arr2)*SizeOf(Arr2[0]));
// Cleanup Arr1 and Arr2 without touching string refcount.
FillChar(Arr1[Low(Arr1)], Length(Arr1)*SizeOf(Arr1[0]), 0);
FillChar(Arr2[Low(Arr2)], Length(Arr2)*SizeOf(Arr2[0]), 0);
// Test
for I := Low(Arr1) to High(Arr1) do begin
Assert(MergedArr[I] = IntToStr(I));
Assert(MergedArr[I] = MergedArr[Length(Arr1) + I]);
// Clear the array to see if something is wrong with refcounts
for I := Low(MergedArr) to High(MergedArr) do
MergedArr[I] := '';
An excellent maxim is that the fastest code is that which never runs. Since copying is expensive you should look to avoid the cost of copying.
You can do this with a virtual array. Create a class which holds an array of array of string. In your example the outer array would hold two string arrays.
Add a Count property that returns the total number of strings in all of the arrays.
Add a default indexed property that operates by working out which of the outer arrays the index refers to and then returns the appropriate value from the inner array.
For extra points implement an enumerator to make for in work.
