A button disappears after click event on mobile - mobile

Whenever the page redirects (either due to refresh or a link out click), the button always disappears before all other elements. It's not visible on laptop, but quite visible on mobile devices. What could be the reason?

In the end, I found that it was due to the backface-visibility: hidden; I set upon the button to prevent the transitioning div from flickering. It looks like when pages redirect, those div are turned "backfaced" before being replaced by another page.


How to prevent reload and show custom popup?

I have a form, when my user tries to reload, I need to show the popup "If you reload the page you cannot use this form".
the page is reloaded using a button in browsers
How to prevent reload and show custom popup ?
The browsers are designed to ask for confirmation with the native popup https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/beforeunload_event
And this cannot be customized (which would require async handling)
If the latter was possible people would get stuck on porn pages and would never have the chance to leave them.

Angular ui router and implementing overlay with back button

I'm having issues with an overlay panel.
The first page loads, you click a link... It pops up an overlay, the router fires a state and controller, and it populates the contents of the overlay.
There is a back button on the overlay, I trigger the overlay to close, call window.history.back() which sends the router off to load the new url (previous url) and it runs it through the router again but obviously refreshes the backing page in doing so.
So the end result is when you press a link, the overlay slides out beautifully, you then press back, the overlay slides back in, it then refreshes the page. You'd think then, why not just say in the controller, if there was an overlay and now there isn't do not change the view content... I can't, as the template stuff gets placed into the ui-view which is remove all my content.
So I need a way of changing the url without running through all of the controller stuff again so to avoid the template being inserted.
Any ideas on how to do this? Or examples of it working somewhere else.

Ionic + Angular UI-Routing: How to delete Back Stack?

Im working with the Ionic-Framework and AngularJS.
If you create the Ionic sidemenu sample project:
ionic start myApp sidemenu
You will get a small example application which shows my exact problem.
You can try out the behaviour here: Plunker
If you open up the Side-Menu and navigate to several locations everything
is put on the Back-Stack. How can I prevent that behaviour for special pages?
For our example lets say i always want to completely delete the Back-Stack
when the "playlists" page is called. My Application will run on mobile devices only and its very untypical to be able to press the back button in the main menu and be navigated to the last opended page.
I want Angular UI-Routing to simulate the Android Backing behaviour.
How can i achieve that?
Another problem is that the hardware back button seems to work different than the back button of the navigation bar. You can see that in the browser. If you navigate to a link from the side menu there wont appear a back button in the navigation bar (Like it should be!). But when you press the browser back button, suddenly a back button in the navigation bar appears (very uncool!). How to prevent that?

mobile safari white background

I'm creating a web app exclusively for the iPad/mobile-Safari. The homepage is a run-of-the-mill HTML/CSS page with 3 main sections. But once you click on either of the 3 main buttons, you are directed to a page constructed with 2 iFrames (one on top for Nav, one on bottom for Content)
The problem was that before either of these 3 pages loaded there was a quick flash of white color and then the page loaded. I tried hiding the visibility style of the iframe and then onLoad change it to 'visible' and that worked. But it worked only once, when the iFrame-constructed page first loads. Once it loads and I click on a link on that page, the white flash is back because the iFrame has loaded already so it's already visible.
I tried the obvious like adding a css style to the iframe with a background color (also tried an inline style) but the same thing happened. Any ideas on how to solve it? Thanks!
You can do this cheat:
<iframe src="..." style="visibility:hidden;" onload="this.style.visibility='visible';"></iframe>
In the content, you can catch all link and form:
document.getElementsByTagName("a").addEventListener("click", function(e){
window.top.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].style.visibility = "hidden";
First time, your iframe is hidden, and you can see the background of your main page (not white of iframe)
After loaded, Javascript will make iframe is visible and you can see content and background of iframe.
When click a link inside iframe, a trigger will fire, and Javascript will hide iframe again.
I met that problem, and that a whole day to trying to fix, but I cannot except above way. You can meet that issue on Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers, not just on Safari Mobile.
I think the same with KimKha. But "visibility" does not work well sometimes, so I think using "opacity" is better.
<iframe src="..." style="opacity:0;" onload="this.style.opacity=1;"></iframe>
I came across this issue, found lots of solution like KimKha mentions..
None of the solutions assist in further page transitions in the iframe and hiding it really is not a good solution.
With lots of trail and error I came up with the following which fixed my IOS webkit iFrame transition white flash issue, ironically it's such a simple solution:
Just add this to your CSS
change the colour to your desired color.
It looks like what the ultimate issue with IOS webkit is when your iframe calls another page, IOS removes the body from the current page for a split second before rendering the content from the new page. by forcing the HTML to have the background colour (default will naturally be white) this fixes the white flicker.
Also note that if your server is set to not allow caching of the .css file providing the styles then you will always get the flicker.
In apache to ensure caching look at
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 30 days"

Firefox Silverlight div Reloads

In my application, I have a div (iframe) that I am hiding/showing when a button is clicked, which displays the content of my .xap file. When I click the button to hide the div, I see the Silverlight frame disappear, and when I click the button to reshow the div, the Silverlight App reloads. Sometimes it'll appear blank too, but when I right-click the area, it has "Silverlight" listed in the context menu.
According to this post, the reloading is a FireFox bug.
Does anyone have a work around to the reload?
In IE, the div appears without having to reload the Silverlight App. I would like to get FireFox to have the same behavior. More over, I would like to stop FireFox from making the div content blank.
